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Kissing the Cowboy

Page 12

by Kennedy Fox

  “So when is the wedding? Do you have a date set?” Patricia asks.

  I open my mouth to answer, but Shayla butts in.

  “Leon and I are planning a spring wedding. Already have the colors picked out and my dress ordered. I hope to get a twelve-piece orchestra to play, but we’re still working out the minor details. It’s gonna be a dream come true. Right, honey?” She turns to Leonard, who’s busy on his phone.

  “Uh yeah,” he says, and she elbows him in the ribs.

  “Have you planned anything yet?” Shayla asks me.

  “Not yet,” I say, closing the menu. “But I don’t want anything too extravagant. Something simple and intimate. There’s no reason to show off. The most important part is getting to spend the rest of our lives with each other.”

  Her jaw falls open, just as Ethan nods in agreement.

  “So y’all have been friends since you were kids?” Patricia asks Ethan as the rest of the table mingles.

  “Yes, ma’am. But I always knew deep down Harper was the girl for me. When she decided to give me a chance, I knew I’d never let her go. And trust me, Harper’s a hard woman to catch because she’s so invested in her business. I’m so lucky to get to spend the rest of my life with someone who’s as caring, loving, and beautiful as Harper.” Ethan grabs my hand and kisses my knuckles, and heat rushes through me.

  I lose my ability to speak and think, but thankfully, the subject is changed when the waiter begins taking orders.

  Someone asks Shayla a question about her business, and she happily answers. Then another question comes her way. “Where did you come up with the idea of snowcone scents for your soaps?”

  I stiffen.

  “Oh, I think she got that idea from Harper,” Ethan blurts out before she can respond.

  The table grows eerily quiet.

  “Excuse me?” Shayla gives him a death glare.

  “Well yeah, Harper announced that before summer in her exclusive newsletter. I’m sure you saw it. I mean, my sweetheart doesn’t mind people being inspired by her. What’s that saying again?” Ethan glances at me then smirks. “Imitation is the greatest form of flattery. At this point, Harper is burstin’ at the seams with flattery.”

  Shayla’s eyes are as wide as saucers, and I can almost see the steam blowing out of her ears.

  She stands and slams her napkin on the table. “I need to quickly excuse myself before I say something I regret,” she snarls, then looks at her fiancé. “Leon.” Startled, he gets up and follows her out.

  For a moment, everyone looks at us, and I can feel my heart racing. Adrenaline courses through me, but I can’t stop smiling at her being called out.

  Before I can say anything, the waiter returns, and I order another glass of wine.

  “I’ll take another whiskey too,” Ethan adds.

  Shayla returns after twenty minutes, still heated, but doesn’t dare look in our direction or speak. I prefer it this way, like she doesn’t exist.

  When our food arrives, Bruce becomes the center of attention as we eat. He chats about keeping a healthy work/family balance and how to support your partner. Everything he talks about hits me right in the heart, and it’s undeniable that we check all the boxes of being supportive to each other. He’s been there with me through the good, bad, and the ugly. He’s been my rock and has celebrated my successes as well as helped me get over my failures. The more Bruce talks, the more obvious it is that Ethan and I would be a perfect couple. I try to push the thoughts away and not drown in them, but what’s boiling inside is undeniable.

  Soon, we’re saying our goodbyes, and Ethan holds me close as we stroll back to the hotel.

  “Thank you,” I say as we wait for the elevator.

  “For what?”

  “For always having my back,” I tell him.

  Ethan carefully cups my cheek in his palm, bends down, and brushes his mouth against mine. I wish we were alone and that the emotion he put behind this kiss was real. Before it can deepen, the elevator doors slide open.

  We ride in silence, and I replay everything that’s happened along with all the revelations I’ve had.

  By the time we make it to our room, I’m exhausted. Between the conference and being on the defense, it’s been a long day. I remove my makeup and change into my pajamas, then climb under the covers. Ethan puts on a pair of joggers, no shirt, and I can’t help but notice how his muscles ripple down his stomach. As he turns off the bedside lamp, I swallow hard. My body is tired, and while I want to sleep, my mind races.

  Is it possible to want Ethan this damn much? Or is my head playing tricks on me?

  “Harper?” Ethan asks in a near whisper.


  “Go to sleep,” he says, but I can tell he’s smiling.

  It makes me laugh because he knows me so well. Rolling over, I wrap my arm around him, snuggling close, and drink in his warmth. At first, he tenses, but then after a minute, he relaxes into me. I didn’t know what I expected this weekend, but uncovering the feelings I’ve buried for my best friend for the last decade wasn’t on the list.

  Chapter Thirteen


  After the small business brunch this morning, Harper and I catch the rest of the panels, then go find something for a late lunch. As we’re devouring our cheeseburgers, she starts asking me a series of questions.

  “I know this kinda thing isn’t really your scene, but do you think you’ve learned anything?”

  I find it cute that she’s concerned about me in the slightest. I could be at the most boring place in the world, but as long as Harper was by my side, willingly kissing me and holding my hand, it wouldn’t matter where I was. I’m having the time of my life with her, and she doesn’t even realize it.

  “One of the most interesting things I learned was how to find wholesale distributors for products. I might be able to implement that once I expand the goat farm. It’s given me a lot of ideas,” I admit.

  “So you’ve enjoyed the panels?”

  “Yeah, it’s been great. Plus, I got to spend time with you,” I admit.

  A blush hits her cheeks, which is so damn adorable that I’m tempted to lean over this table and kiss her right here and now.

  “That makes me happy to hear that you haven’t been bored at least,” she says and almost continues but doesn’t.

  Since we’ve arrived, a lot of unspoken words and emotions have swirled between us. Though pretending with Harper feels natural, I wish I knew what she was really thinking. We haven’t talked about it, but actions do speak louder than words, and right now, her body has been very responsive every time we’re near.

  For the rest of the afternoon, we sit through different presentations on taxes and social media marketing. We keep our closeness throughout, and there isn’t a moment when we aren’t touching. When we return to Eldorado, all of this will stop, and I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t miss it.

  After the final remarks and closing speech for the conference, we’re free to leave. After Harper says goodbye to a handful of people, we decide to eat dinner at the hotel restaurant before making our way back upstairs.

  “I don’t wanna spend all night in the room,” Harper tells me as we ride the elevator.

  I lift my brows. “Really? What do you have in mind?”

  “I wanna go dancin’ and have some fun. Take some shots. Forget about all the work I have waiting for me at home.”

  A chuckle escapes me. “And to celebrate how well your master plan worked’?”

  She nods. “Abso-fuckin’-lutely. There’s a really awesome honky-tonk a few miles away. We should change clothes and go. Please.”

  “Don’t have to beg. You had me at dancin’,” I say, interlocking my fingers with hers as we step out, then walk down the hall. As of now, it’s just become a habit, one that might be hard to break.

  “Great! I just need to freshen up,” she says once I unlock the door. She immediately grabs some things from her suitcase, then heads to the bathro
om. I put on my dark-washed Wranglers, suede boots, and a nice dress shirt. Then I comb my hair back and grab my cowboy hat.

  Harper comes out wearing skintight jeans and a shirt that hangs low enough to make any man’s imagination wander.

  “You’re goin’ out in that?” I raise my brows, scratching my cheek.

  “Why? Doesn’t look good?” she asks, glancing down as if she’s self-conscious.

  “Looks too damn good,” I retort. “Not sure I want other men lookin’ at you.”

  She rolls her eyes. “Unlikely.”

  “Well, thank God you’re engaged this weekend,” I tell her. “Otherwise, I might have to beat some ass.”

  She snorts, waving her left hand toward me. “Is that so?”

  I take a few steps forward and pull her close, inhaling the sweet scent of her skin. “You are mine until we’re in the truck tomorrow mornin’ leavin’ for home.”

  Harper’s breath hitches, but the corner of her lips tilt up. “Whatever you say, Cowboy.”

  We’re suspended in time for a moment, and I’m tempted to taste her lips again. But it feels too intimate, too personal, so I create unwanted space between us.

  “I’m gonna get us an Uber so we don’t have to worry about driving back,” she says.

  “That’s a good idea. Can’t remember the last time I’ve been out without having to be up at five in the mornin’ for work. It’s gonna be fun.”

  The bar isn’t far, and it takes less than ten minutes for our driver to get us there. When we arrive, Harper takes my hand, and we make our way to the back of the line.

  “This place is huge,” Harper says.

  “Right? I guess I expected a place like the one in San Angelo. This is something else.” Fortunately, it doesn’t take long to get to the front. Soon, we’re flashing our IDs, getting our hands stamped, and walking in.

  The lights are dim. Around the perimeter of the hardwood dance floor is a gigantic bar with the largest assortment of beer on tap I’ve ever seen. On the far side of the room is a bull riding area. Handfuls of people dressed in cowboy hats and boots are two-stepping the night away. The smile on Harper’s face doesn’t fade as she looks around.

  “Drinks first. Then dancin’,'' Harper tells me, leading me to the bar. As soon as we find seats, the bartender comes over wearing some cut off shorts and her hair in pigtails. She bats her lashes and calls me sweetheart. I notice Harper scoot her left hand into view, showing off the engagement ring. Then to make it super obvious, she moves closer until her body leans against mine.

  “I’ll take a Shiner.”

  Harper orders a double shot of tequila with salt and lime.

  When the bartender saunters away, Harper turns to me.

  “You were worried about me gettin’ picked up and look at you,” she playfully teases.

  “Bartenders are trained to flirt. It’s how they earn their tips,” I reassure her. I used to bartend at the family’s pub, so I know it’s very common.

  “Or she thinks you’re attractive.”

  “And what’s wrong with her thinkin' that?” I challenge, arching a brow.

  “It’s unprofessional to be flirting with an almost-married man,” she tells me matter-of-factly. “You’re the one who said we’re engaged tonight.”

  I smirk. “That I did.”

  As our drinks are set down in front of us, I ask, “Can we open a tab?”

  “Sure, honey.” The bartender winks at me, then takes my card before walking to the register.

  “She’s getting no tip,” Harper grunts, and I laugh at how jealous she is.

  “Stop worryin’. You’re the one I’m going home with.”

  Harper blushes but only nods.

  I take a sip of my beer just as Harper orders another round and a glass of water. I ask for whiskey straight up.

  “You’re gonna be trashed.”

  As soon as the shot glass is set in front of her, Harper licks the salt off the rim, downs the liquid gold, then sucks on the lime.

  “That’s the goal!” she squeals. “Plus, I’m in good hands.” She waggles her brows. She drinks some water and waits for me to finish my drinks.

  Once I’m done, I lead her to the dance floor. A shot girl comes around, and we get a few of those too. At first, they taste like shit, but after three more, I can’t taste anything at all. It goes down like water, which is a dead giveaway that I’m getting drunk. I’m normally a whiskey and beer drinker, but these shots have more alcohol than I’m used to. Considering Harper’s giggling nonstop, she’s more than tipsy.

  We two-step to a few songs, but when a slow one comes on, I pull her against my body. We sway to the beat of the music, and I can’t help but notice the way Harper’s looking at me. Her eyes fixate on me, and when they drop to my lips, she licks hers before moving them back to mine. There’s something brewing, has been all weekend, and I’m not sure either of us can fight it any longer.

  Knowing there’s no reason to pretend anymore, but wanting her to understand that I wish this didn’t have to end, I lean in and kiss her. She tightens her arms around my neck as I dig my fingers into her waist and slide a hand into her hair.

  We’ve been kissing all weekend, but that’s only when we’ve had an audience to show off for. Right now, it’s just us—devouring each other as if our lives depend on it.

  “Ethan,” Harper whispers in a plea against my lips. “I need more.” She tugs on the bottom of my shirt, making sure her signals are clear. I gently bite her bottom lip with a groan, and it takes everything I have to pull away.

  “Fuck. Let’s get out of here,” I suggest, knowing we both want this.

  Harper schedules an Uber as I pay our tab. As soon as we’re inside the car, our mouths magnetize toward one another. Harper climbs onto my lap, grinding down on my erection as I suck her neck. I don’t give a shit that the driver has a show, and it takes all of six minutes for us to make it to the hotel.

  Once we arrive and get out, we rush to the elevator, laughing, kissing, and touching as we step in. Our tongues tangle together until it stops on our floor. I may have had a lot to drink, but the moment we step inside the room, I quickly sober up.

  She slowly undoes each button of my shirt. I brush her hair from her shoulders and force her to look into my eyes. “Harp, you sure about this?”

  She sucks in her bottom lip and nods with fire behind her gaze. “Yes. One hundred percent.”

  “Thank God,” I say, lifting her ass, then carrying her to the bed.

  Harper kicks off her shoes, then shimmies out of her jeans. Once her legs are bare, I kiss up her thighs, then press my mouth against her silk panties. I feel her wetness on my tongue and slide the fabric over to taste her pussy. As I flick her clit, she moans and writhes underneath me. Her little sounds are making me so goddamn hard, my dick feels like it’s going to break off. Though I want to continue tasting her, I move up her stomach and kiss her soft skin. Once her shirt gets in my way, I lean back and help her remove it, then her bra.

  My heart pounds as I drink in every inch of her. “You’re so goddamn beautiful,” I say hoarsely.

  Harper swallows hard before pulling me up to her mouth as she wraps her legs around me. My hand cups her breast, and I pinch her little nipple, getting a breathy moan in response. I rock my hips, and she hisses at the friction that rubs against her pussy.

  “You like that, love?” I whisper into her ear before I suck on her neck.

  “I need more. Please, Ethan,” she whimpers, clawing at my shirt.

  “What do you need, sweetheart?”

  “Naked, I need you naked,” she begs.

  Her breasts rise and fall as she pushes herself up on elbows to watch me fully undress. I decide to tease her a little by slowly removing my clothes.

  “Faster,” she urges, making me chuckle.

  I remove my jeans and boxers, then stand up straight.

  “Fuck,” she murmurs as she stares at my hard cock.

  “See how much I wa
nt you?” I ask in a deep voice, reaching for her hand and placing it over my shaft. “Feel what you do to me, Harper.”

  She inhales a sharp breath as she slowly begins to stroke me. My eyes roll to the back of my head at how fucking amazing it is to have Harper touching me like this.

  Just as she speeds up, I grab her wrist. “Better stop that.”

  Harper grins as if she’s pleased with herself.

  “Lie back,” I demand.

  Carefully, I peel her panties off her body and see all of her. I lower myself to the bed next to her and capture her lips as I slide my hand between her thighs. She gasps when I dip my finger into her wetness and drag it up her slit before circling her clit.

  “Your body is so needy for me,” I breathe out, hovering over her mouth.

  Harper arches her hips, seeking more. Though I want to be inside her, I want to make sure she’s ready. I want to taste every inch and devour her the way I’ve dreamed of for years.

  Pushing two fingers inside her cunt, I hiss when she squeezes them. “So goddamn tight.”

  I work her body, sucking and kissing her soft skin. Her head falls back in breathy moans as she reaches closer to her release.

  “Ethan, oh my God. Don’t stop,” she begs, clawing her nails into my bicep.

  Moments later, Harper’s body tightens, and she breathes rapidly as her orgasm takes over. When her shaking slows down, I slide my fingers into my mouth and taste her.

  “That was fuckin’ hot, baby. You coming all over my fingers and screaming my name.” I press my lips to hers. “See how good you taste?”

  She licks her lips and smiles. “I can’t wait any longer. Lie back,” she orders, and my cock jerks at her demanding tone.

  “Yes, ma’am.” I settle onto the bed and rest my arms behind my head.

  Harper swings her leg over and straddles me. She looks at me, silently asking for permission as she slowly inches down. A long sigh escapes her when I’m fully inside. I grab her hips, and soon, she picks up her pace and rides my cock hard and fast. Harper taking control like this is so fucking hot. I can’t take my eyes off her as her tits bounce in my face, tempting my mouth to suck on them. When I pinch her nipple, she hisses in pleasure. My other hand moves to her clit, and I rub the pad of my thumb over her.


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