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Falling In (Only You Book 2)

Page 15

by J. S. Finley

  Clay tugged open the door and glanced around. Paranoia made him worry someone from the station was watching.

  “Mr. Simmons, these are Agents Maitland and Johnson. They’ll be staying tonight. I’ll contact you in the morning before you leave.”

  “Thank you. Is anyone from the police department around?”

  “No, sir. They’ve stayed away. You should be safe, but we’re taking down multiple officers, and who knows what type of support they have inside the department.”

  Clay hated how his life had taken such a sharp turn for the worse. He shook Howard’s hand before the man took off. With the door closed, he was locked in for the night. He felt like a prisoner. He couldn’t go anywhere, couldn’t even hit the streets for a run. He was trapped, and he hated the feeling.

  Clay picked up his phone and dialed Thomas who answered on the first ring.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m good. I’m locked in; the FBI is outside my door. It’s weird.”

  Thomas sighed. “Your department is trying to frame you for something.”

  “I know. Crazy. Who would have thought anything like this would happen?” He moved to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator, staring at the contents.

  “Are you really okay?” Thomas’ voice was low, the concern evident.

  He chuckled. “I’m fine. Thank you for asking. I was staring at my refrigerator, thinking of what could go bad before I returned from your place. I cleaned it out before the trip, but I won’t be back here. This fridge, the contents, most all but the two beers in the back, won’t travel with me.”

  Thomas blew out a quick breath. “Hmm, the stuff in the fridge can be replaced. I hate why you’re returning to me, but I’m happy you’re coming back, even if it does mean the meat in your fridge goes bad.”

  Clay chuckled. “You know what to say to make me feel better. It’s weird being with you.”

  “How so?”

  He shut the refrigerator, walked to his door, and peeked out the peephole. “You know I’ve never been with a guy. You’re perfect for me, and I’m happy we’re together. This isn’t what I thought would happen in a million years.”

  “I get that. I agree. I’ve wanted you for a while, but wasn’t sure if you wanted me.”

  “I’m glad we’re friends. I can’t imagine life without you.

  Thomas chuckled, and his heart expanded. He had fallen hard for his friend. Now he understood how Jake and Brent had gotten together and bonded so quickly. It was natural, like they were meant to be together.

  They chatted for a while longer, talking about the area where Thomas lived and his fishing schedule. A pang of fear and something else hit Clay square in the chest as Thomas spoke. His career as a police officer was over. Even if the FBI cleaned out the department and got rid of the people who were involved with this scandal, he couldn’t continue working there. He wouldn’t try to get a job as a cop in Florida. It took trust to be a cop, and he had no clue who he could trust.

  After another ten minutes of chatting, they hung up, and he took a shower before stretching out in bed. It was late, and he needed to get some sleep since he would be driving to Florida early in the morning.


  He’d set his alarm for four and bolted out of bed when it rang. Excitement buzzed; he’d be seeing Thomas this evening. He’d told Howard he wanted to get an early start, and sure enough, the guy showed up shortly after he finished showering. The man had stopped to get coffee, and Clay was glad to see the large brew.

  “There’ve been a few developments since last night. This is very widespread; we could build a solid reason to put you in a safe house.”

  He swallowed another sip of coffee, thinking about what protection would look like. Thomas wouldn’t be there, and being away from his man was a huge turnoff. “No, I’ll be fine in Florida. They won’t follow me that far south. It’s not like we’ll be one state away, it’s Florida.”

  Howard stared at him, his eyes narrowing. “You’ll probably have to come back up at some point for depositions, but this is bigger than you now. There’s a money trail. And we’re looking into multiple offenses ranging over the last four years with other officers who complained; some of them are dead now.”

  “Oh hell.” He took another sip of coffee and weighed going it alone in Florida versus being locked up in a hotel or apartment, unable to contact Thomas. He couldn’t stay away from Florida. “It’s wild they’ve been doing this kind of crap for so long.”

  “Yes, it’s not really surprising to us. Like I said, they’ve been in our sights for a while. We just didn’t have enough until this.” Howard shifted from one foot to the other then coughed. “Um, I have your contact info and the address where you’ll be staying. We’ll be in touch. Maitland and Johnson will follow behind you for a few miles to make sure you aren’t being followed. If you see any strange activity, or if anything worries you, call me. Our agents in Florida are being briefed and know you will be in the area.”

  Clay drew in a slow breath, wishing, yet again, he hadn’t come back. “Thank you, Agent Howard. I’m almost ready to head out. I need to take care of a few last-minute things.”

  “Sounds good. I’ll be in contact with you.”

  “Thank you.” Clay shut the door and moved to his bedroom. He brushed his teeth again and used the restroom before grabbing a couple of bags to take out to his truck. It took him five trips to get his truck fully loaded. Once his bags were stowed, he did a sweep through the apartment, making sure he had everything he’d intended to take with him.

  The agents used two cars and followed him out of the lot. It was a little after four forty-five and the streets were empty. They stayed behind him for a little more than two hours. Not that he wouldn’t have felt safe without them. He sure as heck wasn’t going to allow some jerks to scare him. Really, leaving Virginia was more about being with Thomas and less about running away.

  He received a text when they exited the freeway and was assured no one from the station was following him. He felt secure knowing he wasn’t taking trouble to Thomas.

  The drive to Florida was uneventful. He missed traffic in Richmond, and the construction on I95 just happened to be on the other side of the road. When he stopped to fill up his tank, he grabbed food he could eat while he drove. He didn’t want anything else delaying him from seeing Thomas. When he hit the Florida state line, he couldn’t hold back on his excitement though he still had two hours before he made it to Thomas’ house.

  Once in Daytona, he stopped to fill up his truck and send a text to Thomas. After he used the restroom, his phone pinged. Thomas had texted back, stating he was finishing up with a client and would be home soon.

  It took another thirty minutes to make it to Thomas’ house. Thomas wasn’t home from work, so he waited outside, glad he’d stopped not too long ago to use the restroom.

  He heard a vehicle and his heart started beating faster. He stepped out of his truck and moved to the end of the driveway. Seconds later a truck came into view and Clay might have squealed with delight, but he would deny it if asked. He did hop on the balls of his feet a few times as excitement wove through him.

  Thomas pulled into the drive and cut the engine. Clay’s heart sped up, and his head spun. His man was home.

  Thomas popped open the door on his truck, his smile spread wide. “You’re a sight for sore eyes. I stink, but darn it if I don’t want a kiss.”

  His gaze traveled over Thomas, from his head to his toes then back up. “I don’t mind you stinking up my clothes.”

  A growl escaped Thomas, and Clay shivered.

  “Good. Now get over here and hug me tight. Let’s make the neighbors jealous.”

  Having someone else’s arms around him had never felt so good. He would have been satisfied with a hug, but Thomas angled his head and went in for a kiss. Their lips met and stress flowed from Clay.

  “Let’s head in,” Thomas said as he ended the kiss.

  He nodded then moved
to his truck and grabbed one of his bags. Thomas helped him get his things inside in two trips. They stored them in the back bedroom where he’d slept the first night he’d been there.

  Thomas pulled him into a tight hug before pushing him up against the wall. “I’m glad you’re back, but not happy as to why. I missed you.”

  His gaze searched Thomas’, and he found hope and love. “I missed you too.”

  “I know you’re not the type of guy to leave with things unfinished.”

  “No, I’m not. But they pissed me off. I’m done.”

  “Truly, I understand.” Thomas lowered his gaze and licked his lips. “I need to shower.”

  Clay warmed. “I’ll join you.”

  Thomas tossed him a wicked grin before leading him into the bathroom. They both stripped, and he stepped into the shower while the spray was still cold.

  “Wow, cold.”

  Thomas laughed and tugged him close, kissing him thoroughly. They stayed pressed together, their hands roaming, touching, memorizing. He reached for the soap and began cleaning Thomas. It felt right to slide the soap over his body, slicking up his skin, getting him clean. After a minute, he soaped up his hands and began stroking Thomas’ cock. They were both hard, both breathing heavily. Though he’d only been away for a couple of days, he’d missed Thomas so much. It wasn’t the physical stuff he missed so much either. He missed being with him.

  Thomas cupped his ass, and Clay slid his hand lower, washing Thomas’ balls then reaching even deeper, sliding his soapy finger over his hole.

  Thomas threw his head back and let Clay take over, doing as he pleased. Clay liked the little noises Thomas made. His grunts filled the small space, encouraging Clay. He got his hand soapy again and slid his finger over Thomas’ pucker, dipping in.

  “Fuck, so...good,” Thomas growled.

  Clay reached between them and stroked both of their dicks, pumping into his hand. He had to abandon his hold on Thomas’ ass and use both hands to stroke them. They were both pumping, their cocks sliding together. He was about to fall over the edge when Thomas came.

  Spunk sprayed over his hands. He gulped in a breath, the strong scent of soap and cum filled the air. His orgasm hit and felt like heaven.

  Thomas kissed him softly before turning him and soaping up his body. They both rinsed the soap away before shampooing their hair. He was tired, but being with Thomas energized him. Once they were finished rinsing, Thomas shut off the water and grabbed a towel, handing it to Clay.

  “I’m so glad you’re here. I want to know what happened, all about it.”

  Once dry, he tugged on a pair of underwear but Thomas stopped him from pulling on a shirt.

  “Naked dining?” He lifted his brows and looked so good Clay pushed his underwear to the floor.

  “I can do naked with you.”

  Thomas leaned in and feathered a kiss over Clay’s lips before leading him to the kitchen. Thomas slipped on an apron while he grilled steaks outside as Clay prepared a salad and some rice.

  The sun disappeared behind the house as they ate, leaving behind a star-strewn sky. It was the perfect night, not because the weather was perfect, but he was with Thomas.

  After cleaning up their dinner dishes, they headed to the hot tub. Thomas wrapped his arm around Clay’s shoulder, holding him close. Never had he felt so comfortable with any of the women he’d dated. This felt right.

  “Tell me everything,” Thomas whispered.

  Clay nodded and began telling him what had happened at work, how he’d found out his apartment had been bugged, how the FBI had shown up, and what had happened after.

  “Are you really safe here?” Thomas asked.

  “I think so. I didn’t tell anyone where I was going when I came down last week. No one really knows about you guys. Work is stressful, and I don’t talk about my private life. Plus, the FBI is involved. They aren’t going to come after me since I don’t really know much.”

  Thomas’ arm tightened around him. “I get that. Who knows you drove down?”

  “A couple of FBI agents. No one else knows where I am.”

  “I have a four-hour tour in the morning, then we can hang out in the afternoon.”

  Clay nodded, wondering what he was going to do for work. His plans were gone. “I need to get a job.”

  Thomas nodded. “I understand.”

  Depression hung out on the edge of his consciousness, threatening to take over. “I don’t know what to do. I’ve never been at loose ends like this. This is very odd, like I’ve done something wrong even though I haven’t.”

  “You’re a smart guy. You’ll figure something out.”

  They’d been in the hot tub for a while, and his fingers were pruning. “You ready to get out?” Clay asked.

  “Yeah, thanks for doing naked dining tonight.”

  Clay’s heart swelled as his emotions grew. It was fun hanging out with Thomas. They had something special that he’d never experienced. Coming here had been the right choice. The issues in Virginia would take care of themselves.

  They got out of their hot tub and dried off after covering the top. It wasn’t too late, but he knew Thomas had an early day. They headed to bed and snuggled close. Drifting off with Thomas at his side was amazing.

  He woke to the alarm, confused at first. This wasn’t his apartment, and he had no clue where he was. Then he remembered and sighed.

  Thomas rolled out of bed and Clay followed. After rinsing his mouth, he pulled Thomas into a kiss. They stayed close for a moment until Thomas pulled back and looked him in the eyes.

  “I’ll be back a bit after noon.”

  “I’ll unpack my things. Clean up a bit. Maybe go for a run.”

  Thomas nodded as he tugged on his shorts. “I may need to go help Amy and her husband do some stuff this afternoon. He’s a little too old to take care of everything around their house.”

  “I’ll come and help. It would give me something to do.”

  “Sounds good. I’m going to grab a coffee and go.”

  Clay followed him to the kitchen and pulled a protein bar from the pantry. “Here, for later.”

  Thomas smiled as he took the bar. “You need to eat too.”

  Clay liked how Thomas cared. He’d never had anyone who wanted to take care of him. “I will. I’ll see you later.”

  He was alone at Thomas’ house, and it felt weird knowing he wouldn’t be going home to his job as a cop. It would be easy to get lost in his anger, but he had to keep his wits about him. He had no job, no career to look forward to, and though Thomas had opened his house to him, he felt a little homeless.

  Clay pushed away the depression threatening to sink him and tugged on his running shoes and shorts before heading out for a run. This time he didn’t get lost. After the run, he did a workout of pushups, sit-ups, and squats. He would stay in shape, even if he didn’t know what his next move would be.

  He showered then found Thomas’ vacuum and a dust cloth. If he wasn’t working, the least he could do was clean the house. After running the vacuum, he checked the food in the fridge and made a list. The trip to the supermarket was uneventful, and he felt like he’d accomplished a lot by the time Thomas pulled into the driveway.

  Clay met him on the patio and pulled up short. “Whoa, the other times you said you stank, you didn’t. What happened?”

  “Stupid idiots. I’m going to strip in the garage then shower. I’ll tell you about it once I’m done.”

  “I went to the store. Do you want a sandwich?”

  Thomas’ lips twisted and he nodded. “God, you’re the best. Thank you. I’ll be quick.”

  Clay made sandwiches and a small fruit salad for each of them. He had the food ready by the time Thomas came out of his room dressed only in his underwear. No question, Thomas was sexy. He was going to have fun learning Thomas’ likes and dislikes.

  Clay put their food on the table, and Thomas pulled him into a hug. They clung to each other, the contact a welcome relief.

  “What happened?” Clay asked.

  “They were jerks. We caught a fish and one of the idiots started cutting it up then rubbing it all over himself and the other guys on the trip. Then they did it to me. It was disgusting, and I told them to stop, but they didn’t. Total assholes.”

  “Does this stuff happen often?” Clay asked.

  “No, most people are decent. This group was terrible. They’ve been banned from my boat and my business.”

  ‘”Banned? Do you have a list of banned people?”

  Thomas took a bite of his sandwich and nodded. He chewed and swallowed before answering. “It’s like eight people total. It’s not bad.”

  “Did they tip you?”

  “Twenty dollars. Seriously, I shit you not. Only twenty for four hours of hell.”

  “That sucks.”

  “Yeah, took me a full hour to clean the boat. I had to break out the bleach and Dave had to help me so it was ready for him this afternoon. I did send their names out to a list most of the captains are on. I’m sure some people will take them, but word is out, and good captains won’t bother with a bunch of idiots, or they’ll raise their rates if they accept them.”

  Clay was amazed Thomas’ clients had the nerve to act like such douchebags. But he knew from being a cop some people were crazy. They finished their sandwiches and cleaned up before Thomas called Amy, arranging for them to drop by thirty minutes later.

  “We have a bit of time.” Thomas’ brows lifted. “Wanna get dirty?”

  He reached for Thomas and tugged him close. “Only with you.”

  Thomas pushed him to the couch where he stretched out. They dry humped until Thomas knelt beside the couch and pulled out Clay’s cock. His lips felt like heaven on Clay, teasing and tasting. When Thomas wrapped his lips around Clay and slid down his length, he shouted Thomas’ name. He pumped up, almost ready to come. Thomas reached between his legs and grazed his balls. It was enough to push Clay over the edge.


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