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Can't Fight It (Fair Lakes Book 3)

Page 17

by Kaylee Ryan

  She nods. “I scrambled to my feet and was walking backward when he started following me. I turned to run and ran into a body. Looking up, it was another cop, this time a woman. She could see the fear on my face and immediately pushed me behind her. She recognized the other cop and asked him if she needed to call for backup. That’s when a gunshot went off, and all hell broke loose. I didn’t stick around to see what the end result would be. The female cop got distracted, and I took off running. I didn’t stop until I got to my car and locked the doors. I sped out of my parking spot and drove around for over an hour. Just in case they were following me, I didn’t want them to know where I lived.”

  “Were they? Following you?” I ask, holding my breath, waiting for her reply.

  “No.” She shakes her head. “There wasn’t a car in sight the last twenty minutes or so of my drive.”

  “Good.” I exhale.

  “I was scared out of my mind, didn’t sleep that night, and I was mad at myself for losing the picture that Jasmine has worked so hard on for me. If I’d had a better hold on it, I wouldn’t have been in that alley, and I wouldn’t have had to run.”

  “I get that, but you were safe. That’s what’s important. And although I hate that this happened to you, it still brought you here to me and Milo. I can’t be upset about that.”

  “Yeah,” she agrees. She turns to look at me, and a soft smile pulls at her lips. “I didn’t go back to the shelter for a month. I missed everyone terribly, especially Charity and Jasmine. I thought that was enough time, but it turns out I was wrong. I was in line serving when the cop, the guy presented a plate in front of me.” She shivers. “I can still hear the menacing sound of his voice when he said my name.”

  “How did he find you?”

  “I don’t know. He’s a cop and has connections, I guess. He asked around, I’m sure, and I’d been volunteering at the shelter for years. He got a good look at me, so he had my description.”

  “What happened next?” I prompt her. I know this is hard for her to tell me, but I need all the information. I can’t protect my family. I can’t protect her without it.

  “He said he had been looking for me all over the city. I was scared out of my mind. Jasper, the older man who runs the homeless shelter, could tell there was something wrong. I asked him if I could stay there that night. Without a single question, he told me I was welcome anytime. He even went out of his way to set me up in his office, on the couch, where the door had a lock. The next morning, I drove home, constantly looking over my shoulder and packed my bags. I called my mom and told her it was time for a change of scenery. I told her that I wanted to see where Grandma grew up, and she believed me. My best friend, Tina, however, wasn’t buying it. I eventually confessed it all to her and swore her to secrecy. She wanted me to go to the cops, but he is the cops. I came here instead. I stayed with Tina for a couple of days. Canceled my lease on my apartment that was thankfully only month to month, I saw your ad, and here I am.”

  “You didn’t tell anyone else? No one else knows why you left town?”

  She shrugs. “No one else to tell really. My mom moved to Florida, I worked from home, so there were no nosey coworkers. Tina is it, and I trust her.”

  “And the messages?”

  She takes a sip of her water. “They all have the same tone. I’m coming for you. You can’t hide forever, those kinds of things. There is no way he can find me. I canceled all of my credit cards, and I have no loans in my name.”

  “You’re a business, Hollis. He can find your business.”

  “It’s still registered in California, as is my bank account. I have automatic withdrawals set up monthly to go to an account in Texas. That account has a withdrawal from a bank in Arkansas, which has a withdrawal to my bank here in Missouri.”

  She’s really put some thought into this. “He can still trace you.”

  “Yeah,” she agrees. “I see that now. I don’t know if he actually knows where I am, or if he’s just trying to scare me. The emails came from my website.”

  “So, he knows your name, where you used to volunteer, and the name of your business,” I state the facts.


  “Hollis, we need to go to the police about this. You can’t live in fear every single day, constantly looking over your shoulder. You can’t run forever.”

  “I know, but I’m scared, Colt. He is the cops. How do I know who I can trust?” A single tear slides down over her cheek. She’s finally lost the composure she managed to hold onto while telling me her story.

  “Do you trust me?”

  She wipes at her cheek and looks me in the eye. “With my life.”

  I nod. “Come here.” She moves closer, and I lift her to sit on my lap. I wrap my arms around her and remind myself that she’s safe. Here, with me, she’s safe. “Let’s start with I want you here. We have to be careful, especially with Milo, but I want you with me. I want you to be a part of our lives.”

  “I want that too, Colton. More than anything, but I also can’t stand the thought of someone hurting Milo, or you or your family. I won’t let that happen.”

  “Hey.” I place my hand on her cheek. “That’s not going to happen. We’re going to handle this so we can move forward with our lives together.”

  She nods, then asks, “What does that mean exactly?”

  “I know some people I can trust. Ex-military, remember?” I wink.

  “And the other part?” Her voice is soft, and I can hear the uncertainty there.

  “I hope that means that you’ll stay. Not as my tenant. I want you here as mine. No more paying rent and no more sleeping in your room. I want you in my bed next to me every night.”

  I watch her closely as she absorbs my words. Her eyes well with tears, and she shakes her head. “I never thought I would find someone here. I thought I would lay low until he had a chance to forget about me and move on with my life. I didn’t expect to meet a little boy who stole my heart. I couldn’t love him more if he were my own.” She whispers her confession.

  “I love that about you. I love how good you are with him. How much you care. That’s all I could ask for. Someone who will be there for both of us.” It’s true. I’ve never really thought much about finding a mother for Milo. I was thrust into this single-parent gig, and leaving the Army, buying this house, and finding a tenant to help lighten the load, it was a lot to take on in a short amount of time. Worrying about my dating life, falling in love, that wasn’t even on my radar.

  “They say that you find love when you least expect it.”

  “I didn’t expect you,” I whisper. Leaning in, I press my lips to hers. “I love you, Hollis Taylor. We’re in this together, and I promise you that I won’t let him near you.”

  “Milo.” My son’s name is said with so much reverence.

  “It’s all going to work out.” I say the words and will them to be true. I do have some connections, favors I can call in, but will they be enough? We don’t even know this guy’s name, just the general location, and that he’s on the force. We’re going to have to lure him to us, and that has danger written all over it. Maybe I’m wrong, maybe there is another way.

  She nods. “I love you too. So much that if I think for one minute that you or that precious little boy is in harm’s way, I’ll leave. I would never risk either of you.”

  “Hey, now. None of that. You said that you trusted me.”

  “I do trust you, Colt. I also know that if something ever happened to either of you, I would never forgive myself.”

  “It’s not going to come to that,” I assure her.

  “So, what do we do now?”

  “It’s late. We should get to bed. Milo will be up bright and early, and we need to get some sleep. Tomorrow, I’ll take what I know and make some calls. We’ll see where that leads us and take it from there.” Tapping her leg, I smile as she climbs off my lap, and I follow her. In my room, we strip out of our clothes, and she grabs a T-shirt from my drawer to slee
p in. Together, we climb under the covers, and she snuggles up to my side.

  “I love you,” I say, kissing the top of her head. It feels good to say those words to her. I’ve never felt this way about a woman, and I’ll be damned if some crooked fucking cop is going to take her away from me.

  “I love you too,” she says over a yawn.

  I hold her until her breathing changes, and I know she’s asleep before I let myself drift off too.

  It’s been four days since Hollis told me her story. Four days since I told her I was in love with her. Four days of restless nights as I analyze every angle and every option to keep her safe. I made a few calls to a few military connections, but there is mandatory training for them through this weekend. So, really all we can do is wait. I want to go to the local police, but this is Missouri, not California, and so far, there have been no real threats made. I’ve replayed the story over and over in my mind, and I don’t understand why they didn’t have someone watching the shelter. They obviously knew she slept there that night. Something is not adding up. Do they know where she is? Is he just trying to scare her to keep her away? Are they just biding their time? I have so many questions. I’ve been on high alert, making sure the alarm is set at night when we sleep, and all the doors and windows are secure. Not that I didn’t do that before, but I’m vigilant about double and triple-checking.

  “You know, you don’t have to do this,” I tell Hollis as she puts on her coat.

  “Do what? Spend the day with Milo, Gabby, and your mom? That’s not exactly a hardship, Colton.”

  “I know, but you could come with me. Both of you.”

  “Let’s see. Hang out at a sweaty gym all day or hang out with two women who are a joy to be around and this little guy.” She taps Milo on the nose with her index finger, and he grins, kicking his arms and legs where he sits on the kitchen table, all strapped into his car seat.

  “I didn’t tell them, but we need to. It’s not fair to them to not know what’s going on.”

  “Okay.” My face must show my shocked expression. She continues, “What? It’s nice to not have to keep it in, to have to hide it. Besides, I already told you if I have to leave to keep you all safe, I will. I agree that they need to know and to be alert. They need to be aware of their surroundings. I hate that I brought this to you and your family. It wouldn’t be fair of me to keep it from them at this point.”

  My chest constricts at the thought of her leaving us. “We said no more leaving talk,” I remind her.

  “We did.” She’s quick to agree. “You know my position.” She pretends to be zipping up her lips. “My lips are sealed on the topic from here on out, but I won’t stand by and let you all be in danger.”

  “We’re already in this, Hollis. If they know where you are, they know who we are. We’re facing this together. There is no other option.” I give her a pointed look. “Right?”

  She sighs. “Right. I hate this, Colt. I hate worrying all the time. I just want to… enjoy life with you and whatever that looks like.”

  “That looks like forever.” I pull her into me and kiss her. Milo lets out a squeal. “I know, son, I know,” I tell him, making Hollis laugh. “Text me when you get to Mom’s.” I lean in for another kiss. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  I help her carry Milo out to her car and get his seat strapped in and watch them leave. Jogging back into the house, I grab my bag and lock up, heading to All Fit. I call Chase on the way.

  “What’s up? Am I not going to see you in like ten minutes?” he asks.

  “You are. Is Harrison coming in today too?”

  “Yeah, we’re both here.”

  “Good. I need to talk to both of you before we get started.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “I’ll explain when I get there.”

  “Milo?” he asks.

  “Is perfectly fine. He’s with Hollis heading to Mom and Dad’s.”

  “All right, bro. I’ll see you when you get here.”

  Eleven minutes later, I’m walking into the back door at All Fit. I head straight to the office that Harrison and Chase share. They both stare at me expectantly, waiting to hear what I have to say.

  “There’s something I need to tell you.” I go on to tell them about Hollis. I explain the events of that night just as she had to me. Chase and Harrison sit quietly and listen, but I can tell from the expressions on their faces they are just as concerned as I am. “So, yeah,” I say when I’m finished. “That’s what’s been going on.”

  “So, there have been no actual threats?” Harrison clarifies.

  “No. Just messages through her website saying he found her, and he’s coming for her, those kinds of things. No physical threats of harm. Not yet.”

  “Fucking dirty cop,” Chase mutters.

  “I made a call to my old command sergeant. I had to leave him a message. They’re out in field training until Monday.”

  “You called in the Army?” Harrison asks, eyes wide.

  “Damn right, I did. I gave years of my life to this country, and if my family is in trouble, I’m calling in the best.”

  “Can you do that?” Harrison asks, surprised.

  “I don’t know,” I admit. I run my fingers through my hair in frustration. “I don’t know if they can help, but maybe they can give me the contact of a person we know we can trust that can. Honestly, I’m reaching, and I know it. It’s the best I can do. The local police won’t do anything. There is no imminent threat, and the incident in question happened states away. There is really nothing to go on unless she goes back.”

  “She might have to, Colt. How else are we going to lure this guy out?”

  “Fuck, I don’t know. I don’t know. I’ve been wracking my brain trying to figure this out, and I’m coming up empty.”

  “Our wives and kids?” Harrison asks.

  “Safe. Just be on alert. Check the doors at night, all those things.” I stop and take a deep breath. “Look, if this is too much, I can step away from the gym for a while. I don’t want to bring this asshole down on you and your families, but Hollis, she’s my family now. I protect those I love.”

  “What can we do?” Chase asks.

  “Nothing. Not right now. Just be aware. Talk to Gabby and Gwen, make them aware. Hollis might tell them today at Mom and Dad’s. I’m not sure.”

  “When you know, you let us know,” Harrison says. “We’ll do whatever we can to keep her safe.”

  “Thank you. I just hate not really knowing what we’re dealing with. Her best friend, Tina, still lives there. I might have Hollis reach out to her, maybe have her visit the shelter, and see if anyone has been asking around about Hollis. I just don’t know where to start.”

  “Has she received anymore messages?” Chase asks.

  “No. Not in the last few days, which is a good thing. At least I hope it is.” I really don’t know what to think at this point. I feel like we’re going to be looking for a needle in a haystack unless this guy has found her and makes himself known, or if we put her in plain sight, making her easy to find. I’m not okay with either scenario. I just hope Sergeant Jones can give me some insight and guidance or a contact. Something.

  My phone rings, and it’s Hollis. I hit Accept and place the phone to my ear. “Hollis,” I greet her. Chase and Harrison freeze to listen to my conversation.

  “Hey, I just wanted to let you know we made it. Milo fell asleep on the way over. He’s sleeping in his room here at your mom’s place now.”

  “Good.” I nod and give Chase and Harrison a thumbs up, letting them know everything is okay. “Have a good day.”

  “You too. I’ll see you at home?”

  “Yeah. Text me before you leave?”

  “Oh, wait.” I hear her pull the phone away from her ear and talk, but I can’t make out what she’s saying or who she’s talking to. “Colt, your mom says that the three of you need to come here once you’re finished today. She’s going to have dinner rea

  I chuckle. My mother is one of a kind. “Okay. I’ll let the guys know. I’ll call you when we’re on our way.”

  “Sounds good.” The line goes dead.

  “Well, it looks like we’ve all been summoned by Mom. Once we finish the staff education training today, she wants us all there. She told Hollis she would have dinner ready.”

  “I’m in. My wife and daughter are there, and no way am I going to pass up your mother’s cooking,” Harrison says, rubbing his stomach.

  “Let’s get this over with. I’m ready for some good eating.” Chase smacks his hand down on my shoulder and grins.

  Together the three of us head toward the room where I hold my classes. Harrison thought it would be a good idea to have all the staff trained in the basics of self-defense. You can never be too careful. So, we chose today as a mandatory training day. Chase volunteered to help out, and since Harrison is following us to the room, it looks like he is going to help as well. Good. The sooner we finish this class, the sooner we can get home to our families.

  Damn, do I love the sound of that.

  Chapter 14


  This is what I’ve been missing.

  It was me, my mom, and sometimes my grandma for the longest time. Small gatherings, intimate meals, no big celebrations, even though we always celebrated our accomplishments. But I’ve never had this. I’ve missed the big, boisterous family that’s too loud and too nosey, but that’s what I’m dealing with as I sit around the Callahans’ dining room table and listen to them share stories of when Chase and Colton were younger.

  “Of course it was about a girl!” Chase hollers. “He knew she liked me!”

  “She thought you were cute, like a puppy. Ellie Jacobs was interested in a man, not a boy,” Colton boasts proudly, rubbing his chest.

  “Man? You were sixteen. The other one hadn’t even dropped yet,” Chase argues, making everyone laugh.


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