Homs, Syria 16
second battle of 206
Honorius III, Pope 183
Horns of Hattin 142
Hospitallers 156, 160, 201, 206
origins and care of sick 109, 185, 264, 265; rivalry with Templars 109, 185; at al-Aqsa mosque 110; events before Hattin 140; executions by Saladin 143; and Krak des Chevaliers 109, 205; in defence of Acre 207; negotiations over the Templars 212, 214; maritime role in defence of Rhodes 215, 216, 217, 231; defence of Malta 231; action at Lepanto 232; capture of Malta by Napoleon 237, 257–8; revival 258–61
House of Commons, London 268
House of Hadith Scholarship, Damascus 127
House of Lords, London 241
Hudaybiyya, Treaty of 8
Hugh Capet, King of the Franks 67
Hugh of Caesarea 133
Hugh of Lincoln, St 164
Hugh of Vermandois 77, 90
Hulegu 196
Humbert of Silva Candida 64
Humbert of the Romans 191
Hume, David 240
Humphrey IV of Toron 139–40, 161
Hunayn, battle of 9
Hundred Years War 216
Hungarians 68, 79, 194, 221, 222, 223
Hungary 79, 224, 229, 230, 231
kings of 172, 177, 227
Hunyadi, John 223
al-Husayn (Shiite imam; son of Ali) 29, 30, 42, 44
Hussites 222
Huy monastery, Belgium 78
Iberian peninsula 33, 34, 217, 226, 265
Ibn al-Athir 117
Ibn al-Qayrasani 123
ibn al-Zubayr, Abd Allah 30, 31
ibn Hubayra 127
Ibn Jubayr 113
Ibn Khaldun 208
ibn Munqidh clan 125
Ibn Saud (Abd al-Aziz) 236, 256, 257
ijtihad 275
Il-Ghazi the Artuqid 111
Ilkahnate of Persia and Iraq 200, 201
Ilkhan Abagha 205
Imad al-Din 137, 140, 165
imams 42, 47, 48, 201, 232
India 34, 180, 233, 248, 253, 271
Innocent III, pope 169, 170–71, 172, 174–7, 266
Ad liberandam 174; Quia maior 174
Innocent IV, pope 184, 189, 218, 219, 265
Inquisition 227
Institut des Frères Armées 260
intifada 252, 271
Iran 34, 45, 47, 51, 81, 255, 273
Iran–Iraq War 16, 273
Muslim conquest of 24; tensions within 28; subordinate to Syria 32; breakdown of irrigation system 208; oil discovered in 251; and lack of co-operation between Sunni and Shiite 272
Ireland 273
Irwin, Robert 207
Isa (friend of Saladin) 138
Isaac 18, 105
Isaac Comnenus of Cyprus 157, 158
Isaac II, Byzantine Emperor 155
Isabella (daughter of King Amalric) 114, 140, 161, 168, 169
Isabella II, Queen of Jerusalem (Yolande) 169, 183
Isabella of Castile 226, 228
Isfahan, Iran 80
Ishmael 8
Isil group xi, 274
arrival of I; importance of Jerusalem x; division within xi-xii, 26–7; Five Pillars of 6; conversion to 6, 8, 20, 37, 112, 143, 159, 255, 269, 272; Mecca as a stronghold of Islamic belief 9; as superseding other monotheisms 33; and likenesses between the monotheisms 37; Christian abuse of 63; unification of 137; militarisation 267; autocracy in 267, 268
Islamic calendar 4
Islamic civil war
First (656–61) 26–7, 31; Second (680–92) 29–33, 37
Islamic Empire 14, 23, 34, 272
Islamic law 193, 225, 230, 254, 273
see also Sharia law
Islamic medicine 263–4
Islamisation 145
Ismail, Shaikh 228, 229
Ismail (son of Jafar al-Sadiq) 47, 48
Ismaili caliphate 146
Ismaili heresy 127, 128, 130
Israel 252, 255, 271
army 252
Israelites 57, 95
Istikhar, Fars region, Iran 34
Iveta, abbess 105
Jacob 105
Jacobites 237
Jacobites (Nestorians) 107
Jacob’s Ford 138
Jaffa 92, 100, 109, 160–61, 163, 188
Treaty of 184
jahiliyya (the ‘time of ignorance’ before the Prophet) 2, 30, 52, 255
James, Apostle (Sant’Iago) 61, 147
James I of Aragon 191, 217, 218
James of Molay, Grand Master of Hospitallers 212–15
James of Vitry 179–80
Janissaries 208, 220, 222, 223, 228, 229, 232, 234, 242, 256
Jawhar al-Siqilla 49–50
Jazira 43
Jemal Pasha 249
Jeremiah 65
Jericho, West Bank 93
sacred to three religions x; and the qibla 6; captured by Persians and the True Cross seized 13; fall of 16–22, 80; and Last Judgement 33; destruction of the Sepulchre 58, 59; a place of pilgrimage x, 59–60, 61, 75, 78, 102, 104, 146, 189, 217, 248, 267; indignation at Muslim hold on 62, 73, 75; taken by al-Afdal 88; capture, massacres and sacking in First Crusade x, 92–8, 102, 107, 262, 263, 266; hospital 105, 110; falls to Saladin xi, 144–6, 147, 152, 165, 166, 170, 176, 209, 238, 265, 266; and the Ayyubids 168–9; fortifications 180, 184; recovery of Holy Places 184; falls to Khwarazmian Turks 184–6; Christians flee 185; no longer a target for military intervention 226; surrendered to the Ottomans 230; Wilhelm II in 245; British capture of 246, 250; Dayan takes Old City 252
Jerusalem, patriarch of 78, 98, 110
Jesus Christ 37, 150, 218
Muhammad’s view of 6; and Coptic Monophysites 14; on Jerusalem 18; as a prophet 19, 33; millennium of Christ’s Passion 60; Crucifixion 89; return of 157, 184; Sending of the Seventy 178–9
Banu Qurayza clan 5–6; as dhimmis 6, 55; in Jerusalem 17, 95, 96, 97, 145; in Cairo 50; forced to wear a badge 57, 266; blamed for destruction of Holy Sepulchre and attacked 60–61; pogroms 60, 151, 248, 266; looting and persecution by crusaders 79; administrative posts 131, 225; Khadir seizes property 199; flight from Spain and Portugal 225, 226–7; and Bayezid II 228; and Suleiman 230; immigration to Palestine 248; British promises of a home for 250; Holocaust 96, 252; see also anti-Semitism; Judaism; Zionism, Zionists
mentioned in the Quran 4, 5, 7, 37–8; defined as ‘striving in the way of God’ 4, 7, 38, 266; peaceful interpretation of 4, 7, 38; as fighting for the faith 4–5, 7, 37, 38, 43, 262; and desert warriors 13, 20, 36; First Crusade creates link between crusade and jihad 102; for recovery of Jerusalem after First Crusade x–xi; against the Franks 103, 120, 122–3, 125, 126 127, 137, 146, 168; against Islamic heresy 126, 146; and Mamluks 194; Baybars’s zeal for 202; and the Young Turks 246; calls for revival of 255; replaced with ijtihad 275
Jinnah, Ali 254
jizya (head tax) 6, 12, 14, 31, 36
Joachim of Fiore 156–7, 164, 184
Joan of England 156, 157, 158, 161
John, King of England 162
John III of Portugal 226
John XXII, pope 214
John of Austria, Don 232
John of Brienne 169, 177, 180, 181, 183
John of Ibelin 169, 184
John of Jerusalem, King 183
Joinville, Jean de 188, 190, 194
Joinville, Lieutenant 239
Jordan xii
Jordan river 15, 138, 177
Joscelin II, count of Edessa 116, 117–18, 126
Joscelin of Courtenay 126
Joseph 19
Joseph of Arimathea 106
Joshua 93
Judaea 108
Judaism x, 18, 37, 262
see also anti-Semitism; Jews; Zionism, Zionists
Juma, Ali 269
Jumièges abbey, Normandy 62
/> Juvenal 134
Kafr Sabt 142
Kalavun 206
al-Kamil 168, 178–81, 183, 184, 192
Karakorum: council of religious representatives 189
Karbala, battle of 29–30, 31, 42
al-Kazim, Musa (Shiite imam) 47, 48
Kedar, B. Z. 96, 265
Kennedy, Hugh 274
Kerak, Moab 108, 136, 138, 139, 178, 202, 206
Kerbogah of Mosul 88, 89, 90
Khadija (Muhammad’s first wife) 2, 3, 236
Khadir, Shaykh 199
Khalid ibn al-Walid 13, 15–16, 36, 253
Khalil, al-Ashraf 206, 207
Khan, Ayyub 254
Khan, Wahiduddin 269, 270
khanqahs 128
Kharijites 26, 27, 31, 49
Khaybar oasis, western Arabia 5, 6
Khayyam, Omar 80
Khurasan 29, 34, 35, 39, 41, 43, 52
khutba (Friday prayer) xi, 50, 145, 200
Khwarazmian Turks 183, 185, 186
Kibotos, Gulf of Nicodemia 79
Kidron valley, Jerusalem 18
King David Hotel, Jerusalem, bombing of 252
Kipchak Turks 192, 194
kiswa (veil covering shrine of the Kaba) 202
Kitboga 196, 197, 198
Kizilbas 228, 229
Knights of Justice 261
Knights of St John 258–9
Knights of the Garter 216
Kosovo, battle of 221
Krak des Chevaliers, Syria 109, 205
Kufa, Iraq 22, 23, 24, 26–9, 31, 32, 40,
Kufic xi, 129
Kurds 13, 116, 125, 131, 155, 166, 273
Kuwait 256
La Forbie, battle of 186, 201
Ladislas, King of Hungary 223
Lake Tiberias 142
Las Casas Bartolomé de 219
Las Navas de Tolosa, battle of 176
Last Judgement 11, 33, 47, 146
Last Supper 217
Last World Emperor 59
Latakia 153
Latin 32, 261
Latin Empire 220–21
Latrun 144
Lavigerie, Archbishop 260
Lawrence, T. E. 205, 249, 250, 251
Lazarus 105
League of Nations 251, 271, 272
Leo IX, pope 64, 65, 71, 260, 261
Leon 217
Leopold, duke of Austria 163
Leopold II, King of Belgium 260
Lepanto, battle of 232, 238
Lessing, Gotthold: Nathan the Wise 240
Levant, the 111, 169, 196
Liegnitz, battle of 194, 195
Limassol, Cyprus 157, 158
Lloyd George, David 250, 251
Llull, Ramon 218
Lod 205
London Illustrated News 241
Longsword, William 187
Lorrainers 77, 100
Louis, King of Hungary 230
Louis IX, King of France (St Louis) 184–90, 194, 195, 203, 210, 215, 218, 239
Louis VII, King of France 118–21, 148, 149, 150
Louis XI, King of France 224
Louis XIV, King of France 239
Louis-Philippe, King of France 239
Lubiya 142
Lusignans 207
see Guy of
Luther, Martin 233, 268
Lyon 211
Maarat-an-Numan 91
madrasas 54, 128, 145, 225, 260
Maghrib 129
Magna Carta 268
Magna Mahumeria 112
Mahdi, the 253
al-Mahdi, caliph 41
al-Mahdi, Muhammad (Shiite imam) 47
Mahdia, Tunisia 49
Mahmud of Ghazna 52
Mahommeries counterfort, Antioch 88
Mainz 79
Malaga, siege of 226
Malik, Abdul 226
Malik al-Ashtar 24, 26
Malik Shah I, sultan 80–81, 86, 102
Malregard siege-fort, Antioch 86
Malta 231, 257, 258
Mamistra 85
slave soldiers 81, 185, 267; destruction of Outremer 182; and al-Salih 192, 194, 195; weapons 193–4, 198, 207–8; and jihad 194; Ain Jalud 197, 198; Mamluk Sultanate 199–202; naval weakness 202; symbol of Mamluk power 204; decline of 207–8; cultural life 208; control of Jerusalem’s Holy Sites 217; and Tamerlaine 222; the last Mamluk leader 229; al-Mamun, caliph 43, 44, 52
Manfred, King of Sicily 210
Manning, Cardinal 260
al-Mansur the Victorious, caliph 40–41
Mansura 181, 187–8, 194
Manuel Comnenus, Byzantine Emperor 104, 106, 114, 118, 124, 126, 132, 172
Manzikert, battle of 53, 80
Maragha 196
Margaret of Provence 188, 189
Maria, Queen of Jerusalem 169
Maria Comnena, Queen 114, 161
Maria of Antioch 106
Marie of Oignies 179
Marj Rahit, battle of 31
Mark, St 170
Marlowe, Christopher 222
Marmontier abbey 76
Marochetti, Baron Carlo 241
Martin, St 76
Marwan I, caliph 24, 30–31
Mary, Virgin 89
tomb of 217
Maskana, plateau of 142
Matilda, Empress 149
Matilda of Tuscany, Countess 70
mawali (new converts to Islam) 31
Mecca, Saudi Arabia 139, 202
Muslim pilgrimages to x, 102, 256; the Kaba x, 9, 10, 19, 31, 49, 202; Quraysh ruling aristocracy 2, 3; pagan pilgrimages to 2; persecution of Muhammad in 4, 6; the qibla 6; Muhammad’s pilgrimages 8, 9, 10; Muhammad breaks the idols 9; becomes a stronghold in Islamic belief 9; ibn al-Zubayr’s power base destroyed 31; surrendered to the Ottomans 230; and Wahhabis 236
Mecca, Sherif of 249
Medina, Saudi Arabia 139, 202
Muhammad arbitrates over clan dispute 3–4; Muhammad’s flight to (the hijra) x, 4; Jewish clans in 5; Muhammad’s tomb x, 11; the mosque 22, 24, 25; early Muslim decision-making 6, 22–3; sacked 30, 31; Muslim pilgrimages to 102, 256; Nur al-Din rebuilds walls 127; surrendered to the Ottomans 230
Megiddo, battle of 250
Mehmet II, the Conqueror 216, 223, 228, 230
Mehmet V Rashid, Caliph 246
Melisende, Queen 105, 114, 132, 145, 148, 248, 260
Melisende Psalter 106
Melitene (now Malatya) 81, 83
Melkites 57–8, 106
Mere, Hugh de la 158
Merv, Turkmenistan 28–9, 34, 39
Mesopotamia 41, 45, 81, 85, 137, 168
Messina 152, 155–6
Mategriffon tower 156, 159
Michaud, Jean-François 94, 260
History of the Crusades 238–9
mihna (Mutazilite inquisition) 44
Mohács, battle of 230
Mongke, Great Khan 196
Mongols (Tartars)
cults 52; attitudes 182, 189; threat of 193–4, 195–6, 201; successes in Baghdad and Damascus 196; Christians spared by 196; defeated at Ain Jalud 197–8, 267; Baybars’s complicity with 204
monotheism 2, 7, 11, 33, 36–7, 236, 267
Monothelitism 20
Monte Cassino, abbey of 73
Montenegro 243
Montezuma 219
Montgisard, battle of 138
Montjoie 94
Montlhéry castle 67
Montréal castle see Shawbak
Moors 147, 175, 176, 191
Morocco 179, 226
Morphia, Queen 114
Moscow 247
Moses 6–7, 19, 37, 57, 146
Mosul 111, 117, 123, 137, 139, 140
Mount Gilboa 197, 198
Mount Moriah, Jerusalem x, 18, 32
Mount of Olives 92, 217, 245
Mount Tabor, Western Galilee 177, 180
Mount Turan 142
mouvance 67
ya (fifth caliph) 25, 26, 27, 28–9, 30, 31, 32
al-Muazzam 168, 177, 180, 183
al-Mughith 202
Muhammad, Prophet 128, 236, 253, 254, 274
background 2; marriage to Khadija 2, 3; and the Revelations of God 2, 3, 11, 28; and the Companions 2; teachings and beliefs 3, 6, 21, 25, 29, 270; arbitrates over clan dispute in Medina 3–4; flees to Medina (the hijra) x, 4; elimination of Jewish opposition 5–6; persecuted in Mecca 4, 6; and Treaty of Hudaybiyya 8; pilgrimages to Mecca 8, 9, 10; breaks the idols in Mecca 9; Farewell Sermon 10; confers authority on Ali 10, 27; Night Journey of the Prophet x, 19, 143, 145; Episode of Pen and Paper 11; death in Medina 11, 12; his tomb x, 11; legacy 9–10; and women’s status 21; loss of his signet ring 23; the hadith 37, 46, 52; Christian abuse of 63
Muhammad ibn Ismail 48
al-Muizz, Fatimid caliph 49
mujahidin 139, 146
mulukhiyya (favourite soup flavouring of Aisha) 56
muqarnas vaulting 129–30
al-Muqtadir 45
al-Muqtafi, Abbasid caliph 126–7
Murad I, sultan 220
Murad II, sultan 222, 223, 228
Murzuphlus 173, 174
Musa ibn Nusayr 33, 36
Muslim Brotherhood 254–5, 274, 275
Muslim Near East 37
al-Mustali 201
al-Mustansir, puppet caliph of Baybars 199–200
Mutah, battle of 8–9
al-Mutasim 44–5, 192–3
al-Mutawakkil 44, 45
Mutazilism 43–4, 51, 127, 254
Myriokephalon, battle of 172
Nablus 139, 143
assembly of 111
Nahrawan 27
canal 45
Najd 236
Naples 210
Napoleon Bonaparte 237, 238, 247, 253, 257, 258
Napoleon III, Emperor of France 246, 247, 248
Naqshbandi order of Sufis 274
al-Nasir, Abbasid caliph 137
al-Nasir of Kerak 185
nass doctrine 42, 272
Nazareth 106, 140, 184
Nazis 252, 266
Neapolis (Nablus) 113
Negev desert 162
‘negotium Jesu Christi’ 175
Nelson, Admiral Lord Horatio 253, 257
Nestorians 16, 107, 182, 196
New World 218–19, 232, 265
Nicaea 79, 81–3, 84, 119, 219
Nicholas, Grand Duke 243
Nicholas I, Tsar of Russia 246, 247, 248
Nicholas II, Tsar of Russia 243, 248
Nicodemia 219–20
nicolaitism 63
Nicopolis, battle of 221
Nigeria 255, 270
Night Journey of the Prophet x, 19, 143, 145
Nihavand, battle of 34
Nile delta 50, 134, 169, 170
Nile river 56, 134, 171, 178, 180, 181, 187, 192, 195
Nimrin 142
Ninth Crusade 190
God's Armies Page 37