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Wild Seduction

Page 8

by Daire St. Denis

  Okay, so much for being inconspicuous. Ash squeezed between two tables and made her way to the outer edges of the gymnasium, taking photos as she went, only returning when the lights were dimmed for the slide show, telling the history of the school and town.

  “Where’s Jasmine?” Ash asked, noticing Jasmine’s seat was empty.

  “Someone called.”

  “Was it Parker?”

  Colton shrugged.

  Jasmine still hadn’t returned when the slides from their graduating class came up. Out of the five slides, two included Jasmine, one of which was from prom. Jazz and Curtis Bellamy, dancing together after being crowned King and Queen.

  The image triggered a memory followed closely by an unsettled squishy something in her stomach...

  Jasmine reapplying lip gloss in the mirror after insisting Ashley accompany her to the bathroom.

  “C’mon, Ash,” Jasmine said after smacking her freshly glossed lips. “Who is he?”

  “Who’s who?”

  “You know. The guy you’ve been watching all night.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “C’mon. Is it Bret Evans? No? Simon Murphy?” She turned from the mirror to face Ashley, squinting at her. “Why won’t you tell me?”

  She remembered hesitating, but then thinking, if she couldn’t tell her best friend, who could she tell? “Curtis,” she’d said, still able to recall the blush creeping into her cheeks. “It’s Curtis Bellamy.”

  Half an hour later, it wasn’t Ashley dancing with Curtis, it was Jasmine.

  “Why aren’t you in any of those pictures?” Colton asked.

  Because I’m invisible, Ashley thought to herself.

  To Colton, however, she said, “Even back then, I took the pictures.”

  “Work, work, work, huh?”

  She shook her head. “No. I just prefer to be behind the lens, that’s all.”

  Colton watched her for a moment before lifting her hand from her lap and squeezing. It was the most natural thing in the world.

  And yet, it wasn’t. By the end of the night, she’d be breaking up with him, and then, stranger still, she’d be taking her clothes off for him, for payment.

  God. She was practically prostituting herself for a lie.

  So why did holding Colton’s hand feel so good?

  When Jasmine returned, Ash reluctantly pulled her hand from Colton’s to turn to her friend. Jasmine’s expression appeared serious and...upset?

  “Is everything okay?” Ashley asked.

  Jazz glanced up and plastered a smile on her face. “Yeah, fine.”

  “You just missed the pictures. There was one of you and Curtis.”

  “Curtis Bellamy?” A glow returned to Jasmine’s eyes. She glanced around at the tables in their vicinity. “Is he here?”

  “I haven’t seen him.”

  “Too bad.”

  As far as Ashley knew, Curtis still worked for Colton’s brother on their ranch. He’d always been the quiet, introverted type, which was probably why she’d been drawn to him in high school. Not that she had any feelings for him one way or the other anymore; after seeing him and Jasmine together that night she’d banished all romantic notions completely.

  A twang of a guitar and random drumroll interrupted her thoughts. The band, a local group called the Haymakers, were warming up to start the dance portion of the evening, and Ashley realized that her fake relationship with Colton Cross would soon be coming to an end.

  Jasmine nudged Ashley. “You two going to dance?”

  “I should probably take some pictures first, maybe later.”

  Jasmine reached across Ashley and tapped Colton’s forearm, “Do you want to help me get this party started?”

  Colton glanced at Ashley, as if asking permission, which was weird because he could do whatever the hell he wanted.

  “Do you mind?” Jazz asked her.

  Ashley shook her head slowly. “Of course not.” She watched them make their way to the dance floor, just as the band launched into their first song, and a tingling began at the base of her throat.

  Ashley grabbed her camera and followed the two toward the dance floor where other couples were also congregating. There was no reason to feel upset. Jasmine was engaged. Colton wasn’t Curtis, and this wasn’t high school.

  However, from the moment the music started, Colton spun Jasmine around in and out between the other dancers, creating a spectacle. She took a few pictures but was distracted by something hot and uncomfortable milling about in the pit of her stomach.

  Ash focused the lens and depressed the shutter. However, viewing the dance through the lens was too familiar. Old resentment mixed with new, and an acrid cloud of bitterness surrounded her, filling her lungs like a poisonous gas and making it impossible to breathe. Had looking through the lens brought everything back? The fact that this was the very same gymnasium where Jazz had danced with Curtis right after her confession. The fact that, just like that night, she was on the sidelines, taking pictures, completely invisible.

  While Jazz scooped her guy.

  Not that Colton was her guy.

  Slowly, she lowered the camera. Then she removed the strap from around her neck and returned to the table to put the camera in the bag. With her shoulders back, she strode out to the dance floor and tapped Jasmine on the shoulder. “Can I cut in?”

  “Oh.” Jasmine stopped mid-two-step. “Of course.”

  Ashley moved in front of Colton and extended her hand, which thankfully he took. “I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Of course not.” He smiled down at her.

  She tried to take a step in time to the music, but he wasn’t moving.

  “You know I’m supposed to lead, right?”

  “Of course.”

  “You sure? Because I get the feeling like you want to lead.”

  “I know how to dance, Colton,” she growled, but not because she was upset. More because it was fun to bicker with him.


  After a smug look, he tightened his grip on her and started to dance. Holy hell. Colton was a good dancer. No, scratch that. He was a great dancer; he held her lightly and yet directed her body with authority, moving her this way and that, spinning her so fast her little skirt flew up to dangerous heights.

  It was marvelous and made her think of one thing only.

  If Colton was this good on the dance floor, what the hell would he be like in bed?

  * * *

  DANCING WITH ASHLEY was like dancing with air. Most women had a hard time when he moved so quickly. Not Ashley. She moved as if she was an extension of his body; the slightest pressure on her waist or on her hand and she moved the way he wanted her. So he turned her faster, making her skirt spin out so high he was tempted to see what was underneath.

  After the third song, she was laughing in a gasping out-of-breath way—which was adorable—but not quite as adorable as the way she collapsed against his chest after the song ended.

  “Damn. That was fun.”

  “It was.” She tilted her head to look up at him, her face flushed, her eyes full of life. How could he ever have thought she was plain?

  She was anything but plain.

  Without thinking, he cupped her jaw as he bent down to her level. “Here’s hoping we have fun all night long.”

  He waited for her to tug away, but instead, she gazed up at him with that smile. The secretive one. Colton liked that smile. He liked it a whole helluva lot. There was promise in that smile, and he’d take promise over nothing at all.

  “And remember—” she patted his chest “—I need to break up with you before the night is over.”

  Shit. He’d forgotten about that part. Seemed a shame, somehow. “Why do
you have to break up with me?”

  “If you break up with me, people will feel sorry for me.” She feigned a pout. “Aww, poor Ashley. Always a bridesmaid, never a bride.” Shaking her head, she said, “No, thank you.”

  “Is that what you think?”


  “That you’re always overlooked?”

  This time she threw her head back and laughed. “It’s not what I think, it’s what I know.”

  She said it so matter-of-factly it made Colton realize how very much she believed it. Worse, how he’d probably contributed to that set of beliefs.

  “C’mon.” She tugged his hand. “Let’s go back to the table.”

  But the band had started playing a slow song, and he held her in place. “Let’s dance one more.”

  A little wrinkle formed between her brows, but when he pulled her into his arms, she entered willingly. God, she felt good as he held her. Smelled good, too, citrusy and sweet. With Colton’s one arm snug around her waist and the other hand on her bare back, Ashley had nowhere to put her hands except around his neck.

  In heels, she came to just below his chin, and he had to admit, he liked the height advantage. He liked the way she had to look up at him. Liked the way her slight body swayed against his.

  Really liked the press of her breasts against his chest.

  “So, how should we do it?” she asked, nibbling on her lower lip.

  “Well, after you take your clothes off, I’m thinking I’m going to lick you from your toes all the way up to your mouth and then head south again, settling somewhere in the middle.”

  She blinked, her fingernails digging into his shoulders. Wetting her lips, she said, “I mean the breakup.”

  “Oh, I’ll leave that up to you. I’m too focused on the after-party.”

  “Is sex the only thing you think about?” If she meant to sound condescending, it didn’t come off that way. It could have been because her hands slid from his shoulders, down his back and were now holding tight to his ass.

  “Only when I’m around you.” There was more truth to that statement than she would likely believe. But he didn’t care. And if she thought she was allowed to get a handful of ass without reciprocation, then she hadn’t learned anything about him yet.

  Fair’s fair.


  THE HAND THAT had been resting on Ashley’s bare back now slid down the flouncy fabric covering her butt. Despite all the material in the skirt, she could feel Colton’s strong hand grasping her flesh through the springy underskirt of her dress.


  She itched for him to slide his hands right up under her skirt, to settle his palm over the satin of her panties, to pluck away the elastic circling her leg and move underneath. Touching her.

  All she’d been able to think about, all day, was having sex with Colton. Tonight. Her one and only chance.

  Oh, she’d played it cool at the bar last night, a magnificent performance, but seeing him in his suit, an appreciative gleam in his dark eyes, just enough stubble across his strong jaw to be stylish and sexy...where was the cocky cowboy now?

  Colton was all cool sophistication, the kind of man who would catch her eye at a party—except she’d never have the nerve to approach someone like him.

  Now, here she was, dancing with him—more like grinding with him—as if it was the most natural thing in the world. So strange.

  “Hey,” she said softly, tilting her head back to meet his gaze. “I was thinking...”

  Colton’s eyes were hooded, and his mouth appeared so warm and inviting and...close. She went up on tiptoes and kissed him.

  One of his hands left her ass to tangle into the hair at the back of her head, and his other hand clutched her butt even tighter.

  “I was thinking the very same thing,” he whispered. “Let’s go.”

  Ashley blinked up at him, her body still swaying to the country ballad, her hands roaming just as much as his were in a way that was barely decent for a dance floor.

  Colton’s nostrils flared as he drew a deep breath.

  It was like he’d made a decision behind those half-shuttered lids because he removed her hand from his ass and tugged her toward their table, instructing her to gather their things.

  She didn’t object. Couldn’t object because she seriously could not get out of there fast enough, and once she had her wrap, clutch and camera bag, she found herself dragged toward the exit doors.

  However, when they were a few yards away from the door, Brandi stepped out of a crowd of people, stopping them.

  “Hey, Brandi,” Ashley said, still breathless from the dance, although she really shouldn’t have been, considering the last one had been slow.

  “Ash.” Her sister’s gaze flicked to Colton. “Where are you two going? Aren’t you supposed to be taking pictures tonight?”


  Ashley tugged her hand from his, playing with the strap of her camera bag, feeling sheepish.

  “Nope,” came a voice from behind them. Ash turned. Jasmine was there, grinning. She unhooked the camera strap from Ashley’s shoulder and slid it over her own arm. “I’m taking pictures for the rest of the evening. Ashley hasn’t had any time off, and if these two don’t get some alone time, poor Colton is going to burst.” She winked.

  Ash smothered a laugh.

  “That might be a slight exaggeration,” Colton replied, though by the quirk of his month, he wasn’t offended by her comment.

  Brandi made a sort of humph sound before opening the door and making a show of ushering them through but not before Ashley hugged her friend, whispering, “Thanks,” in Jasmine’s ear.

  “No problem,” she replied. “Go have fun. You deserve it.” She gave Colton a finger wave, to which he nodded in return.

  * * *

  “COME ON.” HE TOOK Ashley’s hand again, it was so small and warm and felt so good. He wondered how it’d feel wrapped around him. Touching him. Not like she’d touched him during the massage, but the way she’d been touching him out on the dance floor.

  He didn’t drop her hand again until he got to the truck, to open the door for her and help her up to her seat. Anything to hurry up this process.

  “Thanks,” she said softly.

  Once he was behind the wheel, he turned to her, noticing how she was perched primly on the other side of the bench seat. “Come closer.”

  She didn’t move. Instead, she said softly, “You didn’t have to do that, you know.”

  “Do what?”

  “You don’t have to pretend when there’s no one around to pretend for.”

  He hadn’t started the truck yet, so the cab was dark, leaving Colton to guess the expression on Ashley’s face, but her uncertain tone said it all.

  “Come here.”

  Her silence dragged on too long, and Colton was done waiting. He slid over, reached across the empty space, wrapped his hand around her back and hauled her close.

  “Hey,” he said, brushing her shoulder. “If you don’t want to do this, just say the word.”

  His fingers followed a delicate cord in her neck up to her jawline. From there he stroked her cheek, up over her cheekbone and down again to touch her lips.

  Though it had all been quite unconscious, his touch softened the firm line of her mouth until it fell open as he made a second pass, her tongue darting out to lick his fingers. Sweet and sexy. That’s what she was. Oh, and occasionally bossy and abrasive.

  Colton leaned down, touching his lips to her open mouth, and, without warning, her hands came up around his neck, pulling him tight and kissing him.

  Softly at first. Then...



  Her mouth was hot and wet and tasted of red wine. She lifted herself up
so she was half on his lap, her bare leg twining around his, and Colton finally found his way beneath that short skirt, stroking her hip and the lovely globe of her ass through her soft, satiny panties.

  “What are we doing?” she asked, breathlessly against his mouth.

  “My guess? We’re not breaking up tonight.” He licked across her lips while his fingers played with the elastic band of her panties.

  “Shit!” She pulled back. “I totally forgot.”

  “Does it really matter?”

  She hovered above him for a moment. “Maybe not.” And then her hand was on his fly, rubbing just like she’d done in the bar.

  He groaned. “Please, tell me you’re not just teasing me,” he whispered in her ear before tilting her head so he could suck on a sweet, tender spot just below her ear.

  “I haven’t decided yet.” Her fingers curled around his belt, holding on tight.

  “You are going to kill me, you know that?” Colton gazed up at this woman who was as unexpectedly exciting as she was passionate.


  He took her mouth, again. Hard.

  She had to know how much he wanted her. All night he’d been able to think of little else besides getting Ashley alone. In the trailer. Seeing her for the first time. Touching her for the first time. Kissing her, tasting her skin.

  How it would feel to slide himself right up inside of her, how it would feel to have her move and writhe beneath him like she’d done when they were wrestling.

  Her kiss seemed to indicate she knew.

  Oh, and the hand stroking his cheek? Surely that was an indication of her desire for him, too.

  Then there was the hand that rubbed his cock through the material of his pants.

  Yes, she knew. She had to know.

  “Ash,” he moaned, on the verge of unzipping himself and taking her right here in the high school parking lot.

  She sucked in a deep breath and moved off him to sit beside him. Her head lolled against his shoulder while her hand lay covering his rock-hard erection.

  “C’mon, cowboy. Let’s go.”

  * * *

  CRAZY-ASSED NERVES fired up inside Ashley as Colton fit the key into the lock and opened the door to the trailer. She’d been this close to giving the man a blow job in the truck. Seriously. That’s how much she wanted him.


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