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The Vampire's Bat

Page 6

by Tigertalez

  “I don’t know, but we’ll figure it out.”

  His voice sounded strained to her. She remembered the letter he wrote the other night. He believes I’m his beloved.

  “Seamus, I feel such a strong pull towards you. This feels right, and I feel I can trust you. I feel a pull, but I don’t hear my bat saying you are our mate. But it wouldn’t let me leave when I thought to move on. I stayed much longer than I meant to, because she fought me. I don’t know what to think.”

  Maysa felt a warm breath exhale into her hair, and the body surrounding her relaxed a bit. “Try to think of being with another man. Think of another man’s arms holding you right now instead of mine. How does it make you feel?”

  Maysa closed her eyes. Using the visual of one of the other men she just met, she imagined his arms around her and suddenly gave a shudder of revulsion. Her stomach soured so intensely that she was afraid she would throw up.

  Seamus chuckled. “No need to tell me what you feel, I can scent it. I wish I could tell you for certain if we are destined or not, but vampires just don’t know for sure until we’ve tasted the person’s blood. There have been occasions where the other wasn’t a beloved. Though we have indicators, sometimes we can develop a connection with someone who isn’t our destined and we have to taste them to know.” He trailed soft kisses in her hairline before continuing. “Let’s just go a step at a time. How about I do a physical on you?”

  Maysa arched a brow and leaned back to look up at him. He looked down at her and pinked, but chuckled. “Naughty, naughty. I didn’t mean it like that.” Then he groaned. “Darn it. Now you’ve got me thinking it.” She smirked when she felt his hardened length brush against her before he pulled it back to hide it from her.

  Seamus led her to an exam table behind another room divider.

  “You really know how to optimize your space,” she said.

  “Thank you. I’ve had to. I originally got this stuff to one day start a clinic and hospital for paranormals, but I’ve ended up using most of it already.” Seamus helped her up onto the table. Grabbing his stethoscope, he began taking her vitals as he spoke. “You heard his speech last night. We have had several attacks, started by a herd alpha who attacked Gale’s brother, nearly killing him. The alpha was an elk, someone who had no business taking on a predator shifter like Alphy, and yet he continued to stupidly let his enforcers target us.” Seamus finished placing a blood pressure cup around her arm and started to pump it up. “They almost succeeded in kidnapping Alphy’s sister, his mate, and his mate’s mother.” He paused briefly to listen to the pulse in her arm as he slowly let out the air. After writing down the results, he grabbed an otoscope and a specula to go over the tip. “That was Alphy’s last straw. He called the alpha up and challenged him. The idiot had, by that time, no choice but to accept. He knew he couldn’t win, so on the day of the challenge, he had the alpha house attacked, hoping to take Gale captive to pressure Alphy to lose. Okay, hold still.” Seamus looked in one of her ears, then the other. After he finished, he threw the little black tip away. “Then, there was the visit to the herd. During our stay there, we were attacked. Almost lost Slate. Say ‘ah’.” Seamus used the light and a tongue depressor and looked into her mouth. After throwing the depressor away, he grabbed another disposable tip and placed it on the otoscope. “After that, it was Slate’s mother and sister who were attacked, and they flew down to rescue them. Let’s see.” Seamus stopped and looked at the wall as he brought up his memories. “Then Slate and a few others were shot at and crashed their car. Uh, Havana—that’s Alphy’s sister—she was abducted, and Nix’s mate crashed a plane with Alphy and Gale in it. Alphy had a branch spear his stomach from it. And it would be just a week ago tomorrow, Nix was shot.” Seamus turned to her and smiled as he indicated he wanted to look up her nose.

  Maysa sat quiet, absorbing all the drama this pack had already been through. But Seamus wasn’t finished. Throwing the disposable tip away, he leaned his hip against the table. “And everyone is still talking about Slate’s mate, Katie, my nurse, who it was just discovered is pregnant and expecting triplets.”

  Maysa couldn’t take any more. “Hold it, stop. Triplets? Shootings and plane crashes? All that stuff has happened in just one month? Seamus, how could this pack be through so much and still take me in? The people who are after me are powerful.” Maysa felt doubt swamp her. There is no way this little pack can help, she thought to herself.

  “Stop,” he said gently as he took both of her hands in his. “Alphy is very powerful, and fate has blessed him, a lot. He’s not one to back away from a challenge, believing he’s given it because no one else can do it. And both of us believe that you were brought to us for a reason. Don’t underestimate us.” His thumbs rubbed over her hands, both calming her and exciting her.

  She dropped her eyes and exhaled a breath she didn’t realize she was holding. Seamus moved closer and drew her closer, pressing her head against his chest. She could hear the thump, thump of his heart, the sound and rhythm further calming her. She leaned back and asked. “So did you see anything in my exam? A mucous covered scent-stealing monster or mite or something?”

  Seamus laughed. “No monsters or mites. Everything looks and sounds normal. I won’t be able to do more until I get a chance at seeing your blood, and I won’t push you on that just yet. If I detect your health is compromised in a life-threatening way, I will be honest and say I will push to take some then, but we can just wait and see for now, if that is what you want.”

  Footsteps were heard making their way up the stairs. Maysa answered with a nod just as she heard Alphy’s voice. “Knock, Knock.”

  “Come on in, Alphy,” Seamus called out. He grabbed her hand and helped her off the bed. They met at the table, sitting down in the chairs. Alphy held a tablet up for her to see what he had on it. It was Google Maps, with the satellite view. “So here we are up here.”

  They spent twenty minutes looking over the map, pulling up street pictures until they found the building she had escaped from. “That’s it! That’s the one. I escaped out of that window, right there.” Maysa was excited she had found the building. It was in the area of Buffalo, New York. She wasn’t sure if it was a good excitement or a terrible excitement, because she was happy she was successful in locating where her family, and others, were being held, but was sick with the memories of what she endured there. She really didn’t want to go back.

  “Good work, Maysa. I’ll get a plan and a team together. Sea, I have to ask that you come with us.”

  “Undoubtedly. Maysa.” Seamus brought her closer to his side, his arm already around her. It hadn’t moved since he had helped her off the exam bed. “Would you like to come with us?” Maysa felt the blood drain from her face. Seamus’s eyes widened, and he quickly added, “I meant to wait for us at a hotel. If your family is still there, I just thought you would like to see them, and seeing you could help them feel more at ease, in return.”

  Maysa’s heart started to slow, and blood returned to her face. “Uh, yeah, that would be good, I think.” She gave him an apologetic look.

  “It’s okay, Maysa,” Alphy said, beside her. “You have to have been through a great deal recently.

  “I talked with Tyler. He mentioned that we should, if possible, bring everyone who’s been held against their will, back here for the time being. But if you’d like, Maysa, even if you aren’t Sea’s mate, you would be welcome if you chose to stay here on a more permanent basis.” Without waiting for a response, Alphy turned back to Seamus. “You’ll need to pack right away. We can make further plans from a hotel room, but I want to get going within the next few hours. Oh,” Alphy added, turning back to Maysa, “the girls wanted to get you some new clothes. You can go with them if you’d like, or just tell them your size and tastes, whatever you wish. But just so you know, my mate and my sister are a little too excited about this, so there’s no telling what they come back with if you don’t go with them.” He smiled and winked at her be
fore turning, exiting out the door as he chuckled.

  Maysa felt Seamus press a kiss against her scalp. “Did you want to go? I can go with you, if you’d like. It’s all up to you.” He spoke into her hair.

  Goosebumps prickled her skin on her arms. “But Alphy said you have to pack.”

  “I have emergency medical kits always at the ready, so I’d only need to pack my clothes. I can do that when we pack yours. It will be fine. But don’t feel pressured by me, if you just want some time with the girls, then that is okay, too.”

  She felt his hand smooth down her hair that hung down past her shoulder blades. More goosebumps tickled her scalp, making it feel like it was crinkling. “I would like it if you could come with me. I am still too afraid of large crowds, but I believe I can do it if I’m with you. I think then I would only have to worry about not being able to say no to the girls if they wanted to get something for me that I really hate.”

  Seamus laughed. “I can see that happening. Both girls are … dramatic, but they’re harmless if they like you, and they like you.”

  “Don’t kid yourself.”

  Maysa nearly jumped when she heard the unfamiliar voice. Seamus rubbed his hands on her back as he slightly turned to greet the new arrival.

  “Good morning, Katie. Sweetheart, this is Katie, Slate’s mate and our resident nurse. Katie, this is Maysa.”

  “Hi, Maysa. You’ve got all the girls excited to meet you.” Katie extended her hand, so Maysa took it in greeting. “We’re all really happy you’re here and excited to have you join the ‘queen bees’ as Kace has been calling us.” Katie rolled her eyes. “I swear he’s cornier than Tyler. Always something to do with bears and honey and some-such.”

  Seamus placed a small kiss on Maysa’s head. “I’m going to go get some clothes on. I’ll be right back.”

  Maysa turned back to Katie. “Are you coming with us?”

  “Unfortunately, no. I’m still a bit queasy in the mornings and like to stay close to a bathroom.”

  “Oh, you’re the one pregnant with triplets?”

  Katie looked like she glowed when she spread a smile across her face and rubbed her belly. “That would be me. Due sometime in January.”

  Maysa lost her smile as she became unsettled. Katie lost her smile, too. “What’s wrong, Maysa?”

  Seamus walked out with his socks and shoes in his hands. He placed them on the floor near her and drew her into his arms. “What has you so unsettled, sweetheart?”

  Maysa felt horribly rude and embarrassed to have to admit her issue. She kept her voice low, just above a whisper. “I can’t smell her pregnant scent.” A more painful kind of tickle spread through her stomach.

  “Shh, it’s okay.” Seamus comforted her by rubbing his hands in circles over her back.

  “What’s going on, Sea?” Katie asked.

  After looking down at her for what she believed was permission, she nodded her head and he looked over at Katie. “Since she was captured, she’s unable to make out certain scents.”

  “Oh. Maysa, don’t worry, Seamus is excellent at his job, and even if you never return to the same, it won’t change how we all feel about you. For as long as you want to be, you’re family here.”

  “What if Seamus isn’t my mate?”

  “That isn’t why we are willing to take you into our pack and family, Maysa,” Katie explained. “It’s because you have been through something horrible. It is what you need, and we’re happy to give that to you.”

  Maysa was struck speechless momentarily. “Thank you,” she said in a rough whisper. It was a battle not to let the tears that pooled in her eyes, fall. She was powerfully touched by Katie’s proclamation.

  Another pair of feet ascended up from the garage. Gale appeared at the door holding some flip-flops. “Hi, Maysa, I had these and thought they would do until we can buy you your own.”

  “Oh, thank you, that would be great.” Maysa took the offered pair and placed them in front of her. Sliding her toes between the stems, she said, “So where are we going? I can’t afford anything too fancy, like those little shops in malls. Oh!” A sudden thought struck her. She looked at Seamus, worry stretched across her face. “What if I can’t get access to my bank account?” Then another thought came to her. “I guess I could call my aunt first. I haven’t thought about her. She doesn’t know where I am. I bet she’s worried about us. Her and my mom are super close.”

  “Calm down, sweetheart. One thing at a time.” Seamus’s voice soothed her. “I’ll let you borrow my cell, and you can call her before we leave for New York, if that is what you want.”

  “Yeah, and don’t worry about the cost,” Gale added. “The pack is paying for it, and our pack can certainly afford it, so don’t feel guilty about it. Trust me, this little shopping spree is going to be our pleasure.”

  “Who is all going?” Seamus asked.

  “Me, Havana, and Lois. We thought we can pick up some more things for the baby while we’re out. Would that be all right with you, Maysa?” Gale asked.

  “I love babies! That would be a lot of fun.” Excitement tickled her insides. She hadn’t been this happy in a long time, and she found herself looking forward to the shopping trip. “How far along is she?”

  “She’s due pretty soon, but she should have another couple of weeks left,” Seamus answered.

  After saying good-bye to Katie, the three made their way down the stairs. Maysa saw two girls and one very large man with tattoos on his neck and arms standing by a van. She guessed these were Lois and Havana because one of them was very much pregnant. Gale made the introductions. “That tall brunette is Alphy’s sister, Havana. That tall guy there is her mate, Dultyn. He’s going to be our protector while we’re out. Apparently, we girls can’t avoid trouble every time we go to town.”

  Havana guffawed. “Twice, it only happened twice, and the first time we girls kicked butt. But hey, who am I to argue with an extra pair of hands to carry our bags, huh?” Havanna looked up at her mate and wiggled her eyebrows. Maysa joined in when everyone laughed.

  “And the glowing, radiant one is Lois,” Gale finished.

  Lois giggled. “Hi, Maysa.”

  Maysa sat quietly, listening as Gale and Havana dominated most of the discussions as they drove into town. She didn’t mind, as they were both funny. They stopped at several shops, grabbing bags full of clothes and shoes for her. She would have told them it was too much, but just as she suspected, she couldn’t turn down their eagerness and excitement. Fortunately, they chose things she actually really liked.

  In the fourth shop, Lois grabbed her stomach and nearly fell face first onto the floor as she doubled over. “Oh!” Her face was distorted in pain.

  Seamus was by her side instantly. “Lois, don’t hold your breath. You need to breathe. Hum on your exhales. That’s it.” He looked up at Dultyn. “We need to get her home now. Dultyn, unlock the van. Gale, give that stuff to the clerks. We don’t have time to purchase it. Havana, call the house and have Katie, Reese, and Rushod ready in the infirmary.” Seamus lifted Lois effortlessly and began carrying her out of the store.

  Maysa hurried along beside her mate. Wait—mate? Is he? Her thoughts were interrupted by another yelp from Lois. Everyone rushed to get in the van, and they took off, back towards home. Home? Is it? Yes, it feels like home to me. How is that? Brushing her thoughts aside, she helped Lois try to focus on her breathing. Lois was having a difficult time breathing, between the pain and her worry.

  “But it’s too early,” she cried. “Two weeks is like four for humans.”

  Seamus was beside her, also trying to keep her calm. “Calm down, Lois. If your baby comes today, you’re far enough along that there’s a good chance that your baby will be born healthy. You just need to relax as much as you can and breathe.”

  “Hee, hoo, hee, hoo…” She breathed as instructed.

  They sped home slowing down only at the corners and only slightly as they drove over the newly graveled road to th
e house.

  No doubt feeling helpless, Gale and Havana tried to make the situation lighter.

  “I am so glad they filled in this road in prep for the pack run,” Gale said.

  “I actually miss the challenge of not vaulting through the roof or bottoming out on all those dips. Where’s the fun in this?” Havana teased.

  “True.” Gale smirked. “My favorite part was Katie’s threats. I think Enzo was traumatized. He always tries to cover his crotch in some way or other whenever she’s around.”

  A man who looked frantic was waiting for them just outside the garage. He flung the van door open before they could get to a complete stop, and reached in, grabbing Lois.

  Seamus grabbed Maysa’s hand and dragged her up the stairs. He quickly planted a peck on her cheek and left her standing by the kitchen island as he disappeared into the hospital room. Gale, Havana, and Dultyn joined her. “Well damn.” Havana plopped down on one of the stools at the breakfast bar. “Now Alphy’s never going to let us girls go shopping ever again.”

  Gale gave her a pointed look. “That won’t happen if he ever wants to get laid again.”

  “Like you could deny him.” Havana snickered.

  “Just threaten him with calling him ‘poopsy’ openly and often,” Kace drawled as he stepped through the door, followed by a growling Alphy, who shot a sharp look his way before grabbing his mate.

  “Yes, that would just about do it,” Alphy’s voice grumbled. “How are you doing, Honey-bear?”

  “I’m fine. It’s Lois I’m worried about. I thought you said shifters can scent when a woman’s body starts the hormonal change for labor.”

  “We can. I don’t know what happened, but Sea’s the best,” he responded.

  Several other people gathered and waited with them. Lois’s screams dominated all the other commotion they heard coming from the hospital room. Maysa started getting sicker to the stomach, the more time that passed. After about an hour and a half, she had gotten to the point she was shaking uncontrollably. Unable to hold it down any longer, she ran to the sink and threw up.


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