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High Stakes: A Texas Heat Romance

Page 10

by Camilla Stevens

  His tongue continued its song and dance against the most tender part of her, making it sing, and her along with it. God, but she felt so damn perfect.

  Finally, he came up for air and stared across the plains of her stomach and breasts at her face.

  Juliet took a moment to recover, then placed her hand down against his face. “Come to me.”

  He didn’t need an interpreter for that one. He rose up above her like a mountain, going to work on his jeans and underwear as Juliet unhooked her bra, to remove the final bit of clothing. He kicked off his boots along with the rest of his clothes. When he was finally naked, she stared in awe at him. For once, Chance felt a swell of pride grow in him at his work on the rig. It may not have been the most glamorous job in the world, but it sure did a number on hardening his flesh, creating an unyielding landscape of hills and valleys in all the right places.

  “Well, hello there,” Juliet said, looking at his cock as it stood at attention. His dick, reaching almost nine inches long, had never needed any help.

  Juliet pulled herself up and sat on the edge of the bed right in front of him, completely naked. She took it in her hands and began stroking it as her lusty eyes looked up at Chance’s with a fuck-me stare. He watched as those full lips that he first fell in love with wrapped themselves around the large head. Her eyes stayed focused on him, which was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen.

  He felt her tongue slither itself around the head and over the slit, causing him to break eye contact as he threw his head back with a groan. The groan grew louder as her mouth embraced more and more of his length.

  Her hands wrapped around his girth as her mouth took in as much as humanly possible. With his long length and a girth that was just as imposing, he was thoroughly impressed with the way Juliet was handling her business.

  Her mouth followed her hands down his shaft and stroked him up and down, pressing and pumping him. He reacted to every bit of it: the feel of her warm, slippery tongue; the texture of her smooth lips; the heat of her mouth; the feel as his head met the back of her throat. It was driving him crazy.

  “Holy shit, Juliet,” he groaned. It was all he could do to keep himself from grabbing her hair and holding on for dear life as he felt the pressure building up inside of him. One hand went down to cup and fondle his balls and an entirely new sensation of pleasure went through his body like lightning.

  Still, he held on. He fully intended on fucking her senseless as a finish. There was no way he was going to let the build up he’d been saving these last two weeks go to waste, but it was a struggle since Juliet’s expert mouth was having none of it. Her tongue swirled around the head, and down the lower ridge, while her mouth turned into a damn vacuum cleaner.

  Chance had certainly had his fair share of good head in his lifetime, but something about this was fucking amazing. He couldn’t be sure if it was just how good Juliet was at giving head, or the fact that it was Juliet doing the deed.

  All he knew was, he wanted—needed—this woman in his life.

  “Stop,” he finally said, reluctantly pulling himself from her mouth, before he exploded. “Lie back.”

  “Too much for you?” she asked, teasing him all over again as she fell back on the bed.

  “Woman, you have no idea,” he said falling to the bed on top of her.

  He shoved her legs open with his powerful thighs before remembering one tiny little detail. With a semi-reluctant groan he reached down into the back pocket of his jeans and eagerly pulled out his wallet. It took him three tries to pull the condom out. It was even more of a struggle getting the damn thing open.

  Juliet giggled, pressing one perfectly manicured foot into his shoulder as he struggled with the wrapper. “Having trouble there, Chance?”

  “Do you want this thing on or not?” he protested. If she didn’t stop with that he would shoot off right there.

  Juliet accommodated him by pulling her foot away and letting it settle on the bed, one leg bent. At that angle it provided a perfect view of the utopia that awaited him.

  Not helping, sweetheart.

  Still, it was all the encouragement he needed. Once the condom was finally free, and perfectly intact thankfully. He quickly slid it down his throbbing shaft and turned to the woman who had occupied his brain for the past two weeks.

  “Prepare yourself, sweetheart. You have two weeks worth of pent up anticipation comin’ at you.”

  “Well, what are you waiting for, Chance,” she said with a fuck-me grin on her face.

  Chance wasted no time.

  The first thrust caused her to grunt from the impact.

  “God, Chance,” she gasped, arching her back so that her chest was pressed into him.

  He just groaned in response, settling in as far as he could go.

  As though sensing the building heat, Juliet gripped his massive shoulders, holding on tightly as he pulled himself out up to his head and slid back in again, much easier this time.

  Juliet rocked her hips, letting him know she was ready for the ride of her life. Chance responded by quickening his pace, stretching her wide open and, based on her response, hitting the entire alphabet beyond her G-spot.

  His rough hand slid up her waist to cup her left breast. He could feel her heart pounding beneath it just as he had predicted he one day would when they first met.

  “You’re so fucking amazing,” he breathed, looking down at her.

  “Oh God, you too,” she moaned. He could feel the coming crash hit her as her heat pulsated around his cock. When it came she dug her fingers into his lower back, holding him in place deep inside her.

  “Yes!” she screamed from somewhere deep in her core, as her body shook.

  When she let go, Chance slowly built up to his own climax, thrusting and stroking until the paralysis of orgasm overtook him.

  “God, Jule…” he couldn’t finish her name.

  “That’s it baby, come for me,” she purred.

  He grunted and fell on top of her, breathing heavily in recovery. She let him lie there until he recovered and eventually rolled over to her side. She smiled up at him as he emptied himself while inside of her. He came with a jolt of intense ecstasy that had even his bones weak in its aftermath.

  She pulled herself up on her side and rested her head on the crook of his shoulder. “That was amazing.”

  Chance simply exhaled heavily in agreement, letting his breath come back to him.

  “What color are your eyes?”

  He wrinkled his brow and looked at her. “Pardon?”

  “They change color I noticed. Like when you came, they were this dark bluish gray. Now they’re more of bluish greenish gray color. It’s like they change with your emotions.”

  His brow came down even further. “You’re the first person to ever point that out to me.”

  “Really?” she responded with a look of surprise. “They’re so expressive though. I must have seen them change at least a few dozen times in the short time I’ve known you.”

  That set something off in him and he could almost feel his eyes darken in response. Being a poker player it wasn’t good to have your emotions revealed so easily. Chance assumed the only reason why it hadn’t come up in the past was because he kept his emotions firmly in check while playing; even a royal flush failed to make his heartbeat rise.

  “I like the way you say my name when you come,” she continued, falling against him and resting her head on his chest. “Jule, like jewel.”

  Chance brought his arm around her and stroked the smooth skin on her back. “Well, I think it’s fitting, considering where we first met.”

  Juliet laughed when she finally put it together, remembering their first encounter in the gems and minerals section of the museum. “So you have two weeks off and I’m on summer break. How are we going to fill the time?”

  “I can think of at least one way,” he responded, smiling up at the ceiling.

  Juliet gave an appreciative laugh.

  “How about
we just see where the two weeks take us?” he offered.

  “Sounds fine by me.”


  “…F…L…Y. Butterfly. That’s too easy,” Chance said rolling over so that Juliet fell off him with a laughing yelp.

  They had spent the morning making love in her apartment and were writing words on each other’s backs to pass the time away until they decided to stop being lazy, which didn’t seem like it would be any time soon.

  “Here, let me give you one to make you work,” he said, leaning on his elbow on his side.

  Juliet got into position, resting her chin on her crossed arms with a smile.

  “Chance!” she yelled when he pulled the blankets right down past her ass.

  “What? Now you’re getting shy?” He laughed as she pulled it back up to a respectable location. “You can’t even let your man see the goodies?”

  “My man?” she asked with a raised eyebrow toward the headboard. Chance didn’t miss the broad smile that came to her face.

  “At least for the next two weeks. Then I guess I’ll pass you on to your other part-time lover.”

  “Chance!” she groaned with a smile in her voice. “Are you going to write or what?”

  “Okay, Okay,” he said and brought his finger to her back.


  When he was done he leaned back on his side and watched her work it out, whispering the letters to herself again.

  “Copacetic?” She twisted to face him, her arm crossing over her breasts demurely. “Where did that one come from?”

  Chance fell on his back, his head on the pillow as he faced the foot of the bed with a hint of a smile on his face. “Somethin’ my dad and mom used to say after he came back from a game. She’d ask ’everything copacetic?’ and if he played well he’d respond ‘copacetic as hell, Katiebird.’ Then he’d take us all out for something fun.”

  Juliet rested her head on the hand of her crocked arm, getting absorbed in the story. “Like to dinner?”

  Chance gave a short chuckle. “Or the beach, or ice cream. There was that time in New York I told you about. One time, we even went down to Disneyworld. He just said to pack our bags and off we went, school be damned.”

  Juliet gave an uncertain laugh. “Sounds…”

  “Crazy, I know.” He smiled at the wall ahead of him, but slid his eyes toward her with a lifted eyebrow. Then the smile faded. “It was definitely different, but he was a great dad.”

  “Well, he must have been if he raised you,” she said, then fell back against him to stare at the wall as well. “I actually kind of like it. A life of adventure.”

  Chance slid down in bed until he was head to head with her. “Speaking of adventure, what shall we get up to today?”

  Juliet let her hand slide down her waist to the covers and slid them down past her hip. “I have a few ideas.”

  The two of them were on her small couch, her legs draped over his lap. They were sharing a pint of Ben & Jerry’s Bourbon Pecan Pie ice cream as they watched Battlestar Galactica on her large T.V. screen.

  She dipped a spoon into the pint Chance had in his hands and brought the mouthful back to her lips. She nearly choked at what happened next on the screen before them.

  “Oh my God!” she yelped. “So that’s the fifth Cylon.”

  Chance laughed out loud.

  “Wait a sec,” Juliet said, the wheels in her head going to work. “That doesn’t make sense. How—?”

  “Don’t!” Chance said in a warning tone. “Stop overthinking it and just enjoy the dang show.”


  “No!” he said, firmly. “I won’t have you tear apart one of my favorite shows with that brain of yours, woman.”

  Juliet laughed. “So you’re telling me that when—”

  “Stop! I mean it! I swear to God, if you ruin Battlestar Galactica for me, I’ll walk right out the door this moment.”

  Juliet looked at him, her lips twisted in a contemplative smile. Chance could see the debate in her face.

  Her mouth opened once, then she thought better of it. He gave her a look to make sure she stayed on that path. She opened her mouth once more. Chance raised his eyebrows in warning. Juliet laughed and shrugged.

  “Okay, fine…but this isn’t over.”

  Chance dipped the spoon they’d been sharing back into the ice cream and scooped up a large spoonful. “Here. This ought to keep those plot holes out of your mouth.”

  Juliet laughed and ate the spoonful.

  “My favorite memory?”

  “Yeah, you know mine. Tell me yours.”

  Juliet’s head was on his chest facing the window and she gave a soft laugh. “Mmm, I know. My parents were big on road trips. I’ve been all over Texas and Louisiana.”

  “Anyway, despite their bougie appearances,” Chance had been around enough to know what that meant, “my parents actually like to camp. I mean, don’t get me wrong, they did it up nicely. If camping could be a five-star experience, that’s what we did. I have to admit, there is something about a camp fire and the open sky that is just magical.

  “There was one time, when my sisters were both asleep in our tent and I couldn’t for the life of me fall asleep as well. I wandered out to sit and enjoy the peace and quiet and vast emptiness surrounding us. The campfire had been put out, so it was just me and the night sky, which seems so much bigger out of the city. I don’t even remember which state park it was, but that sky…it was like a blanket of stars above me.

  “Well, my dad apparently couldn’t sleep either and he left his tent and saw me. He came and sat down next me and it was just the two of us. We just talked and talked. He pointed out all the constellations, he even picked out Venus. I never even knew he was so well-versed on astronomy, but that’s my dad for you.

  “When I got home, he bought me a pack of those sticky stars, you know the ones that glow in the dark? Exact replicas of the constellations. Of course, being a chemist he had to point out what made them glow. I put them on my bedroom ceiling. Each night as I fell asleep I pictured what that sky looked like from different parts of the world. Would the Big Dipper be upside-down in Australia? Would it seem closer if you were near the equator? Did—?” She laughed, catching herself. “You get the idea.”

  Juliet gave a loud exhale and shrugged with a smile. “I know it’s nothing special but that’s it. That’s my favorite memory.”

  It was a simple story that reminded him of his own happiest memory. Often, it wasn’t the grand events in life that struck people to the core, it’s the simple happy experiences that would never make for a best-selling book or movie, but stuck with people who held them in their hearts.

  “Your tell is in your mouth.”

  “It isn’t!”

  They were sitting around the coffee table in her living room, as Chance taught her the proper way to play Five Card Draw. The fact that Juliet was down to a t-shirt, panties, and bra in their game of strip poker, while Chance still had on his socks as well as everything else, should have told her that she was fighting a losing battle.

  Chance laughed. “It’s a dead giveaway. You twist it when you have a bad hand and press those gorgeous lips together when you have a good hand.”

  “No, I don’t!” Juliet retorted, laughing as she looked up at him.

  “You need to focus on yourself and your opponents, not the cards. Try this,” he suggested, even though the look on his face told her he was more than happy to let her lose the next three rounds. “It’s a trick my dad taught me when I was little. Focus on something that calms you, makes you get lost in it instead of what’s in your hand.”

  Juliet rolled her eyes up to think about it. “Prime numbers,” she finally said. “I count them out as far as possible when I get angry or frustrated.”


  Juliet went to work countering whatever her lips were doing that gave away her hand to Chance. He re-dealt the cards. Her first hand was nothing of note, and in fact pretty abysmal: Q
ueen of hearts; ten of spades; four of diamonds; seven of hearts; three of spades. Still, she was cognizant of what her lips were doing. She got rid of the three lowest cards.

  Two. Three. Five.

  “I can see your mouth moving.”

  Chance dealt her three new cards. Ten of diamonds; Ace of Spades; Ten of clubs. Even though her heart was beating fast at this fortuitous turn of events, she followed his advice.

  Seven. Eleven. Thirteen.

  “I raise,” she said. She watched Chance’s eyes crawl over her, focusing mainly on the mouth as he tried to read her.

  Seventeen. Nineteen. Twenty-three.

  He gave her a small smile. “I raise.”

  She faltered. Had she given herself away?

  “Don’t worry,” he said. “You’re good, I just like calling people’s bluff, especially gorgeous ones who are only three rounds away from being naked.”

  “I think I may have missed a step here somewhere,” Chance said, looking at his attempt at an origami butterfly.

  Juliet gave his a look and tried to keep a straight face. “No, it’s….”

  “It’s a disaster.”

  “It’s good, especially for a first try. I should have started you on the crane. It’s the easiest.”

  Chance laughed. “I’ll go ahead and assume you agree with me that this is a train wreck.”

  “No!” she said. She didn’t want him getting discouraged this early on. “It’s a…special butterfly.”

  “As in, needs a blue placard when parking butterfly.”

  Now it was her turn to laugh. “It’s a cute butterfly. Especially since it’s your first try.”

  “Yeah, yeah. What got you into origami in the first place?”

  Juliet smiled. “It keeps me out of my head.”

  She saw Chance’s raised brow and expounded on that. “It keeps me from thinking too much. With origami it’s just a direct line from point A to point B. No analyzing, just doing. Basically, it’s my escape.”

  “You are definitely an over-thinker,” he mused.


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