The Peacekeeper

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The Peacekeeper Page 10

by Cheryl Starr Munger

  He felt she would indeed love it here. He would too, if not for the battles he knew were sure to come with having such great comforts.

  They traveled through a great many rooms of the castle, in each Elspeth oohed and awed, but when they got to the master suits where their bedroom was, she gasped out loud. It was glorious. In one corner, flanked by windows on each side, sat a large rectangle tub made of marble. It held steaming aqua water.

  “Is someone going to take a bath,” asked Elspeth?

  The angel smiled at her question. “High in the cliffs just behind the castle rests a hot mineral lake, from there trenches bring the water to the castle, it moves through the walls and in each of the bed chambers there is such a tub. The water stays at a wonderful warmth all the time. It flows in and out continuously from small holes at the bottom. The hot mineral spring lake is constantly fed so the water flows freely without worry of using too much. There are such things as these tubs in the kitchens as well for cleaning, only smaller and higher for easier use.”

  “This is amazing,” said Elspeth as she rubbed her hand down the coat of arms standing beside the fireplace.

  “This is your room. Off to the side is a nice sized solarium through those double doors, if you would care to look.”

  Elspeth opened one of the doors and gasped. Ian saw that there was one long bench built in the bottom of each of the window frames, seven windows in all, and around in the circle were four, very comfortable looking chairs. The windows started at thigh-level and rose upward to the ceiling. Someone could curl up against the window on the comfortable looking cushions or sit with comfort there enjoying the view of the ocean. The wall that held the doorway also had two small marble fireplaces, one on each side of the double doors. Ian thought it would give the feeling of sitting high in the clouds. The view itself was spectacular.

  “I have never seen, let alone been in a bedroom that had its own sitting room before,” said Elspeth. “This room is the most beautiful room I have ever seen. I am sure to love this room most of all,” she said in awe.

  “There are more bed chambers if you care to see. Or you can look as you move in, you’ve seen the important areas. I’m sure it will take days to familiarize yourself with everything. The large staff has the day off, so I could show you around, when you return, the entire staff will be on hand, along with the stable men and all others.”

  “This is quite fine…um. We never got your name. What is it?” asked Ian.

  “Oh goodness,” said the angel, “how inappropriate of me. Ariel. My name is Ariel.”

  “Well, Ariel you have been quite generous with your time, and we are largely impressed. Thank you for showing us around. I think we will take our leave now, and finish here as we move in.”

  “As you wish, I will see you to your portal. Good luck, Ian McGregor. To you and Merlin as well,” she said to Elspeth as they turned and walked out.

  Chapter 12


  “Squawk, squawk.” Sorrilth and Kalon strained their colorful necks upward toward the meat Saphira held out.

  “Cute lil lizards, aren’t they?” asked Ian scratching the green one’s head.

  “That’s Kalon, Ian, and he’s a dragon, not a lizard,” Ator corrected. Turning he looked at Elspeth and Ian. “So, what you are telling me is we are moving to the Wesladus Veil and you want me to assemble my dragons to move as well?”

  “Yes, we need all of you in this fight against these new monsters. Damn bunch of Kearal if you ask me. I’m goin’ tae have a hard-enough time gettin’ Ocrul, Crimson Keepers, and Crixior tae work together, let alone fightin’ against these Kearal bastards. Pick your best dragons Ator, the more the better, but nae any lackeys.”

  “My dragons have just chosen new mates. They will move with them. I will not leave Saphira behind again.” He rubbed his neck down Saphira’s in affection. “I can persuade some from your cliffs. There are some that have stayed behind to protect the females and your family.”

  “Nae, leave them. They are needed there. The ones here will do. How many do you think you have?”

  “Fifty to fifty-five. They are my strongest and make up 100 in strength and cunning. I will assemble them today and inform them of the move. You can go with me Ian. Saphira I will leave you now, will you be okay while I’m gone?”

  “Please Ator, go.” She snorted a little laugh. “You are driving me crazy. You have left my side only when hunting. We have more meat and berries than we need. Please, go and help Ian. I will visit with Elspeth. It will give us both a break.” She rubbed up and down his neck and he wrapped his neck around hers.

  “That must be a dragon hug,” he whispered to Elspeth.

  Ator turned. “It’s a might better than what you were thinking about the day you were fried.”

  Elspeth laughed. His face turned red. Elspeth laughed harder. As did the dragons.


  “Cat got your tongue?”

  “Hush Els…” he frowned. Then Ian grabbed her around the waist and hugged her close. “I’ll be back soon,” he whispered.

  “Well I’m off,” said Ator as he strode toward the cave entrance. “Come, Ian.”

  He hesitated, not sure if he wanted to take another dragon ride. If I fall it will only be broken bones, he thought. I’ll heal. Bullocks, he followed Ator to the opening. Ator extended his massive wing for Ian to climb on.

  “You’re much bigger than Saphira. Will I fit up there? Because, if not, I can wait here.”

  Ator snorted. “Get used to it. I’m sure it won’t be the only time you will need to ride.”

  Ian climbed aboard and Ator walked to the ledge just left from behind the waterfall. He spread his wings and dove from the cliff. Ian screamed. “You did that aperpouse, you large hunk a meat!”

  Ator snorted and spread out his wings to a great span, and began to raise and lower them, the wind around Ian growing with each long stroke through the air. He rose toward the sky and out over the valley. In a large clearing, he landed smoothly. After letting Ian down, Ator raised his head and roared, then roared again.

  As he watched, dragons of every color came flying from the face of the cliffs. One by one they landed in front of Ator. The sight of so many large and glorious dragons in one place, left him feeling awestruck.

  Ator stood taller and rose above them all, clearly the largest dragon there. Although Ator didn’t speak out loud his voice boomed non-the-less.

  “I know I have asked you all to move here with me and you followed. I am here to ask yet more from you. Creatures, new creatures are being created every day. The Kearal, as Ian has called them, are mighty, and pure evil. Now both the outer and inner earth and every creature that inhabits it is in danger.

  “We have watched over Ian and his family for years for a reason. He stands with me today and I stand here only because he saved my life.”

  He heard many voices in his head as the dragons all mumbled in shock. He stayed silent and waited on Ator to continue.

  “Yes, he is marked. It’s been thousands of years since we’ve had a marked one. There are two. Ian’s mate saved mine, Saphira from Darlath who was well known to you. We will all protect Ian and his. The pressing matters we face now are the new creatures that are upon us.

  “We have been asked by the Plelin, Akuphis, and by Merlin himself for an army of dragons to fight and live with a newly formed group called the Myraid Army. This army will be led by Ian and his brothers. It’s not only they who need us, under these drastic circumstances and for our own wellbeing, we need them. Together we will defeat this new threat.”

  A green shimmery dragon moved to the front. “Where are we moving to?”

  “Good question, Falkor. You have always been my best. Step forward.” Falkor moved out front. “We are going to the Wesladus Veil and moving inside the Veater Cliffs above Pendragon castle.”

  Falkor stood still for a moment. “Isn’t Wesladus the outer Veil, outside inner and outer earth?”

“Yes, it’s the safest place for us to train and prepare for battle. You may bring your mates. Who will go with me? For all who wish to stay may do so but remember we are all in danger. Those who do not wish to go may now leave.”

  He and Ator stood quietly. No one left. “Good,” said Ator.” Falkor stand beside me.” Ator waited until Falkor was beside him before continuing. “Falkor is my chosen. You will take orders from him as you would me. If by chance I die, he will lead, until such time as my son is old enough to take over. Any questions?”

  “When do we leave?” asked a red dragon.

  “We leave tomorrow, Kemoth. Spend the rest of the day with your mates and prepare for tomorrow. Thank you all for your support and for being my long-time friends. You may go.”

  In a flurry of color, the dragons lifted toward the sky. Wind from their wings blew hair across his face. Pushing his hands back through his hair he turned to Ator. “What majestic creatures!”

  “Aren’t they though.” Ator’s chest puffed up and he turned. “Ready?”

  Ator leaned down and he climbed aboard, no longer afraid of dragons, or flying. He felt good. He smiled thinking about Elspeth, and what may or may not lay ahead for them, hoping for quick results so he could settle happily with her.

  Chapter 13

  Arthur’s group entered Grimwood forest. Angus listened intently for any noise that seemed out of place. He was rather uneasy, and since he was in charge of this expedition, it lay on his shoulders to see to King Arthur’s safety. He had always been the one to back up Ian, even when Eogahan was alive. Eoghan was a good man, but not the fighter or leader that he and Ian turned out to be. If ever there was a question, Ian sought out Angus for help instead of his twin.

  So, it was an unsaid truth, that if anything were to happen to Ian, Angus would take his place. Always to be in charge when Ian wasn’t there, he once again listened for any trouble. It was a rather dark lush forest with small rays of light filtering through. It was still cold and small thinning patches of snow gave way to last year’s coat of leaves. Where the sun hit, frost glittered.

  The horses pranced and crunched through snow and twigs, snorting cloudy mists. They were tired and so were the men. Here they would camp. Angus rode up beside Arthur. “We’ve made good time Arthur, but we still have another day’s journey tae Mystic Mountain. Do you still wish tae continue on?” Angus was hoping for some answers, but so far Arthur was tight lipped. “Arthur how long have we been friends? Why are you lookin’ for this lady? Is she the only reason you’re makin’ this trip?”

  “Angus, we’ve been friends for as long as I can remember. It’s extremely important that I find this woman. Please as a friend, don’t ask me why. I won’t tell you or anyone else. Just trust me that it is imperative that I do. I will just say that I know she is in a lot of trouble.”

  “All right Arthur, you ken best, and we will help you the best we can. You ken that.”

  With that Angus rode ahead to his brothers. “Connor, will you scout for a place to camp. With luck, we can camp early and maybe hunt a worogild for dinner. We have some rations, but something hot sounds good for the cold bones. It will lift the spirits of the men.”

  “Sure, I’ll split off now. Finn! With me! We’re tae find us a good place tae camp. You look east, I’ll go west.”


  Connor kicked the sides of his horse and took off. It wasn’t long and he came to a small clearing with a creek running through it. He jumped off his stallion and tied the reins to a tree. He went to the creek and bent down, cupping his hands, he splashed the cold water over his face then drank deep.

  Glancing up he searched the edge of the forest to make sure it was safe. While contemplating the campsite, he was tapped on the shoulder. Without thinking he pulled his sword out as he jumped to his feet. He almost took the man’s head off, but stopped just in time. “Merlin, you lavvy heid! I almost carved a smile in your neck! Doona you ever do that again! I could’ve killed you! I dinna see your portal or hear you. What are you doin’ here?”

  “Checking on you boys and Arthur. Why are you here? You are close to Mystic Kingdom. What are you and your brothers thinking letting him come here? Where’s Angus?”

  “Weel we have a problem, and you ken how stubborn Arthur can be. He’s got a stick up his arse over some lady he’s really angry at, and he willna tell us why. We’ve tried tae talk him out of lookin’ for this Elspeth McLellan who’s wanted for treason, but he insists on takin’ the law in his own hands. So, we figure we’ll help catch her and get back to his castle as quickly as possible. At least he can concentrate on her punishment and stay outta trouble focused on that.”

  Merlin stroked his beard the entire time Connor was talking. “No, Connor, now there’s a problem. You see Elspeth McLellan is innocent. She is also a healer who happened to catch King Rulm assaulting and killing a young lady. He wants her dead because of it. We need her. She’s an integral part of our forces against this evil we face. She’s the only healer we have. She is also going to be the wife of your brother Ian.”

  “What! What did you just say?” He ran his hands back through his blond hair, then down over his face. “Merlin, being a traitor isn’t the only reason King Arthur wants her, maybe not even the main one. He’s verra preoccupied with whatever she’s done tae anger him, and he’s nae tellin’ anyone what that is. He’s adamant aboot getting her. We tried keeping him at the palace, but he is not bein’ swayed. Tell me Merlin, what the hell is goin’ on?”

  With a furrowed brow and frown Merlin filled him in on what had happened. When he finished, he sat on a log staring at the creek. Connor sat down beside him. For a moment, they were silent, and the bubbling creek was the only sound.

  After a bit, he broke out laughing. Merlin turned to him with a scowl. “What the hell is so damn funny?”

  Between snorts and trying to catch his breath he got out. “Ian…” hahaha, Ian and a friggin’ dragon?” With more uncontrollable laughter he doubled over. “Wait ’til the rest of the boys hear the story.”

  Merlin grinned. “Now stop. We have more important things to consider, so you better pull it together. Seriously Connor. You must keep Arthur away from Mystic Kingdom for at least a few days. Ian and Elspeth are going to get inside the castle to find out what they can about Drakkor. Ian needs time to find out as much as he can. Somehow, we have to keep Arthur from Elspeth. They must stay separated. Let’s go see Arthur and I’ll talk to him.”


  Angus was talking with Arthur when Connor returned with Merlin in tow. Arthur was frustrated and it showed clearly on his face. When he saw Merlin, his expression changed to joy. “Merlin so good to see you. You, old goat! To what do we owe the pleasure?”

  “I’ve come for a visit.”

  Arthur laughed. “Checking up on me is more like it. If you’re here trouble follows. So, let’s make camp and you can tell me what that trouble is. Fair?”

  “Toads,” Merlin mumbled, frowning. “Between you and Ian I’m going to end up turning you both in to toads. Old goat my ass.”

  “That’s old too, old man.”

  Merlin broke out in laughter. Arthur jumped down from his horse and hugged him. “Welcome, Merlin. I haven’t feasted my eyes on you in ages, and you haven’t changed a bit. Looks like life’s been good to you. How fair you?”

  “Good, good. Connor found a good place to lay camp. Why don’t we do that and we can talk. Sounds li…” Suddenly a ball of fire flew past Merlin’s ear and stopped him dead in the middle of his sentence. “Damn! Kearals! The new and improved demons! Angus, you’re the one in charge! I’ve got Arthur.”

  Suddenly they were surrounded. Kearals stood with hands full of fire balls. One stepped forward. “We want the king and his men and they’ll live. Fight and you all die.”

  He looked at Merlin. Merlin tilted his head. Angus understood and gave the McGregor war cry and hoped Merlin could keep Arthur safe. No longer noticing where Merlin was going with Arthur, Angus
jumped in the fray swinging his sword.

  His brothers followed giving their own war cry and Arthur’s soldiers quickly joined in the battle. The horses scattered in fear. With fae power, he threw up his arms and called upon the rain. Icy sheets pounded down around them, making seeing almost non-existent. The Kearals balls of fire fizzled out before they hit. He stopped the rain, then the brothers charged the Kearals. There was a group of three and Finn brought forth lightning upon them. They burst to flame and then turned to dust.

  Connor yelled, “Angus behind you!”

  Angus sliced off one Kearals head, pivoted and sliced off the two behind him without breaking stride. One of the Kearals called on the earth and the ground beneath rumbled. Dust spewed in geysers making it hard to see. Taryn brought forth gale winds blowing dust and dirt away. All the while the McGregors fought on.

  Arthur’s soldiers did their best, but Arthur had brought only a small convoy. They were falling fast.

  Angus, Connor, Taryn, and Finn were eating through the Kearals quickly. Suddenly there were only three Keral left standing. Seeing that they were alone without support the Keral showed their fear by fleeing.

  He looked around for Arthur and Merlin and did not see them. He was not surprised. Arthur’s twelve soldiers were dead. He did not know how many Kearal there were, because dust piles where blown or washed away. He knew some escaped. Not good. They stood in silence. Everyone was cut up and bleeding from battle, but their wounds were already healing.

  He took a deep breath and then spoke. “They were our brothers. The Ocrul, Crimson Keepers…fae and vampire. This madness has to be stopped!” He turned and looked at his brothers breathing heavily, bloodied, their swords tilted toward the ground, slumped shoulders. They all felt it, their brethren, dead. Arthur’s soldiers all dead. Angus looked up. “Merlin!” A portal opened and out stepped Merlin.

  With a glance around, Merlin said, “Come. We’re going to Pendragon, Arthur’s there.”


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