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literal leigh 05.6 - karma inc

Page 15

by Melanie James

  “You’re right about most guys, but not all of them. Your brother spends more time and money on clothes and his appearance than the rest of us combined.”

  “But you’re talking about Randy.” I finished going through my suitcase and came up empty handed. “I need to make a quick trip home. I have just the dress for date night hanging in my closet.”

  “You forget. I could whip you up a dress by this evening.”

  “Thanks, but…well, remember the dresses you made for us before. Poor Lindsey, I was horrified for her when her dress suddenly became completely transparent while we were in an outdoor café in Lincoln Park. Please don’t take it the wrong way, but I don’t want a dress created with magic. Not for tonight. Sorry, Gertie.”

  “No offense taken. I understand completely.” Gertie cocked her head and listened. “Hey! Listen. I think we have company.”

  We made our way downstairs and joined Randy, Ezzy, and Barney in the living room, talking to Gisele.

  “Oh, we don’t have company. Gisele came back,” I said to Gertie.

  “Hello, Kelly. Your friends were just telling me about your first client. From the sounds of it, Barney captured some juicy video. I think it’ll be perfect for the program.” Gisele walked up to Gertie and took her hand. “Hello, Gertie. How do you like Caldron Falls so far? I heard you had a little run-in with some of the local wildlife.”

  “Nothing that I couldn’t handle. For the most part.” Gertie seemed to be taken aback by Gisele. “Have we met before?”

  “No, Gertie. I never forget a face, and I certainly would never forget one as cute as yours.” I wasn’t sure if Gisele was trying to flatter Gertie or if she was being condescending.

  “Gisele, have you heard about the murders?”

  “Yes! What a shock. Especially for a small town like this. Do you know if they have any suspects yet?”

  “None as far as I know. But we haven’t been included in the local gossip circle yet. To be honest, I’ve been thinking about Henry. We saw him lock something away in the mill machinery room. I have no idea what it was, but it was bagged up, and he showed up shortly after the murders took place. It gives me the creeps every time I think about it.”

  “Me, too,” Ezzy added. “I’m tempted to break into that room and find out what the hell he put away. My guess is it’s a bloodied axe or something. What do you know about that old man?”

  Gisele thought for a minute before answering. “I’m a stranger here myself, really. I’ve only met Henry twice. The first time was when I inquired about renting the mill and the second time was when I paid him the rent. I suppose I should have mentioned him to all of you. I completely forgot about it. I’m not sure what a typical murderer is really like, but he doesn’t match the image that comes to mind.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure that’s what plenty of people said about Ed Gein,” Barney quipped.

  Gisele faked a laugh for Barney’s sake. “My guess is that it involves the Catania gentleman. They say he was a Chicago underboss for a crime family down there. Just stay away from any business concerning him, and we shouldn’t have anything to worry about.”

  “Are you staying around long, Gisele? Or do you have to go back to Chicago?”

  “It just so happens that I’m leaving for Los Angeles this afternoon, in fact. I’m hoping to wrap up a cable contract for the TV show. Oh, and another client would like to change their appointment to today. Sorry, but it seems like these people have no clue about time management. I gave him the phone number for the mill, it’s up to you if want to accommodate him or not.”

  “We’ll see if he calls and go from there,” Ezzy replied.

  “That’s all I have for now. I should be back in a few days. Just call if you need anything before I get back.” Gisele walked out the door and left—in a car. That was odd in itself. I wondered why I never saw her travel by broom.

  “Ezzy, I have to zip back to my condo and grab a few things. Would you like to come along?” I hoped to have a few minutes alone with Ezzy.

  She knew the pleading look I gave her. “Sure. And since you’re going out tonight, I can bring back some real food for the rest of us.” Ezzy picked up her purse and took out her broom. “We’ll be right back. If that client calls, just take a message. Stay out of trouble, Barney.”

  Chapter Twenty Five

  A Surprise at the Apartment

  Ezzy and I appeared in my kitchen. I was too shocked to scream when I saw the condition of my home. My condo had been ransacked. Drawers had been removed and dumped out, cabinets emptied, furniture tipped over. I don’t have a lot of valuable things, but whoever broke in wasn’t a thief. All of my jewelry, electronics, it was all there.

  Ezzy glanced at the door. “The door is still locked. How polite of the intruder to lock up when they were done.” Ezzy checked the keyhole for marks. “No sign of the lock being picked. I’d have to say that whoever did this had a key, or gained entry using magic.”

  “This wasn’t a random burglary. They were looking for something. I’m glad we’re staying in Caldron Falls right now.” I suddenly realized this may not have been the only place they hit. “I have to call Max and Millie! It’s gotta be related to Karma, Inc.” I quickly dialed the Kovacs number.

  “Hola! What’s happening, Kelly babes? I gotcha on caller ID in case you were wondering. Cool, huh?”

  “Max, is everything okay there?”

  “All is cool. Why?”

  “Someone broke into my condo. They didn’t steal anything, just trashed the place like they were searching for something. I worried it may be business related, so I was concerned they’d hit you, too.”

  “Aw, man. Not cool. But nope. Nobody broke in here. Hamster and Johnny are still hanging out. Carmine’s been coming around, too.”

  “Please tell them what happened and advise them to be alert. All right?”

  “Right on, baby. As long as I have you on the line, can you ask Gertie if she can crank out a tie die sarong for my old lady? Her birthday is coming up and I know how she digs those things.”

  “Sure, Max. I’ll ask her later today.”

  “Thanks, man. Take care of yourselves.” Max ended the call and I wondered again about the break-in. “What could anyone want in my little place. It’s pretty bare.”

  “It’s just another piece to this puzzle,” Ezzy mumbled.

  “Hold on. Did you say puzzle? What puzzle?”

  “Let’s face it, Kelly. I’ve had a strange feeling about everything since the day Gisele showed up. I’m willing to go along with it because I want to know what’s going on. I don’t buy this TV show bit for a minute.”

  “I did at first, but I’m doubting it now. That’s why I wanted you to come with me. What do you think about Gisele? She is always conveniently gone for the clients and she was gone when those murders happened. Why don’t we just bail out of this?”

  “Because. I will not be toyed with. Not unless of course it involves a leather corset, a riding crop, and a woman who knows her way around a dungeon.”

  “Seriously, Ezzy.”

  “I am serious. I’ve been around a long time. I know when someone is pulling some shit, and Gisele is up to something. I’ve been paying close attention, and I’m going to nail her ass to the side of the mill once I figure it out. I couldn’t give two fucks about Shithole Falls or their drama up there, or if they bash each other’s brains out over some crappy diner. Gisele thought we were fools. Fools to be disrespected and used like pawns. I’ll show her what kind of fools we really are.”

  “Say that again, Ezzy. I don’t think it came out like you meant it to.”

  “You know what I mean.”

  “And Morgan? You’d let an innocent bystander like her get sucked into whatever Gisele is scheming?”

  Ezzy sat down and became very quiet. “I see a lot of myself in Morgan. When I was young…I like her. And…well, never mind. Morgan Shelby is a big girl. I’m sure she can handle whatever those idiots can dish out in Hicks
ville Falls.”

  “Whoa, ho ho! And never mind? What was that? Come on, Ezzy, tell me what I shouldn’t mind. She’s attractive, too. I get it. I sure as hell know you’ve noticed. But there’s more, so tell me.”

  “That’s just it. I don’t know what exactly more is. Besides, those sort of thoughts will only complicate things and distract me from figuring out what Gisele is up to.”

  “Do you think she has a connection to Gisele? I’m so confused.”

  “No, I don’t.” Ezzy rubbed her temples with her index fingers. “Here’s the deal. Maybe I want to get to know her more…to like her more…or something like that. Satisfied?”

  “Ahhh. I think I get it. Beyond the physical. I’ll not say another word. So, what do we do about Gisele? I think that bitch was the one who was snooping around in here while we were in Wisconsin. What the hell is she looking for? What does she want?”

  “We’ll find out. Keep playing the game. The pieces will come together. Then I will be the one to enjoy a bit of sweet revenge.” Ezzy kicked away a few pieces of silverware that had been strewn on the floor. “Always insist on respect, Kelly. Always. If someone tries to take advantage of you, then you turn the tables on them. Never back down.”

  “I don’t think those murders had anything to do with her. I think it’s the creepy old undertaker, I mean caretaker. I’d call the cops, but what can I say? I have a hunch about an old man? And I don’t think we can trust the cop we saw anyway.”

  “Like I said, all that stuff is incidental. It’s Morgan’s problem. Those murders. I’m not even focusing on that until I understand the big picture. Now, go get the dress you wanted. It’s been begging to be put back on and taken out on a real date.”

  I took Ezzy’s advice and headed for my closet. I placed the dress on the bed, selected the sexiest undergarments, the perfect shoes, and moved on to the jewelry. I thought about Ezzy and how she felt like something was up with Gisele from the beginning. Ezzy should have shared her concerns with Barney and me. If we would have simply declined Gisele’s proposal, we wouldn’t even be involved. But instead, we jump into Gisele’s little plan with both feet. Gisele needs our Karma magic, or worse, she needs someone to take the fall for something she’s been plotting. Ezzy’s behavior bordered on a psychotic need for revenge.

  I picked up my bag and padded back to the kitchen. None of it mattered now. The sanctity of my home had been violated. Now I wanted revenge, too. The hard part would be to do like Ezzy said. “Keep playing the game.”

  I knew it was time to talk to Ezzy about my second ghost sighting. “There’s something I wanted to talk to you about. Remember when I told you about the ghost I saw out in my garden? I saw her again.”

  “Just now? Out back?”

  “No, no, back at the mill. That damn noise coming from the waterwheel or grindstones, or whatever the hell it is, woke me up. I went downstairs and looked out by the path along the mill pond. There she was, the same ghostly woman walking along in the moonlight. Every so often, she’d kneel down, like she was looking for something.”

  “Same woman?”

  “Yeah. Sure looked the same, acted the same. I wasn’t even going to say anything because last time it seemed like you didn’t believe me.”

  “I never said I didn’t believe you. I only pointed out a few facts about ghosts.”

  “I suppose you did. But if you have your facts right, it can’t be the same ghost. Right? You said ghosts are tied to some place.”

  “I said they are tied to some place or thing. Big difference. Think about it. Now, let’s swing by the pizza place and pick-up some food for everyone. Except you. I have the feeling something else will be on the menu for you tonight.” Ezzy grinned at me with sultry eyes. When she finished her words, she opened her mouth, licking her lips sensually.

  “I don’t know about all that. I’m just looking forward to a good time,” I replied.

  Chapter Twenty Six

  The Best Night of My Life

  “Wow! Hi, Kelly.”

  “Hi, Gabe! It’s so good to see you again.” He never explained his “wow” comment. I was hoping for a follow-up on that, but it didn’t appear to be forthcoming, and I wasn’t about to ask.

  “There is no way I am taking you to dinner in Caldron Falls. Not looking like you do.”

  “Okay,” I said pensively. I wasn’t sure if his comment was meant as a compliment or an insult. Should my heart melt at this moment, or should I beat him with a frying pan?

  “No. Because you look absolutely stunning, Kelly. I’m taking you somewhere special.” Gabe had kept a hand concealed behind the frame when I first opened the door. I grinned from ear to ear when he finally revealed the reason for it. “I picked these earlier this afternoon. I hope you like them.” Gabe presented me with a hand full of wild flowers.

  “Ooh!” A surprised voice squeaked from some place behind me. I turned around and saw Gertie peeking from around a corner. “Sorry! I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

  I laughed at her cute expression. “It’s okay, Gertie. Thank you, Gabe. So much.” I sniffed them and got a nose full of pollen. “They’re… ‘Ah choo!’ ” Several petals blew onto Gabe’s chest. “…so beautiful.” I could tell by the tiny noises behind me that Gertie was still lurking in the shadows. “Gertie? Would you mind putting these in a vase for me?”

  “Sure!” She happily skipped out from her hiding place and took the flowers. “Hello, Gabe.” She was blushing.

  “Hi. The bears, right?”

  “Yes. Thank you for saving me. I have to say, you and Kelly make the sweetest couple. Just look at the two of you! And you brought her handpicked flowers. You know, Kelly has been talking non-stop about you since she met you. Waiting for you to come by. Why, she even went all the way back to Chicago just to get that dress for—”

  “Oooh kay. That’s enough, Gertie.” I politely cut her off.

  “Don’t be embarrassed, Kelly. To be honest, I’ve been looking forward to this evening, too. It’s all I’ve thought about.”

  I waved my hand behind me, a silent hand signal for Gertie to shoo.

  “I better get these beautiful flowers…” She lost her train of thought as she sniffed the flowers. “Carefully handpicked by your very romantic boyfriend. Oh! I have something for you.” Gertie placed a small gray pouch in the palm of my hand. “We talked about this. You shouldn’t go out without taking some protection. Just in case Gabe isn’t prepared.”

  Gabe’s mouth hung open, lost for words. My eyes popped out. Gertie had absolutely no freaking idea how bad that sounded. I quickly put Gertie’s bear repellent powder in my purse and gave her my “Thanks, now beat it” look.

  “Come on, Gabe.” I took his arm and led him down the front steps, away from my goofy friend.

  On the way to his truck, Gabe chuckled. “Gertie sure seems to be putting the cart before the horse with us. I’m suddenly your boyfriend and we are heading off to have sex?” He laughed, but I didn’t think it sounded like such a bad combination, now that he mentioned it. I’d been watching my friends pair off with some of the studliest male specimens on the planet, and I’d been spending my nights with BOB—also known as my battery operated boyfriend. I looked at how Gabe’s shirt stretched across his broad chest and his strong arms. I sighed when I saw how his jeans hugged his fine ass.

  “Oh, all right, Gabe. If you insist.” I winked at him.

  “Sorry to disappoint you, but I made reservations at an actual restaurant in Muskrat City. It’s about twenty miles from here, but there’s more to do over there. We can see what movies are playing, or if there’s anything else that catches your eye.”

  “Muskrat City? You sure know how to treat a girl.” I was happy when Gabe laughed at my humor, just like I knew he would. I absolutely hate being around someone who takes every little joke as some sort of insult. So far Gabe and I were compatible in so many of the little ways that couples need to be. I’ve watched couples disintegrate over the little things tha
t started off as tiny issues that weren’t dealt with until they blew up into huge ordeals. Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.

  Gabe opened his truck’s passenger door. “I know all the best places. Next time, we’ll go to Mosquito Junction.” I took his hand and climbed up onto the seat. “Looks like we’re in for some stormy weather. We’ll have to keep an eye on it.” It was nice to have the time to ride together. We talked non-stop about each other, the area, and finally about the recent murders.

  “What do you think about these murders? I’ve heard rumors that it all had to do with some financial dealings the victims were involved in.”

  “Exactly what I’ve heard, but that’s just rumor. The police aren’t saying anything. Most of the town’s people will tell you Mr. Catania had them knocked off without batting an eyelash. People live in fear of that guy, but it’s his reputation. He’s a mystery to the locals. They’ve watched too many mobster movies and assume this Italian man from Chicago came up here to establish some sort of new mafia territory.”

  “I don’t know, Gabe. I have a great uncle who supposedly had some low-level mob connections years ago. From the stories I’ve heard, mobsters are very secretive. It would be completely unlike a mob boss to move out to some little town and take it over. Those guys don’t put a spotlight on themselves. It’s all about denial that the mob even exists. So, I’d say their fears are unfounded.”


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