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The Final Destiny: Vesta Mansion Trilogy - Book Three - Fantasy

Page 28

by P. A. Priddey

  ‘I couldn’t ask you to fight your own people.’

  ‘We’re willing to fight the clones if it would help stop the duke,’ said another man.

  ‘It will mean the end of your ruler, who would you replace him with?’

  ‘The Duchess Isabella,’ said Jark, ‘the rightful ruler of our land.’

  Sir Hubert rode forward. ‘She’s dead.’

  ‘No, Sir Knight, she’s alive, and a prisoner of the duke. I have seen her myself as I delivered food there.’

  Hubert put a hand to his mouth. ‘The duchess is alive?'

  ‘Where is she being held?’ Alex asked.

  Jark rubbed his temples. ‘In a small country house near the Dark Mountains.’

  ‘Can you picture the place in your mind for me?’

  ‘Yes, my lord,’ said Jark, sounding surprised.

  I have found it, and there are only four guards, said House, and many looked up.

  Alex turned in his saddle. ‘Gentlemen, who fancies a quick trip with me?’

  ‘I do,’ said Hubert.

  ‘As do I,’ said the Prince.

  ‘You know I’m coming,’ said Thalion.

  Alex smiled. ‘One each, you better dismount.’

  Birkaz shook his head at them. ‘Why don’t House just bring her here?’

  That would be no fun, said House, and I would not move anyone unless they wanted me to.

  They arrived inside the house near a set of double doors where they could hear voices from the other side. Alex motioned for the big knight to break them open, even though it wasn’t locked. The big man stepped back before crashing through the doors. Four men playing cards, looked up with alarm, and moved too late. Alex didn’t release the blades of his spear, but used it as a club on the nearest guard to him. The prince showed his speed and agility, and took the next guard out with a kick under his chin. Thalion, like the prince, was very agile, and used the handle of his sword to knock out the third guard. Sir Hubert was not so agile and grabbed the fourth guard ramming his head into the nearest wall. As none of the guards were armed, none were killed. When they wake up with bad heads they may wish they were once Alderon finds out they lost an important prisoner.

  They searched the rooms, and it was Alex who found her with the help of House. She had long black hair and appeared to be in her twenties, she looked quite startled at the sight of him.

  ‘Don’t you know how to knock?’ she asked.

  ‘Sorry, my lady, I didn’t know the room was occupied, are you the Duchess?’

  ‘Yes I am, and who are yo—.’ She didn't finish just stared past him, as Hubert ran into the room and embraced her.

  ‘Isabella,’ said the knight.

  The duchess kissed him. ‘Hubert, my love.’

  Alex leant on the frame of the door. ‘Well, I wasn’t expecting that.’

  ‘Neither was I,’ said Prince Karris, grinning.

  ‘This is what songs are made from,’ said Thalion.

  ‘My lords, are you taking us away from here?’ said a young woman with her hair tied back.

  ‘Are you with the duchess?’ Karris asked.

  ‘Yes, another and I are her maids.’

  ‘Then you will come with us.’

  ‘I pledge my loyalty to all three of you,’ said Hubert, as he approached them with his arm around Isabella.

  ‘There is no need as we’re friends,’ said Alex, and loyalty will always be there.’

  ‘You humble me, my lord,’ said Hubert.

  ‘No, my friend, you have shown me nothing but kindness and courtesy since I met you. Loyalty is already there for friends,’ said Alex, and held his hand out and the knight took it then embraced him.

  ‘Who is this man who enthrals so much?’ Isabella asked.

  ‘Beautiful Izzy,’ said Karris. ‘It’s good to see you safe and well. This is Lord Alex who brought his small army, but only small in number and not in power, to our world and enticed all the other kingdoms to follow him.’

  Isabella’s eyes grew big. ‘Into our world, are you teasing me?’

  ‘No, not really, as you can see Lord Thalion is an elf, and because of these lords we have a chance of winning.’

  ‘How do I repay you, my lords?’ said Isabella.

  ‘By leading your people and being happy,’ said Alex.

  ‘Sir Hubert already made me happy, but my people might be a different matter.’

  Alex smiled. ‘Let’s go back and sort that out.’

  ‘May I get changed first as I cannot ride a horse in this dress?’

  There is a carriage outside I can take back for you, said House.

  Isabella looked up. ‘Who is that?’

  ‘The great spirit who found you,’ said Hubert.

  ‘Thank you, great spirit, but I will need to ride a horse if there is any chance of leading my people.’

  House took them back once the duchess changed clothes, and the five hundred Morodonians all bowed down to her. The army rode at a gallop to catch up with the others.


  ‘I hope he brings them back before we set off,’ said Luella.

  ‘Bring who back?’ said Paige.

  Luella stood wiping down any creases in her trousers. ‘Dart and Thistle, I hope they come back before we set off.’

  ‘Won’t they be just as safe there?’ said Claire.

  ‘If no one is watching the princess, she will join in the fighting with them.’

  ‘I’m not into all this princess stuff,’ said Jodie, ‘but she is quite feisty.’

  ‘I like her,’ said Carrie, glumly.

  Paige put one of her sword straps over her left shoulder. ‘What’s up with you?’

  ‘Nothing really, but don’t you think James should take charge now?’

  James mounted his horse. ‘No, Alex put you in charge and that’s how it will stay.’

  ‘You did well yesterday,’ said Claire.

  Carrie grabbed her saddle before climbing onto her horse. ‘Thanks’ but it’s not that.’

  Torgon glanced over at her. ‘Does it bother you that much?’

  ‘The thing is,’ said Carrie, looking around the army, ‘you’re the main elf lord, and there are three dwarf kings. James is the general, and Henrik is the major at the Order, and there’s Victor of course.’

  Torgon nodded. ‘So you feel outranked and believe someone else should be in charge?’

  ‘Yeah, something like that.’

  ‘Who would you put in charge? Which of us leaders would you pick over the other?’

  ‘I don’t know, as I wouldn’t want to upset anyone.’

  ‘None of our titles matter here, apart from to our own kind,’ said Verdan. ‘All of us leaders become like captains to our men in your army.’

  ‘Alex was very clever,’ said Torgon, ‘and chose wisely, there’s no ill feeling amongst us as we follow you.’

  ‘It’s also nice to let someone else give orders,’ said Verdan.

  ‘Indeed it is,’ said Torgon.

  ‘So you like someone else in charge?’ said Carrie, as Dart and Thistle returned.

  Torgon shrugged. ‘This is not our world, and we’re only here to help.’

  Carrie looked over at the Calberon guard. ‘Stormhook, you’re a leader.’

  ‘Yes, my lady, but I could never order your people to do anything.’

  ‘Then we best get going,’ said Carrie.

  ‘Yes, boss,’ said Claire.

  Carrie smiled. ‘Just shift it soldier.’

  They rode for a couple of hours before they come across another troupe of the Kings soldiers, and Stormhook rode up next to Carrie.

  ‘Hail, Captain Stormhook, are you leading this army,’ said the lead soldier.

  ‘No, Captain Broad, the Lady Carrie does, we just ride with it.’

  If it bothered the Captain, he did not show it. ‘His Majesty believes there’s an army travelling north and hoped it was Duke Nester.’

  ‘He will be coming from the west.’ />
  ‘That’s good news, but the king needs you.’

  Stormhook nodded. ‘That’s where we're going.’

  ‘You’re running out of time as Alderon will be on our lands sometime today.’

  ‘Did you not hear a loud noise last night?’

  Broad nodded. ‘Yes, but have no idea what it was.’

  ‘Let’s just say it will give us time.’

  Carrie raised an eyebrow. ‘Gentlemen, could we have this conversation as we ride before we run out of time?’

  Stormhook nodded. ‘I’m sorry, my lady, and you’re quite correct.’

  Broad turned his horse. ‘May we join your army?’

  Carrie smiled. ‘We would be honoured.’

  The soldiers rode past the army to join them at the rear, and Dart was spotted by many.

  ‘Kai Silverwolf,’ a soldier shouted, ‘you’ll be popular in the capital as you’ve now entered Calberon.’

  ‘I thought my friends might’ve missed me,’ said Dart.

  ‘They do, but not on card nights,’ said another soldier. ‘I’ve gotten rich in your absence.’

  ‘Was I so good at cards, Krojak, no one else could ever win?’

  ‘I nearly won the princess off you one night.’

  ‘Kai would never gamble with me,’ said Thistle, ‘is that what my father did?’

  ‘Princess Evanthe, please forgive my joke, and as for what your father did was a sadness that none of us can understand.’

  ‘You’re forgiven for such kind words.’

  Stormhook watched and returned his gaze to the front. ‘Lady Carrie, you were worried about leading, but you just led.’

  ‘It didn’t feel too good,’ said Carrie.

  ‘It’s not supposed to, it should feel right, and that’s all you need to worry about.’

  It was almost dark when they saw the large army coming from the west, and set up camp.

  King Landon and Earl Karlson dismounted along with Marakus and Roscoe, and made their way through the camp.

  Stormhook bowed. ‘Greetings, Your Majesty.’

  Landen clasped him around the shoulders. ‘It’s good to see you, Captain.’

  ‘As it is to see you, and Earl Karlson.’

  ‘So which of these beautiful women is the Lady Carrie?’ Landon asked.

  Carrie bowed slightly and offered her hand. ‘That would be me, Your Majesty.’

  Delighted to meet you,’ said Landon and kissed the hand, as did Earl Karlson when she offered it to him. Carrie introduced the others, but one he already knew ran to his arms.

  Landed embraced her. ‘Princess, it’s so good to see you.’

  ‘You too, Uncle,’ said Thistle.

  The king turned to Dart. ‘Kai Silverwolf, it has been too long, my friend.’

  Dart bowed. ‘Indeed it has, Your Majesty.’

  Claire glanced over and shook her head. ‘You know, Dart, for a wanted man, no one seems to want you.’

  The King smiled. ‘I understand he is under Lord Alex’s protection, and by our laws that means we cannot touch him.’

  ‘I was not aware of that law, Your Majesty,’ said Dart.

  ‘Neither was I, but the good earl figured it out.’

  ‘Yes, as you know anyone who saves another will always be their ally,’ said Karlson. ‘Lord Alex and his army have saved many since he got here, and that means we cannot go against our allies.’

  ‘No offence, my lord,’ said Stormhook, ‘but it feels like an old law being twisted to fit.’

  Landon nodded. ‘Indeed it is, Captain, but it will work just fine.’

  Luella approached them. ‘So, you have met my son Alex.’

  ‘I have indeed, great Lady, and a delightful chap too.’

  ‘Would you do us the honour of eating with us?’ Carrie asked.

  The king smiled. ‘The honour would be all mine.’


  Skye looked over at them. ‘This is all a bit too much.’

  ‘What is?’ Sammy asked.

  ‘All this bowing and the greetings, I just hope it doesn’t change our Cas too much.’

  ‘I liked the bow, it was much better than a curtsy,’ said Claire. ‘Did you see her almost tell the two captains off?’

  ‘She is only doing what she thinks is right,’ said Daralis. ‘Carrie has many worries at the moment.’

  Michelle glanced over. ‘I thought she would be happy.’

  ‘The Dragon World is playing on her mind and no one knows what to expect there.’

  ‘Can we help?’ Sammy asked.

  Daralis nodded. ‘Yes, by being her friends, she needs those more than anything at the moment.’

  ‘We will always be her friend,’ said Claire.

  ‘Yes, but you do seem to be avoiding her at the moment.’

  ‘We have not,’ said Michelle, a little upset by the comment.

  ‘Yet, none of you have ridden beside her since Alex put her in control of the army.’

  Sammy scratched her chin. ‘I thought it impolite to ride at the head of an army.’

  ‘Leaders of armies always have advisers with them.’

  ‘I can advise,’ said Claire.

  Daralis smiled. ‘Carrie might like that.’


  Adair got House to take him to Wizards Keep. It was like a small castle and the gates were open. He saw robed men going in and out of different buildings inside the walls.

  ‘Great one, you’re back,’ said a voice behind him.

  Adair turned around. ‘I think you mistake me for someone else.’

  The young man in white robes looked disappointed. ‘I’m sorry, my lord.’

  ‘I take it the wizard is not back.’

  ‘No, my lord, I’m Marin one of his apprentices.’

  ‘Have you mastered the art yet?’ Adair asked.

  ‘No, none here ever quite has, we can do a few things but not enough to be a wizard.’

  An older man in dark robes hurried over to them. ‘How did you get in here?’

  Adair raised a brow. ‘The gates were open, so I walked through.’

  ‘They don’t need to be closed as there is a magic field protecting us against anything that would do harm here,’ said the man. ‘Marin, why did you not question it?’

  ‘Question what, Anno? As you said it’s protected, yet he walks straight in.’

  ‘Bad things are happening, and you should take care to what might be able to get in.’

  ‘Then all would be lost if the magic fails us here, and I will not accept that. This man entered freely, and I sense power in him.’

  Anno sneered at Adair. ‘So do I, tell me do you have magic?’

  Adair leant on his staff. ‘You could say that, I’m a wizard.’

  ‘There is only one wizard on our world, and you’re not him.’

  ‘I’m not from your world. My name is Adair, and I’m looking for your missing wizard.’

  ‘That’s some boast to call yourself the ancient one, can you prove it?' said Anno, as six robed men joined them.

  ‘How would you like me to prove it?’ Adair flicked his wrist and Anno started floating in the air.

  ‘My lord, I believe you,’ said Anno, now panicking, and the wizard let him down.

  ‘You’re the ancient one Lord Bryn told us about,’ said Marin, half bent over trying to bow.

  Adair shook his head. ‘Stand up straight . . . you don’t bow to a wizard.’

  ‘How can you be the great wizard Adair?’ said Anno. ‘It’s impossible.’

  ‘Is anything really impossible?’

  Marin clasped his hands together. ‘Great one, are you here to help us with the war?’

  Adair nodded. ‘Yes, we have an army heading towards Calberon now.’

  Anno looked shocked. ‘And you’re not leading it?’

  ‘No, as I’m not their leader, he is in the west freeing other armies to join in the battle. Our army at the moment is led by a woman called Carrie.’

  ‘She sounds like
a great lady,’ said Marin, ‘but who is he who can go and free the other armies?’

  ‘He’s called Alex, and he’s my nephew,’ said Adair, somewhat proudly.

  ‘Is he a wizard too?’ Anno asked.

  ‘No, Alex is something else, and a lot more powerful than any wizard that has ever been,’ said Adair, and this time less cheerful.

  ‘You appear worried by his power.’

  ‘Only that he doesn’t understand how powerful he is,’ said Adair. ‘Do you know anything of where your wizard went to?'

  ‘We know a few things,’ said another man, who looked older than the others. ‘I am Caltor, the high elder here. Our wizard went north after he sensed something evil while trying to find what Alderon had summoned up.’

  ‘You mean something else, other than those demons.’

  Caltor nodded. ‘Yes, he went to the mountains north of Urbania.’

  Adair rubbed his eyes. ‘I hope he doesn’t try to face it alone.’

  ‘Do you know what it is?’ Caltor asked.

  ‘A blood devil we’ve been chasing,’ said Adair. ‘It’s very powerful and pure evil.’

  There were worried looks, which changed to one of surprise when they heard an unseen voice.

  I believe he is riding towards Calberon, said House.

  ‘How sure are you?’ Adair asked.

  He dresses like you, and I can sense power in him.

  ‘Who was that?’ Marin asked.

  ‘He is a great spirit who we call House, and a great friend.’

  ‘Great one,’ said Marin, ‘we’re leaving for Calberon now to see if we can help, would you care to join us?’

  ‘I would ride with you so far, but I will need a horse.’

  Anno waved a hand to other robed men. ‘We have one for you, great one.’

  Adair sighed. ‘We have been introduced now so you don’t need to keep calling me great one.’


  Bel Blueflower and the Snowbears

  Alex’s army made camp for the night a few hours away from the main army.

  Bel Blueflower approached him. ‘My lord, I would like to thank you for what you did.’

  Alex saw something sparkle in her eyes and stepped back. ‘Don’t touch me,’ he snapped, as an image of her popped into his mind.


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