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Varick's Quest (Devya's Children Book 4)

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by Gilbert,Julie C.

  Devya’s Children Book 4:

  Varick’s Quest

  By Julie C. Gilbert

  Table of Contents:


  Cast of Characters:

  Summary: ITEM 1-178:


  Chapter 1: New Power

  Chapter 2: The Tyler Family

  Chapter 3: Beyond the Throne Room

  Chapter 4: Welcome Week Surprise

  Chapter 5: Scattered Part 1: Dr. Carnasis and Nadia

  Chapter 6: Guardian Angel Duties

  Chapter 7: True Despair

  Chapter 8: It’s Official, Sort of

  Chapter 9: Miracles vs. Weapons

  Chapter 10: Scattered Part 2: Dr. Devya and Aiden

  Chapter 11: Tell My Sister I’m Really, Really Sorry

  Chapter 12: The Summons

  Chapter 13: That Ain’t a Choice

  Chapter 14: Warn Danielle

  Chapter 15: Scattered Part 3: Cora and Dustin

  Chapter 16: Connoisseur of Crazies

  Chapter 17: A Twisted Gift

  Chapter 18: Facing Fears

  Chapter 19: ATM 1: The Panic Room

  Chapter 20: The Gray Lady’s Speech

  Chapter 21: Allies and Updates

  Chapter 22: ATM 2: Fire

  Chapter 23: Interrogation and Emotional Aftermath

  Chapter 24: Change of Plans

  Chapter 25: Fair Trade

  Chapter 26: On the Move

  Chapter 27: The Debate

  Chapter 28: Fading Mask, Rising Fury

  Chapter 29: The Invitation

  Chapter 30: Immortal Warrior II: The Final Chapter

  Chapter 31: Dr. C. Explains the Score

  Chapter 32: Dr. Robinson’s Other Mission

  Chapter 33: Animosity

  Chapter 34: Lanier’s Deal

  Chapter 35: The Dustin Complication

  Chapter 36: Transfer of Knowledge

  Chapter 37: Not Cut Out to be a Captor

  Chapter 38: Let Them Part in Peace

  Chapter 39: Collecting Lost Souls

  Chapter 40: Momma’s News

  Chapter 41: We Will One Day Save Father

  Chapter 42: The Pretty Ghost Girl

  Chapter 43: I Ain’t Afraid

  Chapter 44: Clear Future

  Chapter 45: Two Hearts Won, Two Await Healing


  Other Works:


  To friends who have lent their time and talents to making this series more than mere words:

  Julie Hinton – Narrator

  Timothy Sparvero – Cover Artist

  Jennifer Bralick – Cover Artist

  Jenny Shin – Proofreader

  Deb Monroe – Proofreader

  (Any remaining mistakes are my own, despite their efforts.)

  To the many bloggers and other readers who took the time to give me their honest opinions on the series. You make this labor of love well worth every moment.

  Cast of Characters:

  (Warning: may contain spoilers)

  Dr. Carla M. Wittier – Jillian’s old shrink lady

  Dr. Stephanie Sokolowski (a.k.a. Dr. S.) – Jillian’s new shrink lady

  Dr. Dean Devya – researcher, creator of Devya’s Children

  Dr. Evelyn Carnasis – researcher, associate of Dr. Devya, mother to Jillian, Benjamin Connelly, and Aiden

  Cora – associate of Dr. Devya, mother to Dustin and Anastasia

  Dr. Karita Robinson (a.k.a. Dr. Kathleen Lynchberg) – former associate of Dr. Devya, mother to Malia and Michio

  Dr. Jessica Paladon – former associate of Dr. Devya, mother to Varick and Nadia

  Anthony Allen – head of security for Dr. Devya

  Andre – hired help for Dr. Devya

  Darren – hired help for Dr. Devya

  Stan Hanley – friend of Darren

  Dr. Caleb Lanier – admirer of Dr. Devya’s work

  Mr. Jones – hired help for Dr. Lanier

  Mr. Clark – hired help for Dr. Lanier

  Devya’s Children:

  Varick – soldier

  Nadia – minder, Queen Elena, Naidine, Nadie

  Ashlynn – dreamer, Jillian Blairington

  Malia – empath

  Dustin – Devya’s telepathist

  Reeve – second dreamer, Benjamin Connelly

  Michio – first nanomachine controller

  Aiden – second nanomachine controller

  Anastasia – meant to be second minder, project sabotaged

  Summary: ITEM 1-178:

  (Warning: definitely contains spoilers)

  Ashlynn’s Dreams includes the first seventy-two items which detail how Jillian Marie Antel Blairington comes to know she has the unique ability to shape dreams. During those adventures, she forges a strong friendship with her babysitter, Danielle Matheson, who gets kidnapped as a means of controlling Jillian’s behavior during the Dream Shaper training.

  Nadia’s Tears covers items seventy-three through one hundred and thirty which follow Jillian’s efforts to awaken Nadia from a coma and Danielle’s efforts to keep Christy Roman safe and out of trouble. In Nadia’s dreams, Jillian meets her sister at various stages of life, including the emotionally wounded Nadie, the fierce Naidine, and the wise Queen Elena. After helping Jillian get to Nadia, Danielle tries to concentrate on school but gets drawn into Christy’s troubles. Jillian succeeds in waking Nadia in time to rescue Danielle and Christy.

  Malia’s Miracles contains items one hundred and thirty-one through one hundred and seventy-eight which recount the healing efforts to save Susan Kilpatrick, mother of Christy and Dominique Roman. The matter becomes complicated by the government’s efforts to capture Jillian and her genetically Gifted siblings. They successfully elude capture, but the bold move convinces Dr. Devya to transfer Nadia to a more secure facility.


  ITEM 179: Carla Wittier’s seventh letter

  Item Source: Dr. Carla M. Wittier

  To Dr. Stephanie Sokolowski:

  As I revisit these first few life accounts penned by Jillian, I am struck anew by how much has changed in a few short years. I’m surprised Dr. Devya allowed Jillian to be raised in an unstable household, but I suppose the troubles could have started well after her placement with Allison and Jason Antel.

  While I am proud of the way Jillian has matured through the experiences with Devya’s Children, I must admit I sometimes miss the innocent naivety that shines through so clearly in the language of her younger self. For your convenience, I have typed the words exactly as Jillian presented them to me eons ago.

  If you would like the scanned version too, please let me know.

  All the best,

  Carla M. Wittier, Ph.D.


  ITEM 180 (formerly ITEM 3): Jillian’s second pre-kidnapping journal entry

  Item Source: Dr. Carla M. Wittier

  Like I told ya before, I’m Jillian Marie Antel Blairington. I’d like to hear y’all say that six times fast. Betcha I could spit ten times while you was still working on saying my name once. Now that I’ve told y’all about how I got me a New Daddy, I best be keeping my promise to tell ya how the Old Daddy got hisself run off. Nana said it wasn’t his day, but I think she was understating on purpose to protect my fragile young mind. She don’t know that I know more than she does, even though I don’t know the whole thing. But don’t y’all go telling her that or I’ll have to dump a whole heap of Hades on yer head like my Old Daddy taught me.

  Sometimes I miss my Old Daddy. I sure learned lots from him. Fish gutting, fine cussing, rabbit skinning, bully beating, and all manner of what
Nana calls despicable, unladylike things. The Old Daddy sure knew lots of cus words. I think that mighta been part of Momma’s gripes against him.

  One day, he was cussing out the baseball umps for a terrible call while I counted the small words that fled his potty mouth like weasels with their tails on fire, as Nana would say. Nana sure says some strange things. Anyways, I lost count around thirteen. I remember the conversation like it was yesterday ’cause I asked my Old Daddy what one of the words meant and Momma heard.

  That was bad.

  “Jillian Marie Antel!” Momma screamed so loud even old, deaf Mrs. Cramer musta heard. “I don’t ever want to hear such language come out of your mouth! You hear me?” See, whenever Momma gets riled she goes shouting my whole name like I ain’t never heard it before.

  “Aww, leave her alone, Allie. And pipe down. The game’s on,” the Old Daddy said in a slow slur that told me he done tried to drown his brain in liquid fire. I get the feeling Momma and Nana don’t approve of beer. That’s all right. My Old Daddy explained that it’s a man’s drink. Momma don’t like to be called “Allie” neither, since her real name is Allison.

  “Jillian! Go to Nana’s,” Momma ordered in the tone I never mess with. Sometimes, I can sweet talk Momma into calming herself down, but when she gets that tone and her expression looks like a hungry dragon fixing to take yer head off it’s best just to leave.

  Nana lives six houses down, but I didn’t wanna go to Nana’s. I wanted to see if Momma would explode on Daddy. I always got sent to Nana’s whenever Momma and the Old Daddy exchanged words. I always went, only not the minute they sent me. As usual, I left the house right quick and jumped into the bushes under the family room windows ’cause it’s a prime hearing spot. It was late June so the windows was open. I didn’t need to hide in the bushes but it’s a hard to kill habit.

  “You’ve got to stop cursing in front of Jillian,” Momma said in a voice that was half-pleading and half-ordering.

  “Quit whining, Allie. She’s only seven. You’ll have plenty of time to brainwash her later in life,” the Old Daddy answered.

  I winced and thought, Now, he done it. I was eight at the time, not seven.

  “She’s eight, Jason,” Momma corrected in a tone Nana woulda called cold enough to murder flowers. Even though I couldn’t see ’em, I could picture Momma leveling a look that ought to have burned Daddy’s gorgeous golden locks to ashes. They both got blue eyes, but when Momma gets riled her eyes get downright scary. I felt kinda sorry for the Old Daddy until he opened his big mouth and inserted his size 11 foot again.

  “Does it mat–”

  “Yes, it matters! She’s your daughter!” Momma screamed, getting choked up.

  I left for Nana’s then ’cause I don’t like to hear Momma all choked up. I expected this fight to be like the rest. Momma and Daddy would shout themselves hoarse and the neighbors would send the police. Then, Officer O’Riley would pick me up and take me home, apologizing the whole way like it was his fault. But this fight was different. No one came for me, so I stayed the night with Nana.

  “Why they always fighting, Nana?” I asked as she tucked the sheets up to my chin.

  “Don’t you worry none, Pudding Cake. Everything will work out,” Nana answered, setting herself on the edge of my bed. Nana stayed until she thought I was asleep. Then, she got up and went to the doorway to lean on it and watch me some more. I know ’cause I peeked once or twice and she always does the same thing. I also knew that Nana would tell me more about what’s going on if she thought I was sleeping. She has rather long conversations with herself sometimes.

  Before she left, I heard Nana sigh, and say, “Everything will work out if Allison gets rid of that beer-chugging bum. I told that girl not to marry for a handsome face and baby blue eyes. She wants to see baby blues, she should look in a mirror, that’s what I always say. Every handsome face hides a devil, even my Mitch, Good Lord rest his soul. Out past decent hours chasing hussies and drinking good senses away. Well, nine years of misery ought to have cured Allison of some stupidity. Oh, I do hope it’s a clean break. That girl needs a real man not a boy with the devil’s own smile and dimples to boot. I wonder if Delores knows of some eligible bachelors. I’ll have to ask her …” Nana went on for quite some time but I can’t remember it all. Even I’m not that good, besides I think I fell asleep.

  Next morning, Nana took me home. A police car was parked in front of the house and Officer O’Riley was standing by the mailbox with both arms across his chest, trying to look tough.

  “What’s going on, Alex?” Nana asked.

  Officer O’Riley whirled, and I thought he was gonna pull his gun on Nana. Once he realized it was Nana though, he turned puppy-dog friendly.

  “Your daughter finally served that son-of-a–”

  “Alex! Child present!” Nana declared with a look towards me.

  “Sorry, ma’am. Mrs. Antel served the mister this morning.”

  Nana squealed like a pig with its curly tail caught in a blender, but I was concentrating on figuring what Officer O’Riley meant. My eyes got big.

  They done ate my daddy, I thought. It didn’t make sense, but that’s what Officer O’Riley had said: Momma served Daddy.

  Nana musta seen my confusion ’cause she said, “It’s all right, Pudding Cake, everything’s fine like I told ya it would be. Your momma’s finally gonna get a divorce.”

  “What about Daddy? Don’t he get a say?” I asked. I squinted at Nana and Officer O’Riley real careful-like ’cause they was exchanging secret looks.

  “You’ll understand one day, Pudding Cake,” Nana said finally.

  Fury built in me like a mean dog. I hate it when adults treat me like I’m dumb! I knew I’d probably let loose with some bad words so I ran for my secret place in the woods behind the house. Cussing got Daddy into big trouble, and I didn’t want trouble. Nana and Momma believe switches drive away trouble. Just then, Daddy came out of the house carrying a stuffed garbage bag.

  “Where ya going, Daddy?” I asked.

  I ain’t allowed to write cusses and it’s gonna look awfully silly writing what he said without ’em but here goes.

  “Far away from that crazy, bleep, bleeping, bleep, bleep—”

  “Calm down, Mr. Antel. Come along, let’s not have a scene,” Officer O’Riley drawled in a weary tone.

  That’s it.

  My Old Daddy moved out. From time to time, he stopped by to see me. Momma allowed it ’cause the judge said she had to, but I could tell she didn’t like it none. Finally, after a long time being lonely, Momma met Mr. Blairington who chatted with her real sweet-like for a good four months before popping the question. They waited another three months before officially making him my New Daddy.

  Chapter 1:

  New Power

  ITEM 181: Jillian’s 89th post-kidnapping journal entry

  Item Source: Jillian Blairington

  Dr. S. says that dwelling on the positives will help me battle the great mounds of worry waiting to crash in on me. As I opened my mouth to tell her I couldn’t think of any, she leveled that think-harder look at me. I only wanted to sit here and pour out my worries, but she won’t let me until I explain at least three strong positives in my life. Darned, annoying, effective shrink lady tactic.

  Isaac took his first series of steady steps the other day. I think that’s a positive. Danielle says Momma’s in for it now that Michio and Isaac are both mobile. Baby boys and little boys sure are curious critters. Michio especially likes climbing. Trouble is, he’s got no fear. Fear’s one of those things that’s actually good for ya to have in moderation. An absence of fear can lead to some pretty reckless decisions. I wonder if Varick has that problem ’cause I think Dr. Devya and the scientists might have removed some of his fear genes.

  Danielle moved into her college dorm today. I wanted to go with her, but Momma said it was a special time she ought to share with her family. Not sure I can count the move as a positive. Naturally, Danielle
’s excited, but I’m not. Things are gonna change now, and I hate change.

  The goodbye we shared yesterday was mighty awkward, and it’s probably my fault. I tried to keep a brave, happy face on for Danielle, but I’m sure she saw right through the lousy effort. If I had Malia’s Gifts I coulda faked it better, but I ain’t Malia and even faking happiness couldn’t change the facts. A chapter in our lives is closing.

  I need to clarify that I ain’t sad Danielle’s moving on with her life. She’s been through tons in the last couple of years, and most of it is definitely my fault. Still, she’s probably my closest friend besides Jimmy Denson, and since he lives way down in Georgia, Danielle’s the one I turn to the most when I’m feeling low. My sister, Nadia, woulda filled that position, but she’s definitely in the worries category right now so I can’t talk about her.

  Malia and I have come closer over the last few weeks. Although I don’t recommend ’em, life-threatening experiences sure do know how to draw people together tightly. Even that relationship ain’t the same though. Malia’s my sister. She’s got Gifts arguably greater than my own, and she has trained near her whole life to change emotions as she pleases. I don’t think worries know how to stick to her.

  One surefire positive thing to come from drawing closer to Malia is that I discovered a new aspect of my Gift. I still feel funny talking about my Dream Shaping Gift, even to Dr. S. or Danielle. They’d both say I ought to feel proud of what I can do. While I am proud, part of me questions whether it’s worth the mountains of trouble that come with it. The sentiment—that means feeling—is one of those useless musings Nana often speaks against, but Dr. S. wants an honest account.

  Once upon a time, I mentioned that real-world events sometimes get drawn into my dreams, letting me see and hear things going on in that moment. If I remember correctly, I think I said it was like fishing. Well, now I can hunt dreams too, even ones slightly in the past. It would be real neat if I could do the same for future events, but that’s just wishful thinking. The future ain’t made yet, so there’d be nothing for my Gift to draw on.


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