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Bound to the Fallen (Prophecy #2)

Page 25

by Stevie J. Cole

  Constance sighed and placed her hand on my shoulder, squeezing me gently. “Shit. That man is — I don’t even know — just like, hot sex for your eyes,” she said in a dreamy voice.

  I shook my head in agreement. “He’s absolutely unbelievable.” I was admiring how gorgeous he looked when Ashley stepped in front of me, interrupting my view of him. Her finger was pointing in his direction.

  “Oh, shit,” Ashley groaned, snarling her lips up.

  Constance’s eyes peeled open and her arms flew up in the air. “What’s wrong?”

  Ashley’s tone oozed with agitation as she said, “That’s Dr. Moore. I cannot stand her. I swear to God. They’re trying to get her to come on to some of our studies, and if I have to work with her I’m gonna lose my shit.”

  I followed her finger and saw the blonde Gavin had been having lunch with weeks ago.

  “That blonde girl in the purple dress?” I asked.

  “Yes, she’s a total bitch!”

  My gaze shifted back toward the door and watched Dr. Moore reach over and sweep her hand over Gavin’s back. I could feel a jealous heat traveling through my body as she ran her fingers across his broad shoulders.

  An uneasy look crept over Ashley’s face. Her fingers traced over her eyebrow and she closed her eyes tightly. Her mouth was opened and I could see her tongue press against the roof of her mouth. “Uh, so — she kinda has a thing for Gavin, like a really bad thing for him,” Ashley confessed. Her finger left her brow and trailed down the side of her face. She grabbed her necklace, nervously sliding the charm back and forth on the chain.

  I turned and stared wide-eyed at her. I needed a little bit better of an explanation. “Like she has a thing for him, or he has a thing for her, or they’ve had a thing together?”

  “I don’t know. She’s friends with Nicole.” Ashley paused, grabbing the beer from Colton’s hand and chugging it.

  “Ashley!” I said loudly. I was tense and wanted her to answer my question.

  Ashley pulled the bottle away from her lips and said, “Nicole was running her mouth one day and mentioned that he and Amy — Dr. Moore, whatever the fuck you want to call her — that they were going on a date or something.”

  “When?” Anxiety gripped me by the throat and my stomach turned. Gavin had told me he’d never dated anyone from work. If he’d lied to me…

  “I don’t know, like a month or so before you got here.” Ashley glanced back down to the entrance. “I mean, I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Nicole’s full of shit half the time and you’ve been with him just about every damn day since you got back from Boston.” Ashley scratched at the label on the now-empty beer bottle, peeling small pieces of it loose. “Even if they did go on a date, it doesn’t mean anything.”

  I looked back down and Gavin was talking to Dr. Moore. He glanced up, smiling when he saw me. He shoved a hand in his pant pocket and winked at me.

  Constance put her hand on my shoulder and leaned over to me. “See, he’s looking at you. Not even interested in that stupid skank-looking tramp next to him.”

  “Thanks, Constance,” I said, my voice thick with sarcasm.

  Colton waved his arms out in front of him. “Okay, drama llamas! Enough! Let’s go get some drinks and enjoy the night.” Colton pointed toward Nicole, “Who cares who the skank over there’s fucking?” He moved his finger in the direction of Dr. Moore, “Who gives a damn about who the bimbo down there wants to fuck?” He fiddled with his tie and loosened it slightly. “I say we just get drunk!”

  Colton placed his arm around my shoulder, shaking me gently. “Come on, Brooke. That girl ain’t got nothin’ on you and you know it.”

  Constance yanked me away from the view of the entrance against my will. I quickly downed my glass of wine and grabbed another one as we walked to the side of the ballroom.

  Did I even have the right to be angry with the girl trying to come on to Gavin?

  How in the hell had I gotten myself into this?

  Chapter Thirty


  Damn it to hell, Scott! Why must you insist on that wretched woman being involved in our studies?

  I pulled up to the valet, stepped out, and handed him the keys. I tugged at my tuxedo jacket and followed the cobblestone walkway to the restaurant, hoping that Amy had found some other man to pester with her unrelenting sex drive and need for reassurance.

  Walking through the opened door of the building, I approached the hostess stand. “I’m to meet a party here. Scott Knight,” I said as I stopped in front of the wooden stand.

  The young hostess smiled at me. “Your accent is lovely,” she swooned and led me to the table.

  She stopped, pointing to the table where Scott and the others were seated. “Enjoy your dinner, sir,” the hostess said and placed the menu face-up on the table.

  “Thank you.”

  Tom stuck his hand out. “Hello, Gavin,” he said. Grabbing his hand, I shook it firmly.

  “Scott,” I said, nodding at him from across the table. “Miranda, you look lovely.” Moving my eyes to each person seated, I continued, “Will — Amy.” I glanced quickly in her direction and then directed my eyes down to the menu I’d picked up.

  Scott shot a pleased grin in my direction. “So, Gavin, Amy seems very interested in being a co-investigator for our studies requiring consults from psychiatry. There’ll be several studies we’d immediately be eligible for if we have her as part of our team.” Scott looked at me, waiting on a response. “Well, what do you think, Gavin?”

  “That sounds great, Scott, absolutely great,” I paused. “But maybe we could find another PI for some of those studies? I’m drowning as it is with mine.”

  A disapproving look scowled across Scott’s face. “We’ll have to take a look. Who’s going to be PI isn’t really important as long as the funds stay within the department.” He turned to the left, directing his gaze at Amy. “Could you send us a preliminary budget of what your costs would be, direct and indirect?”

  Lowering her martini glass to her chest, she said, “I’d be more than happy to.” I could feel her eyes piercing into me. I glanced over at her, pulling my lips up into a sarcastic smile. Her eyes constricted as she focused on me, the irritation from my disinterest flamed across her face.

  Throughout dinner I had to force myself to smile at the appropriate times. I avoided conversation with Amy as much as possible because I knew if I accidentally looked at her the wrong way she’d think that I wanted to take her home with me.

  I’d bent the truth when I told Zach how Amy and I ended up sleeping together. I’d met Amy through Raven, and since any woman from Raven’s club was considered “safe” I’d slept with her. There was nothing exciting about it at all, and it would’ve never happened again had she not been so damn persistent. She had shown up at my house completely nude underneath an overcoat and thrown herself on me. She began to call me and email me constantly. The allure I have to women is something no mortal could even hope to possess. Being that I am nothing more than unadulterated sin, immortal, and exude the beauty that can only come with damned grace, simply stated, I’m everything a woman desires. I’m different and women can sense that. The type of want a creature such as myself creates is so addictive, it often drives women mad. They easily confuse the feeling of possession with love, and that is problematic. When I noticed that Amy was becoming obsessed I told her I wasn’t interested in her, much less in a relationship with her. I had been very blunt when I explained that I wasn’t the type of guy to invest in a relationship, not the type that would settle down. I’d figured that was obvious when and how we met, but it didn’t seem that she appreciated my informality in expressing my indifference to her.

  I could not work with this woman. I did not want to work with this woman. But I humored Scott and sat through dinner acting as though collaborating with her were a halfway decent idea.

  Tom peered up at me as he signed his receipt. “So, Gavi
n, no date tonight?”

  “No. Can’t seem to find the time for dating, Tom,” I said, my mind drifting off to Brooke. I was anxious to see how she looked in that elegant, form-fitting dress I’d sent to her.

  Amy cleared her throat. “Oh, you just have to make the time, Gavin.” She glared at me from the end of the table with a fire flickering behind her stare. “I’m sure there are plenty of women who’d love to have as nice a man as you.”

  I felt warmth rushing across my face. “As I said, I don’t have the time…” Rising from my seat, I straightened out my tuxedo jacket. “Shall we go?” I looked over at Scott and Miranda.

  Scott glanced down at his watch and shook his head. “Yes, we should be going.” He pulled the chair out for his wife.

  Miranda looked sullen as she delicately rose from the chair. I figured she must be dreading the evening ahead of her. It was terrible that Scott was having an affair. I loathed the idea of being unfaithful. I couldn’t understand how someone could go behind the back of a person who completely trusted them and give that part of themselves to another.

  I found selfishness to be a mortal characteristic that was utterly despicable.

  As I approached the building I heard the sound of high heels gripping against the cement behind me.

  “Gav, wait up,” Amy called out, her stride quickening and her heels clicking louder against the pavement.

  I inhaled and stopped. I spun around, my teeth gritting together as I spoke to her. “What is it now, Amy?”

  “Well, you’re not gonna make me walk in by myself, are you?” she asked.

  “I wasn’t really concerning myself with how you entered the building.”

  She laughed, tossing her head back and shaking out her blonde hair. “You really are a piece of work. Don’t act like you don’t want me the least bit.” She reached for my arm and I quickly pulled it away from her grasp.

  “I don’t. Not in the least. We’ve had this conversation. I’ve nothing for you, Amy.”

  “Well, our past experiences would beg to differ,” she said smartly.

  “Those past experiences were no different than any other ‘experiences’ I’ve ever had. Sorry to disappoint you, Amy.” I paused, thinking of how vastly Brooke differed from anything I’d ever experienced before. I felt a slight tug at my lips just thinking about her.

  Amy let out a loud, agitated huff. She pushed her hair to the side of her shoulder and glared at me. “You really are unbelievable. I always get what I want.” She wrapped her hand around my arm, “I’ll have you tonight. You just watch, Gavin Hunter.”

  Tossing my head back, I snickered and stuck my hand into my pant pocket. “I can assure you that you will not, Amy. There’s no way in hell I would allow you that pleasure ever again.” I said, snatching my arm free from her grip.

  She let out a frustrated grunt as I walked up the stairs to the entrance of the building. I came to the banquet table and gave my name to the lady sitting there. “Gavin Hunter, M.D.,” I said.

  The woman ran her bony finger down her list searching for my name.

  I heard Amy’s voice come from behind me, “Amy Moore, M.D.”

  The man who checked Amy’s name found her immediately and she waltzed herself up behind me. I felt her rub softly across my back. I couldn’t help but cringe when she touched me.

  I smiled cordially and lowered my voice, “Leave me alone, Amy. I’m not above embarrassing you, remember that.”

  A leering smirk formed on her face. “I like having you play hard to get. I’ll consider it foreplay.”

  I scowled at her and took several steps in the opposite direction. Glancing up at the upper level, I spotted Brooke. I grinned and winked at my love. The silhouette of her frame was absolutely striking, even from thirty meters away. It was at that moment as I watched her from afar, knowing I couldn’t immediately rush over to her, grab her and kiss her, that I realized I’d been defeated. I was completely lovesick. I desired her like none other. Her touch alone sated the carnal urges no one else in the history of my existence had been able to calm in the slightest way. Within weeks this mortal woman had brought me to my knees.

  “Gavin!” Amy’s voice struck a nerve inside me. “Did you hear me?” she asked loudly.

  “No,” I said, turning and walking up the stairs to find Brooke.

  Chapter Thirty-one


  “Good evening, ladies,” Dr. Knight’s voice came from behind me. Spinning around, I found him and his wife standing next to Ashley.

  His wife was breathtaking up close. Her skin was flawless and she had a well-defined cupid’s bow on her lip.

  “This is my wife Miranda.” Dr. Knight paused. “Miranda, this is Ashley and Brooke. They are the coordinators for the research in my office.”

  Miranda smiled, unveiling starch white teeth. “It’s nice to meet you, girls. I hope Scott’s not too hard on you,” she said softly. She parted her lips and curled them up, dimples formed on each side of her mouth as her smile grew.

  “It’s nice to meet you,” Ashley and I responded in unison.

  Dr. Knight nodded and forced a painful smile because he knew it was the appropriate thing to do. “Well, enjoy your evening, ladies. Glad you could make it out for the event,” he said, placing his arm around Miranda and guiding her across the room.

  I watched as the two approached another group of people and began mingling.

  “I just don’t get it,” I said to Ashley and shook my head.

  Ashley bounced up and down, stomping her feet. Her eyes widened as she fixed her gaze on something behind me.

  I looked over my shoulder and saw Nicole approaching Dr. Knight and his wife.

  “Oh, oh, oh… here she comes!” Ashley’s voice bubbled over with excitement. She pulled her fist up to her mouth and chewed on her thumb nail. I knew the anticipation was about to kill her.

  Colton shook his head shamefully at Ashley’s behavior. “I’ll never understand women. I swear! And you say men are immature? Shit,” he said.

  I watched Nicole prance up to the group Dr. Knight was speaking with. She wiggled her way right into the middle. A sardonic smile fell over her face when Dr. Knight introduced her to his wife.

  “There it is, ladies and gentlemen,” Ashley proclaimed. “The moment that Mistress meets Mrs.” She shook her head in complete delight. “Look at Nicole, she’s eating this up!”

  Ashley was right. Nicole had a look of pure empowerment as she shook Miranda’s hand. I stared at Nicole and wondered what in the hell was going through her sick, twisted head when I felt a hand glide along the small of my back.

  “Well, hello, love. Don’t you look gorgeous tonight?” a familiar voice whispered into my ear. My heart stopped at the sound of Gavin’s voice. I turned around and my eyes met his. I was tempted to kiss him, but I knew I couldn’t. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you,” Gavin said. “Wouldn’t think it would be so hard to find such a breathtakingly gorgeous woman, but you vanished as soon as I walked in.”

  Forcing my hands down by my sides, I scrunched the material of my dress into my palms to keep from grabbing him. “And you look like you belong on the cover of a magazine. Damn you for being so sexy,” I said.

  My eyes drank in how attractive he was. His hand was shoved in his pant pocket and he looked absolutely delectable. “How long do we have to stay here?” I asked.

  Gavin tilted his head to the side and studied me. “That dress looks just as I’d imagine on you, exquisite!” He reached up toward my face, but stopped himself. His fingers curled back into his palm and his hand fell down to his side.

  “We have to at least stay until the auction is over. Then we can leave.” He paused. “Ready to go so soon? I can’t imagine why,” he said, his panty-dropping grin painting across his face.

  He knew exactly why I wanted to leave.

  He glanced in the direction of Nicole and Dr. Knight. “Damn, she’s brazen, isn’
t she?” he exclaimed.

  Gavin casually placed his hand on my back and slid it down to my ass. He l tapped my cheek before moving his hand away. I looked up at him and gushed.

  “You just let me know when we can go,” I said.

  “Okay, okay.” He leaned over, placing his lips next to my ear as he whispered, “But only if you promise to let me see what’s under that exquisite dress you have on.” His finger trailed across my back and tapped up my neck.

  Stepping away from me, he looked over at the rest of the group. “You guys have fun, and keep this one out of trouble, aye?”

  Gavin made his way over to another group and struck up small talk. I rested my head on Constance’s shoulder. “Oh,” I panted out with a long, lustful sigh.

  Constance pushed me off of her and mumbled, “Yeah, yeah —I know. Gorgeous man, huge dong, great in bed — blah, blah.” She smiled at me and glanced back out at the crowd. A frown formed on her face as she asked, “What the hell is she staring at?”

  Following her gaze, I noticed Nicole staring at me from across the floor. “What’s her problem?” I said and looked over at Ashley.

  “Who knows?” Ashley replied.

  My eyes wandered the room trying to find Gavin again and a purple blur passed by me. I watched as Amy Moore walked right up to Gavin and placed her hand possessively on his shoulder. She leaned over and whispered something into his ear. Jealousy welled inside me at the sight of her touching him. Gavin moved away from her and responded to whatever it was she’d whispered to him. I watched her take several steps toward him again, reaching up to straighten the collar of his jacket. Her lips were moving while she tugged at the material, but I was unable to make out what she was saying. Gavin shot a polite smile at her and pushed her hand away from him. He turned his back to her and ran a hand over the side of his head, making sure his hair was still in place.

  Rubbing his hand over his head was one of his nervous habits, and I wanted to know why he was nervous. I saw him glance over in my direction and I held my stare. He shrugged and shook his head. A man came over to speak with him, his body blocking my view of Gavin. I clenched my jaw and I turned back to my group of friends.


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