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Black Book: Black Star Security

Page 11

by Cynthia Rayne

  “Same here.” Lupita headed down the hall, leaving Mack alone again.

  And suddenly, as if her feet had minds of their own, Mack was near the side entrance. Surely, it wouldn’t hurt to go out there and have a look for Harold?

  After all, Lucy was already on the scene. Maybe she could use some backup? Mind made up, Mack headed out the door.

  Except she didn’t see Lucy anywhere.

  Or Harold.


  “Where the fuck is Mack?” Quinn asked Nox. “She isn’t answering me.”

  “Yeah, I can’t get her on the line either. And I don’t know where she is, I’ve got a blind spot. The last time I saw her, she was walking by the restroom.”

  “Look again.”

  There was a scratchy, static sound on the line. “I have a bird’s eye view of this place, and I don’t see her.” Nox let out a groan. “Lucy, do you have the target yet?”

  “No, I’m outside by the exit Harold used and he’s not here.”

  “What the fuck?” Quinn fisted his hand on the table. “You guys lost him.”

  “I believe it was a team effort,” Nox snapped. “Lucy, can you check the bathroom? I don’t have a visual on Mack.”

  “Yeah, I’m on it.”

  ‘This is all your fault,” Quinn growled. “You should’ve been watching her.”

  “Right back at you, asshole.”

  “Just give me a reason to—”

  “Oh my God,” Lucy screeched into the microphone, making Quinn wince. “Will you both shut the fuck up? Before I come over there and duct tape your mouths closed?”

  “Do you see her, Lucy?” Quinn asked, trying to cool his temper.

  “Negative.” Her voice was strained. “Guys, she’s gone.”


  “Why are you following me?”

  “I wasn’t,” Mack said quickly. “You were the one who grabbed me. Remember?”

  Mack was reeling.

  Harold had snuck up behind her on the street, caught her unaware. He patted her down, tossed her earpiece and cell phone, and the next thing she knew, Harold had shoved a gun into her back.

  And then he marshaled her into the park.

  “Don’t play games with me, girl, you won’t win.”

  Harold was older but no less distinguished. He had more silver hair mixed in with the blond. His eyes were still a bright, fierce blue. And he was impeccably dressed in a black suit, which emphasized his lean body. He might be pushing fifty-six, but Harold was still a handsome man. He looked the part of a Senator, right out of central casting.

  “First of all, I’m not a girl. And second? You sound paranoid.”

  “He told you, didn’t he?”

  The park was nearly empty, because the sun had set, and the temperature had cooled. She was chilly or maybe fear was making her shiver.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Mack wasn’t stupid enough to admit what she knew.

  “Yes, you do. How do you know Quinn?” He spun Mack around and pinned her against a statue. The marble felt like a sheet of ice against her back.

  “Quinn who?”

  “The man you were having dinner with.” His smile was nasty. “I spotted you, even in this ridiculous wig.” He snatched it off her head and tossed it in the grass.

  “I’d think you’d be paying more attention to your mistress.”

  Harold sneered. “Lupita’s lovely, isn’t she? And much younger than you.”

  If Harold thought Mack was jealous, he was crazier than she thought.

  She ignored the taunt. “I hear congratulations are in order. You’re running for Senator in Texas. That’s quite a step up from the FBI.”

  Harold lifted his chin. “Yes, well I’ve always had an illustrious career.”

  “And how’s your wife?” she snapped. “You know, the one you separated from.” Mack smirked. “No, wait, the one you’re in an open relationship with. I can’t keep all your lies straight.”

  “Mack, I’m sorry how things turned out between us, but—”

  “Don’t you dare insult me by apologizing.”

  “How am I insulting you by saying I’m sorry?”

  “Because we both know you’re not. And if you had the chance to do it all over again, you would make the same choice.”

  Mack knew she should be worried, concerned he’d shoot her, but she was too overcome by anger. She’d been wanting to confront the bastard forever, and this was her only opportunity.

  His eyes narrowed. “Would you have slept with me, if you knew I had no intention of leaving my wife?”

  “Of course not.”

  “Then I had to distort the facts.”

  “Also known as lying. And here’s a novel thought. Why didn’t you keep your dick in your pants?”

  “Keep your voice down.” He glanced around them. “Quinn used to be an agent of mine, but he’s paranoid. Delusional. I don’t know what he’s told you, but—”

  “Shut up. I won’t believe anything you tell me.”

  “Why, because he’s so reliable? He’s a thief, for God sake.”

  “Quinn’s twice the man you are.” How could I have fallen for this shallow, spineless piece of trash?

  His eyes rounded. “Oh, now, I see.”

  “Am I supposed to know what you mean. See what…?”

  “You’re falling for him. That’s your tragedy, Mack, you always love the wrong men.”

  His words stung. What if Harold was right?

  “You’re wrong.”

  “About what?”

  “I never loved you.”

  He flinched, and Mack got the distinct impression she’d hurt his feelings.

  “Yes, you did. Once.”

  She studied him. “What have you gotten yourself into, Harold?”

  His face sobered. “Like I said, Quinn snapped. He’s a fugitive.”

  “And what about Alan?”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Yes, you do. After I showed up in DC, you had him send an agent after me. You want the DNA, don’t you?”

  “You sound as crazy as he is.”

  “You’re the one holding me at gunpoint.”

  He smirked. “Come to think of it, we have a DC field agent who’s missing. Do you know anything about that?”

  Mack swallowed, but didn’t show any fear. She continued on, as if he hadn’t spoken.

  “So, the cartel doesn’t have you spring-cleaning before your senate run? I imagine they’d want what they paid for, a member of Congress with a squeaky-clean image they can use to further their agenda.”

  “You sound as insane as him.”

  But Harold wasn’t paying attention to her anymore. Instead, he was staring over her right shoulder. Suddenly, he grabbed her, flipping their positions, so her back was pressed against his chest, like a human shield. She could feel his gun pressing into her back.

  Quinn stepped into the light and she held her breath. Behind him, Lucy stood, clutching a pistol.

  Thank God, the cavalry has arrived.

  “Hello there, Quinn. Long time, no see.”

  A vein throbbed in Quinn’s forehead. “Let her go, Harold.”

  “In case you missed it? I have the upper hand here.” He wrapped a hand around Mack’s throat.

  A white line formed around Quinn’s mouth. “Nox, show Harold how wrong he is.”

  There was a thwacking noise and Harold’s hat jumped right off his head, tumbling to the ground. Harold bent her over with him as he leaned down to snatch it up, only to find a gaping hole in the front.

  Quinn smirked. “If you don’t let her go, Nox is gonna aim a couple inches lower next time.”

  Harold crouched lower behind her. “Quinn escaped from prison. You could all be charged with aiding and abetting a fugitive.”

  Lucy tossed her hair back. “Yeah, and you just abducted a woman and held her at gunpoint.”

  Harold and Quinn stared at one another. The tension was
thick in the air. For a second, Mack wondered if they might have a go at one another, right here in public.

  And she’d be smack dab in the center of a shootout.

  “This isn’t over, Quinn.” Harold shoved her forward into Quinn’s arms and then ran off into the night.

  “No, it isn’t!” Quinn called. “Not by a longshot.”

  Chapter 10

  “He could have killed you.” Quinn was furious, almost vibrating with fear and rage.

  How could Mackenzie have been so stupidly reckless?

  Lucy and Nox had already left, leaving the two of them in the park. They should be heading back to the rental unit, to talk strategy, do some damage control, but he couldn’t think straight.

  “I know.” And yet, she didn’t seem rattled. Not like he was.

  “You got lucky.”

  “Yes, I did.” She was agreeing with Quinn and somehow it aggravated him even more. He wanted to argue with her, so he could prove his point.

  No, Quinn wanted to touch her again. He viciously bit the inside of his cheek, but it didn’t stop the need. No, scratch that. Getting her off wouldn’t be enough this time. He needed to fuck her.

  Quinn had denied himself sex for far too long. Warmth pooled low in his stomach and then traveled to his extremities, a heated surge, he couldn’t deny. Not anymore. In his mind’s eye, he had her legs open, kneeling between them, licking her soft, sweet sex.

  He shivered at the onslaught of lust.

  “Quinn, are you okay?” Her voice sounded low, throaty. Evidently, she was affected too.

  One look at her face confirmed it. Her cheeks were flushed, lips parted, and it was all the provocation he needed.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.”

  “What are we gonna do?” She pushed a hand through her hair. “We need a new plan.”

  “We’ll discuss it later. Come on,” he said, wrapping an arm around her. “We’re going back to the apartment.”

  At least she didn’t argue.


  Quinn pushed Mackenzie against the wall as soon as they got in the door.

  He kissed her like a starving man, because he was. Quinn didn’t want to be so rough, needy, but he couldn’t help himself. Later he’d be gentle, tender with her. Right now, he was far too desperate.

  This time he wouldn’t, couldn’t stop.

  Mack parted her lips and his tongue pushed past the barrier. Quinn cupped her face in his hands, fucking her with his tongue, giving Mack a preview of things to come.

  With a groan, he broke contact, and then Quinn kissed his way down her throat, nipping Mack’s collarbones. He clasped her breasts, unraveling her wrap dress so he could palm them, squeezing the fleshy globes.

  She gasped, swaying against him.

  He pushed his hips against hers, letting Mack feel the weight of his erection, the aching throbbing need. So, many nights he’d laid awake in his bunk, rubbing himself, spilling his semen into his own hands. It had been so empty, hopeless.

  Maybe that’s why I’m so afraid. I’ve got somethin’ to lose.

  “Christ Mackenzie,” he panted, kneading her ass. “If you don’t want this, tell me now.”

  “I want you, Quinn,” she muttered between kisses. “Oh, God, how I want you.”

  “And what about your buddies?”

  “Dammit.” She sucked in a ragged breath.

  “Where would Storm hide the bug?”

  “He usually puts them in the lamps.”

  “Good to know.”

  They were both wearing too many clothes. Quinn released her long enough to throw his jacket to the floor, along with his necktie and shirt. He might’ve ripped a few buttons off in the process. Not that he gave a damn.

  His cock surged against his fly, eager to break free of its cloth prison. His boxers were damp, sticky with moisture. His cock was leaking pre-come, like he was some horny adolescent.

  And then he turned his attention to Mackenzie.

  He unwrapped her dress and she stood there in a black bra and matching panties. Quinn sucked in his breath, just staring at her, awestruck by the sight. He loved that she wasn’t self-conscious. She watched him, staring at her, arms at her sides, almost solemn.

  “You’re beautiful,” he breathed.

  “Thank you.”

  This felt like a dream, one of his fantasies come to life and he desperately hoped he wouldn’t wake to find himself in a cell once more.

  “Come with me.” He offered her his hand and she took it. Quinn led her into the bedroom and headed straight over to the lamp. He fiddled around with the base until he found the listening device. It was small, the size of a dime.

  “Have you got your ears on, Storm?” He spoke into it. “I just tagged you into the ring on this operation. You can eavesdrop on Harold and his lady friend tonight. Mackenzie and I are unavailable until dawn.”

  And then he headed into the bathroom and tossed the damn thing into the toilet. He gave it a flush and then got right back to business. She was waiting for him on the bed, all disheveled.

  “Those aren’t cheap, you know.”

  “Yeah? They can bill me.”

  She gave him a tiny smile.

  Quinn didn’t waste any more time.

  Once more they were on the bed, and she was beneath him. He needed Mackenzie so much, he was on the verge of shattering if he didn’t get inside her soon.

  “This isn’t gonna last long.” Even saying the words was humiliating. At one time he’d been a patient lover, able to prolong a woman’s pleasure, draw it out, make her orgasm again and again until he took his own release. Not tonight.

  “I don’t care.”

  Quinn undid the front clasp of her bra and gasped as her breasts spilled into his hands. He kissed the nipples, sucked them. Later, he’d lavish more attention on them, but he wanted something else even more.

  He needed the hot center of her, the wetness and heat holding his cock, drawing him in. He pushed her panties to one side. Quinn bent his head to worship, to taste her. She was drenched, so wet for him, her pussy lips glistened. She’d even left a wet spot on her panties, which was hot as fuck.

  Quinn was ravenous, couldn’t get enough of her sweetness. His breath was ragged, hips grinding against her. He dragged his pants down his legs, along with his boxers. His cock sprang free, stiff as a board, the sensitive head was dark as red wine. He gave it a stroke, groaning at the contact.

  She reached between their bodies and grasped his dick, encircling it with her fingers and he moaned, deep and low.

  “It’s time.” Unable to help himself anymore, Quinn ripped Mack’s panties apart, the thin cotton was no match for his strength. And then he pushed his cock into her.

  Quinn lunged into her again and again. She was tight, wet, clinging to his hard flesh. Quinn couldn’t stand it. Mackenzie’s lids were drowsy with desire. Her hair was spread on the pillow, mouth open.

  She was so fucking beautiful Quinn thought he might die.

  Quinn was shuddering, unable to hold himself back any longer. The need was overwhelming, all-consuming. With a grunt, he came violently, spasm after spasm, emptying himself into her again and again.

  At last, she was his.


  “I’m sorry.”

  “For what?” Mack still wasn’t thinking clearly.

  Everything felt fuzzy. Her sex throbbed in time with her heartbeat. She was shaking, and not from the cold. Quinn had left her on the verge of orgasm, aching with need, but it was bittersweet, a tease.

  Mack had just gotten back from the bathroom after cleaning herself up. His semen had leaked out of her, streaming down her thighs. Somehow, the sight of it excited her, as if Quinn had marked her in some primitive way.

  She hadn’t even remembered to ask about protection, but she was on the pill to control her period. And neither she nor Quinn had any partners for quite some time, so there wouldn’t be any lasting consequences.

  “You didn’t come.”

bsp; No, she didn’t, but Mack didn’t seem to mind, watching him come apart in her arms was devastating in its own way. Quinn’s desire had been overwhelming, mouth-watering to watch.

  “It’s okay, I’m—”

  “No, it ain’t okay.”

  The next thing she knew, Quinn had Mack on her back again with a hand between her legs.

  He slid his fingertips up and down her outer pussy lips, making her squirm for more contact. Quinn rubbed her clit with the palm of his hand, and the pressure felt so freaking good. He used a circular motion and her hips bumped against him, aching for more.

  “Oh, please,” she whimpered. “I’m almost there.”

  Frustratingly, he stopped. Instead, he used a single finger to tease the swollen, pouty flesh. All the while, he studied her face, drinking in her reaction.


  “Yes?” he drawled.

  “Touch me again.”

  “Like this?” Quinn edged another finger inside Mack, grazing her entrance, but not delving inside. She panted, yearning for two of his fingers plunging into her, going faster and faster.

  “No,” she whispered. “Why are you doing this?”

  “Because I want you to know I’ve got skills. I ain’t some two-pump chump.”

  “I never thought you were…oh!” Quinn toyed with her clit again, making her inner thighs shake as he rubbed with his thumb.

  Quinn knelt between her legs and propped her hips on a stack of pillows, so he could get at her. And then he bent to taste her.

  No, taste wasn’t the right word.

  Quinn consumed her, lapping at her sex, nibbling the lips, kissing her inner thighs, before delving deep, fucking her with his tongue. She could never anticipate his next move and the uncertainty was electric. Wetness leaked from her pussy, soaking the sheets beneath them.

  Mack slapped a hand over her mouth to keep from screaming.

  He chuckled, huffing against her skin.

  Smug bastard.

  Quinn used both his fingers and his mouth this time, pushing two inside her while he tongued her clit, gentle little flicks before he flattened his tongue against it.

  He was relentless in his pursuit until she was a quivering mess, sobbing beneath him. Mack thought she might be coming apart. Her hips jerked involuntarily, and she surged against his mouth.


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