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Made for Me: (A Bad Boy Billionaire & Single Mom Story)

Page 13

by Weston Parker

  “I don’t know. I’m not sure that’s a good idea. I should spend some time with my—”

  “She’d love to go,” said Leslie who interrupted me. “I’ll babysit.”

  I glared at her with wide eyes. “I guess I’ll see you around seven?”

  Cole laughed. “I’ll need your address.”

  “How about I just meet you there?” I didn’t feel good about him coming to my house, not with Cam being there. I didn’t want to confuse my kid or make him think that anything was going on with me and Cole.

  “Fine, I’ll text you the address,” he said. “I’ll send a car if you’d like?”

  I watched as Cam got down from the table and went over to put his plate in the sink, and then he and Max ran off to the other room before responding. “No, thank you. I think I can manage. I should go. I have a bestie to murder.”

  He belted a laugh. “Kill her after she babysits for you. I really want to see you, Jessica.”

  “Likewise. I’ll be there.” I ended the call and then looked up at Leslie. “Are you out of your mind? Do you have any idea what you’ve done?”

  “Like I care. You need this date.”

  “It’s not a date. He and I agreed, it’s just dinner between friends.” I wasn’t going to tell her anything else about what he and I had done.

  “I think you need to have a little fun, Jessica. It’s not going to kill you, you know?”

  “I know, and believe me, I’ve had a little fun with Cole already, and he’s very confusing. I’m trying really hard not to fall for him, but it’s harder and harder every time we go out.”

  “Well, you go and have a good time tonight. Cam and I will watch movies until we pass out, and hopefully, the little guy will still be asleep when you do your walk of shame. Then, I’d like all of the juicy details please. You can even make it a brief summary if you like.”

  “I’m just going to dinner, and I’m going to try and use a little restraint. I really like him, but I’m also afraid that I’m the only one falling. I don’t need a broken heart.”

  Leslie patted my shoulder. “You deserve this, you know?”

  “I’m trying to tell myself that.” I needed a constant reminder with the way I was behaving lately. The guilt I’d feel afterward was always the most challenging part.

  Chapter 19


  I hadn’t intended on asking Jessica out again when my day started, but after a long morning of contemplating what Tanner had said, I couldn’t help but wonder if I was doing the right thing with Jessica and had begun to question my self-control. It wasn’t like me to let something come in the way of me and my work, and while I’d hardly consider Jessica an unhealthy distraction for me personally, perhaps she was where my company was concerned.

  My problem? I was hopelessly attracted to her, and I’d become a man who was accustomed to getting what he wanted. I hadn’t let anyone stand in my way in years. It just wasn’t the man I’d become.

  I hadn’t come here expecting a long, drawn out affair, but to have one last time together and make sure we were on the right page and moving forward in the right direction as a boss and his employee.

  When Jessica walked into the restaurant looking like a million bucks, I knew I was in trouble. She looked around the restaurant for me, and then before she met my eye, the hostess got her attention, and then they were on their way over.

  She wore a long silk dress that showed off all of her curves, and tall heels that made her legs look even longer. And though I tried really hard, I couldn’t help but imagine them around me as I buried deep inside of her.

  I stood and waited on her approach. “You look lovely.”

  “Thank you. You’re very handsome yourself.” I pulled out her chair, and she looked up at me and smiled as she lowered herself to her chair and placed her handbag in her lap. “I was afraid I’d be late.”

  “You’re right on time.” I felt the desire grow deep within me. If nothing else happened tonight, I’d have her on her back and on my cock; that much I knew.

  She tucked her chin and gave a shy look. “I’m a bit out of practice for things like this. I wasn’t even sure what to wear.”

  “Well, you hit that right on the mark, trust me.” I shifted in my seat to make room for my cock, which was punching at the front of my pants like it had a mind of its own.

  Finally, the wine I ordered was brought to the table.

  She waited for hers to be poured and then took a healthy sip. Once her cup was back on the table, she gave me an apologetic look. “I have to confess that if it wasn’t for my friend, I wouldn’t be here. It’s not that I don’t like you, Cole. It’s just, I don’t feel comfortable not knowing if what we’re doing is going to hurt me in the end. I’ve been very protective of my feelings, and well, you are quite charming.”

  “I have no intention of breaking your heart, Jessica. I just enjoy your company, and I don’t think we should deprive ourselves from having a little fun.”

  “But it’s a date, right? I mean, we could argue that our first time was to quench those awkward feelings of tension, and the second time was because we didn’t quite get enough the first time, but I’m not sure how to justify the last two times. The impromptu flight and dinner sure seemed like a date to me.”

  I couldn’t help but be amused by her way of thinking. If she needed to analyze it, I’d entertain her. “Well, we could argue that you were so terrified of flying that you wanted to do it one last time in case you didn’t make it back safely.”

  She giggled, and her cheeks reddened. “But we did it before we took off in Florida to come home, too.”

  I took a pull from my wine and then gave a shrug. “So, we’re not dating. We’re opportunists. It’s perspective.”

  “But you never explained this. This feels a lot like a date. I mean, it did when I showered and shaved my legs, when I put on this slinky dress and these killer heels. It does now, sitting here with you. Looking into your eyes and knowing I want you.”

  Her words got my blood pumping. “That’s not a bad thing.”

  “If that feeling of wanting grows and isn’t mutual, then, yes, it could be. That’s why I don’t date.”

  “Well, I find myself wanting to spend time with you, even though I know it might not be a great idea with me being your boss and all, but I’d like to learn more about you, and asking you to dinner seems like the best way.”

  “So, this is a date, then,” she stated very matter-of-factly.

  “Okay, I suppose it is,” I said. “But friends or lovers, it will be what we make it. So, do you want to continue? To make an arrangement of sorts?”

  “An arrangement for a non-arrangement?” She giggled and then sipped more wine, and I wondered how long it had been since she’d drank anything that could make her tipsy.

  “Why not?” I lifted my glass to my lips and paused. “And if you start to have feelings, then we talk about them.”

  “It’s not me having feelings that bothers me.” She met my eyes. “I suppose it’s the fact that you don’t.”

  That took me by surprise, especially since I’d opened up to her. “Am I some cold-hearted bastard with no feelings? I think you’re overthinking and worrying before there is anything to worry about. Let’s enjoy each other’s company. How about that?”

  “Agreed. Whatever happens, we’ll agree to remain civil and friends.” She lifted her glass. “To arranging non-arrangements.”

  I lifted my glass to toast and then took a long pull. “So, now that’s out of the way, tell me something about yourself.”

  “I like this wine,” she said, taking more from the bottle.

  “Do you drink much wine?”

  “I’ve drunk my share. A poor widow needs to relax, and while I didn’t develop an alcohol problem, I have drunk plenty. I prefer it with a long, hot bubble bath.”

  “There’s an image for me to dream about.” I could picture her in the tub, surrounded by bubbles with her hair up and her tits
barely submerged. I shifted in my chair again and knew that I wanted to bring her home with me. I had an amazing tub, and I wanted to have her in it.

  The waiter finally came, and we gave our orders. After he was gone, I leaned in toward the table and reached across for her hand. “Do you want to get out of here? We could take the food to go and head back to my place.”

  “I kind of like it here. It’s so date-like.” She looked around and put her napkin in her lap as our appetizer came to the table.

  “I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking. I just thought you might like my tub.”

  She laughed and reached out to touch my arm. “I can sit in a bathtub at home. It’s not often I get to dine in one of the nicest restaurants in the city.”

  “Noted. But I still want to show you the tub. How about later? And before you say you can see your tub at home, I will bet you another date that you’ve never seen a tub like mine.”

  “That’s not fair. You probably live in a mansion on the bay and had your tub brought over from Rome where it sat in a palace for an emperor.”

  I chuckled at her wild imagination. I loved her creativity. “Well, shit, if you’re going to dream that big, it’s never going to impress you.”

  She took another sip of wine. “I’d like to see it.”

  Before I could respond, the food came, and I enjoyed watching her eat it and the expressions she made as she savored every bite. When we were done, she was already a little tipsy, and after we walked out to the car and she slid into her seat, she pulled out her phone.

  I walked around and got in and looked over to see her looking through her call log.

  “I have to call home and ask Leslie if I can stay out a while longer.” She gave me an apologetic look and then held the phone to her ear. “Hey, Leslie. Yes, I’m having a good time, but I was wondering if you could watch Cam a bit longer.”

  I could make out some giggling on the other end of the line, and she began to giggle too, caused by the wine. “Thanks,” she said. “I owe you one.”

  “That went well, I take it? Are we clear to go to my house?” I started the car, and then, as I drove out of the lot, she moved closer and put her arm around me.

  “She’s going to stay the night. Said I should make the most of it.”

  I really liked her friend’s way of thinking. I glanced over to see that Jessica was close enough to kiss, and suddenly, her hand was on my thigh and she was stroking it slowly, inching her way up higher and higher until she applied pressure over my cock.

  “You’re so hard. It’s such a shame you have to wait all the way until we get to your house.” Her fingers walked along my length as she inched closer.

  “If only we were all alone here,” I said with a sarcastic tone.

  “I suppose then it wouldn’t be terrible if I did this.” She bent down and bit softly through my pants, and the sensation was so fucking hot that my breath hitched.

  “You bad girl, you shouldn’t tease. If you want to play with it, take it out and play.” I wanted to feel that warm mouth wrapped around me and hoped that she’d oblige sooner than later.

  With a giggle, she sat up and kissed my neck. “Just think of how intense it’s going to feel when I actually do it,” she whispered in my ear, her breath giving me gooseflesh as it kissed my cheek.

  “Oh, you want to play, do you? A little bit of punishment for me giving you so much pleasure?”

  “Turnabout is fair play, and besides, you know you’re going to get what you’re craving, so why not sit back and enjoy it?” She rubbed the front of my pants and then went back down to nibble at me through my fucking pants. Once she had me about to die of anticipation, she slowly unzipped me and sprang my cock free of its crowded confinements.

  “Yes,” I whispered. But she didn’t go down on me. Instead, she gripped my cock tight in her palm and jacked me up and down as I tried to stay focused on the road.

  “You’re so big and hard.” She raked her thumb across my tip, spreading the tiny pearl that had gathered there. “And wet too. It’s a shame if I don’t taste you, isn’t it?”

  I took the exit to my neighborhood and reached across to stroke her center. “It would surely be a shame.” My balls were tight and full. When I got her back to my place, I was going to give her everything I had in me.

  She dipped down, and while holding my cock up, she wrapped her lips around it. “Fuck,” I said as I put the pedal down further. We were almost there, and then, I wasn’t going to be at her mercy anymore.

  Chapter 20


  Sometimes, I could surprise myself, and when I realized I was seducing Cole Saunders in his Tesla, I knew the wine had taken over my inhibitions.

  I had been so accustomed to wine that I hadn’t thought anything about having some. I had never really gotten drunk on it but had been used to having a glass, maybe two, during my bath. But I’d been so taken by Cole and the small talk, I’d gulped down three glasses before I’d realized how much it would affect me, and I’d gone too far to turn back now.

  “That’s amazing,” he said as I went back down on his shaft. He slowed the car. “We’re here, but would it be selfish if I don’t want you to stop?”

  I didn’t speak. I only sucked, working my mouth on his erection as he eased his seat back and stroked my hair. He breathed heavily and moaned, and I peeked up to see that he watched me with barely open eyes. And then he reached for my chin and pulled me off, bringing us closer to take my lips with his own. “Let’s get in the house. I can’t wait to have you.”

  I nodded slowly. “Okay. Are you going to show me the bath?”

  He shook his head. “No, I’m going to show you my bed first. How would you like that?”

  “Lead the way.” I eased back, gathered my handbag, and got out of the car. I straightened my skirt that he’d had his hand up, and then he came around to my side and led me to the front door. With the dark of night and the trees around his yard, I wasn’t able to see just how big the place was until he opened the door and led me inside.

  He turned on the lights, and my mouth fell open. The house was beautiful, and from the sparse décor, I could tell that he not only had expensive taste, but he was a lot tidier than me. It was a stark contrast to my own cluttered home, but then again, mine was also occupied by a boy and his dog.

  “You have a nice home. I love the style.”

  He took my hand. “Thanks, I hired a decorator. I didn’t know what to do with all of the space.”

  As we walked across the front room and to the stairs, I hugged close to his side so I wouldn’t stumble. “I can’t imagine having someone else decorate my house. I’ve always liked that each and every little item is special in some way. They hold memories.”

  “I didn’t have a whole lot of that kind of stuff. I can’t even imagine my old life blending with my new one.”

  “You’re a new man?” I asked him when we reached the top of the stairs.

  He smirked. “Yes, I guess you could say that. I changed my stars. Anyone can, you know?”

  He brought his lips down on mine, and I wondered what he meant for me. That I could change my stars too? It didn’t feel likely. I was too afraid to try to love again, and yet, while I looked into his eyes, I was almost convinced that he could change that for me if he wanted.

  Knowing his intentions and desires was what had been eating at me, but since he’d never offered more than wanting to get to know me, I didn’t think that he’d be willing to want more from me than what he’d been having. How long could I survive on that?

  He pulled away from my mouth and looked deep into my eyes. “Are you okay? I don’t feel like you’re with me.” His hands were heavy on my waist and had been moving all over my body just moments before.

  “I’m with you. I think the wine is making me a little fuzzy is all.”

  He pulled his hands away from me and held them up. “Do you want me to stop?”

  I took his hands and stepped closer, bringing them around
me as our mouths met in a passionate kiss. He brought me up against him, and I hitched my leg up around his thigh. Suddenly, he lifted me up and carried me in his arms down the hall where he deposited me on the bed.

  It was like falling onto a cloud, and as I sank into the fluffy comforter, he reached down and grabbed my ankles and parted my legs, resting them over his shoulders as he knelt between them. “This is your last chance to call me off because once I get started with you, I’m not going to stop until you beg me.” He grinned so widely that I knew I was in trouble for my earlier teasing.

  I giggled. “You’re making me think I need a safe word.”

  “Now, that’s interesting. If you could choose one, what would it be?” He kissed my inner thigh down close to my knee, and I stroked his soft hair as I thought of my answer.

  “Tesla.” I said, not able to think of anything else.

  “That’s a terrible safe word.” He kissed me a bit closer.



  I narrowed my eyes at him. “I thought I get to pick anything I want. I could use asparagus or pumpernickel.”

  He shook his head and continued his way up. “You might want to make sure you pick a good one because once I reach my target, it will be too late.”

  “That’s not fair.” He had kissed his way so close that I only had about two guesses left.

  “No, this isn’t fair.” He lifted his head and kissed me again, this time, his mouth coming down on my panties. He was going to torture me the same way I’d tortured him.

  “Flower? Pencil? Taco?” I all but screamed out the words, but he didn’t let up.

  Finally, he gave a chuckle. “No, you don’t get a safe word. The only thing you’re going to be saying is more.” He gave me a teasing glance as his mouth went back to work over my panties. Once he had a nice little wet spot worked up, he nudged them aside and then slipped his tongue beneath the fabric. Then he rose up and looked down at me as he slipped them down to my ankles before tugging them free.


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