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The Wrong Side of Midnight

Page 7

by Terri Marie

  They drove around for a good hour, testing it on the highway and cruising slowly down the streets. Matthew looked so happy and proud.

  "You have no idea how close my old truck is to dying. I can't believe this!"

  They stopped by John's apartment to show him the truck, and the next day, Matthew was beyond happy driving it to work. The crew congratulated him over and over, knowing no one deserved this more. They knew that Matthew paid himself last to make sure everyone had money to put food on their tables, gave them time off when situations arose, and thanked them every day for their hard work. The men who worked for him were like family, and they knew of his struggles and were careful not to complain about raises and health insurance. Even though Matthew did everything he could for his crew, he wouldn't blame them if they quit for a better paying job with benefits.

  Because the new truck got better gas mileage, Matthew wouldn't be sinking so much money into the tank. Every few extra dollars would help to pay the bills. He had to rely on his income to keep him and his father above water. Public assistance seemed the best way to go to help with the medical care expenses. But when Matthew tried to fill out the paperwork on his own, the whole process turned out to be a vicious circle. Ultimately he was refused. Conner was furious when he found out. In his father's mind, there were folks much worse off and who deserved the help more. What Matthew didn't know was that his father had a five hundred thousand dollar life insurance policy he bought after he got married. When he died, which Conner knew would be soon, Matthew wouldn't be dragged down by medical bills and could have a clean start. He just hoped his time to go came quickly.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  On a clear Sunday, Matthew went to the grocery store and found a small roast on sale. He had a great idea to cook a nice dinner for Chloe and his father. He was hoping he still remembered how to make one. Conner's eyebrows rose when he saw the meal ingredients.

  "Matthew, that must have been expensive!"

  "Not really. Everything was on sale, and besides, I'm not dumping every spare dime into the gas tank anymore."

  The two men laughed and talked while the meal was being prepared. The kitchen, even with all the cigarette smoke, smelled good. Hopefully it'd taste as good as it smelled.

  Conner thumbed through the paper while Matthew cut up the salad. He was ecstatic to see his son in love and so happy. He thought Josie had ruined him for good. Chloe was such a sweet girl and would hopefully become a member of the family. Even in Matthew's last relationship, his happiest days were nothing compared to the ones he experienced with Chloe.

  After finishing with the sports and news sections, Conner thought he'd get some kicks out of reading about the social elite. The big photograph of Earl and Sylvia Burlington holding shovels for a groundbreaking ceremony made Conner shake his head. Africa. Why not do something in America? The article was huge, describing Burlington Enterprises and the contributions that were made to different organizations. The ceremony was for a new school. Detroit just closed three schools because the repairs were too great. He was getting ticked off.

  Then he saw it; underneath was a photograph of Chloe Burlington, the young heiress. It went on to tell about her recent breakup from Edmund Lauer, and how she was one of the wealthiest women her age. The picture showed a smug-looking young man sitting next to Chloe. There was no mistaking who she was. Conner felt like his heart was going to stop. The last thing his son needed was to get more involved with a woman who'd never find him good enough. After struggling with his decision, he folded the paper back and set it on the table.

  "Matthew, come over here for a minute."

  "Just a second. Let me get this salad tossed."

  "Come here, please, son."

  Matthew turned around and looked at his father's serious expression. He knew something was wrong. Slowly, he walked to him.

  "Matthew, I want you to look at something. Promise me you'll keep a straight head."

  "Dad, what's wrong?"

  Conner turned the photos around to face his son. Matthew picked up the paper and sat down in the chair. Conner watched his son's brow furrow and jaws tighten while every word was read.

  Matthew got up and took the roast out of the oven. He sliced a piece for his father, gave him some potatoes, carrots, and salad, and then calmly carried the plate and sat it down on the table. He shut the stove off and then walked out of the door without a word. Matthew went down to Sherry's office and asked to use her computer. He pulled up his and his father's account and saw the cash deposit of fifty thousand dollars. He called the twenty-four hour banking center and inquired about the deposit. There wasn't an error. The depositor was Chloe Burlington. He calmly hung up. Next he called the dealership and asked to speak to the manager. The last contest they held was over New Years. He walked out of the office and thanked Sherry. Opening the passenger side of the new truck, Matthew got out all the paperwork. Chloe Burlington was on all the signed papers. He found the proof of insurance, good for five years, and the policy was signed by Chloe Burlington.

  Matthew walked back up to his apartment and wrote out a check for fifty-thousand dollars, payable to Chloe Burlington. With the truck key in his hand, he walked down the hall and knocked on the door. That's what strangers do.

  Chloe was just getting out of the tub when she heard the knock. It couldn't be Matthew, he had his own key. Whoever it was would hopefully go away. She wanted to look nice this evening for dinner with Matthew and Conner. She was super excited. She never had a guy cook dinner for her before. She wished she could have watched him prepare it. Her bet was that the cute roofer of hers would look even more adorable. The knocking wasn't stopping. She found a conservative dress that wasn't too short and then stood in the mirror trying to decide how to fix her hair. The knocking persisted. Go away! Don't people get it when no one comes to the door they don't want to answer or they're not home?! Firmly setting the hairbrush on the vanity, Chloe went to the door and flung it open. She was going to let whoever it was have a piece of her mind.

  Their eyes met. The look on Matthew's face sent a chill down Chloe's spine. Hopefully Conner was okay. Just when she was about to ask what was wrong, it occurred to her that he hadn't used his key. If something was wrong with his father he would have opened the door on his own. His breathing was loud, his face reddened, and every vein in his neck and temple was visible and throbbing. Seeing him enraged like this was frightening to say the least. Chloe quickly averted her eyes.

  "Hello, Chloe Burlington. It's nice to meet ya…."

  "Oh God, Matthew. I can explain—"

  "Go back to your mansion, Miss Burlington. I don't need to be your pathetic charity case anymore. On your way out of the projects, get the hell out of my life. Take your damn truck with you." Matthew didn't raise his voice. He calmly placed the apartment key she'd given him, the truck key, and the check on the floor in front of Chloe.

  "I'm so sorry! I'm the same person you—"

  "Yep, the same person in the newspaper. Go back to your side of the tracks." Matthew closed the door behind him. She heard the old pickup start, and listened as it drove away.

  Chloe crumbled to the floor.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  She lay in her bed sobbing. The walls were closing in, and Chloe was having a hard time breathing. With trembling hands, she called Becky.

  "I don't know what to do!" were the first words she uttered.

  "He found out…"

  "Becky, it's over. I knew I'd lose him over this, but I didn't know it would hurt so much. I thought I prepared myself. I didn't even get a chance to explain. He returned the money and the truck to me! God, this is the worst day of my life."

  "Did you explain why you did what you did?"

  "I didn't get the chance. He told me to stay out of his life, and he meant it. I don't even know how he found out!"

  "Sweetie, why don't you gather a few of your things and move back, and we can get the rest tomorrow. He knows you live here now so you might as well
be in your own home."

  "Home? This is my home! I don't belong there, and I never did!"

  The next morning, Chloe heard a knock on the door. She flew to it and swung it open, hoping it was Matthew. It was Sherry.

  "Is this true?" Sherry had the newspaper page in her hand and opened it up so Chloe could look at it.

  "Yes, Sherry, it's true. I didn't want you all to find out this way. I may have lied about my last name and my wealth, but who I am and my love for Matthew, my feelings for you and Conner….all of that is real!" She stared at the older woman's eyes. "You don't have to say anything, I'll gather my things."

  "Honey, I'm not here to throw you out. There are always two sides to every story. Why don't you start from the beginning?" Sherry sat down at the kitchen table and lit a cigarette.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Chloe stopped eating and drinking. She hadn't showered or brushed her hair since the day her life crashed around her. She called Matthew over and over again, and not one call was returned. She stopped talking to everyone, including Becky. Chloe wanted to knock on Matthew's door, but didn't want to look at Conner and see the pain she'd caused him. He trusted her not to hurt his son. If only she could explain.

  The loud pounding on the door made her lift her head from the pillow. Chloe stayed in bed with the blinds closed and stopped caring if she ever saw the sun again. The pounding continued, followed by the shaking of the doorknob.

  "Chloe I know you're in there. Open up or so help me God I'll drag every guard I can get my hands on to bring your ass home! Open the door!!"

  Slowly she walked to the door and unlocked it, and then promptly went back to her bed.

  "Okay, this is enough!" Becky opened every blind, then went to the kitchen and filled up a glass with water. She held it to Chloe's mouth. "Drink!"

  "Go back home, Becky."

  "I'm not leaving here until I know you're okay. I'm definitely not leaving today. Drink the water or I swear I'll take you to the hospital." Becky put a slice of bread in the toaster.

  Chloe sipped on the water and nibbled on the toast. Becky dragged her out to the balcony and spoke firmly to her friend. She wasn't about to let Chloe sink lower.

  "I'm staying with you for a few days and don't even think you have a say so. I'll do whatever it takes to make sure you're going to be okay. I know your heart's broken, and you've never lost a guy you were in love with before. Trust me when I say you'll get over him. You should allow yourself to feel the pain, but you can't let it destroy you."

  "Becky, it hurts losing Matthew. More than I thought it would. I'm mostly devastated knowing he and Conner are over there still struggling. They don't even have enough food. Did you know that Conner isn't even getting decent medical treatment? He could die, and he's all the family Matthew has left."

  "Look, you have to give guys time for things to sink in. In the meantime, you have me."

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Becky continued to ask a million questions and had become her shadow. It was getting irritating. Chloe was eating, drinking, going outside, and had planned to go back to work the next day. Five days of being babysat was enough.

  "I'll go, but you have to promise me you'll answer the phone when I call you and you'll take care of yourself."

  "Thank you, Becky. You can call and check on me anytime you want."

  After Becky left, Chloe took a long hot shower and decided to refuse to go down without a fight. Her mind was spinning, trying to come up with a plan…If I can get Matthew to love me again, he'll accept my help.

  Chloe had no idea how complicated that would become.

  Chapter 7

  Lois knew where Chloe was living and that she was involved with someone. She'd followed Becky one evening to some old apartments in the Detroit projects. Instantly she was tempted to haul her back home, but when she saw her with a smile on her face while holding hands with a young man, a relief settled in. At least she could have a chance at a normal life outside of the estate gates. The thought of Chloe having to escape to find love and friends was eating away at her soul. She'd spent her share of time pacing the mansion halls trying to find a way to help the heiress. For some people, wealth and power meant happiness. Chloe wasn't one of them.

  Trying to be a mother figure and nurturer all of Chloe's life wasn't easy. She worked the hardest at trying to keep the young woman's spirit up. Lois knew she could never fill the shoes of a mother, but there wasn't anyone else who'd try. She knew she'd probably lose her job, but was willing to risk it, especially since Chloe seemed to be standing on her own two feet. She set her alarm for one-thirty in the morning and then walked to the phone.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Sylvia Burlington took one last look at herself in the mirror before heading to the dig site for more photographs. What she really wanted to do was go back to bed. Standing out in the heat all day with a thousand bugs and foul smells was sure to make her photograph poorly. She couldn't seem to keep the scowl off her face. There wasn't a single quiet place she could go to get some peace and unwind some. Outside the windows she could hear children running around which made her think of her daughter, and that's the last thing she wanted to do. The phone began to ring loudly in the other room. Her last nerve was breaking.

  "Get that, Earl!" She listened as his footsteps moved to the parlor. Sylvia was confident she wouldn't have to yell again and make her headache worse. Earl felt it necessary to talk extra loud on the phone, especially if it was long distance. She shut the bathroom door with her foot and held a cool cloth to her forehead.

  "Lois! What a pleasant surprise. I hope nothing's wrong. Is Chloe okay?" Earl's body tensed.

  "Sir, forgive me for this, but I have some uncomfortable things to say. You've been very good to me over the years, but you and Mrs. Burlington have treated me better than your own daughter."

  "My daughter has everything she could ever want. What's this about, Lois?"

  "She wants parents…parents who love her, want to talk to her and, more importantly, want to be with her."

  "We're in Africa doing important work and you know this. My wife calls and speaks with Chloe a few times a week, but I haven't spoken with my daughter in quite some time. When I come to the phone, I think she hangs up, and it breaks my heart, really. But if you are so concerned about her, why haven't you called before this? I question your motive."

  "Your wife speaks to me only. When Chloe comes to the phone to talk with her mother, it's Mrs. Burlington who hangs up on her child. I was given the orders to call the office for emergencies only, never your private number. There's nothing I'm risking now by dialing you direct."

  "You may call here anytime you wish, and you know that. She hasn't been speaking with Chloe?"

  "You may as well have a seat, sir. This will be a long conversation, and I plan to tell you everything. Then I will pack my bags, because your daughter doesn't even live here anymore."

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Sherry reached over and held Chloe's hand as she placed the newspaper article on the table. "This is how Matthew and his father found out. Reporters are such hounds."

  "I never meant to hurt anyone," sobbed Chloe.

  "Wipe those tears off that pretty face. I've known Matthew all his life, and he has a good heart and good head on his shoulders. He'll come around."

  "They both need the money, and Matthew needs the truck, Sherry."

  "For being so young, you have a heart of gold. It'll work out, I promise."

  They hugged at the door before Sherry left, and then Chloe ripped up the newspaper and threw it in the trash.

  The next morning, Sherry glared at Matthew as she handed him a cup of coffee.

  "What's that look for? What did I do?"

  "Why did you walk out on Chloe like that? I went upstairs and spoke with her. She's still the same sweet girl."

  "The same sweet girl who lied and manipulated me, not to mention my father, so we could become her project? I refuse to be viewed as a pathetic caus
e. We're not a charity case for anyone, and when I met her, she said she needed a job and an apartment. She acted like one of us. The truth is she'll never be one of us. Do you know how embarrassed and humiliated she made us feel? Don't you think I feel bad enough for not being able to take care of my dad the way I should? That I'm not college educated, and that the business is barely hanging on? She hit us below the belt. For that, I'll never forgive her. I wish you'd just kick her out." Matthew left without allowing the older woman to get a word in edgewise.

  Sherry got up and watched him walk to that damn beat up truck. She had to think of something to make the man get the cement out of his head. Of course Chloe was right; had she of been honest about who she really was, Matthew wouldn't have given her the time of day.

  Chloe walked in Sherry's office and poured herself some hot water for tea. She stuck around, dunking the teabag and wiping down the table, straightening magazines and newspapers, until she caused her boss to spin around in her chair.

  "I know why you're hanging around in the office. Matthew left already. If you want to catch him, you best be up by five-thirty." Sherry smiled and winked.

  "Oh...well I couldn't sleep. I just feel like keeping busy today. Seriously, me being in the office has nothing to do with Matthew."


  "Okay, you're right. I'll go vacuum and be in here bright and early."

  "Atta girl."

  When Chloe was done cleaning, she walked to the apartment four doors down. She softly knocked, knowing Conner was sitting at the kitchen table.

  "It's Chloe. I'd like to come in and talk with you if you don't mind."


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