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Wielder of the Flame

Page 41

by Nikolas Rex

  “This is incredible!” Mel said in a soft expiration of air.

  “Yes,” Drake was nodding his head, “This is perfect. Can you return to the full map of Lyrridia?”

  Marc did so in a matter of seconds. The ink of the map swirled and changed, rearranging itself. As soon as it finished, Drake quickly looked it over again until,

  “There,” he said, “Whiteholt, that is where Puck and I got separated. And here, one of the crystal shards just north of Whiteholt. Could you reposition the map again, this time so we can see this indicator of the crystal shard at a closer view?”

  “It won’t work,” Marc shook his head, “We’ve tried already. None of the crystal shards can be viewed closer.”

  “I do not know why, I just have a certain intuition about the matter, could you try again?”

  Marc shrugged and did so.

  To his surprise, and the others’ as well, the ink shifted and morphed into a scene depicting three dots, two were plain black ones, and one was a glowing light, showing that a crystal shard was there. The dots were moving quickly down the map, moving on a dirt road. Ink trees, stones, and grass blurred across the canvas at the motion. Under one of the dots was written ALDOM, STEED. Under the second it read, PUCK, SALVEND of ESSORIL.

  “Wow,” Marc voiced his astonishment, “It worked this time.”

  “And look,” Laura chimed in, “The light, it means he has one of the crystals on him.”

  “He must have been traveling with it the whole time!” Zildjin added.

  Sesuadra was nodding his head in agreement.

  Mel was still mystified by everything, she was still having trouble not bowing on the ground every now and then since Marc finally told her under no circumstance was she to do so in his presence.

  “He has a necklace his sister gave him,” Drake said, “A pendant hangs on a cord, and a black crystal shard lies within the pendant.”

  “So he has one,” Sesuadra finally spoke, “But does he know just how vital an item it is?”

  Drake shook his head, “I do not think so. We did not speak too frequently during our journeying together, but when we did, he made no mention of the pendant being special, or of the Oracle, or of anything of that nature. He was focused solely on finding out who was behind the kidnapping and threats to his family and friends. The pendant seemed, to me, to be more of a family memento, a good luck charm of sorts.”

  Drake spoke as if he found the notion ridiculous.

  “Good luck charms exists,” Zildjin leaned over and hissed defensively at the young boy.

  “We need to get to him quickly and tell him what the crystal means!” Laura said, brushing over Zildjin’s comment.

  “There is one last message from the Oracle for him,” Cydas agreed.

  “He is the first, and the last,” Marc said, trying to impress Laura with his knowledge of literary quotes.

  Laura did not, nor did anyone else seem to catch the quote.

  “I just mean,” Marc clarified, “He’s the first to have a crystal shard with him—” He paused, seeing if anyone would catch on, “—and the last person to join our group, before, you know, we travel to the Oracle?”

  They just nodded.

  Marc rolled his eyes.

  “We did say we would stay for a few days,” Sesuadra said, bringing up a good point.

  “True,” Marc agreed, “We could do that, right? We’ll watch Puck and the crystal, make sure it’s Whiteholt that he’s headed back to, then head out to meet him there.”

  Everyone nodded in agreement.


  The next day they had breakfast, or first meal, again in the manor with the Mayor and other important leaders of the town.

  As they were eating the Mayor stood up.

  “I would like to announce, after speaking with the rest of the town, we have decided to throw another celebration, this time in honor of the presence of the Wielder of the Flame here in our humble place. We shall make preparations and be ready within a fortnight’s time.”

  Marc raise a hand to get the Mayor’s attention, “Could it be possible to hold the celebration sooner?”

  The Mayor paused at the unexpected request.

  “But—” He didn’t know quite how to respond, “but it will not be nearly as grand without time enough to organize things and get ready.” He protested, “and we will have to stop construction on Drake’s memorial if we only have a short time to arrange the festivities.”

  Drake also made a motion and spoke, “That is another thing. I will be leaving with them as well.”

  The Mayor, though clearly usually a composed man of words, was again at a loss for them, “But,” He stammered, “but, you have to be here for its completion and dedication, we are making it for you, it is in your honor after all.”

  “I humbly apologize, Mayor, but this is a calling I cannot ignore. The Wielder of the Flame needs me on his quest. A great evil form long ago has returned and I must go and help defeat it.”

  The Mayor and the rest present, seemed disheartened by the news.

  “Mayor,” Cydas said, “We need to be on the road soon, it is of vital importance. I receive guidance from the Oracle herself, she has led me to find the Wielder of the Flame and these others who will play a part in this.”

  “The Oracle?” The Mayor sat down promptly, mystified, “It is true then, she still lives?”

  Cydas nodded.

  Marc was afraid they were overwhelming the Mayor and the others of Terga.

  “Mayor Hartshor,” He said, “All is well, we are happy to stay for a few days. We will help build Drake’s monument,”

  “We will?” Zildjin muttered.

  Sesuadra, who was sitting next to him, elbowed him in the ribs. Zildjin glared in a friendly manner but also massaged the point of impact.

  “as much as we can while we are here, and we ask nothing more than an evening of simple entertainment with food and drink for a celebration. You have already been more help than you think. We have found Drake, who will join our ranks here, and you have given us more than fine accommodations to rest our weary bodies.”

  Marc sat down.

  Laura leaned over and gently spoke to Marc, “You have spoken well.”

  “Thanks.” He smiled.

  The Mayor looked around the room at the other leaders trying to silently read their reactions and thoughts on the matter. Satisfied, he looked to Marc and replied, “All is well. We shall prepare for three days only then, and celebrate on the forth.”

  Marc nodded.

  “As the Wielder wills it,” The Mayor finished, “so shall it be done.”


  After the Mayor announced to the town the change of plans from yesterday’s statement, reassuring them by explaining everything that had been said that morning, everyone was content as well as excited.

  Marc had no experience with architecture or construction. In fact, the closest thing to hard work he had ever done in his life was working out at the gym. Most of his knowledge was technology based, which he quickly realized upon his arrival to Lyrridia, was not very applicable. Because of this he was interested to learn and to put to use the newfound physical strength he had been acquiring since Kolima. At first the townspeople refused to let Drake or Marc help because they claimed such menial labor was beneath people of such high status as the two heroes. But Marc insisted enough, bringing the Mayor into the conversation, to the point where the Master builder agreed to let them help.

  They all listened to the Master builder as he assigned tasks to each person. Marc, Zildjin, Sesuadra, Cydas, and Drake jumped up quickly and began to work hard with the other carpenters and builders, to complete the building. Marc could tell Zildjin was reluctant at first. However, after a short while, a large number of the town girls came to watch and Zildjin doubled his effort, swinging his hammer with his chin up and chest out. Marc laughed inwardly, letting only a small smile allude to his thought.

  Along with the girls below Marc spied Lau
ra and Mel standing close to each other whispering to each other and looking up at him, no, not just him, but Drake also. Drake seemed oblivious to the two girls’ stares but Marc was not.

  Without really thinking too much about what he was doing he slowly stripped off his shirt to reveal his trim, muscular but athletic build. He even impressed himself. Not bad for sixteen, he thought. It is hot too, he barely attempted to find an excuse, but he knew he was really just trying to impress Laura. He decided that he didn’t want to take it too far, like Zildjin, putting on a show. Instead he simply went back to work, just without his shirt on.

  I hope she’s looking.

  After what, to him, felt like fifteen minutes or so, he decided to finally take a peek. He saw the crowd of girls still gawking, but he could not find Laura or Mel. He continued searching until finally he spotted the two of them walking down one of the streets leading away from the town square, their backs to him. For a moment he was disappointed, but then Laura turned her head to look back at him. Their eyes met and she smiled shyly. He smiled back.

  “You scoundrel!” Zildjin’s voice suddenly came from over Marc’s shoulder, “I knew you had an eye for her,” He grinned.

  Marc grinned back, then shrugged, not denying it.


  Marc continued to track the crystal shard over the next few days. Its direction remained constant every time, downwards to Whiteholt.

  Finally the day arrived for the celebration.

  Terga was arrayed in a fashion similar to Kolima. Marc pictured it as a mini-Gathering. Lights had been strung up on thin rope from building to building, all throughout the town, lighting up the place in a magical way. There were flowers, decorations, and ornaments arrayed in beautiful displays. Tables had been set with food and drink a plenty. The people were abuzz with excitement once again, even more so than when they had set up for Drake’s celebration.

  “To begin our celebration tonight,” The Mayor announced, “We will open with a song and dance that is known mostly by all throughout Lyrridia. Everybody, grab a partner.”

  Marc immediately knew who he wanted to dance with, Laura. He turned to look at her, she returned his gaze with a shy smile.

  “Uhm—” He began, but froze.

  What if she doesn’t know how to dance? What if she does know how to dance but doesn’t want to dance? What if she does know and wants to dance, but doesn’t want to dance with me? Wait, I don’t know how to dance.

  A flurry of nervous thoughts assaulted his mind.

  He felt like he was back at a freshman dance, always a horrible experience for him to the few he attended.

  Just put your stupid hand out and say, “Do you want to dance?”

  He smiled, confident again.

  Wait, maybe that’s not how you’re supposed to ask a girl to dance here.

  Oh screw it!

  He reached out his arm, palm up, to Laura.

  “Uhm,” he tried again, “Laura, do you want to dance?”

  Laura first looked left, then right, then at his hand, “Well—” She stuttered. It seemed as if she wanted to take his hand but something was holding her back.

  I knew it, she doesn’t know how to dance… or she doesn’t want to dance with me. Yikes! He thought. No, that’s not it, just look at her, she’s beautiful, she’s into you! Just—try again!

  Suddenly Marc felt a hand on his shoulder, it was Zildjin.

  “Let me show you how it is done,” he said.

  Marc stepped back, a little flustered and sort of embarrassed.

  Zildjin positioned himself in front of Laura. Then, he bowed himself all the way down, putting one knee on the ground. He then placed both his hands on her right foot and remained still.

  Marc looked on at the odd spectacle.

  It was a little odd for Laura too, since she had never actually danced with boys, having grown up in the Order of the Leaf. But she knew the custom, and had watched men and women dance several times before, despite the trouble she had gotten in with the doyennes because of it.

  “I am sorry Marcus,” She looked at the boy she liked in a sort of apologetic way, “but I cannot refuse the first dance.”

  She leaned down and placed both of her hands on each side of Zildjin’s face, lifting him up with his help. Zildjin stood and they linked arms. Zildjin smiled, but after glimpsing Marc’s face, which was not a pleased look, he quickly changed his expression to one that in Marc’s mind translated to Sorry dude, I didn’t mean to steal your girl, I’ll give her right back, promise.

  When Laura looked away but Zildjin was still looking at Marc, Marc glared at him.

  “Well then! Let the music begin!” The Mayor said.

  The musicians on the small hand built stage near the center of the town began to play their instruments in an upbeat manner. They had carefully carved wooden containers with animal hide tightly stretched across them for drums, they also had flute like instruments and string instruments, one shaped like a harp, the others were held like lutes and one even like a guitar. Marc found himself slowly sort of guided to the sidelines as the dancers and their partners lined up to dance.

  With fun, joyful spirits that matched the happy tune and rhythm of the instruments, the men and women took turns dancing in simultaneous moves. It was like a story told through the actions of the dancers. First the men would move, their motions more firm and solid, then the women would reply with graceful twirls and soothing, flowing movements. Marc watched semi enviously as Zildjin and Laura danced and laughed. He knew Zildjin had only been trying to help but Marc wished to be next to Laura in the dance. Laura glanced over, her whole face bright with joy. She saw Marc standing there and she gestured for him to join.

  Marc shrugged.

  He looked around and saw Sesuadra wrapped up in some sort of book, like usual. Cydas was standing slightly off from the crowd, a mug in his hand, sipping it carefully. Mel and Drake were also standing off to the side along with some of the more elderly people who were just watching and clapping. Mel seemed to be waiting for Drake to ask her but Drake just kept slowly shaking his head and staring off.

  I can reenact what Zildjin did to ask Laura to dance. Marc thought confidently.

  He walked over to Mel and tapped her on the shoulder.

  She turned around and immediately lowered her head. No matter what Marc did she kept doing stuff like that.

  Well it’s my turn now. He thought with another inward smile.

  He bowed low to the ground, putting one knee on the ground, and touching her right foot on the toe of her shoe.

  “Wielder—I,” she tried.

  Marc figured she wanted to say, cannot dance with you, because of your greatness, so before she could finish he interrupted her with:

  “Cannot refuse the first dance,” Marc let his smile show, “That’s what I was planning on, c’mon!”

  He had no idea what to do but he was determined to dance with Laura and he was going to try his hardest to do so. He was awkward and Mel found it difficult to dance across from him. He struggled to keep up but was becoming more and more embarrassed.

  He stumbled and almost fell, but a pair of hands caught him at the last moment.

  It was Laura.

  “Let me help,” She smiled down at him.

  He looked up and smiled back. He could sense an almost electric power from her touch, magnetizing him to her, he was so drawn to her.

  He stood up and she touched his arms, slowly showing him the gestures.

  “Like this,” she said over the music, “And this.”

  They exchanged a long slow gaze into each other’s eyes.

  Suddenly the song came to an end and everyone was clapping.

  After the cheering died down a quiet fell over the crowd.

  “Another!” someone cried.

  “Yes quickly!” A second agreed.

  There was quiet again for a moment, and then one of the wooden flute-like instruments rang out with a mellower, but still spritely, simple melody.

  Marc had never heard anything like it in his whole life and he had listened to several hundred thousand songs before. It stirred his soul. He felt as if he had suddenly flown up high into the sky, so far that the stars were rushing past him. He was reminded of the emotions he had experienced in the vision with the Faeries and he was surprised that a simple tune could be so powerful to him. Everyone listened with anticipation as the notes rang for a few moments, then paused, followed again by the melody, as if to teach the crowd this is how the song will go. Then another pause. This time a second wooden instrument joined the first, augmenting the beauty of the tune. One couple began to dance, slowly, feeling the music. Then another, and more, quickly followed. They were all dancing in a line again, this time creating the movements of the dance as they went along, being a part in the creation of the music. The two instruments held a chord of notes and just at that moment a third instrument, this time one of the lutes, began to pluck away at its strings, then the other strings followed.

  Marc turned to Laura. They were both smiling. He saw the group beginning to create another line to dance and he decided he didn’t want to spend one of the most beautiful songs he had ever experienced looking like a fool while he tried to learn the impromptu dance. Instead he put his hand in hers and one around her waist. She looked confused at first, but then he said, “This is how we dance where I’m from.”

  He was silently grateful for the one time they had learned ballroom dance in Physical Education it was the only place he had really learned it.

  He began to dance with Laura, this time with a surety of his movements. He moved back and forth in rhythm with the music, guiding Laura with his hand at her waist and with his feet. She smelled nice, entrancingly so, mostly of vanilla. It was a wonderful aroma. He realized then he must have smelled heavily of the pungent tallow soap he used to scrub himself down the other day upon their arrival to Terga. Trying to put the thought from his mind he focused on the dance, and his closeness to Laura.


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