Benched: Volumes 4-6 Boxed Set

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Benched: Volumes 4-6 Boxed Set Page 10

by Misha Horne

  “I know. I need discipline.”

  “You’re gonna get it, don’t worry.” Pinpricks of heat traveled down his arms as Juno stroked the insides of his wrists with his thumbs. “There’s nothing else I need to spank you for, is there, rook?”

  “Like what?”

  “Like what the hell were you doing in Mackey’s office?”

  That startled him. “How did you know?”

  “You think I’m not gonna hear about that?”

  “Who told you?” He hadn’t exactly been keeping it from him on purpose, but Juno had still been in the shower when Mackey let him go, so he just… hadn’t mentioned it. But, apparently, he’d gotten caught anyway. Which wasn’t an altogether unpleasant feeling.

  “Nobody told me,” Juno laughed. “Everybody told everybody. Don’t you pay attention? You’re big news.”


  “Mackey’s golden boy in a bar fight? You’re a celebrity. Just like you think you are.”

  “I’m not his golden boy. He hates me.”

  Juno snorted. “You’re so spoiled you don’t even know when you’re being spoiled. You think anybody else gets away with half the shit you do?”

  “I don’t get away with anything,” he argued, pouting he way he’d wanted to in Mackey’s office. “I’m on the bench half my life.”

  “You fuck with him on purpose. Since the beginning. Nobody else has the balls to do that. And they sure as hell don’t get why you do it. Or why he lets you.”

  “I don’t.”

  Juno let go of his wrists, making him feel oddly weightless before he started to rub his chest, practically petting him, skimming his palms over his nipples as Kyle arched up into his hands. “Yes, you do. You know you do. And you get off on it. And you also have this crazy little… something inside you that just makes people want to let you do whatever you want. Even Mackey, sometimes. Which is how you always manage to stay out of the trouble you deserve. And why you want it so much.”

  “You writing a paper on me? You’ve been thinking about this way too much.”

  “Maybe. Maybe just enough to make sure you get what you need.”

  “What do I need?”

  Juno raised his brows pointedly, but didn’t say anything, making him blush more than any words could have.

  “What were you doing in his office, rook? Besides getting hard?” Juno grabbed him roughly through the front of his jeans.

  “Nothing,” he whined. “I didn’t.”

  “You’re a terrible liar. Cute, though. You’re fun to watch.”

  “Fuck you.”

  “I know you’re not over him yet.”

  Kyle closed his eyes and groaned, covering his face with his hands. “I can’t help it. He just says things.”

  “What kind of things?” Juno asked him, rubbing his thumb along the length of his cock.

  “I don’t know. Don’t be a fucking idiot. Behave yourself. That kind of stuff.”

  Juno snorted. “Don’t be a fucking idiot? You’re impossible. You better never get arrested. You’ll cream yourself before they read you your rights.”

  “I don’t mean it. It just happens. I’m sorry.”

  Juno pulled his hands away from his face, laughing softly. “Hey. I’m just kidding. It’s okay. It’s a crush or whatever. It’ll go away. But, you’re not actually in trouble again, are you? Because that wouldn’t be good. For your season or your ass.”

  Kyle shook his head, half wishing he was, no matter how stupid that seemed. “No. He wanted to tell me Burkett was okay. So, I guess I’m not going to prison or anything. Which according to you, I’d probably like.”

  “You probably would,” Juno agreed, unzipping Kyle’s fly just far enough to slip two fingers inside and tease him through the front of his shorts.“I hear they spank very hard in prison. But that’s good news about Burkett. First step at getting back in the lineup.”

  “He said maybe next week.”

  “Next week? You’ve got to be kidding me. Jesus, you really are spoiled.”

  “Next week is a million years away.”

  “Next week is next week.”

  “Yeah, well. I think it depends on if my parents show up, anyway.”

  “Are your parents coming next week?

  “I don’t know. Maybe. I know they want to come soon. I think I kind of let Mackey think they were.”

  “So, maybe you should start answering the phone when they call.”

  “Maybe you should stop talking about my parents when you’re rubbing my cock.”

  Juno looked down, surprised, like he’d forgotten what his hand was doing.

  “Maybe you should stop being such a smart ass when you’re already in trouble.”

  The words swallowed him up, made his entire body feel like it was gasping for air. Christ, so far living together was pretty good.

  “Am I in trouble?” His voice came out so small, so ridiculous and needy. He wished he knew how to be patient, could play these games without pushing, without embarrassing himself. He was just so scared of it ending.

  Juno drew a slow hand down his chest, each finger leaving a trail of heat behind. “So much trouble. Skipping class? That is definitely not allowed.”

  “It’s just English. I already know how to read.”

  Juno smirked. “That’s not the point, is it, brat? The point is, skipping class gets you spanked.”

  “Since when?”

  “Since now. In fact, I think maybe from now on, I’ll spank you after every English class, just so you don’t forget.”

  “No way.”

  “Yeah. Bring you home, bend you over that desk and spank you while you do your homework. That might help it sink in, don’t you think? Might help you remember not to skip class.”

  “Fuck, that’s…”



  “Well, that because I went to my English classes.”

  Kyle laughed until he couldn’t catch his breath, he chest loosening, even as he struggled to breathe. “I like this. Being here.”

  “Me too.” Juno reached down, playing with his hair. “Wanna know a secret?”


  “I’m glad you skipped class.”

  “Even though you have to spank me?”


  “If you really do that homework thing, I’ll never skip class again.”

  “See how easy it is to train you to follow the rules?”

  “I’ll find another one to break.”

  “I know you will. Brat.”

  “You love when I’m a brat. It makes you hot.”

  “Mmm. You know what else makes me hot? Spanking you until you’re nice and pink, and then kissing you until you come.”

  Kyle shivered. “Kissing me where?”

  “Wherever it takes. I don’t have class until five. I’m pretty sure I can kiss every inch of you before then.”

  “Do you really have to go to class?”

  “One of us should get an education, don’t you think?”

  “But you could stay here just today. Just this one time.”

  “You’re such a bad influence,” Juno teased him.

  “No, I’m not. Never mind. Go to class.”

  Juno laughed. “That was a quick turnaround.”

  “Yeah, well. Mackey…” he stopped, half stunning himself that it appeared he’d actually listened. Was doing something he was supposed to.

  “Mackey what?”

  “He said if I was a bad influence on you, he’d cut me.”

  “He did.”


  “You guys had a hell of a chat, I guess. He say anything else?”

  “Just that he missed my ass. That he dreamed about using his paddle on me all night.”

  Juno looked stunned for a second before licking his lips and shaking his head as he looked down at him hungrily. “You’re a horrible little boy.”

  “Do something about it.”

; “I intend to.”

  Juno backed off the bed, grabbing him by the hands and pulling him up onto his feet.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Punishing you.” Juno steered him across the room with a hand between his shoulder blades. “Up against the wall, brat,” he ordered, giving him a shove. Kyle put his palms out to brace himself against the wall, his heart pounding. This was new. And terrifying. And hot as hell not to know what was coming.

  Still holding him in place, Juno’s right hand snaked around the front of his jeans, stroking his knuckles along his cock, just long enough to make him breathless before working his pants open and tugging them halfway down his thighs. Exposing him not completely, but enough to embarrass him. Enough to make the hot flush work down his shoulders as he stood facing the wall, his cock straining so hard against the front of his shorts that his eyes were actually watering.

  The soft breath against the back of his neck made him dizzy as Juno stood behind him, fencing him in, arms surrounding him like a cage, holding him against the wall without touching him. He needed more. Now. He hated being teased. Hated it. Hated it, no matter how his cock acted to the contrary. He pounded the heels of his palms against the wall in frustration until Juno grabbed them, lacing their fingers together as he layered his hands over Kyle’s, pressing them firmly to the wall.

  “Shh. I know. Calm down.”

  “Juno, stop. Stop teasing, please. I just want—”

  Juno pulled his hands away from his and smacked the back of one leg, hard. Kyle jumped, shrieking in surprise, stomping his feet, his body trying to work the sting loose.

  “It doesn’t matter what you want right now. I told you. You’re being punished.”


  He smacked the other thigh, and Kyle stamped his feet again, groaning, shoving his ass back, chasing the heat that was starting to build, the hot pulse that pounded through his head and his cock, that tinged everything red.

  “I bet you think you should just get whatever you want, don’t you?”

  He could feel his own blood rushing, pulsing furiously in his temples. “Yes.”

  “Because you’re spoiled,” Juno whispered, sliding his arms around his waist, playing with the waistband of his briefs, teasing his thumbs underneath to press against his hipbones. “So spoiled.”

  Kyle recognized the thick, heavy whisper, knew exactly how turned on Juno was, knew that right then, he could get anything he wanted. Which was a little bit of a mindbender, because fuck. He guessed he was spoiled.

  Juno slipped his hands lower, sliding one inside his underwear, wrapping it around his cock, and using the other to slide his shorts down, just far enough to tuck them under his ass, leaving his cock free and his bottom bare.

  He hung his head, let the shame wash over him, felt the warm hum of humiliation fill his cock until it was heavy and throbbing and wet. Part of him missed the security of being held, but apparently, this did the trick too. He was embarrassed as hell and hard as fuck.

  Juno closed his mouth over his ear, dragging his teeth along the ridge so slowly that Kyle was sure his body was breaking down, his circulation slowing to a crawl, his fingertips going numb and his head buzzing. Finally Juno pulled his mouth away with a soft pop that sounded like a kiss, and gave him what he’d been waiting for.

  “Kyle Kelley, you have been such a bad boy.”

  His mouth dropped open, then clamped shut as the words claimed him, rocked him, tore his brain apart, pieces flying everywhere. He loved this, lived for it— how had he never known how much he needed it? How did it take him over so quickly and completely?

  “What am I going to do with you, rook?”

  “Punish me. You have to punish me.”

  “Do I? Maybe I should just make you stand here all day and think about what a bad boy you’ve been. Is that what I should do?”

  He knew he was playing with him, teasing, but still his gut clenched as he shook his head. “No. Please, no.”

  “What do you think I should do then? Go on. Tell me what you want.”

  He thought he’d swallow his tongue a dozen times before he got the words out, his voice cracking and crying, not sounding at all like the screaming, demanding voice in his head. “Spank me. Please. I’ve been bad. I’ve been so bad.”

  “You know you repeat yourself when you get nervous?”

  “I’m not nervous.”

  “You should be.”

  He moaned, leaning forward, pressing his forehead against the wall, the cool surface sending a chill through him.

  Juno rubbed his hands across both cheeks, not as softly as he’d expected, his long fingers playing over the curves, squeezing and pinching. “This is mine, rook. Only for me. Just me.”

  He whined, pushing back into the touch.

  Two hard slaps across the center of his ass had him raising up on his toes and gasping for air, the pain vibrating through him as he moaned, letting the force rock him forward.

  “Not kidding, Kyle.”

  “I know.”

  “Stick your bottom out.”

  “Juno,” he whined. But it was really just a whisper. His voice was too embarrassed to come out. One day, Juno was going to make him come with just one sentence. Probably one a lot like that.

  “Do it,” Juno said. But he was already doing it for him, putting his hand back between his shoulders, pressing and pulling and spreading, repositioning him with his ass on display. His fingers dipped and lingered between Kyle’s legs, brushing the back of his balls as he ran the other hand up his back, sliding his fingers into his hair.

  “Fuck, you look hot like this. Showing off your ass for me. But you’re so red, rook,” he whispered, like he was sharing a secret as he dropped kisses down the side of his face. “Your shoulders and your neck and your ears. Your whole body’s blushing. Are you embarrassed?”

  He nodded, in a kind of addictive agony, Juno’s fingers tugging at his hair as he moved his head.

  “You looked like this the first time. You remember that? On the couch?”

  Kyle groaned. It was seared in his mind like his own name, no chance he would ever forget. “Why do you ask me that? I remember everything you’ve every done to me.”

  Juno ignored him, stroking his ass, scratching his scalp, petting and playing.“You were so fucking sweet that night. Everything made you so nervous. But you screamed like a porn star when I slapped your ass.”

  “No way.”

  “Yes, you did. If my neighbors weren’t all ninety, someone would have called the cops. You came so hard. Just from getting spanked.”

  He nodded. It hadn’t just been that, though. It had been being touched at all. Being touched by Juno. Being understood and taken care of, really taken care of, for the first time.

  “I want you to come like that again. All over this fucking wall while I spank you. Understand?”

  He moaned, he stomach flipping and his cock swelling for no good reason he could come up with.

  “Jesus Christ.” His voice shook so much he choked on it. “Why?”

  “Because I said so. I’m gonna spank you right here.” Juno slapped his right cheek lightly, catching the bottom curve on the upswing, so Kyle could feel himself bounce. “And right here,” he continued, slapping the left cheek the same way. “Until these baby pink cheeks are bright red. Until your knees buckle, and you come right where you stand, and I know you’ve learned your lesson.”

  Kyle sighed deeply, embarrassingly content. “I never got in this kind of trouble for skipping class before.”

  “You skip a lot of classes?”

  “Sometimes. In high school mostly.”

  “And you never got the spanking you deserved, huh?”

  “I wish. I wish I knew you then.”

  “You know me now. You tell me all the bad things you’ve ever done, I’ll spank you for every one of them.”

  He shivered at the thought.“Will you pretend I’m in high school?”

  Juno laughed. �
�What’s the difference?”

  “I don’t know. Seems different. Seems dirtier.”

  “We’ll pretend whatever you want. But right now, you’re gonna stop talking. Just take a breath and stick that ass back out. Take your punishment like a good boy, okay?”

  He nodded, he thought, but couldn’t be sure. He wanted to stop talking, just feel the pain and nothing else. It was listening that was hard to give up. He loved the words, loved everything Juno said, loved the voice that wrapped around him, held him safe and close and let him be whatever he needed to be.

  And today, he was a naughty boy who needed to stick his bottom out and take his punishment.

  Displaying his ass made him rock hard, but nothing like what happened when Juno wrapped his left arm around his waist, holding him tight as he stroked his cheeks in preparation.

  “Oh, fuck yes.”

  Juno responded to him immediately, tightening his grip a little, digging his short nails into his side. “You like that, rook?”

  “God yes. Please don’t let go.”


  It didn’t take long after that. Juno’s hard arm across his front, holding him, and his broad hand spanking the same fleshy spots over and over as his ass bounced and his balls swung. He winced, panting, mouth open and dry, whimpers vibrating to the top of his throat, the roof of his mouth, before disappearing. Cries fading into nothingness as he bowed his head, pushed against the wall, arching his back and offering his ass up for more.

  It wasn’t especially hard, he didn’t think, but Juno’s palm snapped across the bottom curve of his ass, where it hurt the most, where he could take the most, painful and playful all at once. A sharp, steady, back and forth, an easy rhythm that he could track and arch into however he liked, giving and taking exactly what he wanted. His mind chased the shame and the pain until they finally twisted together and took him somewhere else, somewhere so good, where he was allowed to be bad. It was all he needed, felt like it was all he would ever need.

  Opening his eyes, he could see his cock glistening as he looked down, the tip beading with precome, teasing the air just inches from the wall. Fuck. This wasn’t real. It couldn’t be real. No one lived like this. No one did these things. No one felt this good. It couldn’t be possible.

  He groaned as he absorbed the slap he knew would send him over the edge, shoving away from the wall to watch himself splatter and drip, cum clinging to the wall like some crazy abstract painting, just as dirty and humiliating as he thought it would be.


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