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BRANDR_Elemental's MC

Page 19

by Alexi Ferreira

  When I greeted her as sugar candy and she asked if I thought she was a lollipop, her voice had caressed my skin like silk. I had managed to get her name before she left but that is all I had got from her before she disappeared.

  Cassius was right, since seeing her I have been a little obsessed with her. I need to work her out of my system, I’m sure that when I see her again the hold she has on me will evaporate, but just the thought of her has me hard.

  “Are you going to sit out here the whole day?” Bion asks already standing next to me, a concerned smile on his face. “You know if you really don’t want to do this, I will go in and see what she wants.” He offers.

  Shaking my head I dismount, clapping Bion on the back in thanks I make my way towards the bakery, Bion following close behind. As we enter everyone quietens, this is a normal occurrence as everyone in town is on edge because of the war that has been going on for years with the Keres MC. Even though people are weary of us it doesn’t stop the women from ogling our bodies. I think that’s what captured my attention with Nova, she wasn’t stunned at my looks like most women, and she practically ignored me except to tell me off.

  As Elemental’s we are naturally muscular and possess an animal magnetism that attracts women. To be honest having women always throw themselves at you quickly grows old. We keep the Jezebels because until we find the woman meant for us it doesn’t really matter who we fuck as long as she’s willing. Elementals have a high sex drive and having women available whenever we are in need comes in handy instead of always hooking up with someone different like Cassius does.

  “Hi guys, she’s at the back” Jenny calls out as she rings up a customer’s bill. Gabriela was lucky to have found Jenny, once mated Bjarni insisted that Gabriela spends less time at the bakery worried that the Keres would find and hurt her. Jenny practically runs it, with the help of the MC.

  We make our way through the bakery towards the back where the kitchen is. The first thing I see as I enter is Nova’s ass as she leans over the work table with a spoon in hand she dips it into what looks like icing and then lightly licks at it like a kitten.

  Fuck me, but that has just given me one painful boner, I have never been so drawn to a woman in my whole existence as I am to Nova.

  “Damn, what I would give to be that spoon right now” is that gruff voice mine? Nova jumps startled at my voice, turning she faces us with a surprised look on her face.

  “Oh great, from all the guys in your club and they had to send you.” She grumbles, but a gleam lightens her eyes and that is when I see the bruising on her cheek.

  “Son of a bitch, what the fuck happened to you?” I roar, fury engulfs me at the evidence that someone mistreated her. She jumps again at my rumble, an irritated look settling on her face.

  “Stop startling me, can’t you act normally for once.” She grumbles. Bion moves towards her a concerned look on his face. He lifts his hand but before he can touch her she jumps back, “What the hell do you think you doing?” she asks with a tense set to her shoulders.

  “Bion is our medic, let him have a look at you.” Even though I want Bion to look at her, the idea of him touching her angers me.

  “Well, aren’t you the bossy one.” She protests, but she moves closer to Bion looking up at him wearily. Bion once again raises his hand and starts to inspect her cheek, pressing lightly to see if there is more damage than what it looks like.

  “You right about that, he’s a bossy asshole. The only good thing about him is that he knows me.” Bion chirps. I move angrily towards him, if he wasn’t so close to Nova I would punch the smirk off his face.

  “Ow, I’m not a cushion stop poking at me.” She grunts irritated. Even though I know that Bion is just examining her the anger that is engulfing me because of his nearness to her is confusing. Why is this woman affecting me like this? In all the years I have never felt this amount of possessiveness to any woman like I am feeling towards her. It’s as if my senses have centred on her and won’t let go.

  “It’s just a little bruising nothing that won’t heal in a few days.” Bion states “So do you want to tell us what happened to you and why you need our help?” he asks as he moves back from her until he is standing next to me.

  Nova looks at the two of us nervously as if she isn’t sure if she should trust us. After a minute she starts to tell us what happened. “The other motorbike club, the Keres MC, they tried to kidnap me a couple of days ago but I managed to escape.” She says quietly.

  The idea of those assholes having their hands on her fills me with rage; if they had managed to kidnap her we would never have seen her again. “I thought they would have forgotten about me seeing as I got away, but yesterday they managed to take my friend Sam. They contacted me last night saying that if I return they will let Sam go.” I can see that she’s agitated but she tries to maintain a calm exterior as she looks at us.

  “So how do you propose we help you?” I ask suspiciously, I want to help her but I must make sure that she isn’t hiding anything. I can always ask Aria to read her mind later and make sure that she is telling us the whole truth but before we take her to the compound we need to verify that her story is true.

  She approaches us, a determined look to her eyes. When she’s a few feet away she stops, her voice when she speaks comes out melodic and soft as if she’s humming to us. “I’m not proposing anything; you are going to help me get my friend Sam back.” She states in that melodic voice.

  I nearly laugh at her order, this little fire cracker has more balls than some guys I have met. “Is that so? And how do you propose to make us?” I ask curiously. I see a surprised look cross her face at my words and then she looks at Bion to see his reaction. Bion simply lifts an eyebrow in question.

  “You are going to help me get my friend Sam back.” She repeats her voice softer than before.

  “That doesn’t answer my question sweetness, why would we help you?” she looks stunned at my question.

  “How is that possible?” she asks as if she’s talking to herself. What the hell is she talking about, maybe she’s mad.

  “Tell me something sweetheart, why do the Keres want you?” at Bion’s words I still, looking over at him I see a calculated look on his face. What is he getting at? Is it possible that she’s one of the special women that the Keres are kidnapping, could she be one of our mates?

  “Fuck no.” I growl. Is it possible that she could be my woman? It would explain my fascination with her. Fuck, if she’s my woman she will drive me crazy with her rebellious nature. I always thought that my mate would be a nice docile woman, not a hellcat.

  “Do you always have to be so rude?” she grumbles, and then looking at Bion she shakes her head slightly. “I’m not sure; I had never crossed paths with any bikers before. Except for your friend over here.” And she points at me with a smirk on her face.

  “Do you have anything that they might want? Is there anything special about you that they might know about?” as the words leave Bion I see her tense, fuck, please say no, please say no.

  “What do you mean?” she asks cautiously.

  “The Keres have been kidnapping women with specific gifts, if they are after you that can only mean that you have something that they want.” Bion states, an eyebrow lifting while he waits for her to answer.

  “Nope sorry, don’t have anything special about me.” She replies, but her hands are fisted and her shoulders are tense. Damn, she’s lying.

  “Well then, there is no reason to help you. If you are as ordinary as you say they will forget about you soon enough and let your friend go.” Bion retorts, he starts to turn as if to leave. “You coming brother” he asks. I know he’s up to something so I play along with him. I’m about to follow Bion when Nova stops us.

  “Okay!” she grumbles “Maybe there is something about me that they might find different, but it’s nothing special honestly.”

  “And what might that be?” I ask

  “Well … maybe I can kind of
persuade people.” She says rebelliously, her shoulders tense as if she’s preparing to fight us. She has the power of persuasion, damn; no wonder she’s such a hellion she’s used to getting her way with everything.

  “Well I’m happy to say little girl that that doesn’t work with us.” I say sarcastically.

  “Asshole” she grumbles, looking at Bion she asks “Do you believe me?”

  “Yip, unfortunately I do. You will come with us to the compound and I will introduce you to other women there that are just like you but with different gifts.”

  “But we have to go and get Sam, they said I only have until tomorrow night before they kill him.” She states urgently.

  “We will go and get your friend; you will stay at the compound where you will be safe.” I order, if she thinks that she is going to go anywhere while those fuckers are looking for her she can think again.

  “Oh really, and who made you boss?” she asks sarcastically. Fuck, as she stands rigidly with her breasts straining against her t-shirt before me, all I can think about is taking this woman and making her obey me.

  “His right, you will have to come with us. Once we there we will meet and decide on how we going to extract your friend. Don’t worry Nova, everything will work out.” At Bion’s statement Nova finally nods in agreement.

  Don’t miss CERIC book 4 in the Elementals MC Series, you can find it here.




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