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Fallen (Redemption Reigns MC Book 3)

Page 17

by Juli Valenti

  It wasn’t until he’d met her he realized he’d never gotten what he most desired, he’d only settled. She was what he most wanted, what he’d been searching for in a sea of nameless faces with attractive bodies. Her love, her comfort, her soul was what he most longed for, what he’d found before only in the notes from his guitar.

  “Come back to me, baby. You’re the music I heard that first time. You’re that feeling, that wonderment, each and every day. Please come back to me.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Her side burned, ached. It hurt to try to breathe and she struggled to repeat the gesture. What was going on? Where was she? Why were her eyes so heavy and refusing to open?

  She tried again, blinking against the light of the room, finding a nondescript, ugly white ceiling above her. Her vision was blurred as she tried to take in the rest of the area, and, after several more tries, it cleared enough for her to know where she was. Hospital.

  If she were in a hospital that meant something happened, and, more than likely, something really bad. A cursory evaluation of herself and she found an oxygen tube in her nose. An IV marred her left hand, leads to monitor her heart rate peaked out from the neckline of, judging by the ugly blue material, a hospital gown. The pain in her side was a mystery, and, she decided to wait to move to figure it out. It was enough work merely trying to breathe, and, if she had to guess, she’d say more than likely she had a collapsed lung or one of her ribs had at least punctured one.

  At the edge of her bed, seated in a small hospital chair, was Fallen. His head was down, his hair grazing against the tips of her fingers as he rested his head against the bed, and his breathing was even. A small smile pulled at her lips at the sight of him, but it froze when she took a good look at him. He had blood splattered on the back of his shirt, the same one he’d been wearing at the wedding, his hair only barely in its tie at the nape of his neck. His hand that was outstretched toward her also had dried blood on it, along with dirt under his fingernails.

  What happened? she questioned herself, her memories once more. Straining, she thought hard, demanding answers through the fog of her brain. They’d been at Poet and Titan’s wedding. It had been a beautiful ceremony, followed by a reception of food, and toasts, and cake. She remembered Lunatic Grin being up on stage, watching Fallen, his sleeves rolled up and his guitar in his hand. He was playing, mouthing the words to a song ... Creep, she confirmed. That’s right ... I was watching Lukas. And then something slammed into me.

  Sarah probed her thoughts, trying to remember as many details as she possibly could. She remembered loud sounds, and being struck with something in the back. After that, nothing.

  I must have been hurt. What was that sound? What I shot?

  The machine behind her began to sound, her heart rate speeding and the technology alerting the medical staff that something was going on. She tried to breathe deeply, to calm herself, but it hurt, which only made her panic. Fallen was going to wake up if she couldn’t get her heart under control, either being awoken by the loud beeps or a nurse scolding her.

  “Sarah? Baby?”

  Shit. She looked over at Lukas, and her heart only sped more, and not for its usual reasoning. His face was drawn and tired, lines at the corners of his eyes, bluish bags from lack of sleep under them. Bloodshot and wide, she could tell he was absolutely exhausted, and she hated that she’d woken him up. Clearly he needed his sleep. Maybe if she told him just go close his eyes, he’d listen.

  Sarah opened her mouth to speak, but no sound came out. She tried again, attempting to lick her lips, but she had no moisture. Frustrated, she pointed to a bottle of water beside the bed on a rollaway table, asking for it to be handed to her.

  Fallen merely stared at her, his mouth slack and his eyes seeming larger than usual. He blinked a couple times and shook his head, as if to clear whatever dream he’d been dreaming, and locked eyes with hers. When she shook her finger again, motioning for the water, he finally complied. Though, as he went to open the bottle, he hesitated.

  “I’m not sure I’m supposed to give this to you, love. Maybe I should grab a nurse? I think the one on duty right now is Mel - I can go grab her really quick?”

  She shook her head, still pointing at the water bottle. In all honesty, she was getting annoyed. Why wouldn’t he just give her the damned water? Of course she could have it, and, if for some reason a doctor ordered her not to have it, she was damn well going to drink it anyway. Her mouth was dryer than the Sahara Desert, as if she’d been asleep for years. How long has it been? she idly wondered, though she waved the thought off.

  Unscrewing the cap, Lukas pulled himself upright from the chair and leaned forward, still refusing to hand her the bottle. Instead, he lifted it to her lips and carefully tipped it, allowing only small amounts of water into her mouth at a time. She was sure he meant the gesture to be a sweet one, but it was annoying. Dainty sips were not what she wanted. And, as she tried to grab it from him, he moved it out of her reach.

  “Ow!” she yelped as she slowly lowered her arm. Reaching after the bottle stretched her side, and her ribs, forcing a wave of pain through her. “Note to self ... don’t do that again. Ow, ow, ow.”

  “Christ, baby. It’s so good to hear your voice ... you had me really worried.”

  “Drink. I want a real,” she swallowed hard, still hurting, “drink.”

  “I thought you’d never wake up. I thought I’d lost you forever. I thought you’d never smile that smile at me, or hold my hand, or ... You scared the hell out of me. Well, not that it’s your fault, because I know it isn’t, but still. It was bad enough that it happened in the first place; the last three days waiting for you to wake up were the worst. Three days, I’ve sat here, hoping you’d sit up or —“

  “Lukas,” she breathed, only half hearing the words he was rambling. And, that was most certainly what he was doing, which wasn’t common for the Fallen she knew. A large part of her wished she has the energy or willpower to truly listen, to absorb his words and relish in them. Unfortunately, her side hurt like hell, she could barely move or breathe, and, in that moment, all she wanted was a real drink of water. “Give me the damned water, please.”

  Fallen’s head shook, as if to clear his thoughts, and he peered down at her. After a long heartbeat he murmured, “Oh, sorry,” and leaned forward with the bottle once more, this time tipping it until she began pulling away, allowing her to take her fill as she wanted. She repeated it twice, until the swallowing hurt. Sarah watched as he seated himself back in the chair, setting the water on the tray table, and wiped his face with his hands before his eyes met hers again.

  “What happened?” she asked him, ready to listen to what he had to say. It was easy to deduce the major points - but she needed clarity, details. And she wanted them from him.

  He hesitated as he let out a deep breath, his fingers rubbing at his temples, making the creases around his eyes more prominent. “How much do you remember?”

  “I remember the wedding and the reception. I remember you were on stage with the band ... but that’s where things get funny. I heard what I think had to have been gunshots, and then something hit me, and that’s about it. I think I have a vague memory of someone saying something about breathing, but it could have been a dream or have happened anytime between then and now, which you said has been three days?”

  Lukas nodded. “Yeah, it’s been three days here in the hospital. Let me back track here - it was gunfire you heard. And you were hit in the back ... with a bullet, which is why you’re here. It went through one side and out the other but it —“

  “Hit my lung and forced a collapse?” Sarah asked, her medical knowledge filling in the puzzle pieces as he gave them to her. He confirmed with a small sound and continued speaking.


  “And you did what after it happened?” She couldn’t help the almost accusatory tone in her voice but, well, she knew him. And judging by his still wearing the same clothes she’d last se
en him in, and the state of them, she was more than likely not going to approve.

  His sigh confirmed her thoughts before he opened his mouth. “Well ... I found the bastards who did this to you, of course, which I’m sure you already figured. In case you want to know, it was primarily Vinny, and, a kicker, some assholes from Static Law.

  “Artist, Shakespeare, Craze, and I took off from the wedding to their clubhouse - which I only knew where they were because of a cop I keep in my back pocket. They weren’t hard to find ... and, we dealt vengeance, defending your honor.”

  Sarah’s mouth had run dry again and she tried to swallow. Her stomach was twisting - she hated that he’d taken a life on her behalf, for a situation she was probably more than half responsible for. After all, she’d been the one to throw down on the SL boys to begin with. And Vinny ... well, he was completely her problem. “You didn’t need to defend my honor.”

  Fallen’s cheeks colored. “The hell I didn’t. No son of a bitch is going to hurt my woman and think they can get away with it. More than that, even, Reagan deserved vengeance.”

  “Cyrus’ wife?” she asked, dread filling her. If she needed vengeance then something had happened - either she’d been shot too, and was somewhere in the hospital, or worse. Judging by his expression as she asked, she feared the latter.

  “No one could save her,” he told her sadly, “and we almost couldn’t save you.” His face paled and he shut his eyes - his tell for getting his emotions under control. She hated the expression, but let him gather his thoughts. “Anyway, they’re all taken care of, including Vinny, though it wasn’t me who got that pleasure; he got out easy if you ask me but that’s neither here nor there.

  “I came here after. I thought you were dead. Then they tried to not let me in to see you, like that was ever going to work. I met your mom, by the way, and I told her I was your boyfriend ... I hope that’s okay.”

  Sarah smiled up at him. “Of course it’s okay, it’s the truth, right?”

  “Damn right it is. Anyway,” he said, using the word like an eraser to get back on track. “You’ve been asleep for three days. They put a tube in to help with the draining of fluids and air from your lung until it can heal itself.”

  “Three days,” she murmured. “How come you haven’t changed? You look like shit.”

  A loud burst of laughter escaped Fallen’s throat. “Well, thanks, baby.”

  “No I didn’t mean...” she started, immediately feeling guilty. “I mean, I’m sure I look worse. I’m just saying ... you’re still in your wedding clothes and, well, they’re covered in blood. Which, on hindsight, I’m sure my mom just loved.”

  Fallen chuckled again. “It’s okay - I know I look awful. Honestly I couldn’t stomach the thought of leaving you. Brothers have been filtering in and out to check on you, and a couple even brought me a change of clothes, but getting to a bathroom to put them on would have taken me too far from you. I didn’t want you to wake up and not find me here. I didn’t want you to ever think you were alone.”

  “Awww, baby, it would’ve been okay - I would’ve figured it out.”

  “I love you.”

  His declaration stopped her in her tracks, all but stopping her heart. For a hot second she thought she was hearing things, but his eyes were blazing into her, pouring meaning into his words.

  “I do, Sarah. I meant to tell you the night of the wedding, after the reception and everything was over, but all this happened. I’ve loved you for a while, I just didn’t know how to say it. And, I’m gonna put it all out there, but I’m scared as hell about it. I know I’m probably not what you ever pictured, my life far from the fairytale of your dreams, but I love you.

  “I thought you were gone for good. For a few terrifying moments, I thought you were dead, and that I’d never get to tell you or see you again. That the song you’ve written on my heart would turn solemn and sad, and eventually angry, instead of the uplifting melody it sings so often. It almost broke me, baby. I hated the helplessness I felt, and while I hate feeling unsure if you can accept this life, I’m not willing to give you up.”

  Sarah smiled up at him, desperate for her body to be fine so she could reach out, to hug him, to feel his skin against hers. She wanted to hold him, to tell him everything would always be fine, that she would never leave him. But it wouldn’t be realistic - one day things could very well not be fine, and because of the dangers in his life, there could be a time when she would leave him. Sure, it wouldn’t be of her own will; she didn’t want to be anywhere he wasn’t, yet she wasn’t God and couldn’t make those decisions. So, instead, she gave him the only thing she could.

  “I love you too, Lukas ‘Fallen’ Belrose. I love you too.”

  Fallen entwined his fingers with hers and she let his words, his love, flow through her. He said she was the song in his heart, but he was the music in her soul. And, in that moment, she knew, regardless where his crazy road of a life lead them, it would stay that way until the music died.


  Want More? If you haven’t read Poet, Book One in the Redemption Reigns MC series, check it out!

  The End

  of Fallen,

  Book Three in the Redemption Reigns MC Series

  Check out the entire Redemption Reigns series at


  Most of you don’t know, but 2016 was a very rough year for me, and, at times, I felt like a complete fraud of even considering myself an author. I went entirely too long writing absolutely nothing, merely only staring at an empty, mocking screen. But, slowly but surely, I found my writing voice once again. So, to start all this, I just want to say thank you, all of you, for your patience with me.

  Greg – thank you. For everything. For being you. For being my best friend. You’ve reminded me that there is good in the world and, more, that you are one of the best. I’ve never known anyone as wonderful as you, and I count my blessings every day to have you in my life.

  Mom and Dad – there are simply no words. I could not have gotten through this last year, survived the weight of everything going on, if it weren’t for the two of you. You were here when I was at my lowest, and held me up when I couldn’t stand on my own. I won the parent lottery when it comes to you, and I just hope in everything I do, that I can make you proud.

  Dylan and Landon – boys, I know it’s been a rough one on you. Please know that your mommy loves you more than anything in this world. I hope someday you’ll understand, and that you’ll look at your mom and know she did her very best. I love you and thank you for choosing me to be your mommy.

  Rene and Meg – there hasn’t been a book I’ve written in as long as I can remember that you two didn’t have a hand in. Your belief in me, in my writing, is unfaltering and priceless. You two have encouraged me, reminding me it’s okay to take time in myself and to wait until I was ready to jump back in.

  So many others contributed to this book, whether they knew it or not. My dear friends Rick and Heidi, my brother Dustin, Tim Pritty, the band Straitjacket Smile, and so many more. You all believed in me when I couldn’t believe in myself. For everyone, for you reading this book, whether you are a fan or a friend, know that this book is for you. And I just hope you enjoy it.


  About the Author

  Juli Valenti is a contemporary romance author who just can’t seem to make up her mind. She enjoys writing everything from sweet and funny romantic comedies, to ugly cry, heartbreaking stories, and even romantic suspense.

  Her newest series, Redemption Reigns MC, has become a pivotal turning point in motorcycle club romance novels, changing the pace and bring diversity to a world run by men... which is so much fun!

  Juli is from Bentonville, Arkansas, home of Wal-Mart and currently resides in Florida with her two sons just minutes from the beach.

  Juli is currently working to bring more MC novels to the table, as well as more collaborations with Author Rene Folsom, and a bunch more! Keep on the
look out and remember to sign up for her newsletter to stay up to date.

  Follow Juli

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  Juli’s Other Books

  The Redemption Reigns MC Series

  Poet (Redemption Reigns MC Book 1)

  Artist (Redemption Reigns MC Book 2)

  The Distracted Series

  Greatest Distraction (Distracted Book 1)

  Global Distraction (Distracted Book 2)

  All Roads Lead to Jackson (Distracted Book 2.5)

  Coming Soon – Southern Distraction (Distracted Book 3)

  The Chance Series

  Pieces in Chance (Chance Book 1)

  Coming Soon – Another Chance (Chance Book 2)

  The Favorite Things Series

  (co-authored with Rene Folsom)




  Taunt: A Twisted Wolf Tale

  A Little Broken

  Vancleave (Learning to Submit Book 1)

  All Our Love (Anthology)

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight


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