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Punish Me, Please Me

Page 16

by Ashley Zacharias

  * * *

  Late in the evening, Father Luke returned to the little undercroft dungeon and found Mary waiting patiently for him.

  She smiled happily when she saw him and said, “Bless me, Father, for I have been celibate for a fortnight. Now I beg you to unlock my sex.” She reached down to grasp her hem and bunch up her skirt to expose the chastity belt that was still locked about her waist.

  Father Luke took the key from his pocket and played with it idly. “I was celibate for years.”

  Mary stared at the key with an intense, hungry look and did not answer. She did not know what she could say about his vow of celibacy. Or the fact that she had been instrumental in breaking it for him.

  “Maybe you would benefit from another two weeks of celibacy, Mary,” he said with a leer.

  She was taken aback. After a pause, she said, “On behalf of my husband, I beg you not to do that. I've been keeping him sated with my mouth morning and night for the last two weeks, but he is growing impatient for normal love. I dare not try to put him off a single day longer for fear that he will discover our secret. That would be disastrous for both of us.”

  The priest cringed at her use of the plural pronoun. She was clearly implying that she would expose him as a participant in these highly questionable activities if she were questioned. Still, he had to maintain his authority. It would not do for this woman to dictate terms to him. “So your main concern is for your husband's happiness, not your own?”

  “Yes, Father. I owe my husband the full use of my whole body, not just my tongue and lips.”

  “Very well. Then that is what you shall give him. Your sin was unnatural lust for your husband so the second half of your penance will be a surfeit of natural lust. As you have been satisfying him with your mouth twice a day for the past two weeks, so, for the next two weeks, you will satisfy him twice each day without using your mouth. Twice daily is the minimum. You should tell him explicitly that you want to make love to him as often as possible and tell him that you will welcome him between your legs as often as he is able penetrate you. Let him know that it is a private game and you want to win as high a score as possible. Do you think that he would like that?”

  She looked at the priest in shock and said nothing for a long moment. Then she whispered, “It's too much.”

  He smiled. “Every wife should love her husband too much.” To screw her further, he added another condition. “To make it clear that you are ready to take him into yourself at any time, you will wear only skirts and dresses. No pants or panties. Nothing that has to be removed to give him access. For two weeks, you have worn an impenetrable barrier between your legs. For the next two weeks, you will wear no barrier whatsoever.”

  She lowered her eyes and whispered, “Yes, Father.”

  “This will be good for your marriage. I have seldom seen a man in my congregation as happy as your husband during the past two weeks. God will be pleased to see his happiness continue.”

  “Yes, Father.”

  He offered her the key.

  She stepped forward but, before accepting it, whispered, “I began my period of celibacy with service to you. I should end it in the same way.”

  She sank to her knees and opened his cassock.

  As the priest had received service between Maria's breasts six hours earlier, it took a few extra minutes for Mary to coax his seed from him with her mouth. But, after two weeks of servicing her husband in this manner twice daily, Mary was now able to keep her mouth open wide for long periods without suffering undue discomfort.

  Practice makes perfect.

  Only after she had received his seed in her mouth and licked his shrinking member clean did she take the key and remove the hateful barrier to her sex from between her legs.

  As she stepped out of the belt, she laughed wryly. “One of the things that I most wanted at the end of my penance was to wear pants again. The chastity belt was too bulky to hide under anything but loose dresses. Now it looks like I'll be wearing those dresses for another two weeks anyway. If pantyhose is out of the question. I'm going to have to buy stay-ups to wear with my suits to mass.”

  The priest nodded gravely, waiting until she turned to the door before he let himself break into a happy grin.

  He would be fantasizing about Mary's naked sex when he watched her during his sermons.

  * * *

  Father Luke was disappointed that neither Mary nor Maria came to confession during the following week, but not surprised. Mary would not be ready to ask for another penance as she was still serving the two-week extension to her previous one that he had improvised. Maria would probably not come back until her bruises from the spiked leotard faded.

  Instead, on Friday, he was surprised by yet another sinner.

  After confessing her sins and being assigned the usual Hail Marys, Marilyn Esciu said, “For the sake of my soul, Father, I beg you to give me a physical penance. I require something more intense than Hail Marys to turn my thoughts to the correct path.”

  Again? Was every woman in this congregation going to cone to confession and beg to be tortured in some way? What kind of sickness was spreading through his parish?

  A sickness that gave him constant erections, apparently. The phrase, physical penance, alone was now sufficient to make him hard.

  “What did you have in mind?”

  Marilyn Esciu was a somewhat overweight woman in her mid-twenties. She was newly married – he had performed the ceremony himself less than a year ago – to a handsome young man who worked in construction. Father Luke was not particularly surprised when Marilyn replied, “Gluttony is a mortal sin, Father, and anyone can see that I have been committing that sin since I was wed. I try to eat in moderation, but always fail. I keep gaining weight rather than losing it.”

  That was true, Father Luke remembered her wedding dress – strapless with a corseted brocade waist that offered an amazing view of her cleavage – and doubted that she would fit into it again.

  She sounded like she was near tears when she added ,“Mortal sins are a serious matter. I need a serious penance to strengthen my resolve to change my ways.”

  “Obviously you have given this some thought.”

  “Yes, Father.”

  “So what do you think would be an appropriate penance?”

  “Fasting, of course.”

  Of course. Father Luke knew more than most about fasting; he had written a major essay about it when he was a seminarian. It could be medically dangerous for people with low body fat or if undertaken for so long that it deprived a person of necessary vitamins and minerals. However, Marilyn would not be damaged by missing a few meals. Throughout history, human beings, like other animals, had found themselves in situations where food was scarce. If they had been so fragile that they would be seriously damaged by moderate periods of food deprivation, the species would have died out long ago.

  There was a long tradition of fasting in the Catholic Church, though religious fasts seldom required total abstinence from food. The church preferred partial fasts that involved fewer meals of smaller portions than normal, such as Black Fasts that permitted a person bread and water only. People had carried much less body fat in the Middle Ages and total fasts would have been dangerous.

  There are numerous Biblical references that provide a theological basis for fasting. The best known is the forty days Jesus spent in the desert, but that is not the only one. Father Luke would have no problem suggesting a safe fast for a penitent.

  “How much weight do you want to lose?” he asked.

  “When I visited my doctor last week, she said that I should lose twenty pounds.”

  He judged that to be about right. Marilyn was a tall woman, overweight but not especially obese. Most of her excess weight was carried on her thighs and belly. And on her breasts. She sported the best-endowed chest in his congregation and he suspected that it was all Mother Nature. Marilyn did not seem the type of woman who would want implants. Combined, her magnificent
mammaries must weight at least fifteen pounds. Her husband was going to be sorely disappointed if she lost half the size of her breasts by fasting.

  Remembering the way she filled her wedding dress, Father Luke expected that she would keep her breasts and lose her excess weight elsewhere.

  So, if her doctor recommended twenty pounds, then twenty pounds it would be. “After mass tonight, go down to the undercroft and wait for me in the small room underneath the altar. I will explain your penance for gluttony at that time.”

  “Yes, Father.”

  “And do not eat anything from now until then. Drink only water.”

  “Yes, Father.”

  Marilyn was his last confession for the day and he followed her out of the confessional. He had some shopping to do so he took a hundred and fifty dollars from the poor box. He rationalized that this was no sin because the money would be spent in observance of religious piety.

  Gluttony was a mortal sin, after all.

  * * *

  Marilyn was waiting in the dungeon room as instructed. Father Luke entered carrying a large, heavy cardboard box. After depositing it on the table, he returned to lock the door.

  He spoke first. “What did you eat this evening?”

  She looked up at him and jutted her chin forward defiantly. “I was hungry. I wasn't prepared to begin fasting yet.”

  “What did you eat?”

  “I couldn't let my husband eat alone. I had already put the roast in the oven and couldn't let it go to waste. Waste is a sin.”

  “What did you eat?”

  “Roast beef, mashed potatoes, and cole slaw.” She looked at him with a slight rueful grin on her face. “And a spoonful of horseradish. Does that count, too?”

  “What else?”

  “A dish of ice cream. Cookie dough ice cream.”

  “What else?”

  “Nothing else.”

  “What else?” he insisted.

  “Well, a few crackers. With peanut butter. Just before I came here.”

  “What did you drink?”

  “Milk. I always drink milk with my crackers.”

  “What instructions did I give you?”

  “To drink only water.” She rushed to justify her disobedience. “But I was the one who asked for the fasting and I wasn't ready to begin yet. It was my idea so I should decide when to start. I needed to get myself prepared.”

  “The way to not waste food is to not prepare it in the first place. Putting food that you don't need into your stomach wastes it just as surely as putting it into a garbage can. You compounded your sin of gluttony with the sin of wastefulness. Now you have tripled your sin by adding disobedience to gluttony and wastefulness. Do you agree that there should be consequences for your sins?”

  “What kind of consequences?”

  “Painful consequences. Consequences that will discourage you from sinning again.”

  The woman dropped her eyes for the first time. “Yes, Father.”

  He unlocked a cabinet in the corner, removed a leather strap, and laid it on the table. It was the strap that Mary White had left with him five weeks earlier.

  Marilyn's eyes fixated on the leather strip and her jaw sagged to part her lips slightly. The purpose of the implement was obvious; shock was evident on her face.

  “Stand up.”

  She stood.

  He moved the chair so that the back was facing her, pressing against her ample stomach.

  “Lower your panties and raise your skirt to your waist.”

  Her hands were trembling, but she did as instructed.

  “Bend over and grab the seat of the chair with both hands.”

  She obeyed.

  He waled into her backside without mercy until she was screaming in pain and begging him to stop. But she did not let go of the seat chair. She stayed in place and took it. He must have given her a good three dozen strokes before he lowered the strap again. Her full white cheeks were burnished scarlet by the leather. She remained bent over the chair, limp and sobbing freely until he told her to stand again.

  She couldn’t look him in the face.

  He placed the strap back on the table and said, “Do not make me use that again or it will be worse for you.”

  She did not answer.

  He took bathroom scales from the box and set them on the floor in the corner. “Take off your clothes.”

  She stripped to her underwear. Her movements were slow and reluctant.

  “All of your clothes.” He kept his voice flat, fearful of revealing how eager he was to see her magnificent breasts. He had spent many hours in the pulpit looking down at her, fantasizing about this very moment.

  She wore an industrial-strength bra. When she reached behind her back and unhooked it, the huge cups fell forward, allowing her globes to fall into their natural position. She slipped the straps from her shoulders to reveal wonderful bright pink nipples and full, round areoles.

  Father Luke prayed that angels in heaven would be so endowed. It would make eternity a paradise indeed.

  She made no move to lower her panties. He let that pass without comment. Unlike her heavy-duty bra, the flimsy silk would add but a negligible amount to her weight. Besides, he had seen all that she had to offer between her legs when he had strapped her naked ass.

  “Step on the scales.”

  She was even less eager to step on the scales than she had been to present her naked ass for whipping or to strip off her clothes.

  He had to tell her again, “Step on the scales now or I'll have to give your behind another hiding.”

  She looked at the strap laying on the table, licked her lips nervously, then stepped on the scales. She knew how to operate electronic scales and tapped them on before mounting the platform.

  Father Luke took a little notebook from the box and jotted the number down.

  “You can get dressed now.”

  Her body jiggled as she pranced back to her clothes and threw them on as quickly as possible.

  “Your fast begins now. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Father,” she said contritely.

  “You can break your fast whenever you want.”

  Her expression brightened considerably. “Yes, Father,” she replied with a jaunty tone.

  “There's only one condition.”


  He took three cans of dog food from his box, a can opener, and a spoon. “You will break your fast the way a dog breaks its fast, with a dog's breakfast.”

  “What?” she almost shrieked.

  “The next thing that you eat will be one of these cans of dog food. They are quality low-fat medical food from a veterinarian. They are healthy and nutritious, though probably not delicious. At least, not for people. You will keep one of them in your purse along with the can opener and spoon at all times. Put the others with the food that you would normally eat in your kitchen. If you want a slice of roast beef or a bowl of ice cream, you can go right ahead as long as you eat a full can of dog food first.”

  “I will never eat dog food.”

  “That's how you know that you're not really hungry, merely peckish. A person who is really hungry will eat anything. Insects, rodents, maggots. Anything. All you have to do is look at that dog food and ask yourself if you are hungry enough to eat it. If the answer is no, then you are not nearly as hungry as you think. You don't have to look at clocks or calendars to know when you have fasted for long enough. Just look at the can. As long as there is still dog food in it, then you know that you are not starving to death no matter what you are feeling.”

  “I will starve to death before I put dog food in my mouth,” she replied.

  He opened one of the cans and pushed it across the table to her. “Smell that. It smells disgusting, right? I guarantee that you'll decide that it's the most delectable, mouth-watering smell in the world long before you starve to death.”

  She averted her face.

  He took the can away and replaced it with another unopened can
from his box. “I bought a case of two dozen. Don't worry about running out of dog food. If something happens to these three cans, I will replace them for you. Starting tomorrow morning, you'll come back here every day at nine o'clock sharp so that I can weigh you. As well, you will be ready to show me the can of dog food in your purse any time I ask to see it. I'm serious when I say that you will carry it with you at all times. Disobedience will incur a severe punishment in addition to the fast. Just remember. You can eat anything you want any time you want. The only condition is that you eat one can of dog food as an appetizer. You asked for a fast. I've granted your wish. And I've told you how you can end it any time you change your mind.” He could not contain his smile.

  “You have no idea how stubborn I am,” she snarled defiantly. “I mean it when I say that I will starve to death before I put a single spoonful of that shit in my mouth.”

  “I guess we're going to see which of us is the more stubborn, then. When you find your thoughts occupied with food, then get down on your knees and pray for forgiveness. That's what fasting is about. Turning your thoughts from your stomach up to God.”

  Her purse was capacious. She easily fit all three cans in it, along with the can opener and long-handled spoon.

  “I'll see you at nine tomorrow morning for your next weight check.”

  She did not reply.

  Unlike the other 'special penitents', Marilyn left without offering her mouth to his service.

  Maybe she feared that she would have to eat dog food before eating him.

  Not for the first time, he wished that one of the women would invite him to plumb the depths of their sex instead of their mouths. As good as the blowjobs felt, he was ready for something more.

  He understood how Mary's husband must have felt after she had been wearing her chastity belt for two weeks.

  * * *

  “Bless me Father, for I have sinned.”

  Father Luke's heart leaped with joy to hear Mary White's voice behind the confessional screen. He had not expected to hear from her yet. Her penance to make herself constantly available to her husband would not expire for another week.


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