Book Read Free


Page 14

by Karen Fenech

  “Until that deep breath, I thought you’d fallen asleep.” Burke’s voice came out of the darkness.

  “I’m enjoying the rain.”

  “Glad to hear it, but I’m getting sprayed,” Burke said with a laugh. He moved his arm from around her. “I’ll close the window.”

  “I’ll do it. I want one last breath of rain-scented air.”

  She left the warmth of the sheet and Burke’s body. The air had grown chill in the room, but Eve didn’t mind. At the window she inhaled once deeply, then regretfully closed the window.

  She returned to the bed. When she pressed up against him, Burke sucked in a breath.

  “You’re cold,” he said.

  But he brought her close against him. He kissed her softly, tenderly. His hand moved over her at the same unhurried pace as his lips and her body began to respond. She laughed.

  “Not the reaction I was going for.” Burke grinned.

  “Sorry, it’s not you. Five years with no sex and now I can’t get enough. Amazing.” She laughed again.

  Burke drew back. “Five years?”

  Eve’s cheeks heated. She shook her head. “I didn’t mean to blurt that out.” She blew out a deep breath and scrambled for a change of subject. “How about those Red Sox?”

  Burke frowned. “You haven’t been divorced for five years.”

  Eve felt mortified. “No. Three, actually.”

  She averted her eyes from Burke but felt the weight of his stare and his implied question.

  It had been so long since she’d spoken of her marriage. So much time had passed. Eve shrugged, though she was far from indifferent about the topic.

  “Some couples pull together in a tragedy,” she said. “When Emily died, Neil and I fell apart. We were both dealing with our grief over losing our daughter. Doing it separately. That was more my doing than his. When Emily died, a part of me died too. I lost interest in my life. That included my marriage and my husband. Neil moved out six months after Emily’s death. By then, we’d been living as strangers. I hardly noticed his absence.” Eve focused on the window, on the fat drops trickling down the glass. “Interest in Neil and our marriage weren’t the only things I no longer cared about. Nothing in my life mattered any more. And I was angry at everyone and everything.

  “After Emily died, I took several months off work. When I went back, I started making mistakes. One of them compromised an investigation. Word got around that I couldn’t be trusted to do the job anymore. My boss suggested to me that I quietly resign. I was mad at the world at that point and lashing out. I refused to go away quietly. I made an allegation that I was being forced out - harassed - and went to the review board. I was hurting and I wanted to hurt someone else. My boss was a good man and didn’t deserve what I brought down on him, and when it was over, of course, I had nothing to base my allegations on. I caused a scandal and was terminated. I had crashed and burned.”

  Burke’s lips brushed her hair. “You pulled yourself out of it.”

  “Richard was looking for a partner to develop cosmetics. I had never considered going into that line of work but I realized that I’d had enough of death and working with the dead. I wanted to use my skill to create something for the living. Emily, like most little girls, I guess, had always wanted to wear fragrance like adult women, but the products available for children brought on her breathing problems. The first fragrance I completed was a blend of scents that she would have been able to tolerate. It was a sweet scent, designed for young girls and I named the cologne ‘Emily’. We made it available to the public as a not-for-profit product so that it’s inexpensive and affordable at modest income levels.”

  Burke drew back and tipped back her chin so their eyes met. “I think Emily would be very proud of her mom.”

  Eve blinked back tears and smiled. Nothing he could have said would have been better than that.

  “Tell me about John Burke.”

  Burke fingered a strand of her hair. “I’d rather talk about you.”

  Eve rested her hands on his chest and gazed up at him. “How long have you worked for the CIA?”

  Burke held her gaze for a moment. “Actually,” he said carefully, “I work for a covert division of the CIA called the Shadow Agency.”

  “Shadow Agency?”

  “Made up of a small team of agents I hand picked.”

  “What do you do?”

  Burke hesitated then said quietly. “We specialize in chemical weapons terrorism.”

  Eve shook her head. “I had no idea chemical weapons had become such a threat.”

  “Most people don’t. If we do our job right, they never will.”


  He caressed her cheek then nuzzled her neck. “Now, enough talk.”

  Eve recognized that he would say no more about his work, and accepted that. The very name of his agency bespoke of secrecy. When he took her in his arms, she leaned into him. Burke kissed her as his cell phone rang. He drew out the kiss, then removed one arm from around her and retrieved the phone from the nightstand.

  He glanced at the screen then announced, “Lanski. Richard Patterson’s autopsy was today. I’ll put Lanski on Speaker.” He pressed the button. “Go ahead, Lanski.”

  “I have the results on Richard Patterson’s autopsy. Cause of death was the result of heart failure. Doc said Patterson’s heart just gave out. No foul play. It would have happened anywhere.”

  “Okay. Thanks.”

  Burke closed his phone. “We can now rule out that one of Richard’s associates decided to get rid of him.” Burke’s grip on the phone tightened. “Damn. I was hoping his death might give us a lead.”

  “We’re no closer to resolving this than we were three days ago,” Eve said.

  They lapsed into silence. In the quiet, Eve became aware of the bedside clock, ticking.

  Chapter Twelve

  Eve shifted in Burke’s arms. He kissed her temple and tightened his hold. It was still raining lightly. Night had fallen.

  “Use me,” Eve said softly in the darkness.


  “Use me,” she repeated. “Set me up to lure Richard’s buyer.”

  Moonlight coming in through the curtains provided enough light to see by. Burke rose onto an elbow, looming over her. “No.”

  “Listen to me, John. There is no other way. We’ve run out of options. You said you believe I’m innocent.”

  He stroked her cheek with his thumb. “I know you’re innocent.” He no longer had any doubt about that.

  “Then use me to prove it. Disclose my location.” Her words came out in a rush. “You believe the buyer wants me out of the picture, set me up. Let him know where he can find me.”

  Burke shook his head. “I won’t use you as bait.”

  “We have no choice.”

  “Yes, we do. I will continue to hunt for the buyer.”

  “Time is running out. We can’t stay here forever.”

  “You’re right we can’t. My office will issue a statement that Richard Patterson is dead and a bogus statement that you were cleared of all charges. Next we’ll go through the same venues Patterson did and offer the formula for sale. The buyer wants the formula and Patterson’s accomplice wants his portion from the sale. They will both make contact.”

  “That could take weeks or months.”

  “You’ll be in protective custody--”

  “With my life on hold. My plan--”

  “Your plan demands that you execute it alone. Without me. The thought of you in danger tears me apart. I won’t put you in danger myself.” He held her face between his palms. “I won’t risk you.”

  She reached up and grasped his hand at her cheek. “I’m already at risk. From our own government, I face imprisonment, at best, if Richard’s accomplice is not found. The man has covered himself so well we may never find him.”

  Her voice cracked. She closed her eyes. Burke could see her bringing herself back from the edge and his heart lurched.

  “I will find him.” Burke’s voice was harsh. “Finding the accomplice is not just a job to me, Eve.” And he was going to have to deal with that.

  She opened her eyes. Tears shone in them. She pressed her face against his throat and her arm wound around his waist in a death grip. Burke held her as tightly.

  “I won’t risk you,” he repeated.

  “I’m already at risk, John. Someone wants me dead. Do you really think a statement from your office clearing me will reassure the accomplice and buyer that I’m no longer a threat? I won’t be safe until they are found.”

  She was right. Burke closed his eyes briefly and came to a decision.

  Keeping one arm around Eve, he reached on the nightstand for his phone.

  “Lanski,” a sleepy voice said after the fourth ring.

  “It’s Burke. I need you to set the wheels in motion to smoke out the buyer. Put the word out that Dr. Collins has been cleared of all charges. Send a message through the channels Patterson was using. Mimic his means of making contact. Reveal that Richard Patterson is dead but the formula is available.” Burke’s voice tightened. “And I want you to leak where Dr. Collin’s can be found.” Burke gave Lanski the location of his cabin. “Do this right away, Lanski. We’re running out of time.

  “Got it,” Lanski said. “What about back up? How do you want to play this?”

  “No back-up. I’ll run this one solo. We can’t risk spooking this guy. We can’t blow this.”

  “I’ll get the word out immediately.”

  Burke ended the call and placed the phone slowly on the nightstand.

  “Now we wait?” Eve asked.

  Burke nodded. “Now we wait.”

  * * *

  They were having breakfast, both moving the food around on their plates, eating little of it, when Eve heard the buzz of a boat motor drawing near. Burke heard it as well. He dropped his fork onto the plate. His chair skidded back and he crossed the room to the window in the living room.

  Eve followed him. “What is it?”


  Burke swept his arm out, placing her behind him, but she’d taken in the scene outside and glimpsed the new arrival. An aluminum fishing boat was docking beside Burke’s own small vessel. A man was tying a rope to a pole on the dock. Fifties. Salt and pepper hair cropped military short. The man cut the engine and climbed onto the dock.

  Burke’s eyes remained narrowed on the newcomer. “Stay here while I greet our guest.”

  * * *

  Outside, Burke approached the dock and the man who stood hands on hips, eyeing the cabin in the bright sunlight. Burke’s service weapon was at his back, tucked into the waist of his jeans, covered by the loose T-shirt he wore.

  “Hello,” Burke called out.

  “Hello, there. Sorry to intrude. I didn’t realize I was short on gas when I set out this morning. I don’t have enough to get back. I was hoping you might have some to spare. I’d pay you of course.”

  Burke nodded. “I have a spare tank in the shed.”

  The man stepped off the dock and extended his hand. “Ted Sanderson.”

  Burke clasped his hand. “John Burke.”

  The two men fell into step. The ground was damp from the rainfall and a slight breeze carried the scents of dirt and worms. Mud sucked Burke’s shoes.

  “Pretty place,” Sanderson said.

  “I like it. Are you staying near here?”

  “No. Not much out this way. Just your place and one or two others great distances apart. Nothing for rent. I’m all the way on the other side of the lake at Salt Pines Cottages.”

  “You have come a distance,” Burke said.

  “I didn’t realize just how far. Set out early this morning. Thought I’d take in some fishing. I’m not much of a fisherman. Been a military man all my life and now find myself retired.” Sanderson shrugged. “The wife thought it would be a good idea if I got a hobby. Said I was driving her crazy being under foot all day. I thought I’d give fishing a try.”

  “How are you liking it?”

  Sanderson scowled. “Not so much. I didn’t have one bite and I ran out of gas.”

  Burke smiled at that. He reached the old wooden shed and swung the door open. Sunlight lit the interior and Burke didn’t bother with the bare bulb dangling from the low roof. He bent to retrieve the can of gas he kept under a small work bench, his muscles tense. If Sanderson were going to make a move to take him out, now would be the time. But Sanderson remained outside of the shed, with his back to Burke, seemingly taking in his surroundings. He faced Burke only when Burke left the shed.

  Back at Sanderson’s boat, Burke filled the tank. “That should get you back.”

  “Appreciate it.”

  Sanderson took out his wallet and extracted a twenty. Burke glimpsed a drivers’ license with a name that matched the one Sanderson had given him and a picture of a couple of teenagers flanking a woman about Sanderson’s own age.

  Sanderson took in a deep breath. “Nice and quiet here.”

  Burke kept his gaze on the other man. “No one around for miles.”

  Sanderson handed Burke the twenty then the older man got back into the boat. He untied the rope, yanked the engine cord and the motor roared to life. With a wave, Sanderson backed away from the dock.

  Burke watched Sanderson until his boat was a speck on the horizon, then he turned and went back to Eve.

  “Well?” She grasped his forearms.

  “Appears to be nothing more than a fisherman who ran out of gas.”

  But as he relayed that information, he pulled his cell phone from his pocket.

  “Yeah. Lanski,” Burke said an instant later. “I need you to ID an Edward Sanderson.” Burke recited the address on the drivers’ license. “I have a print.” At Eve’s frown, Burke held up Sanderson’s twenty. “I’ll be sending you a scan of it in the next couple minutes.

  * * *

  “Do you think Sanderson could be the man we’re looking for?” Eve asked.

  Only a few minutes had passed since Burke had sent the scan of Sanderson’s print to Lanski. Eve was wound tight, waiting for Lanski to call back with his findings.

  “No, I don’t. If he were the one, he came here to get the formula, and to take you out, he would not have left without getting his job done. I was hoping Sanderson would make a move on me in the shed. Try to neutralize me so he could get to you.” Burke blew out a breath ripe with frustration. “But he didn’t. I think he’s just what he said.”

  Burke’s cell phone rang. “It’s Lanski,” he said. He listened briefly than disconnected. “Sanderson is who he claims. Lanski ran him through our data bases. No red flags.” Burke rubbed the back of his neck. “I need some air. Feel like a walk?”

  Eve shook her head. “I’m going to make tea. Want a cup?”

  “Too hot for tea.”

  Eve went to the kitchen, filled the kettle then set it on the burner. As she lit the flame, her cell phone rang. Her phone was clipped to the waistband of the jeans she wore. She hadn’t had a call since this nightmare began and the ringing startled her.

  Eve flipped open the phone. “Hello?”


  It took an instant for the harried voice to register. “Matt?”

  “Eve, I know who the accomplice is. Tell me where you are and I’ll come and get you.”


  “Eve, where are you?”

  “I’m with Burke. Who is the accomplice, Matt?”

  “With Burke? Eve, is he near? Can he hear you?”

  “No. Matt--”

  “Listen to me, you have to get out of there. I will come and get you. Eve - you have to get away.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “The accomplice is Burke. Eve, it’s Burke. I know about the bomb at the cottage. I know about the insulin switch. He’s the one who’s trying to kill you.”

  Eve had felt euphoria that Matt might have identified the man they were after. “Matt it is
n’t Burke.”

  There was a long pause. “I’m sorry, love. I wish I were wrong. But he is not the man you think he is. He’s sold out to the highest bidder. He’s made two attempts on your life already. He’s had opportunity and he certainly has motive. Since he hasn’t killed you, he must think there are too many eyes on him at the moment. His people know that you’re under his protection and your death can’t look like his doing. He’s waiting for another chance to take you out when he won’t be implicated and when he thinks the time is right, he will strike. Burke will kill you, Eve. Make no mistake about that.”


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