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Heartfire: A Second Chance Romance

Page 16

by Joanna Blake

  This was not dancing. This was groping.

  "Hey- don't touch me!"

  He opened his mouth to say something but before he could speak he was yanked backwards. I saw the guy spin and go down. I couldn't see him through the crowd of dancers concealing the floor. But I knew he was down there. He didn't get up again.

  Just like that, he was gone.

  No huge fight. No bouncers involved. A few seconds later I saw the guy holding his nose as he limped off the dance floor.

  But I wasn't looking at him.

  I was looking at Drew.

  My fiance stood in front of me, his face grim. He looked angry. He looked more than angry.

  He looked furious.

  "Outside. Now."

  I opened my mouth to speak but he shook his head and started to propel me through the crowd. Drew had his thick arm straight out to keep anyone from touching me. I was grateful for that, even though I was still nervous.

  And more worrisome, I was still nauseous.

  The last thing I needed was to puke all over him.

  I didn't think that would go over too well with Drew in his current mood.

  Lowe waved to me coyly on his way across the bar, a posse of off-duty firefighters trailing in his wake. I would have stopped to chat but Drew didn't even pause. Lowe had to shout so I could hear him.

  "Where's that sexy cousin of yours?"

  I pointed helplessly as Drew pulled me out of the club. Lowe just grinned and headed over to the table where we had bottle service. I hoped Jamie and the girls wouldn't worry if I disappeared.

  I had a feeling I was not coming back.

  Outside the cool air hit my face, instantly bringing me to reality. My boyfriend was angry at me. No- I looked down at my finger.

  My fiance.

  Drew wanted to marry me. He was going to marry me. Soon. Unless he'd changed his mind about me again? I felt sick as he opened the limo door and guided me inside.

  He wasn't rough but he wasn't exactly gentle either.

  I swallowed nervously as he told the driver to drive through Central Park. Slowly. As many times as it took. Then he told him not to disturb us for any reason whatsoever.

  My stomach turned over with nerves.

  Slowly, he raised the privacy screen. Then he turned to stare at me. I saw a muscle twitch in his cheek and instinctively scooted further away from him. He had never laid a hand on me. But at the moment, I wasn't so sure.

  "Come here baby. I'll dance with you."

  My eyes were wide as he grabbed my ankles and pulled me down the seat until I was on my back. His eyes were cold as he climbed on top of me and started grinding into me roughly. I closed my eyes, trying to ignore the rush of desire I felt.

  Even though he was being deliberately crude. I still wanted him.

  "Is that what you like? You need this kind of excitement?"

  I shook my head, trying to convince him.

  "No. I don't!"

  He had his hands on my ass. Then he lifted my leg and I felt his arousal against me. He told me I looked hot. That I looked like I was looking for action.

  I opened my eyes are stared at him.

  "I'm not. Please Drew... don't."

  Instantly he stopped. He stared down at me. He looked like I'd felt earlier when I heard he was at a strip club.

  He looked jealous.

  "Why Kennedy? Why did you let him touch you?"

  "Jamie said you were getting lap dances. She said I should lighten up. I didn't- I didn't do anything. He just grabbed me and-"

  He stared down at me, cutting me off with a curse.

  "Did he hurt you?"

  I shook my head. He swallowed and stared at me, his eyes darkening with concern.

  "Did I hurt you?"


  I shook my head and traced my fingers over his face.

  "No, you didn't."

  He took my hand.

  "I'm sorry. I- I lose my head around you. I saw that guy touching you and I-"

  "Shhhh... it's okay. I'm okay."

  "Do you want to go back? It's your party."

  I shook my head.

  "I hate nightclubs. And I only want to dance with you."

  His dark eyes were fierce and tender as he kissed me, pouring all his love into it. He did love me. If I'd ever had a doubt, the way he was kissing me forever eradicated it.

  I lifted my arms around him and kissed him back.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  The gorgeous girl in my arms was willing, ready, even eager for me. Even though I'd just acted like a complete ass. She hadn't been dirty dancing with some guy.

  He'd been dirty dancing with her.

  And who could blame him?

  My girl was sweet as candy and twice as pretty as any girl I'd ever laid eyes on. And that wasn't even what I loved about her.


  I'd finally admitted it. I loved Kennedy. I had for a long time. It was a relief to tell her. To tell myself. Now why couldn't I act like it?

  I had overreacted as usual and now I was apologizing as usual. I just couldn't seem to keep my head on straight around Kennedy. Somehow, I always seemed to screw things up.

  Big time.

  But actions spoke louder than words.

  And the easy access outfit she was wearing... well, it made the actions I had in mind much easier. I grinned and started working my way down her body, kissing and biting her through her clothes.

  Acutally, they were Jamie's clothes if I had my guess. No way my angel owned a skin tight little black dress like this. But she did look mighty fine in it.

  I paused between her knees and looked up at her. Her eyes were glazed as I spread her legs and nipped her inner thigh. I was glad it was warm out. She wasn't wearing tights on her silky, gorgeous legs. I looked up and smirked at the sweet white cotton panties I saw.

  Now those were Kennedy's.

  Oh yes, my girl was sweet and innocent.

  And I was about to gobble her up.

  I pushed her dress up to her waist and gripped her panties, dragging them down to her ankles. I lifted one foot, and then the other before tucking them into my pocket.

  "I'm keeping these."

  She blushed, out of breath as she stared down at me. I kept eye contact as I leaned forward and stuck my tongue out. She watched as I licked her slowly, top to bottom. Then bottom to top.

  Then I spelled out the alphabet.


  In cursive.

  By the time I got to Z, Kennedy was shaking. I shifted upwards and flicked my tongue against her clit. She arched off the leather seat and screamed. I laughed, praying the limo driver would not pull over.

  Because I was not even close to being finished with my meal.

  Thankfully, he kept driving. Kennedy was shaking her head as I lowered mine and started practicing my cursive again.

  "Drew! Oh God..."

  She grabbed my hair and tugged on it hard. I wasn't sure if she was trying to pull me closer or push me away. Didn't matter. I wasn't even close to being done having my way with her and I wasn't in the mood to rush. There was a time and a place for quickies and this was not it.

  Oh yeah, I took my time, applying the lightest pressure with the tip of my tongue to her quivering pussy lips.

  She wasn't exactly coherent at this point anyway.

  "I- oh God! Drew... you... oh!"

  I was smiling as I started spelling out sentences. I love you. You taste delicious. I want you to scream for me again.

  I don't think she understood what I was spelling out. But it didn't matter. She did what I asked.

  She screamed.

  Kennedy was shaking as I used my tongue to ride her to completion. She was mewling and arching her back off the seat in the sexiest way. I used one hand to hold her down so I could work. The other hand was busy with her clit.

  Finally, I lifted my head and leaned over her half-naked body. I started down at her, in awe that she was mine.
She looked like a woman who had been well taken care of. Soft and fuzzy around the edges. Supremely relaxed. I reached down and stroked her with my fingers, teasing her to a state of arousal again.

  She rocked her hips against me as I undid my pants.

  "Please... hurry..."

  This time, I gave her what she wanted.


  Now it was my turn to be incoherent. She gripped me tightly as I inched forward, sliding into her silky depths. Even as turned on as she was, it was a snug fit. But once I was inside, it was like we were made for each other.

  Kennedy and I... we were each other's perfect fit.

  I closed my eyes and started to move.



  I tried to be quiet as I started to peak again. I was excruciatingly aware that we were not really alone. The real world was just outside a thin shell of metal and plastic. Other cars. Pedestrians. The driver.

  Oh lord, the driver.

  I hoped I did not have to make eye contact with him. He must know what we were doing back here. I just hoped he didn't know exactly what we were doing.

  And Drew was not letting me be quiet. Every time I tried to restrain myself, he did something to push me over the edge. Even now he was toying with me, controlling my orgasm as he rode me very, very slowly. I was close and had been since he slipped inside me.

  He stopped moving and leaned back. He was kneeling between my legs, only touching me where his cock speared me. He smiled at me cruelly as he lowered his fingertip to my clit and pressed down on it, circling it rapidly. I screamed as an orgasm tore through me. But he didn't stop. He started to circle his hips while his finger worked, dragging my orgasm out. He fucked me with everything he had, making it even more intense as he circled his finger on my sensitive nub.

  "Oh! Oh God please! I can't-"

  "Oh yes, baby. Yes, you can."

  And I did.

  I was beyond words as I thrashed on the limo seat. This time though, he was beyond words too. Drew's face was dark as he drove into me again and again. He cried out as I felt him expand inside me. And then I was coming even harder, clenching down on him as he thrust again and again. He went fast, then slow, then a few hard thrusts as he came and collapsed forward onto his thick, strong arms.

  He kissed my belly, resting his head there. As always, he was careful not to crush me. I would have smiled and thanked him if I'd been able to speak.

  He was trying to catch his breath as he looked up at me, a lock of hair curling over his eyes.


  He was still hard. Still inside me. I was still shaking as I pushed him away and tugged my skirt down, lunging for the window. I rolled it down and heaved out of it, puking all over the side of the car.

  "Sorry! Oh God, I'm sorry!"

  I wasn't sure who I was apologizing to. The limo driver, or Drew or the trees in the park. Thankfully no late night joggers seemed to be on the road. I heaved again, splattering the street.

  And the side of the car. It was kind of unavoidable. But gross.

  Yeah... probably the limo driver was the one who deserved an apology.

  Drew was behind me, his hand soothingly rubbing my back as I enjoyed the cool air on my face.

  "You okay?"

  I nodded, closing my eyes as the cool air calmed me.

  "Jesus Neddy, how much did you drink?"

  I leaned back in the seat and wiped my cheeks with the napkin he handed me.

  "Nothing. I didn't drink anything. I haven't since we stopped using protection. Just in case."

  His eyes widened at the exact same moment as mine.

  He grinned and his chest puffed out. I'd never seen anyone peacock that hard. But we knew. Even without a test, we knew.

  We were having another baby.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  "Jesus Christ Drew, hold still!"

  I was leaning to the side, trying to see how my tux looked while Janine fussed over me. She was tugging on my tie. I straightened up and grinned at her.

  "Alright big Sis. I'll be good."

  I grinned at her, letting her work her magic on me. She'd always been the only one who could wrangle my waves into something that looked legit.

  I caught my eye in the mirror. I did look good. Black suit. White shirt. Blue tie.

  Kennedy didn't know it yet, but I was her 'something blue.'

  Not just my tie either. We hadn't had sex since the limo. For days now my family had been keeping us apart. Something about tradition.

  Today was my wedding day, and it was going to be great.

  And not just because I was desperate to get my gorgeous bride-to-be in the sack. But that was going to be amazing too.

  I just hoped I could hold out.

  "Oh shit."

  Dave was standing outside the open front door, waiting for us to be ready. I stepped out and stopped in my tracks. I could not believe my fucking eyes.

  Kennedy's brothers stood outside in the street. All three of them. I glared at the two dumb ones, and they glared right back. Danny cleared his throat and took a step forward.

  He had something wrapped in tissue paper in his hand.

  "Don't worry, they aren't coming to the reception. Unless you want them to. But they want to be at the ceremony."

  "They do?"

  He glanced behind him with a shrug.

  "I know it doesn't change anything for you, but it does for them. They see this as making things right."

  I scowled at the Neanderthals. If they hadn't kicked my woman out on the street, I might be more inclined to forgive them for trying to beat my ass. But I couldn't forgive them for Kennedy.

  Only she could do that.

  "Anyway, we wanted her to have this. It was ma's."

  I swallowed and took the folded tissue paper. Inside were two combs, decorated with sparkly clear stones and seed pearls. I nodded and closed my hand over the package, wrapping it carefully then I handed it back.

  "You give it to her."

  "Are you sure."

  "Yeah. And Danny?"

  He looked at me, his heart in his eyes. He did love his sister. I knew that without a doubt now. I smiled at him and clasped his hand.

  "Thank you."

  We stared at each other for a solid second before I gave his two older brothers another dirty look, then put them out of my mind

  I clapped my hand on his shoulder and grinned. Daniel was growing on me. Especially since he was the pick of the Stewart litter.

  On the boys side, anyway.

  "I better get going. I'll see you there?"

  Daniel nodded and I looked back to the house. My whole family was outside, waiting. My sister, who had practically raised me. Her husband and my niece and nephew. Both of my brothers, alive and well. Janey, my brother Dave's wife. I could practically see my Ma and Dad smiling behind them. Maybe even Grannie.

  Yeah, everyone who mattered was here.

  All except two.

  I grinned. The most important two. My woman and my son. My baby boy.

  I smiled wider.

  My two babies.

  "Let's do this."

  The Callaway clan headed to church.


  "Oh my God. It's too much. It's too much I tell you!"

  Jamie held Kyle up so we could admire him in all his splendor. I'd spent all week sewing. I'd made my own dress, simple white with lace cap sleeves and matching veil, and this.

  My masterpiece.

  "Kennedy. I can't stand it. He's too cute."

  Jamie's eyes were wide. She looked lovely in a pale blue dress. She'd even pulled out her yellow extensions, and her bright magenta hair had faded to a soft burgundy. I knew her more sedate look was for my big day, but also maybe had a little something to do with her burgeoning romance with Lowe.

  I smiled at her and my heart swelled at the sight of my little man.

  I'd really outdone myself this time.

  Kyle looked
dapper in a tiny tuxedo with a pale blue bow tie. Of course, it was all made out of soft stretchy baby-friendly material, but you couldn't tell unless you got close.

  He even had fancy little patent leather shoes.

  "Can we give him a moustache? Please?"

  I laughed and shook my head.

  "No. But I did get him this..."

  I pulled out a toy cigar and handed it to the baby. He shook it up and down and squealed in joy. We burst into giggles and enveloped him in our arms. It was a warm, wonderful group hug.

  Pretty quickly though, we were crying.

  "Stop! Kennedy! You will mess up your makeup!"

  "You are one to talk!"

  We smiled at each other as I fought back my tears. She had managed not to smear her makeup. She checked me out thoroughly before nodding.

  "You're good."

  She smiled tremulously.

  "You are the most beautiful bride-"

  "Stop! We are gonna cry again!"

  We laughed and made one last search to make sure we'd gotten all our stuff. We looked at each other and nodded. We were ready. Jamie loaded Kyle into his stroller and we were off. My last walk as a single woman.

  The church was only a few blocks away.

  We walked together, Jamie with the stroller and me holding up my dress. My aunt Selene was waiting for us there, taking care of the bouquet and all the last minute details.

  Everyone should already be seated by the time we walked in. I would wait in the back. Jamie would walk with Drew's niece throwing petals. Then it would be time.

  The sun was shining. It was a beautiful Fall day. Everything was perfect.

  And then it wasn't.

  We turned the corner and saw them.

  My brothers stood out front of the church. All three of them. In suits. I stopped short. Jamie did too.

  I forced myself to walk down the block to meet them.

  Micheal stepped forward and we stared at each other.

  "We're here to give you away."

  I straightened up.

  "You already did that. The day you kicked me out on the street."


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