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The Final Destiny: Vesta Mansion Trilogy - Book Three - Fantasy

Page 33

by P. A. Priddey

  ‘And there he stood a lonely figure, with a whole world’s safety on his mind. He watched and hoped if on this fateful day, would the gods be kind?’ said Claire, as a few of the others approached.

  Alex turned to her. ‘Have you become a poet?’

  ‘No, I think I read it somewhere.’

  ‘I liked it.’

  ‘Is the whole world’s safety on your mind?’

  ‘No, but thousands of innocent lives do’

  ‘When we win today you will have saved more.’

  ‘You’ve changed, you know that.’

  ‘Not really, I just thought I’d be pleasant as we’re about to go to war.’

  Alex glanced at the women, all from the mansion, his friends. ‘I take it you’re not going back inside the castle until after the battle.’

  ‘Not a chance,’ said Michelle.

  ‘We cannot let the demons hit you with their fire,’ said Kristina.

  ‘My Lord Alex,’ said Blackwood, ‘shouldn’t you order these ladies inside?’

  ‘My Lord Blackwood, the ladies of Vesta do as they please, and will never be given any orders.’

  ‘As you wish,’ said the baron, and strolled back to the army.

  Alex walked over to the tent where all the leaders and wizards waited. They watched the advancing army move slowly towards them, with the clones at the front, spread out into long lines.

  Thalion passed him a drink. ‘You were correct about Alderon showing his whole army, he has over forty thousand with him.’

  Alex nodded. ‘Thankfully three quarters are clones.’

  ‘I see your point now,’ said Karlson. ‘If he knew we matched him for numbers he would retreat until he had more.’

  ‘It’s time,’ said James, as the enemy stopped and the demons took their places surrounded by men in black cloaks.

  Alex watched the enemy prepare to charge. ‘What if House just takes me over there and I kill Alderon quickly.’

  ‘The demons would be out of control,’ said Adair, ‘and could kill many in their own army.’

  ‘OK, let’s get this done,’ said Alex, and walked to the front of the army with is spear extended.

  A soldier turned to him. ‘My lord, are we really safe from the fire?’

  ‘You are protected, and don’t look up as they will expect that. Just focus on what’s in front of you,’

  James stood next to Alex at the front of the army, as Alderon sent ten thousand clones to attack the defenders of Calberon. Eight demons sent fireballs through the air, but were all blocked by House, Kristina and Millie. Bryn was not required to use his magic, but moved his arms around very fast as if it was all his doing. Thousands of clones fell to the hail of arrows, and the rest that got through were all killed by the waiting soldiers. Alex and James nonchalantly killed any that came near them. The first attack was over in less than thirty minutes.

  James stared across the battlefield in amazement. ‘Did that just really happen?’

  Alex smiled. ‘I hoped he would be just as good a general as everyone else on this world.’

  ‘Yes, but to waste a quarter of your army, and for what?’

  Alex glanced over at the tent where Bryn was being held up by two men. ‘To drain our poor wizard of his power.’

  James gave a wry smile. ‘At least the acting’s good.’

  ‘Let’s hope Alderon believes it worked, and we can get on with the next part of the plan.’


  Alderon kicked a chair from outside a tent. ‘What the hell kind of plan was that?’

  Rothgar sneered and stared at the castle. ‘You knew the clones would be ineffective, you rushed them into battle without any training.’

  ‘So, I’m just meant to waste them with nothing in return.’

  ‘It was no waste, look at the wizard. He will not be able to hold off another attack. Send in your soldiers before he gets a second wind, and I will send in more demons.’

  Alderon shook his head. ‘And how many of them do I risk getting killed before I have no army to command?’

  ‘Does it matter? Once you have conquered them, their army will become yours.’

  ‘Captain Brook, send in the Morodian army, and make sure they understand what will happen to them if they try to run.’


  ‘The second wave’s coming,’ said James.

  Alex glanced over and saw ten thousand soldiers approaching. He smiled when he saw they were not clones. ‘Don’t let any of the archers fire their arrows, and only look like you’re about to fight.’

  Blackwood looked shocked. ‘My lord, are we not going to defend ourselves?’

  ‘There will be no need,’ said Alex, as Isabella came down to them with her hood up and five hundred Morodians behind her.

  The defenders waited for the army to get close as fireballs again were blocked, only this time some were sent back burning the demons. Kerry and Emma just smiled. The Calberon army opened to let Alex, Fulton, and Isabella through. The Morodians closed in as she removed her hood, and Jark the farmer stood by her holding a flag with the insignia of Morodonia. The soldiers all stopped and dropped to one knee.

  ‘Duchess Isabella, our true leader, what would you have us do?’ the lead soldier asked.

  ‘Turn and face the usurper of our lands.’

  ‘Well, I wasn’t expecting that,’ said Fulton. ‘What happens now?’

  ‘We make some room here for the knights and your guard.’ said Alex, as the four wizards and four elves walked over to them. ‘We will get rid of the demons, and let the armies dispense of what is left of Alderon’s men and clones.’


  Rothgar hissed and threw its arms up. ‘There are other wizards, why didn’t you tell me?’

  Alderon looked panic-stricken. He was now outnumbered, and most of his army were clones. ‘We’ve only ever had one.’

  ‘They have Isabella with them,’ said Brook. ‘How did they know she was still alive and where she was?’

  Alderon rubbed his eyes. ‘Does that matter now? They know I have no authority, or a proper army, I’m finished.

  ‘Not yet,’ said Rothgar. ‘They will see my power.’ The demon walked towards the battlefield followed by the other demons. ‘Spread out behind me.’

  ‘Yes, master,’ said the demons, as they moved away.

  Rothgar motioned to Alderon to be ready, as it took a small looking stick out of its robes. The demon recited some words to it, and watched it grow into a staff. Rothgar slammed it into the ground, and the earth shook violently all the way up to the city, making many of the defenders fall. The clones surged forward followed by the elite guard.


  Alex pulled King Fulton to his feet. He vanished only to appear in front of the demon lord. He pointed one hand and the golden energy sent the demon flying backwards. The other demons ran to help but were destroyed as the other wizards appeared. The demon lord stood, removed his robe, and started to grow as did the staff. The demon stood twelve-foot tall with the staff about to hit the ground, when suddenly it stopped and stood motionless. The demon screamed, as smoke came out of its mouth.

  Alex turned to see the women of Vesta by the city, all with one hand out, palm facing the demon, and their other hand on their amulets. Alex shrugged his shoulders and turned back to face the others. Alderon bored down on him with a crazed look on his face, as Sir Hubert’s Lance hit him in the chest killing the would-be-king instantly. Dart and Stormhook with the Calberon guard took care of the not so elite guard. Alex watched as the remaining clones were destroyed, when the wizards joined him.

  ‘Well that was short and sweet,’ said Thalion.

  ‘What did you do to the demon lord?’ Bryn asked.

  ‘It wasn’t me, the women did it.’

  ‘They’re not healers?’

  ‘No,’ said Alex, as they made their way back to the city, ‘but they’re great ladies.’

  Bryn nodded. ‘Yes, indeed they are, and you do know there will be a
big celebration for this.’

  ‘Not for me just yet. Do you know where the portal to the Dragon World is?’

  ‘Yes, I’ve been there many times.’

  ‘We need to go there shortly.’

  ‘Are you chasing what I sensed the other night?’

  ‘Probably, do you know if it went through?’

  ‘I believe so,’ said Bryn, as they approached the city where thousands of soldiers cheered.

  ‘We must depart as soon as possible . . . he will have a big enough head start on us.’

  ‘You are leaving us so soon?’ said Fulton.

  ‘We have no choice, Your Majesty, but we hope to return soon.’

  Amy stood smiling at him. ‘Did we do OK this time, Papa?’

  ‘Yes, you did brilliantly,’ said Alex, and put his arm around her.

  ‘One of your daughters?’ said Fulton.

  ‘Yes, Lucy and Sally are the other two who are here.’

  House spent nearly an hour taking small groups back to their lands where they could spread word about the outcome of the battle.

  Alex and Carrie returned to the mansion to see the children, and tell them they would not be home for a while. The children understood, as they had seen part of it in their dreams. James organised all those that had come with them from the other worlds so that House could take them to the portal. Only one horse was going with them as Alex’s stallion did not mind travelling that way, and Alex wanted him there for Luella to ride. Aileen and Morven were with the gnomes trying to understand the strange feeling they had, but could find no answers. The three hundred that had come to this world now numbered five hundred outside the portal, as Sir Hubert, Dart, Stormhook and Prince Karris all went with them, as did many of the guard. Bryn opened the portal and they all went through.

  The sight which greeted them was a huge forest about a mile ahead. The trees were the largest any of them had ever seen, with a thick mist hovering near the bottom. To the left and right were mountains so vast it would put the valley they were in, into darkness once the sun passed over them. Alex looked back beyond the portal where he could see the mountains continued for miles. The only gaps he could see were to the right of the forest.

  Paige stared up with one hand shielding her eyes from the sun. ‘Is that a bird?’

  Torgon looked up as did the others. ‘No, it’s a dragon.’

  ‘A golden one,’ said Marakus.


  Dragon World

  The blood devil stood outside the portal after a week of searching and reading out the first part of the spell, and now he could see it. He hoped Dagur’s power would translocate them through, but it did not work. He read out the whole spell from memory. The portal opened and the blood devil stepped through with Dagur’s body. It was dark on this world as it looked ahead into the night. The devil knew where it had to go and tried to look but could see nothing. Dagur’s magic could do nothing either. It went straight to the forest ahead, but could not enter. The demon told him there was only one way it could get to its goal and that was through the mountains. It was longer and even more dangerous than the forest, but it was the only way. The devil felt angry, it always did when it was hungry. The previous world had promised much in food, but there were too many armies. It felt the presence of large innocent creatures and looked for them, but they had all gone. Lorbronika told him to go the mountain way as it was too much of a risk going across the land. There were so many mountains to search for the portal it took longer than it wanted. Drosca found what it thought were two humans, but when it tried to torture them they felt nothing, and when it tried to drink their blood it nearly choked. They were not human, just looked it.

  Drosca tossed Dagur’s body behind a pile of rocks and made its way to the mountains to find the tunnel. It was a long climb before the devil found the opening and night had become day.

  The devil wanted to run as fast as possible but that would be too dangerous, as things here were much bigger. It was going to be slow and it needed to feed. The devil was not afraid as it was Drosca, King of the blood devils, the biggest and strongest of them all. Drosca walked slowly through the tunnel and stopped every time it came to a crossroads. Some were just as small as the tunnels, some opened into huge walkways and the devil knew what walked through these.

  Drosca hid as something large approached, it was a snake bigger than any it had seen before. The serpent flicked its tongue in the air as if it could taste something. It was a mistake as something even bigger grabbed it.

  Drosca hid back for as long as it thought safe. When the giant creature eventually passed, the devil ran into the next tunnel and found a cave to the right. It must have been the snake’s lair as all its young were inside. Drosca entered with a smile on its face.


  ‘What other creatures live here?’ Torgon asked.

  ‘There are giants and serpents,’ said Zakora, ‘and many animals like there are on all other worlds, except yours.’

  ‘We have many animals on our world.’

  ‘Yes, but not for eating.’

  ‘What do we do now then?’ said James.

  Alex watched tents being put up. ‘I’m going to have a chat with a dragon.’

  ‘It’s Krakar,’ said Korzak, as Alex turned towards the forest.

  Paige shook her head. ‘Do you want to be eaten by one of those things?’

  ‘Don’t worry,’ said Korzak, ‘a lot of dragons are friendly.’

  ‘Does colour make a difference?’

  Torgon watched the dragon land. ‘Yes, golden ones were very stuffy and aloof if I remember.’

  ‘Not stuffy, just very serious,’ said Korzak. ‘Krakar is one of the Elders. He and his mate are the oldest creatures I know of.’

  ‘It is not his real name as we could never pronounce it,’ said Zakora, ‘so it was a name we gave him.’

  James raised an eyebrow. ‘Does every name you make up have at least one k in it?’

  ‘Most of them do, now you mention it.’

  ‘You said most dragons are friendly,’ said Carrie.

  ‘Green dragons are the friendliest, but red dragons do not care what they kill or burn.’

  Alex approached Krakar who eyed him all the way. ‘Do you know why we’re here?’

  Krakar sniffed the air around them. ‘You are going to attempt to go through the forest.’

  Alex could feel heat from the dragon. ‘I am going through the forest.’

  Krakar stood tall, looming over him, with his wings out wide. ‘Do you not fear me, human?’

  Alex stood his ground, unbothered by the size of the dragon. ‘Should I?’

  Krakar’s eyes glowed. ‘No, as you have the golden fire within you. Why are you going in there?’

  ‘You are Krakar, as one or two of them already know you. There’s a blood devil here after a golden egg.’

  ‘How could one of them be here?’

  ‘We believe it used the power of a dead warlock’s translocation spell to get out of its own world.’

  ‘It will not be able to go through the forest, and the only other way is through the Mountain of Giants.’

  That is where it is now, said House, and it is going very slow at the moment.

  ‘Is anything wrong with it?’ said Alex, hopefully.

  It tried to eat some giant infant snakes, but they were poisonous. The dark spirit I sensed is managing to heal him.

  ‘Is the spirit a threat?’ Alex asked.

  I don’t think so, but it is aiding the devil through the tunnels.

  Krakar looked around. ‘You have a great spirit travelling with you too.’

  Alex nodded. ‘Yes, a very good friend.’

  I will not be very helpful here. I can only sense a few things in the forest. I believe I will be able to communicate with you, but that is all.

  ‘That’s something.’

  Once you are in there, I will not be able to get you out.

  ‘We have to get to the end a
nd stop the demon, so coming out won’t be an option,’ said Alex, as he walked back to the others with the dragon.

  ‘Lord Krakar, it has been a long time,’ said Korzak.

  ‘Indeed it has, for all three of you,’ said the dragon, and turned to the elf lords. ‘I knew your parents, and it was an honour to know them.’

  ‘Thank you,’ said Torgon, ‘and it is an honour to meet you.’

  Claire looked up. ‘Is it true that only a few of them will be able to enter the forest?’

  ‘I do not see many going in,’ said Krakar. ‘For those who can go, the magic in there will slow you down.’

  ‘I’ll be going through,’ said Carrie.

  Krakar looked at her for a moment. ‘Yes, I believe you will be able to enter.’

  ‘As will I,’ said Luella.

  ‘I do not see how, beloved healer, as the forest will not allow it,’ said Krakar, who appeared to see their hidden powers

  ‘I don’t know how either, but I will be entering through the east side of the forest.’

  ‘That is a very dangerous route to take, the red dragons mass in that area.’

  ‘Still, it’s the way we’re going.’

  ‘I will go with you, and protect you as much as I can.’

  Luella nodded. ‘Thank you, great one.’

  Alex glanced at his mother before turning to Krakar. ‘Are there any other creatures in there?’

  ‘Yes, there are many, and most are not pleasant.’

  ‘How could they enter?’

  ‘It is their home. None are a threat to the egg, but will hinder anyone trying to get through. Before anyone leaves, we should do something about the dead body behind those rocks,’ said Krakar, and pointed its long neck to the right.

  James ran over to the rocks and glanced down. ‘It looks like Dagur.’

  Alex joined him and turned to the dragon. ‘It’s the evil warlock the devil has been using for its power.’

  ‘Then stand aside and I will not let anyone use his power anymore.’ Krakar breathed out flames and burnt the body to dust.


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