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Accidental Daddy (The Single Brothers Book 3)

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by Stephanie Brother

  Accidental Daddy


  Stephanie Brother

  © 2017 Stephanie Brother

  All Rights Reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locations is purely coincidental. The characters are all productions of the author's imagination.

  Please note that this work is intended only for adults over the age of 18 and all characters represented as 18 or over.

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  Accident Daddy is a 30,000 word novella, suitable for 18+ readers.

  About Accidental Daddy…

  I never wanted to be a I'm left holding a baby!

  Six months ago, my ex-wife said that she wanted a baby, so I wanted out of our marriage.

  When I saw her back in town, strolling into a fertility clinic, I had to find out what she was up to. I'm no James Bond, but I followed her into the clinic and sat in the waiting room.

  I was too distracted to pay attention to the annoying girl next to me who wouldn't stop talking.

  She announced that she needed to go to the bathroom and I was relieved that she was leaving my side, besides it had nothing to do with me.

  When my ex-came out of the doctor's office, I jumped up and followed. Until the nurse called me and said I'd forgotten something.

  I looked back and realized that she was talking about a baby.

  The girl`s baby.

  Not mine.

  The nurse accused me of being with the girl, just because she saw us talking. I made a snap decision...I picked it up and took it home. Now, I’m a daddy by accident, and I have to find the girl, to return her baby. I didn’t want one with my ex, and I certainly don’t want one with a stranger...or do I?

  Author's Note:

  Dan is Noah's best friend from the novella, Single Daddy. Book 1 doesn't have to be read to enjoy Book 3. They are all standalone novellas. This novella is short and steamy with enough sexiness for you to enjoy.

  Chapter One


  My work came tumbling down from the time I admitted that I wasn’t ready for and that was a baby. We’d just gotten married and she wanted us to commit to a date to start trying for a baby. We'd been living together five years before we got married and the topic had never come up. Until, we went on honeymoon and she fucking ruined it by talking about a baby. I froze. My once ever ready cock became dead. It was as if it’d automatically turned off and no amount of batteries was going to get it back up again.

  That was when things started to go bad for us.

  I smiled, put on a face on honeymoon, trying to distract her with the sea, sand and trying to have sex, but I fucking couldn't. Every single time, we were just about to do it, she would smile and say, ‘This could be it!'

  I knew what 'it' meant. She meant that we could conceive right now. And my cock wouldn't go up, but only down. It was as if she had a knack of putting me off every time, just by mentioning it. At one stage, it was so bad that I thought that she was doing it on purpose. Trying to stop me from entering her sweet pussy, which always prevented me from coming. Sex had never been like that before. I'd dismissed in the past when others had said that marriage ruins everything. I thought that was them. Not me. We had everything and Laila was so fucking sexy, I couldn't imagine not wanting her all the time.

  But her demands didn’t stop the moment we came back home. If anything, they got worse. She gave me a week, which turned into a month. A date just to say when we would start trying. I tried to get her to forget it. I even went as far as buying a dog, and I couldn’t stand them. I was fucking happy, when it worked for a little while. But then a couple of weeks later she was on my case again.

  I stayed silent.

  I thought that she would forget it. No, I fucking wished she would, but then I realized that I was kidding myself, especially when she walked out of the door and took the dog too.

  I miss that little fellow.

  The crazy part was I didn't miss Laila. I just missed being alone. I went off the rails, drinking too much, not wanting to sleep at night in a cold bed and before I knew it I was crunching the numbers at work, the wrong way. The balance sheets were over inflated and I wasn't paying attention. But, my boss was and it didn't take long for them to sack me and for me to add another thing to the list.

  Now, I’d lost my wife, dog, and employment status. I should be happy. I was free and I had the whole world as my oyster.

  So, what was I doing?

  The last few months, I had been going to work later and later every single day. Ever since I'd been terminated, I'd been getting up on time. Going to work, but just sitting outside. I would go to Starbucks for coffee in the morning and sit on the park bench. Repeat the same thing lunch time, but get one of their salads, as if I was on a diet and then in the afternoon get another coffee and night time would consist of drinking alone at home, it was fucking cheaper.

  I'd been doing that for three weeks now. No sense of change, that was until today. Today everything was different as I saw Laila walking on by.

  It was as if the light had come on at the end of a tunnel. Laila walked past me. She didn’t even recognize me. I didn’t look good with my overgrown beard that was no longer clean shaven and my eyes hid underneath all the hair that had taken over not only my face, but head too. I used to laugh at guy’s who wore their hair long. I used to think of them as wannabe rock stars. In my case it wasn't even a wannabe rock star look, more of a hobo look.

  Fuck! No wonder the firm sacked me.

  No longer did I feel like eating the tuna salad that was in front of me. The sounds of other professionals around me.



  Gossiping faded away as I started to stalk Laila.

  I’d thought that she left town. It was as if seeing her meant that maybe she was back in town and there was some chance for us. Something that I didn’t think was possible since she left six months ago, but now seeing her. The same long flowing blonde hair, half-tied up and the same sparkling blue eyes, I wondered if for the first time in six months that fate was smiling down at me.

  She said that she was going to move as far away from me as possible and find a man that wanted the same things that she wanted. A man that could put a ring on her finger and commit to her, not half-heartedly, but completely.

  I watched as she walked into the St. Teresa Clinic. Curiosity got the better of me as I followed her. I knew that she didn’t recognize me and some part of me was relieved about that. She had no reason to suspect that her ex-husband was competing for a part in Hobo’s in Texas a new TV show. There wasn’t such a show, but I knew that if there was, then I would win a part, hands down. Sometimes I didn’t sit on the same bench, I would sit on a different bench. Just to break up the day.

  I watched as she gave her details. I wanted to ask what the fuck she was doing there. But I didn’t. I stared. I watched from a safe distance as I sat at the back of the waiting room. Time was on my hands. It’s not as if I had anything else to do.

  “Is this chair free?”

  This young girl asked me as she held onto her baby seat.
r />   I nodded my head, thinking that she could see that there were empty seats. Not just the one next to me, but a few rows in front. I didn’t get why she had to sit next to me.

  I looked creepy and as I lifted my arm. I thought about the last time I bathed and knew that it wasn’t this week. Fuck, it was probably on the weekend and it was Wednesday.

  “Do you know what time it is?”

  I turned to face her. The dark-haired girl was pretty, young and she had an innocence about her, one that made me wonder if that was her child or maybe her baby brother.

  “It’s one-thirty,” I said to her and then she seemed distracted as her eyes darted to the baby and then the bathroom.

  “Do you mind looking after him while I go to the bathroom?”

  I shrugged wondering why she would ask me to look after her baby. There was a couple, even a couple of women with what looked like their moms. I was the worst person to ask, but I nodded. “Sure.”

  Thinking that she must have asked, because she knew that I wouldn’t leave the reception. Then the strangest thing happened, Laila got up and left. I didn’t hear her name being called out, but I didn’t know whether she’d gone through or left the clinic. My eyes were fixated on the shadow of the young girl that had left her baby with me. I wanted her to come out of the bathroom, so I could find out where Laila had gone.

  Fuck it!

  I ran up to the receptionist as if my life depended on it and left the baby by the chair.

  “Laila Hunter, did she get called in?”

  The receptionist looked up and her dark eyes cast over me as she blurted out, “That’s private information. I never saw you come in with her. Besides it’s patient confidentiality. I can’t tell you.”

  I was about to say that I was her husband and then I remembered that I was her ex. If I said that out loud then they would security or even worse the police.

  I sighed as I turned back to see that the baby was still in his chair and his mom hadn’t returned from the bathroom. I realized that I was stupid for following Laila. If she’d moved on then great. All I had done was break her heart. I was about to leave. When the same receptionist, the one that belonged in the secret spy service called out, “What about your baby?”

  I laughed, “Excuse me?” I turned to face her.

  She pointed. “The one over there where you left him. The one that’s whimpering. You can’t leave without your baby here.”

  I shook my head. “He’s not my baby. I just came here…”

  Shit. I couldn’t even tell her the real reason that I came inside the clinic.

  She interrupted me as she rolled her eyes and then put her hand on her large hips. “I saw you come in here with that girl. She’s either your baby mommy or girlfriend. Cause you ain’t got on no ring. You better get your baby and leave.”

  I started to rub my beard. The same thing that I’d been doing whenever I was confused.

  “She’s in the bathroom. She’ll be out soon and then she’ll take him.”

  She waved her finger from side-to-side and I found myself distracted as if I was watching a big old pendant clock. Like the one that stood in my grandparents’ house and had been passed down through many generations of my family.

  “She ain’t in the bathroom because she left the minute you mentioned you wanted to know about Laila Hunter. Even though no Laila Hunter came in here today. Look, just take your baby and get out of here. Before I call the police.”

  I was about to say something else when I turned and noticed that she was right. The baby bag, which was like the one that both Noah and Chad, my two best friends walk around with as if their lives depend on it was sitting on the chair that I once occupied. I sighed as I wondered what the fuck was going on as I grabbed the bag and the baby too and got the fuck out of the clinic.

  Chapter Two


  I sent a message to the guys telling them that I needed their help. I went to the clinic to spy on my ex, not to get a baby. Luckily, he was sleeping. I ran out of there so fast as I grabbed the bag and the baby that I thought maybe I'd woken him up and shoved him at the back of my car. The crazy part was that I'd been renting a parking space near work ever since I'd been laid off. The whole thing was so fucking insane. I knew that the guys would come around, they’d probably think that I'd gone down the dark path again. Not only had I relapsed, but I had a new addition to my family.

  A baby.

  I knew that I needed to give him back, the question was how.

  I hesitated as I put the key in the ignition and then checked in the back, he wasn’t making a sound. I wasn’t even sure how old he was, because I hadn’t been paying attention whenever Martin, Noah and now Chad talked about babies. Maybe this was a sign, they all had baby fever. Especially, because both Ivy and Kylie were now expecting. Noah and Kylie were having their second baby. I swear it felt like only the other day that they had their first. Maybe when she’s writing her songs, they make sweet music and the next thing she’s pregnant.

  God, what a fucking mess!

  As soon as I got to my house, I noticed Noah parked outside.

  “Crap, that was quick!”

  He sighed. “Yeah, I was on my way to see you before you called.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “How come?”

  “Work. I heard that you lost your job. Kylie had to go to the city today. She took the kids and then I thought that I’d surprise you at work, only to hear that you lost your job. Two weeks ago! But, when I spoke to you on Monday, you said that you were on your way to work. I called the guys a little after you’d called us. So, they’re on their way too.”

  Shoot, do none of my friends work? They always seemed to be a bit too quick to come over and help out whenever I called.

  That’s when the baby started crying as if on cue.

  “Dan, you took a baby?” Noah looked at me as if I’d lost my mind.

  I shook my head. “By accident.”

  “Run that by me again. You took a baby by accident?”

  I nodded. “You see, I saw Laila going into a clinic. And I followed her and then there was this girl.”

  The baby was crying and I ignored it. Thinking, ‘out of sight, out of mind’.

  Noah said, “You can’t leave him in the car.”

  I waited for him to pick it up. That’s exactly what he did and then Chad pulled up. Damn! I may as well retell my story to the pair of them instead of one at a time.

  Chad nodded and then he went to the other side of my car and noticed Noah reaching out for a baby. “Did Kylie deliver already?”

  I sighed. “Hey, Chad. How you doing? Thanks for coming by.” I grabbed my keys and headed into the house. I couldn’t believe that I was trying to tell Noah my issue. My big fucking problem and they were not taking me seriously.

  “Dan! What the fuck man? You have a baby in the car and you’re acting as if I gave it to you.”

  Noah sighed “Please, don’t call the little man, ‘it’. He’s hungry, wet, and Dan’s not been taking care of him. Seems like he was too busy stalking Laila.”

  Chad was puzzled as he shut the door and entered the living room.

  Noah did the same, but to change his diaper.

  “Laila?” Chad asked as he sat down and then started automatically helping Noah with changing the diaper. He laid down the mat and took off the baby’s clothes like a dad. Like someone who had something to do with babies. Which was something that I had no experience in doing.

  “My wife!” I blurted out while heading to the bar to pour myself a drink and then as quick as lightning Chad followed me, taking the glass from my hand. Normally, I drank from the bottle, but I wasn't doing that in front of them. They'll accuse me of having a problem. Something that I knew, but I didn't need a reminder.

  “I thought I told you none of that man. It doesn’t do you any good. You need to get rid of anything like that especially with a baby in the house.”

  “Why? Is he going to fight me for the bottle?”
  He shook his head as he went into the kitchen and started emptying the contents of my very expensive bourbon. He paused and asked, “What’s that smell?”

  He sniffed around like a dog and then Noah shouted from the living room, “It’s Dan. I smelled him the moment he came out of his car.”

  “No wonder the little man was crying. Shit, you need to shower and quick. And while you’re there you need to shave. What are you? On the run from someone? What’s up with the hair? It’s like you’re trying to hide your face under there or something?”

  Before I could reply, not only had Noah magically changed the baby’s diaper, but he was holding the baby in his arms and blurted out, “That’s because he lost his job. I went to his office and they say that he was sacked two weeks ago!”

  “Holy crap!”

  Wow, when did Chad stop cursing? Okay, so holy crap isn’t exactly better, but he used to say, ‘Fuck’ as if he came out of his mother’s womb blurting out the word.

  “Anyway, finish your story about you stalking your ex-wife. She’s not your wife. But your ex,” Noah nodded as I have his undivided attention.

  The pair of them stared at me as if I was mad and then on cue, Martin and the bell and opened the door.

  “What did I miss?”

  I fucking give up.

  I shouted loud enough for all of them to hear, “I was in the clinic, waiting for Laila to leave. I don’t know if she did or not, and then the next thing I know there’s a baby next to me. The mom just upped and left the baby with me!”

  “And you don't know her?” Noah asked as if he was trying to confirm the story.

  I shook my head, I was tempted to say that if I did know her, then I wouldn't be bringing the baby home with me.

  Martin asked, “What were you doing in a clinic? And what is that smell?”

  Both Noah and Chad pointed to me. Martin backed away.


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