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Human: A LitRPG Novel (Tower of Gates LitRPG Series Book 2)

Page 4

by Paul Bellow

  Eric grinned.

  "What?" I asked.

  "Remember that time we were raiding in War of Spellcraft and Tommy let one rip that we all swore we could smell in real life because it was so powerful?"

  I laughed. The memories of gaming with Eric a few years earlier had been pushed down deep in the back of my mind. We'd had so many fun times together.

  "Yeah, but it wasn't always fun and games," I said. "Remember the time..."

  The smile slipped from his face as he interrupted me.

  "Let's not talk about that now, okay? Please?"

  I nodded, saying nothing. The reason we had stopped hanging out together as much online wasn't something I wanted to bring up either.

  "Agreed," I said. "With Magi Inyontoo knowing we're here, it's probably a good idea to leave as early in the morning as possible."

  "I don't know," Eric said. "Captain Riggardo is a nice guy, and it sounds like he has no love for Magi Inyontoo either."

  "Still, I want to clear the level and see if we get any closer to being able to quit the game."

  "Don't go off on the dungeon master dude in the tower this time, okay?"

  He grinned. I shook my head.

  Bernard walked in.

  "You're back," he said, looking at Eric. "This new quest sounds dangerous."

  "We'll figure it out," Eric said. "You're not scared, are you?"

  "No," Bernard said. "But we've got to be smart. These higher levels are going to get more difficult."

  "We've lucked out so far on level one-two," I said. "Check out this mace."

  I picked up the heavy metal implement of mass destruction and handed it to him.

  "Five times a day, you can detect alignment," I said.

  "Cool," he said, admiring it. "That pairs with the new main quest message."

  "We have new magic armor too, but it affects friends and foes," Eric said.

  "How so?" Bernard asked. "Not that I'd wear something that heavy."

  "It secretes Orc odors," I said. "Throws off anyone near enough to get a whiff."

  Bernard grinned.

  "This game is nuts," he said.

  "You nailed it," Eric added.

  "Speaking of nuts," Bernard said. "Do you think we should keep the brownies in the party?"

  "Why?" I asked like an over-protective mother.

  "They're doing great," Eric said. "They've obviously got some mental problems, but they've been in this game a long time."

  "Fine," Bernard said. "We'll go defeat this black dragon, allow the dwarves into the realm, and clear the level."

  "Don't anyone dare call it an easy quest," I teased.

  Bernard smiled then lifted the mace in the air.

  "Oh, tell him about the note from the map," Eric said.

  I nodded toward the map on the table.

  "The note talks about a dwarf named Axelrod who's hiding in Woodshore forest. He might help us defeat the black dragon. It sounds like he's part of the main quest on level one-two, but he's probably an NPC."

  "Trolls," Bernard muttered.

  I tilted my head, confused.

  "You don't remember the tree trolls?" he asked, eyes open wide.

  "We'll be fine," Eric said. "Hopefully the dwarf is a decent fighter. We still need to beef up our party size. Before we go to close the Pit of Doom for Captain Riggardo, we'll take a detour and find Axelrod. Maybe he'll join our party."

  "We've got more than enough supplies for the journey," Bernard said. "I found a cart and two horses in the stables out back."

  "Great," Eric said. "We have a plan. Tomorrow morning, we'll head out."

  "Sounds good," I said. "What do you think, Charlotte?"

  "I agree, Sarah," she said, perched on my shoulder.

  "We should look for Josh too," I said then frowned.

  "Yeah," Eric said, nodding his head. "We'll find him too."

  We headed downstairs for whatever food Evan had managed to whip up for dinner. The rest of the night went by quickly as I prepared myself for the unknown adventures that awaited us.


  When I woke in the morning, I found the other four already busy. Eric had hired a half-dozen men to guard the temple in our absence. The money we'd found would go a long way.

  "They'll never find the secret room," he said as we watched Bernard, Ewen and Evan load the wagon.

  "Good," I said. "Hopefully the wilderness won't be too rough. We're still short one party member, and we have room for twelve total."

  "I know," Eric said. "We'll find people to help as we go along. I've been asking. Do you think Josh would even accept?"

  "Yes," I said quickly. "Why would you ask that?"

  "I don't know," he said, shrugging his shoulders. "Josh is not a nice guy."

  "Let's not talk about it, okay?"

  "Fine," he said. "My pleasure."

  We had many things we couldn't easily talk about anymore, a billion unspoken words between us. I walked over to the covered wagon.

  Two horses were tied to the front. I climbed into the back, wanting to read one of the books about ancient history in the Grabisco Isles.

  Sometimes we instinctively knew things because of the game working behind the scenes, but I wanted to learn as much as I could about the zone we were in.

  Evan and Ewen climbed into the back while Eric and Bernard sat up front. A few minutes later, the wagon tumbled forward. I grabbed onto a wooden chest for balance.

  We'd put all the potions and some gold into it for safe keeping on the journey. Evan stared at me from across the wagon. His ever-present smile unnerved me, but I smiled back.

  "You're the best, Sarah," he said.

  Ewen, sitting next to him, mumbled something.

  I smiled.

  "Thanks, Evan. You're special too."

  He cocked his head.

  "I am?"

  "Yup," I said. "But I'm going to read this book now, okay? Can you keep watch out the back of the wagon?"

  "Not a problem, Sarah. If I see the dragon, I'll sneak around and stab it."

  "You better not," Ewen said.

  As the brownies argues, I picked up my book and opened it. The pillow I sat on hardly buffered the bumps on the rough road as we rocked and rolled out of the city.

  The sound of Eric and Bernard talking up front faded as I got drawn into the book. Reading a virtual book about a virtual world felt surreal, but I enjoyed it.

  Was being trapped in the game so bad? At least not for a year or two of game-time, I decided. What would my limit be? One year? Three of them?

  Bernard and the others had been through even longer periods of game-time–decades even. Would I last that long without cracking up and going nuts?

  "Whoa," Eric called out a few miles outside of town.

  I put the book down and crawled to the front.

  "What?" I asked.

  "There's someone up ahead," Bernard said.

  I peered between the two rogues and saw a man dressed in black riding a brown horse.

  "Bandit?" I asked.

  "Probably," Eric said. "I don't see anyone else, but we should be ready."

  "Do you want me to buff you?"

  Eric nodded.

  "Might as well," he said.

  Instead of going straight-out offensive as usual, I wanted to help by buffing our strongest fighter. We had to adapt our strategies as we got further in the game.

  "He's coming closer," Bernard said.

  "I need to get out of the wagon to cast something," I said.

  Eric hopped out and drew his sword. Bernard did the same while I climbed out the back. Evan and Ewen joined me at the front of the wagon as we waited for the man to approach.

  He stopped a few hundred yards away, staring in our direction.

  "What do you want?" Eric called out.

  "Your money and wagon," the man replied.

  "Come and get it," Eric said. "We've got more people than you."

  "Two br
ownies and an elf only count for half a human, don't they?" the man said. "I'm Ritheard, and you're going to hand over all your possessions or else."

  "Or else what?" Eric asked, taunting the ruffian.

  "You'll find out what, blowhard."

  As Eric and Ritheard traded insults, I cast Blessed Webs of Gold on him and Ewen. They both got twenty mana points put into the spell, giving them each +20% to-hit and +4 damage.

  I had sixty-four mana remaining, enough to do some damage of my own if things went south as they usually did when running into NPCs in the wilderness between cities.

  The bandit put his fingers to his mouth and whistled. A dozen other men in black emerged from a nearby group of trees.

  "We're going to kill you for practice then take your wagon," Ritheard said. "The Black Guard will probably give us a reward for destroying the like of you."

  "Bring it," Eric said. "Bernard, you and Evan go for the other men. Ewen and I will take down Ritheard. Sarah, back us up."

  "Already on it," I said, preparing to cast another spell.

  Eric rushed forward, sword raised high in the air. Bernard held his new magic mace of detection aloft and yelled as he ran toward the dozen thugs approaching.

  As Eric and Ewen fought the main guy, and Bernard and Evan fought the others, I picked off a thug with three Golden Bolts. He fell with a scream.

  Fifty-eight mana remaining. I glanced over the battlefield, deciding where to direct my fury with Lava Discs. They were handling Ritheard well enough, so I attacked another thug.

  Your Lava Discs INJURE the thug for 11 damage.

  The thug is dead.

  You have 48/104 mana remaining today.

  "One's coming for us," Charlotte said.

  I looked around.


  "To your left," she said.

  I shot off three more Lava Discs for good measure.

  Your Lava Discs WOUND the thug for 16 damage.

  The thug is dead.

  You have 33/104 mana remaining today.

  The man screamed a few seconds after falling to the ground. Bernard and Evan had taken out six of the other men, leaving four of them. I looked toward Eric and Ewen.

  Eric swung his sword, early afternoon rays of sunlight reflected off the polished silver blade. My eyes widened in alarm when Ritheard hit Eric on the arm with a sword.

  I danced the spell for Lava Discs and sent four heading toward Ritheard, hoping to end the battle. They connected, causing him to scream out in agony.

  Your Lava Discs WOUND Ritheard for 17 damage.

  You have 13/104 mana remaining today.

  "Die in the name of all brownies and everything sacred," Ewen yelled as he thrust his small sword into Ritheard's chest.

  The high-level bandit dropped his weapon and fell to his knees while clutching the wound. I looked over at Bernard and Evan. They were finishing off the last of the other thugs.

  Eric screamed as he delivered the final blow.

  Combat is over.

  You get 12,000 xp divided by five party members

  You get +2,400 xp


  You are now level 6 Wizard -> Warlock!

  I raised my fist in the air triumphantly.

  Bernard and Evan followed as I walked over to Eric.

  "Level up," Eric said, grinning.

  "Me too," Bernard said, also glowing.

  "The levels are important?" Evan asked.

  I laughed, joined by Eric and Bernard.

  "Bozo," Ewen muttered as he shook his oversized head.

  "Let's go back to the city and heal up," I said. "We're not prepared enough for the wilderness on this level, it seems."

  "You're right," Eric said. "I'll try to find people to join our party back in the city. We took out this group, but we're almost completely drained. I don't want to use the potions yet."

  "We need to save them for the dragon," I said. "Black ones are particularly nasty from what I've been reading."

  "They're all nasty," Bernard said.

  Evan lifted his dagger in the air.

  "I'm on the path to dragon-slayer," he shouted.

  "Check all the bodies," Eric said. "But quickly. I want to get back to the city."

  We spread out. The thug henchman had swords and cheap leather armor, none of it high enough quality to bother lugging around.

  I found a ring on the middle finger of Ritheard's left hand.

  "What is it?" Eric asked excitedly like a kid waiting for presents on Christmas morning.

  "Hold on," I said. "My mana is almost all gone."

  I cast identify on the ring.

  [Magic Item] Ring of the Pied Piper

  This copper ring has been enchanted. Anyone who wears it will receive +25 charisma, making it easy to amass followers.

  I smiled.

  "What is it?" Eric asked.

  "Plus twenty-five charisma."

  "Ugh," he sighed.

  "I'll take it," Bernard said. "Might come in handy."

  "Yeah, for convincing people to join our party," I said while looking at Eric.

  "Good idea," he said. "You keep it Bernard."

  "We've already found more magic items and loot on this level than level one-one," I noted.

  "Level one-one isn't supposed to have a lot," Bernard said.

  "Still," I said. "Level one-two is treating us well so far."

  He nodded his head in agreement. The five of us walked back to the wagon. We were weary, but the adrenaline pumping through our veins had us all excited.

  After growing our party-size, we'd try to leave the city and make it to Woodshore Forest.

  Nothing to it. We've got this.

  On the ride to Esterhollow, I checked my character sheet and choose a new spell.

  Name: Kali Tracaryn

  Race: Elf

  Class: Wizard -> Warlock

  Level: 6

  XP: 35,897 (11,126 for next level)

  Alignment: +5 (On the Right Path)

  HEALTH: 36 (36)

  MANA: 138 (138)

  Strength: 72 (+10%)

  Dexterity: 96 (+35%)

  Constitution: 52 (+0%)

  Intelligence: 93 (+30%)

  Wisdom: 43 (+0%)

  Charisma: 44 (+0%)

  Spells: Level One

  Fish Slaying (1mp) - Slay fish in 10' radius per level of caster.

  Golden Bolts (2mp per bolt up to 4+ lvl of caster) Each bolt dows 1d4 damage.

  Glorified Cloaks of Bronze (2mp per armor adjustment up to 4+ lvl of caster)

  Ladder of Dwarven Earth - (2mp per cubic foot of magic dirt created. Lasts 10 minutes per level of caster.

  Identify – (5mp) Identify magic items.

  Shut the Front Door – (2mp) – Close and seal a door. Portal receives 10hp per level of caster and will stay sealed until it takes that much damage. Even the caster cannot unseal this door. It's shut.

  Conjure Bronze – (2mp) – Need one gold coin to create one bronze coin. Prerequisite for higher level spells.

  Future Spell of the Keen Lanterns – 2mp - Cause an object to glow with light.

  Spells: Level Two

  Snares of Dust (3mp) – Clouds of dust particles rise in the air, often rendering a person unable to do anything other than cough and stumble away. More mana may be used for more dust.

  Mystic Therapy –(10np) – Target heals 1d10 damage.

  Cloud of Marvelous Sound [Uncommon] – (15mp) – A cloud of sound surrounds your enemies, disorienting them. One-foot radius per level of caster.

  Become Unknowable Humanoid – 25mp – Target becomes an unknowable humanoid creature of roughly the same size and shape. Effects last 1 day per level of caster or until dispelled.

  New Level Two Spells:

  Agile Ogres' Casting of Dexterity – 10mp Target gains 10 dex per 10mp up to level of caster for a hour for each level of caster.

  Spells: Level Three:

  Divine Arrow of Energy [Rare] – (25mp) – send
a blue energy bean up to one hundred feet per level of caster. The person hit heals 1d50 damage, regains 1d50 mana (if applicable), and receives a +10% to-hit bonus. Caster may not be the target of this spell.

  Shooting Discs of Lava – 5mp per disc. Each disc deals 1d6 fire damage.

  Blessed Webs of Gold – 5mp per target - +1 to hit and +1 damage per 5mp up to 1 + level of caster

  New Level Three Spells:

  Fish's Virtue (Water breathing) – 5mp per minute - Requires Chant of Just Kill Fish

  Spells: Level Four:

  Charm of Thought – 40mp – Charm a person. The higher their intelligence, the harder to charm.

  New Level Four Spells:

  Deathly Heat Bolt – 20mp per bolt. Each bolt does 1d10 heat damage. Up to 1+ level of caster bolts. Target begins stripping off clothes and armor to cool down.

  Choose a Level Five Spell:

  Lances of Lightning

  Bolt of Lesser Dexterity

  Rune of Kindness

  The Five Fortuitous Castings of Tiaras

  Mystic Spell of the Dreamer

  Summon Fish

  Frozen Person

  ToG Tip: At level seven, you will gain one sixth level spell, and one more spell of each lower level.

  I chose Frozen Person to add to my defensive spells. The bow wasn't cutting it, and I liked being a well-rounded mage ready for anything.

  Our ride back to the city passed quickly as I wondered whether we would ever make it out of the game and back to real life.

  ()xxxx[:::: Chapter 4 ::::>

  Curse of the Dynamite Liger


  Later that evening, Captain Riggardo arrived at the temple with six of his men. He walked right in without knocking as our party of five sat in the main room making plans.

  "Can we help you?" Eric asked as he stood up from the chest he'd been sitting on.


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