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Bound to the Fallen (Prophecy #2)

Page 16

by Stevie J. Cole

  I nodded. “They absolutely did.”

  Peggy’s bags came rustling down the hallway and realized it was eight-thirty and I hadn’t even turned my computer on. I shooed Ashley out of my chair and flipped the monitor on.

  “Don’t you let on that you know or I’ll tell Dan you want him,” I threatened her.

  Ashley crinkled her nose up. “I mean, you didn’t have to go there did you?” She opened the door, leaning her face back in as she formed an “O” with her mouth, moving her head up and down over a long imaginary dick before trotting off down the hall. I heard her greet Peggy when they passed each other. “Good morning, Peggy. You look lovely today.”

  Peggy grunted and dropped her bags onto the floor.

  Pulling a chart out of the cubby on my desk, I opened it. I figured I could daydream for five minutes, work for fifteen. I’d just started entering data when my cell phone beeped. Glancing down, I saw that it was a text from Gavin.

  Gavin: I can’t stop thinking about U. This is going to be trying.

  I swooned, still in disbelief that this was happening.

  I keep trying to find reasons to come to ur office.

  Gavin: You don’t need a reason…

  Well, I’d like to keep my job, so I think I’m just gonna stay down here.

  Gavin: Suit yourself.

  Gavin: Meet me for lunch around noon?

  Absolutely, where?

  Gavin: How about the Thai House?

  See you at noon.

  I sat my phone on my desk and heard Dan coughing in the hallway. He unlocked his door and immediately began fiddling with some papers. Seconds later his head poke out from his door. “Brooke, would you come over for a minute?”

  Sighing, I walked to his office, stopping in the doorway. “Yes?” I asked dryly.

  “Come in. Have a seat.” He drug the chair up next to him. I hated that he always pulled the chair up so close to him.

  I sat down, pulling at the hem of my skirt, trying to cover as much of my leg as I could.

  “So, how was the trip?” Dan asked.

  “It was fine. Very informative. I think it helped me nail everything down — you know, all the study stuff.” I caught myself trying to avoid anything that could have been turned into a sexual innuendo and taken as a hint about what Gavin and I had done.

  “That’s good.” Dan turned to his desk and pulled out his bottom drawer. He retrieved a toothpick, shoving it into his overgrown, halitosis-infested gum line. “Did Dr. Hunter mind his p’s and q’s?”

  “Excuse me?” I swallowed back the acid creeping up my throat. As if he weren’t disgusting enough, watching him dig in his gums like that made my stomach turn.

  “He didn’t try to come on to you, did he? He has a habit of being inappropriate with beautiful women. Just wouldn’t want you to be placed in a situation that made you uncomfortable.” Dan peered at me as he burrowed deeper into his gums with the toothpick.

  Those words stung a little.

  Gavin hadn’t been like that with anyone else… had he?

  I was mulling over what Dan had said when I realized he was still waiting on me to answer him. I shot him a tense look and said, “No. We didn’t really get to speak to each other too much. The training took up most of the day.”

  “Good. It’s probably best if you stay away from him. He’s a bad person.” Dan paused and examined the disgusting piece of debris he’d picked from his teeth. Bringing the toothpick up to his nose, he took a small sniff. The odor turned his nose up and he hurled the toothpick into his trashcan. “You know, he had the balls to ask that I get you two seats next to each other on the plane. I knew what he was up to, so I made sure to get you a seat away from his sorry ass. I’m here to protect you, Brooke,” Dan proudly said.

  I was furious and directed my anger at him. “I told him I didn’t like to fly. He offered to sit next to me to try to alleviate some of my anxiety. He was just being nice.”

  Dan laughed his creepy little psychotic laugh. “Yeah, I bet he was going to alleviate some anxiety, all right.”

  Standing up, I flattened my skirt out. “Was there anything else you needed, Dan? I have a lot of data to enter.”

  He froze and glared at me. “You seem agitated. Did I strike a nerve, Brooke? You seem awfully favorable of Dr. Hunter.”

  “I just have a lot of work to catch up on.” I stood there, envisioning taking my high heel off and chunking it at his head while I waited for him to give me approval to leave.

  “Very well.” He picked up his pen. “What time do you want to do lunch?”

  My nostrils flared as I huffed out, “I already have plans.”

  “Hmmm. Well, you should get your priorities straight. I’m taking you to lunch tomorrow. No excuses.”

  I stomped back across to my office. Dan was such an ass. Why would he say things like that about Gavin? I caught myself getting upset when I realized I was letting a man who talked about everyone and did nothing but glorify himself get to me. I knew he had no idea what he was talking about.

  Snatching my water jug out of my bag, I started chugging it and tried to calm myself down. I sat there the rest of the morning entering data. Dan cancelled staff meeting that morning for some reason, and I have to admit that I was relieved. I had no idea how I’d be able to sit in that conference room with Gavin and Ashley and not turn fire-engine red. I knew that she’d jump on the first opportunity to make an “O” face at me.

  I’d finished copying a file and passed Ashley’s office on the way back to mine.

  “Brooke?” She called for me to come back. “You got plans for lunch?” Ashley asked.

  “Um-hmm,” I smiled at her, twirling my hair around my fingertip.

  “God, I really do hate you.”

  I thought for a moment and then closed her door. “Hey, Gavin’s never had a relationship with anyone else from work, has he?” I asked.

  “A relationship? Nope, not that I know of, and it’s definitely not from a lack of women trying. I’ve told you that.” She looked at me very seriously. “Why?”

  “Dan insinuated that Gavin had been inappropriate with other girls here.”

  Ashley snorted, obviously annoyed with the little twerp. “Seriously, you’re going to listen to something that fuck face says? Why was he even talking about him?”

  “He was asking me about the trip and if Gavin had been inappropriate with me. He said it was a habit of Gavin’s.”

  “Oh, bull, that man’s just worried. He’s a creeper and has the hots for you. If he doesn’t have a chance with you, he doesn’t want anyone to. You should tell Gavin, get him to smack ‘em in the face with that huge dong of his.”

  Ashley always made things sexual, no matter what it was. I laughed. “Dan’s so creepy — I don’t like it.”

  Ashley’s tone deepened. “Tell Gavin, seriously, tell him.”

  “I don’t know…I…” my speech trailed off.

  Ashley reached up and touched my wrist. “Dan’s not going to stop. He’s not going to get the picture. If you and Gavin stay together —” She stopped and narrowed her eyes at me. “Are you in a relationship?”

  “We’re screwing,” I glanced down at the floor. “Whatever that makes us.” I felt dirty just saying that.

  Ashley continued, “You’re gonna have to tell him. Trust me. Dianne left because of Dan. She went to HR and they wrote him up, but that was it, so she just left. He only made comments to her, nothing crazy like what he’s done with you… and he didn’t stalk her out in public, as far as I know.”

  My phone beeped.

  Gavin: I’m running behind in clinic, be there just a tad late.

  The expression on my face must have told her it was Gavin. Ashley peeked over at my phone. “That’s him, isn’t it? I really am jealous of you. Just promise me you’ll give me juicy details at least once a week.”

  I giggled. “What about Colton?”

  “Oh, Colt
on’s definitely a gem. But the stuff you told me this morning is like porn, without the fear of someone finding it in your search history and thinking you’re a perv.”

  I rolled my eyes and shrugged. “Okay. I mean, if you really want to know that much about my vagina.”

  She shook her finger at me, “No, no, no — about GGP, which is codename for Gavin’s glorious penis. Leave your vagina out of this.”

  My adrenaline amped up because I was sneaking around. Searching the restaurant to make sure no one else from my office was there, I sat down in a booth. A few minutes later Gavin walked up from behind.

  He stopped and stood at the end of the booth. A sly smile formed on his lips as he said, “Well, hey Brooke, would it bother you if I sat down with you?” He winked at me and took a seat across from me.

  “No. Not at all, Dr. Hunter.”

  Reaching his hand under the table, he gently stroked the top of my knee with his finger. “Imagine running into you here.”

  Gavin picked up the menu and opened it with his left hand. His right hand crept further up my thigh, and I grabbed it just as his fingers slid underneath the hem of my skirt. I shook my head slightly from side to side. I couldn’t handle him touching me like that in public.

  He clutched my leg, digging his fingers into my flesh before loosening his grip. He raised his eyes, meeting my gaze intently and causing a tidal wave of lust to crash over my body. “You don’t like me touching you?” he whispered, sliding his hand further up my thigh.

  Jerking my leg out of his grasp, I reassured him, “Oh — no. I thoroughly enjoy you touching me.” I arched my eyebrows and released a breath. “You can’t do that to me in public though.”

  Gavin laid the menu down, pulling his hand up from under the table. He placed his elbows on the table top and rested his face in his hands. His eyes focused on mine, never breaking contact as he tapped his pinky finger on the side of his face. Although his mouth was hidden by his hands, I could tell he was smiling from the way his eyes crinkled up. “Well, now, what if I happen to enjoy public displays of affection? You going to deny me that pleasure? Hmmm?”

  I’d seen this man naked and had him touching me in ways no one else had, ways I knew no one else ever could, and it was almost impossible for me to maintain my composure around him. My nerves were still on edge around him, especially when he spoke to me like that. The waiter walked up, giving me a way to avoid answering his question. Somehow I managed to avoid answering it throughout lunch.

  As we were getting up to leave, my phone beeped. I pulled it out from my purse and saw a text message.

  Dan: So, ur lunch plans were with Dr. Hunter?

  My mouth dropped open. Reaching over, I grabbed onto Gavin’s shoulder.

  “Gavin,” I said, looking down at my phone.

  “What?” Gavin peered over my shoulder at the screen.

  I stood there in awe, wondering if this was really happening. “Dan…”

  Gavin pulled his arm through his white lab coat and straightened the collar. “What does he care?” He looked at me and shrugged his shoulders. “We were just having lunch. I ran into you and asked if I could join you. There’s nothing wrong with us having lunch together.”

  I put my phone away and followed Gavin out onto the sidewalk. He was quiet; I could tell he was thinking about it.

  A group of medical students strolled across the street and my thoughts went to my father – then to the fact that I was now involved in an unethical relationship.

  Oh, my God – I’m no better than him. Well, at least Gavin’s not married. It’s not the same – not at all.

  I was reassuring myself that I had higher morals than my father when Gavin shook his head and stopped in his tracks.

  “Why would Dan send that to you?” He seemed frustrated. “That man is unbelievable, he really is.” He took a few steps, then paused again. “He’s not bothering you, is he?”

  I thought for a moment before I responded, “No, not really. I mean, he’s a little creepy and annoying.”

  “You’ll tell me if he starts bothering you, right?”

  “Yeah. Sure.” I fell silent for a moment. “Why would you think he’d bother me?”

  “He’s just an odd man who has a touch of a superiority complex. I could just see him not knowing where to draw a line.” Gavin squinted slightly to block the sun from his eyes. “Not that I did too well with that,” he grinned. “Honestly, I was doing pretty well until you invited me to play your little drinking game. Had you not done that, I may’ve been able to continue pretending that I was completely uninterested in you.”

  I looked up at him and smiled. “Really? Just that easily, hmmm?”

  “Well, at least for a little while longer.”

  Gavin stopped at the front of the building. “I’m going to the clinics. I’ll see you later.”

  I watched him jog across the street and then I walked into the building. As I was waiting on the elevator I saw Dan crossing the street, scurrying toward the side entrance. I didn’t want to get trapped on the elevator with that man so I sprinted for the stairwell and raced up the stairs. By the time I reached the eighth floor, I was completely out of breath. Figuring I’d taken a long enough time to miss crossing paths with him on the elevator, I went into the lobby and pressed the button. When the elevator opened, I peered inside. Much to my relief it was empty. Just as I got off, my phone beeped again with another text from Dan.

  Dan: Taking the stairs? That’ll give U buns of Steel!

  This guy truly was unbelievable, but I didn’t let him phase me. I was in absolute bliss because of Gavin.

  Chapter Nineteen


  Friday afternoon I got home, laid down on my couch, picked up the remote, and flipped the television on. I switched channels, trying to find something halfway entertaining to watch. My eyes drifted shut and I fell into a light sleep.

  The brightness stung as my pupils tried to adjust to the light. I saw iridescent white feathers. Focusing my sight, I realized I was being wrapped up in enormous wings. I felt the warmth of someone pressed against my back and quickly spun around. Just as my eyes lifted up toward this creature’s face, the ground began to tremor. A loud rumble resonated within my ears.

  A loud bang on the door behind me woke me up and snapped me back into reality. The sudden noise startled me and I leapt up from the couch, my heart galloping in my chest from the initial rush of adrenaline. The handle was shaking and it sounded like whoever was on the other side was slamming their entire body against the door. Peering through the peephole, I saw Constance standing outside. I opened the door and she stomped into my living room.

  She slung her purse down onto the coffee table and plopped down on my couch. “What the hell, Brooke? I’ve been banging on your door for like, three minutes. You just gonna toss me to the side now that you’ve got a regular piece of dick?”

  I rolled my eyes as I shut the door and sat on the arm of my chair. Constance whistled, calling Simon over to her. He jumped up in her lap and kneaded her jeans with his claws. She ran her hand through his fluffy white fur, following along his spine, causing him to arch his back.

  “You know, I have needs too. I came first,” she said as one corner of her mouth turned up. She reached in her oversized, stained purse and pulled out a book. “Here, I finished it. Pretty damn good, it’ll definitely make you horny.” She pursed her lips together and rolled her eyes. “Like you need any help with that!” She tossed the book down on the couch.

  Picking it up, I flipped through the pages.

  Constance kicked her flip flops off and propped her feet up on my coffee table. “So, we’re goin’ out tomorrow?” she asked. “You’re not gonna be all shacked up with him, right? You can just wait until afterwards to start your hunch fest?”

  I sighed. “Yeah, I’m comin’. Wouldn’t want to miss a night out with you guys, not even for the most amazing, incredible, earth-shattering orgasms I�
��ve ever had.” I jostled her shoulder. “That’s how much you mean to me, dear.”

  She shot a slightly disgusted look my way and shook her head. “Well, whatever. Why don’t you bring him with you? I want to see him up close, make sure he’s not like, an oil painting or something.” Inspecting her nails, she pushed her cuticles back with her fingernail.

  “What are you talking about?” I had no idea what the hell an oil painting had to do with Gavin.

  “You know,” she put her forefinger in her mouth and pulled the loose piece of skin from her cuticle, “like he looks all hot and sexy from thirty feet away, but when you get up real close he looks like freakin’ Quasimodo.”

  “Oh, please! He is even more breathtaking up close,” I said.

  “Okay, well, bring him out, or is he too snobby to hang out with us common folk?”

  I glared at her and her eyes widened in surprise at my annoyed expression.

  Her tone was defensive as she explained herself. “What? Look, I Googled how much those neurosurgeons make, and damn! That’s all I got to say. He’s probably too cool to hang out with people who can’t afford to pay cash for cars. I mean, he’s okay with hanging with you ’cause you’ll fuck him, and let’s not forget, you come from a strong doctor bloodline. He can probably sniff out that you come from money.” Constance paused and then giggled, punching me in the arm. “Come on, Brooke. Just bring him out.”

  “I don’t know, Constance, I mean, we’re just kinda screwing.” I paused and scrunched my eyebrows. “I think — what if he thinks I’m being too needy?”

  She pushed Simon off her lap and made her way into my kitchen. “You, needy? Never.”

  She ransacked my pantry for something to eat, crinkling the bags as she moved the items she didn’t want out of her way. Finally finding something she wanted, she grabbed a bag and walked back over to the couch while shoving handfuls of greasy chips into her mouth. “Just be completely casual about it, you know, don’t make a big deal out of it,” she mumbled through a mouthful of soggy chips. “Just tell him you’re goin’ out with your friends, see if he wants to go. I mean, I need to be able to pick him out from a line up in case he kills you are something!”


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