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A Highland Christmas (The Shadows Series Book 5)

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by Juliette Duncan

  “But Daddy isn’t here.”

  “No, but Grandfather is, and Uncle Shawn, and Uncle Brendan, and everybody else. We’ll still have tons of fun, and we can light extra candles for Daddy and Uncle Caleb and Auntie Grace and Uncle Ryan.”


  Brianna brushed at her own eyes. Andrew slipped a warm hand into hers, squeezing gently and rubbing his thumb lightly over her skin. The sensation filled her with warm fuzziness.

  She didn’t want the moment to end, but as they all gathered in the drawing room and sang Christmas carols, lit candles and hung stockings, Brianna grew more certain she was smitten with Andrew McKinnon. Not only was he handsome, but watching him lead the singing and read to the children made her wonder if there was anything he couldn’t do.

  Curled up in a corner of a couch, surrounded by assorted cushions and lap blankets, her gaze was fixed on Andrew on the floor with Clare perched on his lap, and James, Dillon and Quinn leaning on him as he told them the story of the Three Wise Men seeking Jesus. But she still sensed he was hiding something. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but the occasional shadow that crossed his face hinted that something concerned him. He seemed weighed down, although he hid it well.

  But she didn’t know him, and she didn’t want to get hurt. Maybe it was best to forget about him… Brianna’s mind whirled with confused thoughts, but when Andrew’s eyes lifted and caught hers, her heart lurched afresh and she knew she couldn’t. All she wanted was for him to hold her, to kiss her… Her pulse raced.

  Brianna looked up as Rosemary sat on the couch next to her and smiled.

  Rosemary patted her leg. “I haven’t had a chance to talk with you much, Brianna. How are you doing, lassie?” Her soft brogue warmed Brianna’s heart as it always had.

  Straightening, she blinked and gathered her thoughts. Had Rosemary noticed her attraction to Andrew? Of course, Rosemary would have… but did she approve? “I’m… I’m doing well. Especially now that Grace has been found.”

  “I could see you were worried.”

  “It was my fault.” Brianna’s voice wavered as she shot a quick glance at Andrew.

  “Nobody thinks that, lassie. Don’t blame yourself.” Rosemary also cut a glance at her son on the floor, her mouth twitching with amusement. “I can see you’re taken with each other.”

  Brianna felt the heat rushing to her face. “I… don’t know what to say…”

  “You don’t need to say anything, lassie. Just let it happen. I’m happy about it.”

  Relief washed through Brianna. She was getting ahead of herself, but if things worked out, Rosemary could become her mother—how wonderful would that be! To have a mother after all these years. And not just any mother, it would be Rosemary! God was indeed good.

  When Andrew finished his story, Brianna quickly gathered her thoughts and gave Rosemary a grateful smile. If Andrew could read her mind it could all come undone. She’d need to be more careful, because what if he didn’t feel the same way?

  Lizzy announced it was bedtime for the children, and they all asked Andrew to put them to bed. Brianna’s cheeks flushed again when he invited her to join him. He must feel the same way, but there was little chance of keeping whatever they had private. She stood, taking Quinn’s and James’ hands, while Andrew held Clare’s and Dillon’s. Lizzy and Alana followed behind, chatting quietly as they all walked down the hallway towards the bedrooms.

  After settling the children, and assuring them that Auntie Grace and Uncle Ryan would be there in the morning to watch them open their presents, Andrew grabbed Brianna’s hand. He held her back, letting Lizzy and Alana go on ahead down the hallway. In the subdued lighting, Brianna’s heart pounded, her imagination running wild. Was Andrew about to kiss her? Her heart thumped as she looked expectantly into his eyes, a shiver rippling through her body. The breath caught in her throat. The anticipation was almost unbearable.

  But instead of kissing her, he asked if she’d like to go to the hospital to be there when Grace arrived. Brianna bit back her disappointment. Of course he wasn’t about to kiss her... what was she thinking? She blinked and quietly said, “That would be great.”

  His eyes were tender and soft. “I know how much you want to see Grace.”

  A fresh wave of respect for him washed through Brianna as she chastised herself. He wasn’t just handsome and great with the children, he was sensitive as well. “Yes, I do.”

  “Then, let’s go. We’ll let the others know on our way out.”

  “Should we ask if anyone would like to come?” If she were honest, she didn’t want them to. The thought of spending time alone with Andrew was more than appealing, but asking would be the right thing to do.

  His eager expression changed as his eyes searched hers. “I guess we should.” He stroked her hand with his thumb. “Come on, let’s go.”

  He kept hold of her hand as they strode to the top of the staircase. Stopping abruptly, he swung her to face him, his hands gripping her upper arms, the expression on his face a mix of eagerness and tenderness.

  Brianna’s pulse skittered as Andrew lowered his head and pressed his lips against hers, gently covering her mouth. Shocked by her fervent response, she tried for a moment to pull away, but then gave in and returned his kiss, disappointment filling her when he ended it.

  Andrew’s chest heaved as he gazed into her eyes. “I’ve been wanting to do that all day. I’m sorry.” He sounded breathless.

  Brianna’s eyes widened. “Don’t be sorry. You can do it again if you like.” Her boldness surprised her.

  His gaze intensified before lowering his mouth hungrily over hers.

  Returning his kiss with reckless abandon, Brianna was transported on a soft, wispy cloud to another world she never knew existed.

  When Andrew released her, her lips tingled, and it was the best feeling in the world. She’d been kissed by the man she loved.

  Andrew grinned. “Come on, we’d best go.” Brushing a gentle kiss across her forehead, he slipped an arm around her shoulder. “They’ll be wondering where we are.” As he winked at her, a tingle of delight ran through her body.

  Slipping her arm around his waist, she leaned into him. “Maybe we won’t ask anyone to come with us to the hospital.”

  He kissed the top of her head. “Good idea.”

  Eyes widened when Andrew announced to everyone that he and Brianna were driving to the hospital.

  “You’re not going out in this weather, surely?” Disbelief punctured David’s thick voice.

  “We’ll be fine, Dad. I’ve driven in much worse.”

  “I know you have, son, but still… it’s Christmas Eve.”

  Andrew placed his hand lightly on Brianna’s shoulder. “Brianna wants to be there for Grace.”

  Grins formed on Lizzy’s and Caitlin’s faces. A flush crept up Brianna’s neck and into her cheeks. There was no hiding it now.

  “Well, take care, son. We don’t want any more accidents.”

  “I will, Dad. Don’t worry.”

  “Give our best to Grace,” Lizzy said. “Tell her she needs to be home by morning or the children will be disappointed.”

  “We will.”

  They bid everyone good-bye and escaped out the side door, and were immediately blasted by a biting wind.

  Chapter 11

  Grace clung to Ryan’s hand as the rescuers placed her onto a stretcher. She steeled herself for the journey down the mountain. A helicopter would have been preferable, but as the wind was still gusting, the snowmobile was the only way down.

  Fergus, a short, stout, ruddy-faced man dressed in high visibility rescue gear, assured her they’d take it slowly, and would make the ride as comfortable as possible. An ambulance would be waiting at the bottom to take her to the hospital.

  Ryan sat close to her as the snowmobile began its descent. When the snowmobile became airborne and landed hard several times, Grace thought she would pass out as pain shot through her body, but they finally came to a stop.
They’d made it.

  As promised, an ambulance was waiting, along with Daniel and Caleb. Her brothers’ faces were a welcome sight. The drive to the hospital took forever. Ryan told her it was because the road was slippery and they wanted to get there safely. That was fine with her… she was drifting into numbness now that the pain relief had kicked in.

  Grace opened her eyes as the lights of Fort William flickered through the ambulance windows. “Are we almost there?” Her voice sounded tinny and far away in her ears.

  Ryan smoothed her brow with his hand. “A few more minutes.”

  Her eyes fell shut again.

  The sound of the ambulance door opening aroused her. The stretcher was lifted out and wheels snapped into place as it was lowered to the ground. Bright lights hurt her eyes as she was rushed inside. She tried to lift her hand to cover them, but her arms were secured in place. She began to panic, tried lifting her head, looked around. Then she remembered—she wasn’t in prison, she was in the hospital.

  Ryan spoke gently. “It’s okay, Grace. You’re safe.”

  Brianna snuggled close to Andrew as he shoved the gear stick of his father’s four-wheel-drive into first and headed down the rough track leading to the tiny highland village of Glen Brannie. She still couldn’t believe he had kissed her. Reaching up, she pressed her fingers to her lips—there was no question about it. Her heart sang with delight, a warm glow filling her body as snow chains rattled and pine branches heavy with snow scraped against the vehicle.

  Andrew drove in silence, concentrating on the road. The tyres skidded and the vehicle fishtailed as he made a run up a steep hill, but they made it out of the pine forest without any drama. Approaching the small village, an array of Christmas lights flashed from the roofs of old stone cottages, reminding her it was actually Christmas. The only shop in the village, a general store she knew well from her time living at the community, sold everything from bread and milk to all things Scottish, including home-made shortbread and tea-towels adorned with Scottish recipes and pictures of Ben Nevis and the Loch Ness Monster. The shop was closed, but a Christmas tree sat in the window, lights twinkly and cheery.

  Brianna glanced at Andrew as he turned onto the wider road leading to Fort William, recently salted and gritted after the snowplough had been through. The clear-cut lines of his profile stood out against the moonlight now reflecting off the dark waters of Loch Linnhe. Her heart filled with warmth. He was a most handsome man.

  When the lights of Fort William came into view, Andrew slowed to turn into the road leading to the hospital. He parked in the almost empty car park, not surprising since it was Christmas Eve. He offered his arm to help her along the slippery path leading to the entrance. It felt nice. As his hand closed over hers in a squeeze, a wave of contentment flowed through her.

  When the automatic doors opened, the comforting sounds of Silent Night played through the hospital’s speakers. A giant Christmas tree, decorated with colourful baubles, white and silver tinsel, and flashing lights, dominated the small waiting area. Daniel and Caleb sat on chairs against a wall. They looked up with mouths gaping. “We didn’t expect to see you here.” Danny stepped forward and hugged Brianna.

  “It was a spur of the moment decision.” She gave Andrew a coy look. “Andrew’s suggestion.”

  “Well, Grace will be happy you’ve come.”

  “How is she? Can we see her?”

  “The doctor’s with her now, so we’ll have to wait. She was in a lot of pain, but she’s had some meds, so she should be feeling better soon.”

  “We were so worried…” Brianna choked out, pushing back the tears welling in her eyes.

  Andrew wrapped his arm around her and rubbed her arm. Danny and Caleb both took notice, but she didn’t care. It felt good being cared for by Andrew. And why wouldn’t they be happy for her?

  “I’ll grab some tea.” Caleb headed to the self-service drink dispenser.

  “How did you get here?” Brianna asked Daniel. Sniffing, she reached into her pocket and drew out a tissue. If she could keep the conversation away from Grace and her injury, she might not break down and embarrass herself.

  “A lift with one of the rescuers.”

  Of course. “Where’s Ryan?” She looked around, having almost forgotten about him.

  “In with Grace and the doctor. Come and sit down, Bibi.” Danny gestured to the chairs he and Caleb had vacated.

  Caleb handed her a polystyrene cup filled with hot, sweet tea. She brought it to her mouth and took a sip. It was just what she needed.

  “The children wanted to come in and sing Christmas Carols to the patients.” Brianna forced herself to chat.

  Danny chuckled. “Of course they did.”

  “Will Grace make it home for Christmas?” Brianna’s voice quieted as she met Danny’s gaze.

  He released a slow breath and skimmed his hand through his hair. His eyes were watery and slightly red. “Not sure. We’ll know more once the doctor comes out.”

  Brianna grimaced. That wasn’t what she wanted to hear. The children would be devastated if Grace wasn’t there in the morning. They really needed that miracle.

  “Let’s go and visit the other patients while we wait. Sing some carols,” Andrew suggested.

  His happy face cheered her, pulling her out of her self-pity.

  Danny rubbed his hands together. “Not so sure about the singing, but yes, visiting the patients is a grand idea.”

  “Will we be allowed?” Brianna asked.

  “Of course. It’s Christmas Eve, and besides, I know the sister on duty.” Danny winked.

  Brianna shook her head. Of course Danny would know the sister on duty. Danny knew everyone.

  After he checked with the sister, who said they were more than welcome to visit the patients, Brianna followed the three men into the women’s ward. The foursome offered Christmas greetings to five older ladies who were spending Christmas in hospital. Danny knew four of them, and they were very pleased to see him.

  Andrew had just finished leading a surprisingly melodious rendition of The First Noel, when Ryan found them. Like Danny, he too looked tired, but his grin was so wide it nearly slid off his face. “They’re letting her go home.”

  Danny gave him a bear hug. “That’s great news.”

  Brianna hugged him too, pushing back relieved tears.

  “She’ll be ready shortly.” Ryan spoke to Brianna. “I didn’t know you were coming in.”

  “We wanted to be here for her.”

  “She’ll be glad to see you.” He smiled and then turned his head as a nurse pushing Grace in a wheelchair stopped at the entrance to the ward.

  They bid the ladies a merry Christmas and then left to approach the nurse. With her arm in a sling and still in her ski clothes, Grace looked a little worse for wear, but she still managed a weak smile.

  Brianna gave her a gentle hug, taking care not to hurt her injured shoulder. Despite her intention to be strong, tears sprang from her eyes. “I’m so glad you’re coming home.”

  “So am I, trust me. It wasn’t easy convincing them I’m okay—they wanted to keep me in. Anyway, let’s get out of here.” She looked up at the nurse and thanked her. “I’ll be all right from here, thanks.”

  “No, I’ll push you to your car. No argument, thank you.”

  “I’ll get the car,” Andrew said.

  When Andrew left, Ryan whispered to Brianna, “So, what’s going on between you two?”

  She stiffened. “Nothing.” Her voice was small but defensive.

  Ryan chuckled. “Yeah, right.”

  Grace reached out her good hand and smacked Ryan playfully. “Leave Bibi alone. I think it’s lovely.” She reached out her hand to squeeze Brianna’s.

  With her brothers, brother-in-law and sister in the car on the way home, Brianna sat further away from Andrew than she had on the drive there, but every now and then she shot him a glance, and each time she did, her heart did a little skip.

  Chapter 12
br />   It was nearing midnight when they arrived back at Elim Community. The storm had completely cleared, and instead of dark, angry clouds and a howling gale, stars shone down from an unusually clear sky. When Andrew helped Brianna out of the car and offered his arm, she was tempted to suggest a stroll to the loch, but it was so cold her nose was running. Instead, she pulled her coat tighter and leaned in close to him.

  Ryan carefully carried Grace the short distance to the house. Lizzy and Caitlin greeted Daniel and Caleb at the door, quickly ushering them inside. Andrew slipped his arm around Brianna’s shoulder as they followed.

  The grandfather clock struck midnight as Andrew closed the door. They were alone in the foyer. He drew her close, the tenderness of his gaze sending her pulse racing. “There might not be any mistletoe, but I think it’s time for another kiss.” His breath was warm and moist as his lips feather-touched hers. Brianna’s knees weakened with longing. She still could not believe this was happening. Brianna O’Connor, kissed by the most gorgeous man ever. Unheard of. But it was real. She drank in the sweetness of his kiss, lost in the magic of the moment. “Merry Christmas, lassie.” Gazing into her eyes, he tenderly traced the line of her cheekbone and jaw with his finger.

  She smiled dreamily into his eyes. “And to you, Andrew.”

  Lowering his head, his lips had just touched hers again when, in front of them, someone cleared his throat. “Come on, you two. You can’t stay there all night.” Danny’s voice held amusement as he stood in the hallway with his arm draped around Lizzy’s shoulder.

  A flush crept into Brianna’s face—she hadn’t heard them sneak up.

  “Leave them alone, Daniel.” Lizzy spoke quietly as she looked up at him. “We’re off to bed… no doubt the children will be up early. Good night, and merry Christmas.”

  “Merry Christmas to you both, as well. And no, we won’t stay here all night. Don’t you worry about that,” Andrew replied.


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