The Peacekeeper

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The Peacekeeper Page 11

by Cheryl Starr Munger

  He followed his brothers through the portal.

  Chapter 14

  The sky was clear blue. The giant Veater Cliffs were busy with dragons flying in and out, brilliant shimmering colors flashing against the bright sun. The ocean roared against the rocky shores. Warm winds gusting. The day was perfect, the scenery perfect, down in the Wesladus Veil, on Pendragon grounds, not so perfect.

  Ian and his brothers, Connor, Finn, Taryn, and Angus were doing their best to squelch arguments between the Ocrul, Crimson Keepers, and Crixior. Finally, Merlin’s voice booms across the land and echoes off the cliffs. “Enough! Whatever arguments you have against each other stops now!

  “There is a much bigger problem we face than your attitudes against each other. If you do not work together all lives are lost. Let me be clear! You will listen to Ian and his brothers, you will train and work together as one. You will act as men, and as soldiers. You were each chosen as the strongest, smartest, and having the highest morals of your species.

  “Show us we weren’t wrong. This posturing will stop now. We will fight this war and win. Now I am going to introduce you to your leader. This is Ian McGregor.” Merlin held up his arm. “Ian, you may take over. He walked up to the towering podium.

  “Thank you, Merlin.” He stepped up on the high platform overlooking the combined group of fae, vampire, and demons. “We will split into groups. In each of these groups, twelve people, four of each species. Each group of twelve will train together, work together, remain together throughout the time as we are a collective army in the fight against evil. You will be known from this day forth as The Myriad Army. Remember this title, make it proud, and fight for what is right!”

  He looked over those gathered on the field. “We are here to save our brothers, and that is what we will do. Fae and vampire are bein’ changed into demons against their will. Human soldiers are bein’ changed by the multitudes. Some agreein’ and some not. You will welcome the Crixiors as they ken demons and have their powers. They are willin’ tae fight against their own in the name of justice and good.

  “Thank them, they aren’t your enemy. Each group will have a name, decided on by its members. No arguments, just do it, and welcome each other to this common cause. My brothers will train you.

  “McGregor’s up here.” His brothers pushed through the crowd of mumbling soldiers. “I will introduce your commanders who will be training you.” He introduced each of his brothers by name.

  “They will be your commanders, and you will follow their orders without question. If there are no questions, pick your group.” There was a lot of talking and men slowly made the collective groups.

  “My brothers will return now and pick their group of twelve and you will introduce yourselves to them. Then pick a name for your group and see me for registration in Pendragon hall. That will be all.” Ian walked off the platform and left the noise behind to enter the massive marble castle.


  Arthur and Merlin sat in the solarium of Pendragon Castle talking. Merlin explained everything to him, including the truth about Elspeth McLellan. When finished, he asked Arthur. “What is it you want of Elspeth McLellan, Arthur? And you will tell me.”

  “I will tell you, but you are the only one to know. I mean it Merlin, not a word to anyone.”

  “First let me know what it is, then I will say if it is meant to be kept secret.”

  “Fine,” said Arthur. He told his story to Merlin and finished with, “see why I don’t wish anyone to know?”

  Merlin sat stroking his beard in contemplation. “I will keep your secret, but I have an idea. You must promise to not look for Elspeth until this issue with the Kearals is resolved.” Merlin grinned. “I have the perfect solution to your Elspeth problem.” And he told Arthur his plan.

  Arthur sat dumbfounded but agreed with Merlin and his condition.

  Merlin wasn’t finished with Arthur though. He looked at his friend knowing he wasn’t going to like what he had to say. “Arthur, I want you to stay in the Wesladus Veil, here in Pendragon castle, until this is over. All kings are in danger and no one can afford to have you captured. I cannot risk losing you.”

  “Absolutely not! I have my kingdom to protect. My soldiers, my wife, and my friends. What about them? No Merlin I will not stay here and hide.”

  “I was afraid you’d say that, so I have a plan B. I will cloak your kingdom. It will take a lot of my power, but I can do it. Just make sure you keep all your people within the boundaries I set. If it is to work they must stay inside. I could shroud the area too, where they couldn’t walk through the barrier, but that won’t work. You’d have to explain it and mortals just wouldn’t understand.

  “Besides there’s a law governing inner earth against knowledge of outer earth’s existence and its magic. It would play havoc on the mortal mind. We have enough upset with what Athdar is doing now against the mortal realm. No, just make sure you keep your kingdom confined. Tell them of a deadly illness spreading. That should do it.”

  “Good idea, Merlin. That I shall do. Now please, I want to return home.”

  “I shall take you, and make sure you’re cloaked. We will discuss how wide the boundaries need to be. Let us go.” Merlin waved his arm and a portal opened.


  Ian sat at the highly polished long table and greeted Angus with the first man in line. “Angus what is the name of your squadron?”

  “We are the Axuard Squadron.” He wrote it down. “First man, name and species please.” He had four groups of three columns for the species. He had only to write their title above the three columns and write in the person’s name in the species column. When finished, Connor’s group of twelve lined up.

  Connor said, “We are called The Xiann Squadron.”

  “Species and name, please,” he said, going through the next twelve.

  Then Finn walked up. “We are The Sanguine Squadron.” The line of twelve went through.

  Last in line, Taryn, assembled his group and said. “We are The Qruhr Squadron.” His twelve went through giving name and species. All in all, everyone seemed to be getting along, even if the species weren’t fully interacting yet. Time, he thought, and a good workout.

  He stood and climbed on top of the table. “Let me have your attention!” The room grew quiet. “You will not split up with only your kind to the long houses. You will also find these long houses tae be different than what you are used tae, instead of being totally open it has a main hall but separate rooms for each of you. There is at one end of each long house, a bath house which you will each be expected to use daily.”

  Moans went about the room, and he raised his hand. “This is for your good as well the rest of us, if you get my drift.” That brought about laughter. “The Axuard Squad will take the lower long house, The Xiann Squad the one above, The Sanguine Squad tae the east, and The Qruhr Squad the one above that.

  “There willna be any segregation amongst you. Your commander will each take the larger chamber nearest the bath house, until which time he chooses one of you as leader tae the other eleven. If you want this position and larger more comfortable lodging, you’ll have tae work for it.

  “Each commander will watch your training closely and choose accordingly. Once the leader is chosen, the commanders will return tae Pendragon, and as leader you will then answer tae your commander. If anyone has, at that time, complaints, go tae the leader. If he canna resolve an issue he will report tae his commander. There will be no separation of species in this army.

  “You are now all brothers! Protect each other and become friends. Each row house is on the hill, up the side of the cliff. There’s equal views of the ocean so no one long house is different from another. Pick your rooms and meet in the training yard in one hour to begin training. Dismissed.”

  The day was hectic. Even though everything had been moved to Pendragon the day before and settled rather easily, today was tough. He didn’t know how many fights were broken up, but there were ma
ny. Finally, at training the McGregors managed to wear out the different species with a rigorous workout.

  After dinner, they practically crawled to their rooms. There was no more arguing, in fact everyone was quiet. He was tired and he did not do any of the training.

  He was finding out how the magic of the castle walls worked. It wasn’t apparent at all times but when he needed it the most, it was then peace washed over him, seeping in through his tired muscles, renewing his strength. He just made sure everything went smooth and things were in order, in the castle and the long houses.

  He could only imagine how tired his brothers were. He sat at the long table with mead, waiting for them to report to him before retiring for the night. Cameron, Conall, Dougal, and Lauren, after spending the day working in the library and lab, were exhausted and already abed. He was just waiting for the rest.

  Earlier when they were all together, and Merlin filled everyone in on current happenings, the brothers had broken out in laughter over the dragon story and reminisced about the many times he had been afraid of dragons. Times he had forgot about or wished he had. They laughed so long and hard it took Merlin a half hour to calm them down so he could finish.

  He knew that would happen. Best they got it over with, he thought. He frowned. He thought of Elspeth and missed her. She had spent the day with Saphira helping with the dragon bairns. Merlin should be here with her any minute. This would be their only night before their trip to Mystic Kingdom. Truth be told, he was very worried about their plan. He could not shake his feeling of dread.

  “Ian why so down?” asked Connor as he came trudging slowly across the room. Taryn, Angus, and Finn following him.

  “Nothing boys. Just tired, been a long day. You? Come sit, have some mead.” The men grabbed cups off the side board and poured themselves some mead and sat on the long benches. “Tell me how your first day went.”

  Finn was the first to speak up. “After the arguments ceased and they put energy in their training, it turned oot good. For me anyway. They listened weel, already good fighters, and they have initiative. I have a good bunch of soldiers. I like them as men. I think this will work.”

  “I agree with Finn for the most part,” said Connor. “Some of my men took training a little too seriously. I thought someone was going tae get seriously hurt. But, they fought like soldiers and did a damn good job. Took everything I threw at them, they did.”

  “I was tough on my crew,” replied Angus. “I hit ’em hard. They took it though. A strong bunch, I’ve got. I dinna let up either. I figure if I could keep going, so could they. I showed them some moves they didn’t ken and they picked it right up.”

  “I did the same,” said Taryn. “I dinna give them any chance to argue. They sure left dinner tired. Wait ’til I get them up at sunrise.” Taryn snickered.

  “Sounds good. I figure aboot seven moons, and then give them a day of rest and relaxation. Hopefully they doona start their own war.”

  Connor looked at him. “What had you looking so forlorn when we first came in?”

  “I’m worried aboot Elspeth. She’s supposed tae stay here with us as healer, after we return from Mystic Kingdom. I doona like that plan, and I doona want her here while all these men are arguing.”

  He shook his head, “we may have tae go tae Mystic Kingdom tomorrow, but I just doona like it. It doesn’t set right with me, but for trainin’ I’m thinking of sending her tae home. She can get tae know mither and our sisters a bit and plan the weddin’ with them like they all want. There’s just too much tension here even with the unusual feeling of peace. Just until things get settled. You ken?”

  “I think that’s a splendid idea Ian,” Merlin said as he came down the grand staircase with Elspeth on his arm. “If you two do well through the trouble of getting in and out of Mystic Castle, I think she should spend some time with your mother and sisters. When we are ready to go to war well, that’s a different story. We’ll have people who can tend to superficial wounds, but we will need her as healer. Also…”

  “No one asked me what I wanted,” interrupted Elspeth. But I do like the plan. It would be wonderf…” She looked at everyone staring at her and went quiet. Ian realized she had yet to meet his other brothers.

  It was very quiet. Then Finn broke the silence. “I think I’m in love.” He gave a dramatic sigh, and he swooned putting the back of his hand to his forehead. It was so dramatic everyone laughed. Connor choked on his mead. Angus snorted. But Ian just looked at Finn with a frown.

  “She seems tae have that effect on every man,” stated Ian.

  “But the only one I care about having that effect on is you, Ian McGregor.” Elspeth walked over and leaned down wrapping her arms around Ian’s shoulders and kissing the top of his head. “I missed you today.”

  “Aye, and I you. I want you tae meet the other half of my brothers.” They all stood at once and benches on both sides fell over. Elspeth laughed. He frowned and stood. His brothers all came forward. With his hand, he gestured to each one. “The one who is in love with you is Finn.” Finn bowed low taking Elspeth’s hand and gently kissing it. “My utmost pleasure, my lady.” Finn grinned and wiggled his red eyebrows, blue eyes twinkling mischievously.

  “Stop it Finn, ere I gouge your eyes oot! This is Connor.”

  “My lady,” Connor said with a bow and a kiss to her hand, prim and proper.

  Ian continued. “This is Taryn.” He bowed.

  “And this is Angus, the grouchy one,” finished Ian with a laugh. Angus bowed.

  “This is Elspeth McLellan. My future wife. Doona get any ideas, she already said aye tae me.”

  Elspeth blushed profusely. “So, nice to meet all the handsome McGregor men. My there’s a lot of you.”

  “Would that be a lot of handsome men, or just a lot of men, or who’s handsome? Just curious.” Grinned Finn. “You never ken.”

  He snarled. “Awa’n bile your heid, Finn, ’fore you pick your carcass off the floor. I’ll wrap that face of yours ’round that pole if you doona shut your yap. That’s my bride your speaking tae!”

  Elspeth put her hand on Ian’s shoulder, laughing. “Awe Ian, he’s cute.” Finn frowned. He remembered what he said to Elspeth when she called him cute, broke out in laughter.

  “Cute! Finn, your cute!” Ian roared.

  “Shut up, Ian,” said Finn. Then everyone laughed.

  Merlin stood there pulling his beard. “Let’s sit and go over your plan once more for tomorrow, Ian and Elspeth. Then we’ll all get some sleep.”

  After a couple hours went by, they were done discussing things. Everyone said good night and he, Merlin, and Elspeth climbed the stairs, while the rest of the McGregors left for their chambers in the long houses.

  Chapter 15

  Ian stopped Elspeth at the door. Without saying anything he picked her up, and she squealed. He pushed the door open with his foot and carried her into their magnificent opulent room. He put her down and they both looked around. Huge tapestries covered a row of large windows overlooking the ocean. Knights on horses with mountains and forests covered the tapestries.

  Gold gilding molded over carved cornices surrounded the high ceilings, framing it in. A marble fireplace held a crackling fire making the huge room cozy. Gold statues adorned corners. On each side of the fireplace were two full length set of armors complete from helm down to sabatons. It was so complete and complex you could almost see the fingers in the gauntlets. Complete with plate metal and scale for around the neck.

  Exotic wood wardrobes, larger than Ian had ever seen, butt up against two sections of one wall. A long finely carved cabinet of the same wood, low and long, in between. A small square marble tub in the middle with the steaming aqua water flowing in from two small holes. Neatly folded linens sat next to it, and on the other side, a large oval looking glass on a stand.

  “Beautiful,” whispered Elspeth.

  She looked at the huge carved, red velvet canopied bed. Ian could tell from her amazement she’d
never seen anything like it. “Is this a palace?” She asked.

  “Weel, this is a place the Ayriris angels from the Plelin courts came for rest and relaxation. As you see they have access tae many beautiful things, being angels and all. They have since moved onto bigger and better things, I imagine.”

  Putting his arms around Elspeth he whispered in her ear. “Shouldn’t we take advantage of this beautiful room whilst we have the chance?” He turned her and looked in her bright green eyes. “I’m nae sure what will happen tom…”

  “Shush,” said Elspeth putting a finger to his lips. She reached up and kissed him. “No talk of tomorrow. Let’s just be together. Make me forget the world. Just for tonight, please Ian.”

  “Say nae more, my fire haired princess.” He pressed his lips tenderly to her forehead, and she sighed. He met her lips and softly kissed her. He brushed his hands up and down her arms, and she shuddered. He instantly became hard.

  His blood ran hot, how he wanted her. He wanted to make love slowly and tenderly, touching and tasting her everywhere. She drove him crazy with desire and his hands trembled. He was going to do this slowly and take his time.

  He smoothly brushed his fingertips down the side of her neck. Still kissing her he took one hand and slipped her dress from her shoulder. He tenderly kissed her neck along her shoulder and licked his way back up. She shuddered. She in turn put her hands on his buttocks and pulled him tight up against her where his arousal pressed against her side.

  She moaned and it nearly drove him wild. He broke away and slowly pushed her other sleeve down onto her arm and plucked the front of her gown from her breasts. Full mounds greeted his eyes. Her light nipples puckered tight from his gaze.

  Her corset pushed the heavy breasts up toward his face enticing him, and he kissed them, then licked the puckered points. He pulled the ribbons free from her corset slowly, going down one row at a time, widening it as he went and laving at the new silky skin as it appeared. It was a front laced corset so he enjoyed removing it slowly.


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