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The Wrong Side of Midnight

Page 13

by Terri Marie

  When the elevator stopped, Matthew turned the corner and went directly to the desk. "Excuse me, do you know if Chloe Burlington has any visitors?"

  "No, I was just in there taking her vitals and she was alone."

  Matthew thanked her and walked into Chloe's room. Before he could smile, Chloe's eyes got bigger and she attempted to sit up. That caused her to cry out in pain.

  "Chloe, don't move. You can't sit up yet."

  "…Why are you here? How do you know whether or not I can sit up?" God, I must look dead, that's why. Chloe brought her good hand up in an attempt to fix her hair, but it was fruitless. It doesn't matter, he can't stand me anyway.

  "Chloe, about the money—"

  Chloe began talking as fast as her jaw would allow. This would be her last opportunity to explain. If he walked out, he walked out, but at least he'd leave with the truth. "I'm sorry about all the lies, the fake contest, all of it. I wanted you to like me, but because you made rich girl comments right off the bat, I knew you'd already judged me. Look, I'm screwed up, my whole life has been screwed up, but that isn't your fault and I should have just risked it and been honest. But I wanted you to learn who I was inside. I fell in love with you really fast, I admit that, but I'm not very experienced with these kinds of things. Your dad, I love him too, and I wanted the both of you to have an easier life. I have money to share, it's not like I was trying to make you feel inadequate. I'm really sorry for hurting you. The day of the accident, I was going to make—"

  "Chloe, stop. You're getting all worked up for no reason. You don't have to explain anything to me. I'm the one who needs to apologize. I'm sorry for putting you in a position where you felt like you couldn't be straight with me. You tried to explain about why you lied, and I wouldn't even listen. I judged you unfairly and acted like a tyrant. But not one day went by when I didn't think about you and miss you. I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere." Matthew walked to the edge of the bed and placed a slow, gentle kiss on her lips.

  "You're not mad at me?"

  "No, Chloe, I'm angry at myself. I feel responsible for your accident. I saw the news report after work that evening. I flew over here and never left until yesterday. Becky stayed here too. She's a really great girl, and I'm glad we had that time together, because I learned more about you, your life….and myself."

  "Then you know about my parents. I lied about that as well." She wanted the earth to swallow her up.

  "Yeah, I know all about them. I'm so sorry you were treated that way. Your mother's a real—"

  "You met her? They were here?"

  Matthew didn't know how much to tell her, or how many details he should include. "Yes, they came by but didn't stay very long."

  "Did they fly back to Africa?"

  "I'm not sure, they haven't kept in contact. I don't think your mother likes me very much."

  "I bet she was vile towards you."

  "It's okay, I've heard worse." Matthew laughed and kissed her again.

  "Is your father okay? I hope Sherry hasn't fired me. Well, she should hire someone else even if she hasn't. I won't be working anytime soon. I liked my little apartment though. Do I still have it?"

  "Sherry's aware of what happened and asks about you all the time. Chloe, you didn't have to work, but you took a job cleaning, of all things, just to be near me and to help Sherry. So you don't have any worries there, and your apartment is just fine. I'd like my key back so I can check on it."

  "…Do you just want to be…friends?" Chloe felt her face flush.

  "I don't kiss my friends like this." Matthew kissed her again, only a little longer. "I want to be with you forever. The next line I'm supposed to say is how I can't give you much. That's true, I can't, but I also know you're not interested in what material things someone can give to you. All you want is to love me, and for me to love you back. My dad, me, you, Becky, and John…we're all family, Chloe. And I'm never going to do anything to jeopardize that again." Matthew lifted the box from his pocket and opened it. "Marry me, Chloe. Marry me and I'll love you every day, with every grain of my being."

  Chloe could hardly breathe. Tears of gratitude rolled off her cheeks when she blinked her eyes. She stared down at the most beautiful ring she'd ever seen, and nodded her head, yes.

  He slipped the ring on her finger and it, like the two of them, was a perfect fit.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Becky stopped by a department store and picked up a few outfits. She had no intentions of going back home and explaining everything to her parents. She'd go over the weekend when Chloe no longer needed someone there as often. But right now she stayed more for herself then her friend. Had Chloe died, she'd be an empty shell for the rest of her life. She drove to Matthew's and knocked on the door.

  "Who is it?"

  "It's me, Becky."

  "Let me unlock the door. Just one second."

  Conner opened the door and watched as Becky's mouth hung open.

  "You walked to the door?"

  "I quit smoking, and it's amazing how much better my lungs are doing. I only have two treatments a day now. I walk around for a bit, and when I get tired I rest."

  "I'm so proud of you!" Becky wrapped her arms around the tall man and hugged him tightly.

  "How's our girl?"

  "Better. She still has a long road ahead of her, but she's making progress. Do you need me to pick anything up or clean while I'm here? I stopped and bought some clothes so I could change. Can I use your shower again?"

  "Honey, you don't have to ask." Conner ruffled her hair and walked to the sofa to sit down. He'd been avoiding the wheelchair as much as possible.

  "Thank you so much. I'll be out in a jiffy."

  Becky took a quick shower and put on her new jeans, sweater, and sneakers on, and then sat beside Conner on the sofa.

  "Have you spoken with Matthew?" Conner asked with a little hesitation.

  "Not since last night. I'll see him after work though at the hospital. Do you want me to give him a message?"

  "He asked me a question."


  Conner couldn't contain his smile any longer. "He asked me for my blessing to ask Chloe to marry him. I think today's going to be the happiest day of my life."

  Chapter 13

  Chloe asked the nurse to keep her blinds open. She knew it was getting chilly outside, but the sun was shining and she'd never felt so much joy in her life. I wish I could share this moment with my mom. Why would she just leave like that? It's not like she has to feed me or change a diaper. Maybe she thinks I'll ask her to take care of me when I'm discharged. If I tell her about engagement to Matthew and how I'm in my own apartment, then she couldn't think that.

  The sadness on her friend's face was evident when Becky walked in the room. Matthew called her last night to tell her the great news, so she stopped and picked up a few surprises. Her excitement faded when she looked at Chloe though. I'll fix that.

  A nurse helped Becky carried the large spring flower arrangement, balloons, chocolate cake, a bridal magazine, and a few other things to decorate Chloe's room.

  "Oh my God!"

  "Congratulations, you beautiful bride-to-be!"

  "Get over here, my matron of honor!!!" Chloe wrapped her arm around Becky and held her as close as she could. "I can't believe you did this!"

  "It's not every day my best friend gets engaged to someone she actually loves." Becky winked, and then bent down to stare at her friend's hand. "I think that ring is gorgeous, just like you."

  Chloe was overly delighted, watching as Becky decorated her hospital room with such wonderful things. She'd never been celebrated like this in her entire life. The cake was delicious, and she couldn't wait for Matthew to come and see it all.

  "I want to go with you to pick out your wedding dress, and give you something new, something borrowed, and something blue. Oh and we can't forget about a bridal sh—" Becky stopped. She knew the only people who would give a rat's behind were herself, Lois, and Sherry. "I hat
e big showers, so we'll have an intimate gathering and invite the men. Heck, we could make it a nice little party!"

  "Do you think my mom would come if you called her?"

  "I can call if you'd like." Becky was trying not to fall apart. This was just one more reason why she hated Sylvia.

  "What's the worst she can say? No?" Chloe tried to make it not sound like a big deal.

  "I'll call her this afternoon, how's that?"

  Thank you for everything, Becky. I'm going to take a short nap before Matthew gets here." What she really needed was time alone.

  "Okay, sweetie, I'll be back in a little while." Becky kissed her cheek, and then went outside away from the building. She wasn't sure how loud she was going to scream. Digging her cell phone out of her purse, she took a deep breath and called the Burlington's house phone."

  "Burlington residence," answered a staff person.

  "Could I speak with Sylvia? This is Becky, she knows who I am. Tell her I have some important news concerning her daughter."

  Becky was placed on hold for fifteen minutes. She tried to use every single relaxation technique she could. She'd have to remain calm for her friend's sake.

  "This is Sylvia. How can I help you today, Becky?"

  "I wanted you to know that Chloe's awake and doing well. She got engaged yesterday to Matthew, and I wanted to know if you'd like to plan a bridal shower with me for her."

  "Did a plastic surgeon fix her face yet? It's going to have hideous scars."

  Becky continued to take deep, relaxing breaths. "Chloe asked about you and Earl, she'd like to see you both. You should stop by and look at her ring, it's really pretty."

  "How much did he spend? A dollar?"

  "I don't think the cost matters, Sylvia. She's really happy."

  "I heard she lives in Detroit. Did she really move to that hellhole?"

  "Would you like to plan a bridal shower with me? Chloe would love it if you were there. Maybe you could spend some time with her doing the things—"

  "I'm not committing, Becky. I'm sure we'll fly out of here before then."

  "I can call you back and find out your schedule. We won't have the shower until Chloe's healed up some."

  "Of course, she can't very well show up in that condition, but I'll call you…" Sylvia hung up the phone.

  When Matthew walked in to see Chloe, she was fast asleep. The nurse mentioned she was medicated twice this evening for pain, so he didn't want to disturb her. He sat by her bed until visiting hours ended, and then wrote her a note saying how much he loved her and placed it on her nightstand.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Over the next few weeks, the healing had really progressed. Chloe was sitting up in bed, and the pins had been removed from her hand. A cast was placed on her arm, but at least it was more comfortable. What she really wanted was to go home, but the doctor told her if she did, she'd need constant care. With a broken arm and leg on the same side of her body, it'd be impossible for her to get around. He promised to have a walking cast in place soon if her leg continued to heal nicely.

  "Chloe, I know you're getting impatient, but your injuries from the accident were severe. To be honest, you're lucky to be alive. I'm glad you're feeling better, but if you do too much too fast, you'll cause damage, and some could be permanent."

  "I'm just excited to live my life."

  "I can understand that, but as your physician, I'm not going to jump the gun on anything. I'll let you go home only when you're healed up enough."

  Becky walked in the room with a smile. The doctor left so the girls could visit. He knew Chloe's mood was being affected by her lengthy hospital stay, but there wasn't anything he could do. He had to keep her inpatient….he also had no idea what was really eating at Chloe.

  "How are you?" Becky slid a chair up beside the bed.

  "I'm okay. Did my mother call you back?"

  "Not yet. But I don't want you worrying about your mother. She probably had an emergency or something."

  "Yeah, you're probably right."

  "Hey, would you like some hot chocolate? I was going to run downstairs and get us some."

  "That sounds good. Maybe we can watch a couple of movies. I think there's a deck of cards…wait, I can't hold them. You'd be too free to cheat!" Chloe began to laugh and so did Becky. Both knew the laughter wasn't real.

  Becky walked back outside of the hospital on her way down to the cafeteria. Once again, she had to take some deep breaths before making another call to Sylvia. This time, she only had to wait for ten minutes.

  "I thought we agree that I'd call you, Becky."

  "Look, she's your daughter. Would you please stop being like this? She's getting married, Sylvia, and you can't even manage to call to congratulate her or come to her shower? I'm even willing to plan the entire thing. I promise you won't have to do any work…" Becky listened to the dial tone. Or come see your child after she almost died.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Matthew hurried as fast as he could to get his work done, and on Sundays he picked up side jobs for extra money to pay for the wedding and a nice tuxedo. He'd have plenty of time to save, because Chloe didn't want to go down the aisle until she was cast free and could walk on her own. It broke his heart that her father wouldn't be around to give her away. To hell with him, she can use my dad, who loves her more than her own. Becky made him aware of Sylvia's behavior, and even though Chloe hadn't complained, they both knew it was tearing her up inside. Becky stopped bringing up the shower and decided it would be best to just surprise her. That way, she could be blamed for not including her Sylvia. She'd rather have her friend angry at her instead of watching Chloe's heart break by the knowledge of her own mother not caring and not wanting anything to do with her. The fact that Sylvia and Earl were still in Michigan made everything worse. The hospital was only a forty minute drive during rush hour.

  When Chloe was given the news that she could go home in a week, Matthew got started on her apartment so it'd be clean and aired out before she got there. They planned a little party with Conner, Sherry, and John, but Matthew knew she'd instantly notice a couple of people missing.

  "Becky, we have to at least try. No matter how much we want to throw those two in a lake of fire, we have to extend an invitation."

  "I can't talk to her anymore."

  "Do you want me to call?"

  "Oh God, Matthew, she'd rip you apart."

  "Yeah, and I really don't trust my mouth. Maybe I can call Earl."

  "You can try. Don't get your hopes up, though."

  When Matthew got home from work, he picked up the phone and dialed the number Becky wrote down on a piece of paper.

  "Burlington residence."

  "Could I speak with Earl, please?"

  "Your name, sir?"

  "Matthew Sharp. I'm his future son-in-law."

  Matthew waited for thirty minutes, then hung up and called back.

  "Burlington residence."

  "Yes, this is Matthew Sharp. I was waiting for Earl to come to the phone. Is he home?"

  "I'm sorry, Mr. Sharp, I went into his study and gave him your message. Would you like me to let him know you're on the line?"

  "Yes please, and thank you."

  After another thirty minutes passed, Matthew hung up.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  The morning of Chloe's discharge, the staff gave her a little celebration of their own. They had a huge card for her that everyone signed.

  "Your face is healing nicely. You probably won't be scarring much. Regardless, you'll make a beautiful bride. You've been such a sweet patient, Chloe, and we're going to miss you. Take care of yourself and don't forget your follow-up appointments, and follow the doctor's discharge instructions to the tee."

  "I will, Sandra. Thank you all for everything you've done for me."

  Matthew pushed Chloe to the car in a wheelchair. She still had the cast on her arm, but her leg had a walking cast, and for that she was grateful. When they reached the hospital d
oors, Matthew went to get the car while Becky waited with her. Chloe held her face up to the sun and inhaled deeply.

  "Becky, I've missed being outside!"

  "Trust me, I've missed you being outside too, and I'm so happy you're discharged! I'm going to stay with you during the day until Matthew comes home from work."

  "He lives with his father and has to be there to take care of him. I'll be okay, though. Besides, if I need anything, he's only four doors down."

  "You haven't seen Conner lately…" Becky smiled at all the surprises she had coming.

  Chloe laughed when she saw Matthew drive up in the big Chevy Silverado. "He really is driving it!"

  "Yep, that's the only one he drives."

  "This makes me so incredibly happy."

  Matthew got out of the truck and opened the passenger door.

  "Uh, how am I supposed to get in there?"

  "Like this, sweetheart." Matthew picked her up in his arms, gently sat her in the seat, and buckled her in."

  "Becky, do you want to ride with us?"

  "Actually, I have to get home, but I'll be over bright and early." Becky kissed Chloe on the cheek and then walked around the corner to her Jaguar. Matthew knew to take the scenic route to get home, while Becky would be high tailing it on the expressway. Luckily there was very little traffic.

  When she reached the apartment, she hid her car on the grass in the back of the building, which was Sherry's idea. Becky poked her head in the office. "She's on her way, let's go!"

  Sherry shut off the coffee pot, gathered her purse, and hurried with Becky to the apartment. "That little angel is going to be so surprised!"

  "I know right?!"

  Matthew finally reached his neighborhood and kept checking around for Becky's car. God, I hope I gave her enough time. It was hard for him to keep a straight face, but he managed. He parked in his normal spot and then went around the side and lifted Chloe to the ground. When he shut the truck door, he put his arms underneath her legs and gently lifted her up.


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