Benched: Volumes 4-6 Boxed Set

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Benched: Volumes 4-6 Boxed Set Page 11

by Misha Horne

  His knees didn’t buckle, but his legs shook, his whole body trembled as Juno slipped both arms around him, held him tighter, kissing his shoulder as they breathed together and he fell back into his body.

  “That’s so gross,” Kyle finally muttered, not sure if he meant it, but it sure as fuck seemed embarrassing.

  “No way. That’s hot as fuck.”

  “You’re so weird.”

  “You’re the one who just came all over the wall.”

  “Do you want me to wipe it off?”

  Juno kissed the top of his head. “You do realize the only thing you ever offer to clean is your own cum.”

  “What’s that gonna do to the paint?”

  “I have no idea. You wanna go to Home Depot and ask somebody?”

  “No.” He pulled loose after a bit of a struggle, reaching out to rest his hand on Juno’s fly. “I want to blow you.”

  “That sounds like more fun than Home Depot.”

  “And I want you to lean up against that wall while I do. Right there. Put your ass on that spot.”

  Juno raised his eyebrows, lips twitching at the corners. “Really.”

  “Yeah. Hurry up. Before it dries. I want you to feel it on you.”

  “I’ve felt it on me.”

  “Not on your ass. Not with your cock in my mouth. Not that way.”

  “No, not that way.”

  “Do it. Please? Do it.”

  He didn’t really have to say please, because Juno never turned him down. But considering what he was asking for this time, it seemed like the polite thing to do.

  If Juno was freaked out, he didn’t let on. He seemed to take it for what it was, kind of curiosity, kind of a dare. Not the kind of thing he turned down anyway.

  “Alright. Whatever you want, rook.”

  “Then, do it. Take your clothes off.”

  Juno undressed quickly, stripping off his clothes in a hurry, just like he’d asked. Kyle watched his cock sway as he backed up, looking behind him once before bending his knees slightly and leaning his ass back against the wall. Exactly the way he’d asked.

  “This would be a lot more comfortable if you’d aimed a little higher.”

  “How’s it feel?”

  “Kind of cold. Wet. Sticky.”

  “Is it weird?”

  Juno shrugged. “It’s always a little weird with you, rook. But, it’s kinda cool, I guess. Having you on me.”

  “I think you’re just saying that. But I don’t care.”

  “Okay.” Juno smiled at him oddly. “Is there something specific I’m supposed to be feeling?”

  “Yeah. Like you have to do what I want.”

  “Don’t I always do what you want?”

  “Yeah, but… I get to do what I want, too. Like, if I want to come on you for real, jerk off on your ass, I can, you know. I’m going to.”

  Juno smirked. “Would this be you asserting your dominance? Because it’s fucking adorable.”

  Kyle closed the distance between them quickly, hesitating for a second once he stood in front of him, bodies touching, cocks slapping against each other lightly as he leaned in. It was strange with Juno slightly crouched that way, making them the same height as he forced his tongue inside his mouth, kissing him hard enough to bang his head back against the wall. Strange and scary and exciting.

  “Say you want me to suck your cock,” Kyle demanded when he pulled away.

  Juno stared at him like he’d lost his mind, licking his lips, blinking furiously as he cleared his throat. “I want you to suck my cock.”

  He nodded. “Good. Now call me a dirty little rookie boy.”

  Juno’s chest rose and fell quickly, and Kyle could practically feel his pulse pounding in the air between them as he licked his lips again.

  “Suck my cock, you dirty little rookie boy.” The words were soft, raw, strangled, like it was almost too much for him. So perfect they made Kyle hard as he bent to kiss his lips again, then his chin and his neck, drinking him in as he ate him up.

  He listened to Juno’s soft, rapid breathing as he licked a trail across his chest from one nipple to the other, biting until the growls of pleasure turned into growls of warning, and then licking and sucking until the whimpers came. Then he worked his way lower, kissing down his stomach and finally sinking to his knees, burying his face in the crook of his thigh, drowning in the salty, soapy, spicy scent that was so specifically Juno.

  Juno’s thighs bulged from the way he leaned back against the wall, his leg muscles flexing in a way that was almost hostile. Kyle lazily stroked his fingers through the dark blonde hair around the base of his cock, teasing the underside of his shaft with his thumb. Finally, he pulled back, almost regretfully— almost— and licked slowly across the head of his cock, tenderly lapping at the slit with the tip of his tongue until Juno groaned.

  “Jesus, rook. Fuck. You’ve been watching too much porn.”

  “Nope. I’ve been watching you. And you tease me like crazy. And it feels. So. Good.” He laid soft, sucking kisses down the side of his cock between words.

  He brought his hands back up to Juno’s thighs, gripping them tightly as he gave his cock a long lick from base to tip. It was impossible not to think about the length, how he’d taken it so hard and deep the day before. How it had felt inside him, filling him… He rocked his hips as he took the tip into his mouth, swallowing the sweet, dripping precome, his own cock swelling at the familiar, unfamiliar taste.

  There wasn’t much about yesterday he hadn’t been thinking about over and over and over again. But Juno’s cock in his mouth, tasting his warm, smooth skin, licking and sucking and pulling the cum from him in the salty sweet rush that covered his tongue, that was right near the top of the list. The first time, he’d been rushed, and nearly out of his mind for half a dozen reasons— hung over and nervous and in a hurry. But there was none of that now.

  Now, he could be as slow and careful as he wanted, drawing it out and making him wait until he begged. Kyle’s hands wandered over his thighs, his hips, his stomach, and he sucked softly, firmly, drawing him in inch by slow inch. Halfway down before sliding his mouth back up to the tip and starting over.

  “Tease. Fucking tease.”

  He moaned when Juno finally reached down, threading a hand through his hair, tugging, punishing, pulling him closer. He sucked harder, hungrier, spit dripping down his chin as he reached around behind himself to rub a hand across his ass, the skin warm and tight, the sting sharp and fresh. He groaned around Juno’s cock, pulling a matching sound from deep in his throat.

  A second later, Juno’s cock went rigid along with his body and Kyle swallowed again and again as the hot, sticky stream shot down his throat. Shuddered as Juno yanked him by the hair, holding him close until he finished, then released him with a whimper as his entire body relaxed completely.

  “I love making you come,” Kyle said, wiping his mouth with the heel of his hand.

  Juno groaned as he pushed himself away from the wall. “You’re pretty good at it.”

  “I’m very good at it.”

  “Fine. You’re very good at it.”

  “How good?”

  “You’re a natural,” Juno teased him, reaching down and cupping his jaw in one hand. “Any time you want to suck my cock, even if you’re gonna be bossy and weird about it, be my guest.”

  “You liked it.”

  “Who’s arguing?”

  “I can’t believe you really sound like that when you come.”

  “I can’t believe you have to mention it every time.”

  “Your parents must have thought you were hiding a puppy in the bathroom when you started jerking off.”

  Juno laughed so hard his eyes were watering as he pulled Kyle up onto his feet. “Let’s make an official rule about no mentioning parents when cocks are out.”


  “Now get on the bed.”

  Kyle stumbled the few steps, then dropped heavily onto the mattress, suddenly e
xhausted, his head weighing a thousand pounds and his limbs made of taffy.

  Juno dropped down behind him, cupping one ass cheek in his hand, licking and sucking the other with a sloppy kiss.

  “It doesn’t count if you mark me with a hickey,” Kyle mumbled. “Not on my ass.”


  Juno kissed his way slowly up his back, his body covering him like a blanket. His weight was hard and heavy and comfortable on top of him, and Kyle struggled to keep his eyes open as soft lips made their way across his shoulders. Jesus. His shoulders. Who would have thought he could be relaxed that way, broken down so quickly with kisses on his spine.

  He sighed heavily, nestled his body deeper into the bed, the mattress cradling him underneath as Juno smothered him on top, and closed his eyes just for a second, losing himself in the comfort and safety of being treated so goddamn tenderly.

  * * *

  When Kyle rolled over and opened his eyes again, he was disoriented. It took a second to realize where he was, another to determine from the light sliding past the window instead of coming through and blinding him that it was late afternoon, and a third to tell that he was alone— not just in bed, altogether. He was good at recognizing the lifeless quality of an empty house, and it was all around him. He really didn’t like being left alone.

  Yawning, he sat up and reached for his phone, stretching and swearing because the nightstand was just too far away. And forgot about all of that when he saw the key. A tarnished gold thing lying next to a folded square of paper covered in Juno’s sharp precise handwriting. A note so short it barely existed, but it was clear enough. Yours.

  He grabbed the paper from the nightstand in a ridiculous attempt to… what? Feel Juno’s fingers on it? Smell him in the ink? Jesus. He rolled his eyes at himself. One day he’d grow up, probably. Today he was getting lightheaded from a word on a piece of paper that he couldn’t seem to stop reading.

  The key was the lightweight cheap kind that worked in cheap locks that were probably fifty years old. Like the house and everything in it. For a while, it had seemed strange— the house and the furniture and the neighborhood. But, after while he’d gotten used to it. Started to like it. It suited Juno, he guessed. It was calm and quiet and comforting, so whatever the reason was for him to live way off campus this way, he didn’t mind. And now he was part of it.

  He squeezed the key in his hand and picked up his phone.

  As soon as he turned it on, he saw yet another missed call from home. They were in the double digits now. They really wanted to talk. Fuck.

  Going without his phone had been a pain in the ass, even for just a couple of days. Funny how unbalanced he’d felt without the weight in his front pocket. But he’d liked the silence. He’d liked being cut off from everyone, liked not having to answer or avoid the calls that came every fucking day, asking about his team and his coach and his stats and whether or not he had a girlfriend yet.

  But, the sooner they came, the sooner Mackey would put him back in the lineup, and it wasn’t like he was going to take him back out once he put him in. And if he asked, really worked his magic and manipulated the hell out of his parents, he might even get them here sooner than next week. Maybe the weekend. Hell, maybe Wednesday. Maybe he wouldn’t have to miss a damn game at all.

  The idea was enough to make him shove all the thoughts about explaining where he was living and who he was or wasn’t dating out of his mind. One problem at a time. The fact that it made his stomach flip to call his own fucking parents was enough of a problem to start.

  * * *

  “The prodigal son returns my calls. It’s a miracle.”

  Yep. Kyle rolled his eyes. It was starting about like he’d expected.

  “Yeah, sorry. I lost my phone.” He could hear practice in the background, felt nostalgic for a minute for high school and easy workouts that didn’t leave him aching and pissed off. But just for a minute.

  “You didn’t have any dirty pictures on it, did you?”

  “Jesus, Dad.”

  “I’m serious. We just had that happen here at the school. Some really upset parents.”

  “I don’t keep dirty pictures on my phone.” Although that didn’t sound like the worst thing to carry around with him.

  “Good. Smart. You can’t be too careful. That kind of thing doesn’t look good.” His dad paused, covering the phone, shouting at someone to pick up the pace. “So, you didn’t get get any of those messages?”

  “No. Sorry. Did you guys decide when you’re coming? Because this week would be great.”

  “Well, little change of plans there.”

  His gut took a dive, right into the shallow end of an empty pool. “What do you mean?”

  “You remember Tobey Jessup? He was a junior when you were a freshman, I think.”

  “The catcher.”

  “Yeah, right, that was him. Hell of an arm, remember? Pick off move like a gold glover.”

  “Okay.” He wasn’t sure where this was headed yet, but he knew what little change of plans meant, and he wished he’d just get on with it.

  “Right. Well, his family moved, you remember, but now they moved back. His little brother’s a junior now. Now, if you think Tobey had an arm, this kid is unreal. And so fast. I’m talking about the kind of kid that can turn a season around, you know? By himself. But he needs some coaching.”


  “So, we’re gonna have to postpone for awhile. Just until I see if he can make a difference. You understand, right?”

  “I mean…” Kyle turned over onto his back, trying to figure out how to fix something he knew there was no chance of fixing. “Yeah, I get it, but my coach thinks you’re coming. I told him you were coming because you told me you were coming.”

  “Well, he’ll understand. He’s a coach. I’ve got priorities here right now.”

  “They weren’t priorities last week. You were all set to scrap the season.”

  “Things change. You know that. You understand that.”

  “Stop telling me what I understand. I know what I understand.”

  “You’re not upset are you? I really didn’t think you’d mind since you don’t seem to be playing every day.”

  A chill crept up the back of his neck. “How do you know when I’m playing?”

  “Well, you don’t tell us anything. So your mother reads the school paper. Online. You’re not always in the lineup.”

  “You’re spying on me?”

  “Jesus, Kyle, what the hell’s the matter with you? This isn’t a soap opera. No one’s spying on you. But we are investing in you, and I do expect an update now and then. You should be playing more.”

  “Dad, I’m a freshman. Freshmen don’t play every day. It’s just not like that.” That was kind of true.

  “You played every day here.”

  “That’s totally different. That’s high school. And you made the lineup!”

  “And I put the best guys in it. If you’re not getting in the lineup every day…”


  “Maybe you don’t belong there. If you’re still playing up to the level you were here, you should be playing every day there. So, either you’re slipping, or your coach doesn’t know what he’s doing.”

  “He knows what he’s doing.” Defending Mackey came automatically. Which was ridiculous, considering, but there it was.

  “Then I guess it’s you. They’re probably not training you right. Are you spending too much time on the track?”


  “Are you sure? Because you always wanted to spend way too much time there. You know you can’t afford to wear yourself out off the field. Stats aren’t kept during practice. You know that.”

  “I know. But… that’s not the kind of… I’m not that kind of player anymore.”

  “What kind of player?”

  “It’s not just about me.”

  “Who’s it about, then?”

  “Forget it.”

  “Is thi
s about a girl? Because, I can understand that. I was in college—”

  “No, dad. Jesus.”

  “Then what’s it about? You’re there to play ball, Kyle. That’s why we sent you there. I’m just trying to help you.”

  “I know.”

  “What you probably need to do is sit down with your coach and make him understand how valuable you are. Make sure he knows that if they’re not committed to you, you don’t need to be committed to them. We can move you to another school. Tell him that.”

  “I don’t want to move to another school!”

  “Well, they don’t need to know that. We just want them to treat you the way you deserve. You’re not like everybody else.”

  He snorted. “Yeah. I know.”

  “If you want me to call and talk to him—”

  “No. It’s fine. I’ll take care of it. You just… take care of your own team. I get it.”

  “See? I knew you would.”

  * * *

  Kyle bit the inside of his mouth, one side and then the other. This was not how it was supposed to work. He was so sick of being needy, so sick of not getting what he wanted, just so sick of fucking everything that he hardly recognized himself anymore. The stupid part was, he should have been happy. He should have been thrilled they weren’t coming. He didn’t have to explain anything or hide anything, or listen to his dad’s clueless bullshit. All thanks to some fast, incredible, difference maker who was in the lineup every day. Who could turn a team around. All by himself.

  He wondered how much of that he even would have heard a year ago. Or a month ago. If he really would have walked into Mackey’s office and threatened to jump ship if he didn’t put him back in the lineup. He knew the answer. Because he was still tempted to do it.

  It was all so goddamn ridiculous. He just wanted to play fucking baseball. Just wanted to be the fastest and the best and for everyone to treat him that way, the way they used to, and stop jerking him around. He didn’t want to hear about some stupid junior phenom, and he was really sick of getting told he was slow.

  A huge part of him wanted to crawl back under the blankets and stay there until Juno came home. Tell him what his dad had said and how much it pissed him off, and let him fix everything— with his hands and his mouth and the way he always knew exactly what to say to calm him down.


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