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Bound to the Fallen (Prophecy #2)

Page 21

by Stevie J. Cole

  Ashley flicked a dim-witted look at me. “Uh, duh, he doesn’t have a phone, Brooke. Remember?”

  “Oh, yeah,” I sighed. I was really hopeful that Adam had scared Dan enough that he’d leave me alone. “Well, I guess I better go do some actual work.” Reluctantly, I left Ashley’s office and headed down the hallway.

  My anxiety rose as I approached my office, and my stomach turned when I got closer to Dan’s door. I heard him coughing. Keeping my head straight ahead, I moved my eyes to the side in an effort to catch a glimpse of him. He was hunched over his desk fiddling with his phone cord. I kept waiting for him to call me over to his office, but he never did. I was busy entering data and listening to Peggy try to hack something out of her throat when Dan called for staff meeting.

  When I entered the conference room, the only people there were Gavin and Ashley. I sat in the chair across from Gavin and locked eyes with him. Placing his hand on the table, he started drawing small figure eights with his fingertip. He glanced down at the table and then back up at me with a knowing grin on his face.

  Dr. Knight and Sherry walked in next, followed shortly by Nicole and then Dan.

  Dr. Knight looked around, taking attendance in his head. A frown formed on his face, exacerbating the deep ridges of his forehead. “Where’s Peggy?” he asked gruffly.

  We all looked around the room, making sure no one had overlooked her. Dr. Knight sighed heavily and Dan leapt from his chair as if he were coming to the rescue. “I’ll go get her,” he said.

  Just as he reached for the handle of the door, Peggy burst in. “Sorry, I got a call when I was trying to leave to come down here,” she explained and she squeezed her way between the wall and the chairs, sitting in the empty seat next to Nicole.

  Halfway through the meeting my phone vibrated in my lap. I took a quick look down and saw that I had a text message from Gavin.

  Gavin: Looks like you left a mark on the table.

  Looking up from my lap, I glared across the table at Gavin. He casually took his pen and stretched his arm across the table. The tip of his pen pointed at a rather long, curved scratch in the wooden tabletop. Gavin quietly tapped his pen directly underneath the scratch. He pulled his hand back and placed his elbow on the arm of the chair as he drew his thumb under his chin, resting his curved fingers in front of his mouth while covering the pleased smile that had shaped his lips.

  The longer I stared at that scratch, the warmer I felt. I could feel the perspiration beading on my forehead. I knew that scratch was from the heel of my shoe and an irrational paranoia swallowed me whole. I glanced up and looked at everyone in the room, certain that they all knew where that scratch had come from as well.

  Relief washed over me when Dr. Knight concluded the meeting, and without delay I rose from my chair to exit the scene of the crime.

  “Wait just a minute, everyone,” Dan said loudly as he stood up and hitched his pants back around his full waist. I stopped, just knowing that he was going to ask how that large scratch got on the table.

  Dan cleared his throat and said, “I wanted to remind everyone about the black tie event this Saturday. We really want everyone to come and show their support. This is one of the biggest events to raise money for some of our research, and it’s always nice to have our office well-represented.” He paused and glanced around the room. “We still need a few people to help with the silent auction, so if anyone’s interested please come see me.” He glared over at me and I became aware that I was the only person standing. Dan smiled slightly while he spoke, “Brooke, I just realized I don’t think I mentioned this to you, did I?”

  I thought briefly. “No, I don’t think you did.” My voice shook and I could feel the sweat sticking to my shirt. I just wanted to get out of that conference room.

  “I apologize. I’ll email you a flyer about it.” Dan’s beady eyes darted over at Gavin. “Or you could just talk about it with Dr. Hunter,” he suggested with a hiss.

  I couldn’t believe he’d just said that. A tingly heat spread over my entire face as it reddened, and I was pretty certain that I now had globules of sweat running down my brow. My heart palpitated in my chest and I took a fleeting look around the room. Ashley’s eyes were wide and her mouth was hung open in an “oh, shit” look. Nicole glared at me and then over at Gavin, and Dr. Knight looked confused. No one else even caught on to what Dan was implying with his snide comment.

  Gavin shot a displeased look at Dan. “If you’d prefer I discuss the event with Brooke, I’d be happy to do so, Dan. I’m assuming you’re too busy? Your paperwork a little trying this week?” A low growl echoed from Gavin’s voice.

  Dan stammered over his words, “Uh —I — I —well, just thought that you may… be better able to explain it to her.”

  “I see.” Gavin adjusted the stethoscope around his neck. “Well, please check with me next time before you assume you’re in some type of position to delegate tasks out to me,” Gavin said.

  Dr. Knight shook his head, rose from the head of the table, and walked out of the room. I took his leaving as my cue to get the hell out of that room. I could feel that my face was completely red with embarrassment so I quickly made my way back to my office and threw myself in my chair.

  I folded my arms on top of my desk, threw my face into them, and slowly banged my head on the table’s hard surface. I was terrified that Dr. Knight would be calling me and Gavin into his office at any moment. I just knew that the look on my face was a dead giveaway. What in the hell had I gotten myself into? A month into my first career job and I was already heavily engaged in a major policy and procedures violation, and at this point, there was no way I was willing to let go of it. I was thinking how I’d rather just lose my job than not be with Gavin, and I realized that I was ridiculously crazy over this man that I’d only been with for a week. To make matters worse, I wasn’t even sure what we were. I began worrying that maybe all I was to Gavin was a good screw and was near tears when my phone rang. I glanced up at the caller ID and saw that it was Ashley. Raising my head up, I took a deep breath and slammed my hand down on the receiver.

  Lifting it to my ear, I shamefully answered, “Yeah?”

  I heard a deep huff over the phone. “What in the fucking hell?” Ashley whispered into the phone.

  “I don’t know, I don’t know! Was my face a dead giveaway?”

  “Hang on,” Ashley said. I heard a voice in the background. Next I heard her answer whoever it was with a very agitated tone. There was a loud bang from Ashley slamming her door shut. I heard static on the line and then Ashley came back on. She continued where she’d left off, “Your face was pretty red, I mean, I was looking at you because I know. Maybe everyone else just thought he embarrassed you because he was being a dipshit.”

  Groaning into the phone, I said, “I just wanted to crawl under the table and die. I can’t believe this shit.” I rested my head on the palm of my hand and lightly slapped my fingers on my forehead.

  “I wouldn’t worry about it.”

  I let out another sigh. “Yeah, I guess…”

  Ashley sat in silence for a moment and then the tone in her voice became perky. “Really, what do you have to worry about? You’re screwing the most gorgeous man ever, and no one gives a shit what Dan says anyway.”

  I appreciated her attempt to make me feel better, but it didn’t really work. Taking my pen in my hand, I drew tiny circles all over the legal pad next to my phone. “Okay, well, if I don’t have a job next week we’ll know why.”

  “Shut up, Brooke! No one’s losing their job,” Ashley said and hung the phone up.

  I put the receiver down and stared at that poster hanging over Peggy’s desk of the kitten holding on to the rope. At that moment I felt like that damn cat. I stared at the fear that had conquered that poor little kitten’s eyes and completely sympathized. My train of thought was interrupted by a beep on my phone.

  Gavin: Calm down love… it’s all well. Worry’s not
becoming on you.

  I kept re-reading that word. Love, what did that mean? I immediately pulled up a British urban dictionary on Google and tried to figure out how serious this was. I could feel butterflies in my stomach as I scrolled down the list, and suddenly the slight smile on my face turned to a dejected frown. Evidently, according to Google, love is a common term used among British people. Although it could be a term of endearment, it was also used in casual conversation with waitresses.

  I tried to remind myself that I needed to slow it down and stop trying to analyze everything. I’d failed miserably at making this a one-night stand. I was obsessed with this man who was everything I’d said I never wanted. I was dying to have him tell me there was something between us more than just incredibly satisfying sex, but from the way Ashley was acting, I should just be happy to be sleeping with the man, even if he didn’t end up falling head over heels in love with me, so what?

  So what if I was pretty damn sure I’d already jumped off the cliff and was falling at lightning speed for the man, if I was pretty certain that a man like that only waltzes his way into your life once in a lifetime, and if I was completely unsure of how I, Brooke fucking Davis, could keep him interested in me? So fucking what?

  Chapter Twenty-six


  Embarrassment and concern had washed over her face when I pointed out the scratch. I found her tendency to embarrass attractive; her innocence refreshing, different, and so damn tempting.

  Scrolling through my calendar, I flipped through the month to see when I was on service next. My weeks on service were hectic. Surgeries were scheduled during the morning and I had to stay at the hospital overnight to care for inpatients. I was scheduled to be on service in three weeks and I found myself dreading it.

  As I looked over the calendar I saw where I had put “host” for the next weekend. Tapping my finger on the square, I opened the event. I read the word again and inhaled. I hated being reminded of my dark secrets, of the eternal hell I’d put myself in years ago.

  I glanced down at my watch, realizing I had to be in clinic in ten minutes. I slid my phone into my pocket, pulled on my lab coat, and jogged over to the main hospital.

  “Good morning, Dr. Hunter,” the young receptionist said as I passed through the waiting room.

  Glancing up, I forced a smile. “Good morning, Meredith.”

  I pushed the wooden door leading to the exam rooms open and followed the long white corridor down to the nurse’s desk, walking behind the counter to glance at the schedule.

  One of the nurses handed me a chart. “Ms. Hawkins is in room three, Dr. Hunter,” she said. “Her vitals look really good, she walked in unassisted today.”

  I took the thick file from her and flipped to the notes she’d taken. “Thanks, Stephanie.” Closing the file, I looked around the clinic.

  “Gavin?” I heard Zach call me from the other side of clinic.

  Approaching the desk Zach was standing behind, I placed the file on the counter top.

  “Where the hell have you been, dude?” Zach asked as he dialed the phone.

  “Had a conference in Boston.”

  Zach cradled the phone between his ear and shoulder. He looked up at me and opened his mouth to speak, but then his eyes redirected down to the sheets of papers he had in his hand. Pulling the receiver closer to his mouth, he said, “I need the labs for Jones. Where are they?” He paused and rolled his eyes. “It shouldn’t take this long to get the results from a damn metabolic panel. Come on!” He paused again, listening to the person on the other line. “Page me as soon as you’ve got ‘em.” He placed the receiver down and then gave me an inquiring look. “Boston? When’d you get back?”

  I thumbed through the chart. “Thursday evening.” I glanced up to see a large grin on Zach’s face.

  “Amy?” he asked, his smile widening.

  I let out a long and agitated sigh, “No.” Looking behind Zach, I found one of the nurses trying to eavesdrop. As soon as I made eye contact with her, she darted her gaze to the side and rummaged through medical supplies.

  Zach shot a displeased look at me. “Man, I don’t understand. She’s smokin’ hot. What’s your deal? Are you into guys or something, I mean, if you are I’m cool with it as long as you still act as a wingman for me.”

  “Just not my type,” I mumbled and walked toward the next exam room.

  “Okay, man,” Zach said with a sarcastic undertone. “Lunch?”

  “Sure,” I called back.

  I sat in the physician’s cafeteria waiting on Zach. I pulled my phone out from my lab coat and texted Brooke.

  How would you feel if I required you to stay after hours to help me tie up some things around the office?

  Brooke: Oh, I don’t know… depends on what you mean by tie up.

  I laughed to myself.

  It can mean whatever you want it to… Ms. Davis.

  Brooke: I’ll be more than willing to do whatever you need me to… Dr. Hunter.

  Zach sat his tray down on the table and scooted his chair up. “I’m on call this weekend, which means I can’t go to the Gala. I’m relieved. I hate goin’ to stuff like that.” He picked up his burger and took a large bite of it; the grease dripped down his chin and he wiped it off with a napkin. “You goin’?” he asked through a mouthful of food.

  I glanced back down at my phone, neglecting to look up at Zach as I spoke. “Yes, have no reason not to. Scott expects our entire research division to be there.”

  “That’s why I stayed purely clinical,” Zach said and shook his head. “Had no desire to fight tooth and nail for grants and have to deal with all the regulatory grief. I’ll just use the trials other people open. My patients get the same benefit and I don’t have to deal with the extra work.” He took a sip of his water. “I told you that you were insane for tryin’ to do both. Overly ambitious bastard.”

  “I don’t mind it,” I said.

  “Dude, what the hell did you do to Amy?”

  Peering at him, a scowled formed on my face. “What do you mean ‘what did I do’?”

  He finished chewing and laughed. “We had lunch the other day and she was bitchin’ about you. Talking about what an ass you are.” Zach paused. “How did you two even end up hooking up anyway?”

  Grabbing my water bottle, I ran my thumb over the label. I glanced up at him. “We just ran into each other out at a club one night, started talking.”

  “You — went to a club… by yourself?”

  Zach knew how much I hated going to bars and was suspicious of my claim. He wasn’t a fallen or a vampire. Zach was nothing more than a mortal, but over the years I’d found having a few “friends” helped me blend in.

  “Yes, just curious what the place was like,” I said.

  “Man, you’re so secretive sometimes, are you a pimp or something on the side, a drug dealer?”

  Laughing, I said, “I’m sure you’d be one of my most loyal customers, wouldn’t you?”

  He leaned back in his chair and grinned widely. “Yeah, I’m not too picky when it comes to sexual gratification.” He threw his napkin down on the table. “So, if you’re not into Amy, can I try it? She looks like she’d be a freak.”

  I raised my eyebrows at him and shot him a disinterested look. “Do whatever you like, but she’s bloody mad. Would most likely scare the hell out of you.”

  Zach laughed. “Doubt that. What about one of your coordinators? You seem to always end up with some damn sexy girls over in that office. That Ashley girl’s pretty nice lookin.’ ” He paused. “What’s that new one’s name? I saw her the other day when I came over to get something from Scott. She’s gorgeous. I’d bend her over in a minute.”

  The blood pumped swiftly through my veins. I swallowed and tried to take in a calming breath. Looking sternly at Zach, I said, “You’re not going to be harassing my coordinators.”

  He stared at me, narrowing his eyes momentarily before a knowi
ng smile crept across his face. “You’re fuckin’ one of them, aren’t you?”

  I continued to stare at him silently.

  “You are! Which one, or are you doin’ both of ‘em?”

  I pulled my lips in and exhaled loudly. “I don’t particularly care what you do with Ashley, but Brooke is not for you.” I could hear my voice adopting a slightly primitive growl.

  “I can’t believe it. You finally decided to let the allure of screwing somebody you’re in charge of get you.” Zach pulled both of his arms behind his head and a smirk fell across his face. “Pretty hot, isn’t it? The whole power trip and all?”

  My pager went off. I glanced down at it as I rose from the table. “I’ve got to get back to clinic.”

  Zach had no idea. I was on anything but a power trip with Brooke; the entire ordeal was so far removed from my personality. I felt like I was having a time identifying exactly what I was doing with her.

  Anger. I’d immediately felt anger when Zach had mentioned Brooke in an inappropriate way. I’d every physiological reaction possible to the emotion without even thinking about it. Taking one last look at him, rage welled inside me. She was mine and I wouldn’t have anyone talking about her like that. His words brought that dark side of me bubbling to the surface and I clawed my fingers against my palms. Fire scorched through my blood and the image of wrapping my hands around his neck and crushing his throat until he could no longer breathe shot through my mind. I’d kill to protect her, to ensure she belonged only to me.

  Look what she’s doing to me. I should just walk away before I lose every ounce of control I have, but then again, if I were to walk away now I’d be letting fear conquer me. I just have to keep control of it all; I can keep control of it.

  Chapter Twenty-seven


  After having dinner with Constance, I pulled into my parking lot. Just as I turned my car off Gavin called my phone. I answered and, as always, was completely turned on by how sexy his voice was.


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