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Burned: Devil's Blaze MC Book 2

Page 8

by Marie, Jordan

  “Looks like your girl might know a little bit about hiding her tracks,” Sabre says over my shoulder. He might be right, but I’m not ready to give up on it yet. I do some number searches and then carriers. Prepaid cell, of course; that I was expecting. I hack into the carrier’s database and try to do a search on the phone. The number has been disabled. I’m not finding shit on how to hack into it again. I can’t even turn the number back on.

  “Look at that, Latch. Our boy not only met his match everywhere else, I think she can out-hack him on the computer.”

  “Fuck off. I’ll find it. It may just take a bit.”

  “Whatever. We’re going to go out and find food. You want to go with us, or are you going to get back to your woman?”

  “She’s not mine. If she was, I’d sure as fuck bring her to heel. She runs too fucking wild,” I grumble. “Bring us back some burgers and fries. I’ll go see what other shit our little captive has got into.” I do my best to sound like I’m dreading it, but if the truth was known, I’ve wanted to get back to her for a while now. Fuck, I didn’t even want to leave, if I’m being honest.

  When I get back to the room, Katie is turned on her side, staring at the wall. She doesn’t turn around to acknowledge me and she doesn’t say anything.

  I guess I’m getting the cold shoulder now.

  “I brought your stuff back,” I tell her, starting with a peace offering. It’s met with silence. “I also got your jeep. We’ll ride in it when we take off for Kentucky tomorrow. It’ll make it easier.” I just keep talking and ignoring her silence. I commend myself for not already spanking her ass. “We could go pick up your sister and her daughter first and make things easier on everyone, if you’d rather.”

  “Go fuck yourself.”

  Well, it’s not what I wanted from her, but hey, at least she’s talking.

  “I see you’re still cheerful.” I walk over to her. Even standing right in front of her, she refuses to talk to me. “I like your eyes much better this way,” I tell her, for lack of something better to say, bending down to unhook her from the bed.

  “My life has meaning now,” she says.

  “Do you need to go to the restroom?”

  “Wow. You mean I actually get to go to another room all by myself?”

  “I can tie you back up if you’d rather,” I offer with a snide smile.

  “You really are an asshole,” she mumbles, pushing off the bed. It’s then that I notice she’s limping. It seemed a couple times last night like her leg bothered her. I thought I might have been imagining things, but it’s definitely more pronounced today. I follow her into the bathroom, making sure there’s nothing she can use against me and double checking there’s no window. “Hell no! You’re not staying in here while I use the bathroom!”

  “Wouldn’t dream of it, grouchy. Was just making sure there wasn’t anything in here you could use to slit my throat with when we sleep tonight.”

  “Now there’s a thought to cheer me up,” she says as I start to close the door.

  “Words wound, you know, Katie.”

  “I think your ego could take it, Torch.”

  “I think I liked it better when you called me Hunter.”

  “I think I liked it better when you were buried between my legs and couldn’t talk.”

  “That could be arranged again,” I tell her.

  “I could twist your dick until something pops while you sleep tonight too,” she says with a fake smile, then slams the door.


  “Do you really think these are necessary?” I ask Torch yet again. He’s got the one cuff on his wrist and one on mine and it’s really starting to piss me off. “I mean, we’re in the same room. It’s not like I’m going to be able to get away from you or outrun you.”

  “Speaking of which, what did you do to your leg?”

  Fuck. I’ve been so relaxed, I forgot to hide my limp from him. Yes, I know how absurd that sounds since I’ve spent the day screaming at him and threatening bodily harm and being chained up. Still, it’s not like my life has been normal, or sadly, that this is a new occurrence for me. Quite the opposite, really. It’s just that I kind of like the guy who has me tied up and is being a douche this time. That’s me, though; always getting into stupid situations just to keep things interesting. I really should have listened to Bethie.

  “I don’t know what you mean,” I tell him sounding bored, as he swirls another french fry that one of the other men—Sabre, I think Torch called him—dropped off a bit ago.

  “Whatever, Katydid.”

  “What did you just call me?”

  “Katydid. It’s a—”

  “I know what it is. I’m just wondering why you think it’s okay to nickname me after an insect.”

  “Open up,” he says, holding the fry close to my lips.

  “I could feed myself, you know.” For some stupid reason, I’m enjoying him feeding me. I’ve decided to ignore it and give myself a break. My brain is probably still trying to catch up from all the orgasms last night and still views him as a friend and not an enemy. I’m sure it will recognize the difference soon. I lick my lips at the thought, hopefully before I make the mistake and sleep with him again.

  I take the fry from him to try and concentrate on something besides how much I want sex…with him…again…tonight…all night…

  “Katydids are cool. They—”

  “Are ugly grasshopper-like things that chirp,” I finish for him. “I know you’re the king of pickup lines and all, but I’ve got to tell you, being compared to a bug is not what a woman wants to hear from a man.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind. So, your leg?”

  “I injured it,” I tell him vaguely, taking a drink of my soda.

  “I really need you to be more forthcoming, Katie.”


  “Because I want to know more about you.”

  I freeze with the straw to my drink right in front of my lips. “Why? We spent one night fucking each other’s brains out. It was hot and damn good, but it was just sex. It’s not like we need to become friends now, as if we even could. You’re holding me hostage, remember?” I take another drink.

  “You’re a hard woman, Katyd.” I give him the mean look and he holds up his hand in defense. “Katie,” he corrects himself. “So, at least tell me how you managed to erase all signs of your burn phone,” he says, holding out another fry to my lips.

  I stop. So, that’s his game? He wants to act like my buddy and pump me for information? He doesn’t realize I’ve spent my life with men who mastered mind-fuck games.

  “Nice try,” I tell him, turning down the fry. “I don’t think I’m hungry anymore. I’m suddenly really tired.”

  “You sure?” he asks, sounding surprised.


  He shrugs and starts bagging up the trash. He reaches over with his free hand and puts it on the table. I hand him my coke.

  “Do you think you could maybe unhook us so we can sleep?”

  “I’m not real tired,” he says, ignoring my request. “Think I’ll watch some TV.”

  “Great, but how am I supposed to sleep when you’re attached to me?”

  “You didn’t complain last night.”

  “I can’t remember last night.”

  “I could remind you.”

  “Something you should know about me, Torch. I have this rule. It’s a small one, really. I don’t sleep with men who hold me captive. I’m weird like that.”

  “I could make you like it,” he says, and I’m beginning to hate that cocky grin he wears.

  “Probably. I mean, you’re obviously a man-whore, so you have enough experience to make me like it. It’s part of what made last night so great. But, after it was over, I’d want to put my head in the oven and die.”


  I give him an over-the-top smile. “Will you please unhook us now?” I ask again, rattling our hands.

  “Afraid not, Katydid. Can’t risk
you trying to make a break for it in the middle of the night.”

  “God, I hate you.”

  “Now, is that any way to talk to the future father of your children?”

  “Jesus, you’ve gone insane!”

  “Let’s go brush our teeth. Got to keep those chompers pearly white.”

  He stands up, pulling me along, then puts one hand on my ass, pushing me into him. He starts pulling me up his body. I’m forced to use my free hand to brace on his shoulder.

  “What are you doing?” I gasp, trying to ignore the fact that his cock is hard and pushing into my stomach.

  “Your leg’s hurt. Climb on me. I’ll take us to the bathroom.”

  “I can wa—” I stop when he shifts me, trying to do it all himself. “Okay! Okay! Stop before you dump us both on the carpet.” I help him lift, then wrap my legs around his waist. Our linked hands make it so he holds my ass, my other arm down at my side. Not the most comfortable position, for sure. “Are you planning on brushing my teeth for me too?” I ask sarcastically.

  “We’ll brush together. The couple that brushes together, stays together.”

  “Was there crazy pills in our food?”

  He actually kisses my nose in response.

  We brush our teeth, together, and then I somehow manage to make him unhook us and turn his back so I can take off my yoga pants. Luckily, his shirt I’m wearing is long enough it comes to just above my knees. I climb under the covers before I finally tell him.

  “Okay, you can turn around now.” He walks around and gets in the bed beside me. “There’s another bed you know. You could sleep there.”

  “Yeah, that’d be kind of hard to do,” he says, and I try to concentrate on what he’s saying but he’s taking off his clothes. All. Of. His. Clothes.

  “What are you doing??”

  “Getting ready for bed,” he says, sounding bored.

  “You can’t sleep with me naked!”

  “It’s how I sleep. You know that. Remember last night?”

  Like I could forget it. “Yeah, well, that was just last night. Tonight, I’m not here willingly. So, if you are sleeping with me, you’re going to do it with your clothes on!”

  “Not happening,” he says, slipping into the bed. “Hand me your arm.”

  I don’t know if I could take him, but it’d be close. Still, if I try it so quickly and I fail, it won’t work. I need to plot this out carefully. So, as much as I’d rather junk-punch him, I hand him my arm. He secures the handcuff once again and links our hands together like we’re going to sleep holding hands. I roll over as much as I can and ignore him.

  Then, I hear moaning. I look over my shoulder. The TV has some woman on her hands and knees, sucking some man’s cock like it’s a lollipop. Some other guy is fucking her ass. Two more are standing around watching and jacking off.

  “You’re watching porn?”

  “Yep. You want to watch? This one here is a classic. She came to the garage to get her car worked on and instead they service her.”

  I roll over, throwing the pillow over my head. “I hate you.” Then I spend the next hour trying to block out the moans and screams from the TV.

  It’s three in the fucking morning and I’m lying handcuffed to the hottest woman I’ve ever met in my life. I’ve got the world’s largest hard-on in the history of hard-ons and I’m slowly dying.

  On second thought, watching porn might not have been such a good idea. Who would have thought Katie could go to sleep with all the moaning and shit going on? Who would have thought having me naked in bed beside of her, obviously willing, while all the moaning was going on wouldn’t affect her?

  Shit, apparently I’m losing my touch. She’s lying there looking so fucking sexy that it should be illegal—in my shirt, too—and she’s just sleeping away. Meanwhile, if I don’t come, I will probably be foaming at the mouth while rocking back and forth speaking gibberish.

  I get that she’s mad at me and I should stay away from her. There’s something about Katie, though. I don’t think she has a mean bone in her body. I don’t. Her faith and love in her sister Beth is evident. That means I’m missing something here. Worse, it means that Skull is missing something too. I think Katie holds the key and I need her to open up to me. If it will help me figure out what’s going on as well as get my brother his daughter, don’t I owe it to Skull to try? That’s really all I’m doing. I’m just making sure my brother knows the full story and helping him get the daughter he was denied.

  That’s the pep talk I give myself when I unlatch the handcuff from my wrist. Next, as delicately as possible, I pull the covers off of Katie’s body. My shirt has gathered up around her hips. She’s wearing this sexy red piece of cloth that hides her pussy from me. That’s the first thing that has to go. I move to the foot of the bed, hooking my fingers in her panties and pulling them down as slowly and as carefully as I can. My eyes watch her face the entire time. She mumbles in her sleep, but shows no signs of waking up.

  Now, I’m a man who loves pussy. I’ve made a point of worshipping at the altar of pussy. I’m a fucking connoisseur. But Katie’s pussy is something special. It’s bare, so fucking smooth, the lips are plump and soft, and the color is this delicate pink, all feminine and gorgeous. All that, and then the aroma. Fuck me, if I could smell nothing for the rest of my life but the scent of Katie’s sweet cunt when she’s horny, I could die a happy man. I haven’t touched her yet, but even now in her sleep, her pussy is begging for attention. Her arousal coats the lips of her entrance. I take a minute to just take this sight in. Her hips are flared out perfectly, and she’s got this curve in her waist with this sexy little pouch that I just want to nibble on. She’s all woman and I don’t think I’ve ever had the pleasure of sampling a more beautiful one.

  I place a line of soft kisses along her hip bone. I keep the pressure light, as I don’t want to wake her right away. I need her to be on the verge of a climax before she does. It’s underhanded and sneaky, I can admit it, but I’m hoping if I play my cards right that she’ll return the favor and suck my cock. The poor fucker has been craving her all day and night.

  Katie moans and her hips thrust up just enough to show me that even in her sleep she’s receptive to me. I kiss down to her pussy. I nearly groan aloud at the taste of a light hint of cream there. I pull her lips apart and then moan at the beautiful dessert bared in front of me. I blow softly against the tender exposed flesh. Katie whimpers, but luckily doesn’t wake up. I flatten my tongue and lick her slowly, humming as her sweet taste gathers on my tongue.

  Even asleep and relaxed, I can feel her clit easily. I zero in on it, licking in short, fast strokes. I can feel it grow larger in my mouth from my attention, demanding more. I suck it into my mouth, capturing it and focusing all of my attention on it.

  “Hunter,” she moans from above me. I feel her fingers dive into my hair, pulling me to her in want.


  I’ve had that name forever. I never really liked it. I embraced the name Torch when Skull gave it to me. All day long, since I discovered who she truly was, Katie has been calling me Torch. I accepted it, didn’t think a thing about the change from the night. Except for now. Now, in this one small moment with nothing but complete honesty from our bodies, it’s different. Katie is still more than half asleep, and yet the first thing she does is wrap her fingers into my hair, lift her legs over my shoulders, and tilt her body to bring her pussy closer to me. All that would be enough, but she gives me my name on her lips. My name while she’s caught up in passion. My name… Mine.

  I let that sink in, humming my pleasure against her clit before releasing it with a wet, popping noise. I look up to find her eyes on me—hazy gray beauties filled with sleep and lust. Definitely better than the emerald she disguised them in yesterday.


  I drag my fingers through her pussy, letting her desire coat them. I go back to manipulating her clit, this time with two fingers pinching and kneading the little nub. I
’m rewarded when I feel it harden and swell even more against my fingers. Her body shudders with hunger.

  “Hunter,” she moans again as I move my fingers down and thrust two inside of her tight channel.

  “You like that, sweetness?”

  “Oh, oh… fuck!” her sweet voice stutters. Her fingernails clench against my head, biting into me. Her feet push down on my upper back as she opens herself up more to me. She tries to push up to meet the driving force of my fingers.

  “You’ve got the hottest pussy, Katie. So ready to be fucked,” I growl, pushing my thumb against her clit while I continue finger-fucking her at a steady pace, priming her for more.

  “Hunter, please…” she gasps.

  “Do you want my tongue again, Katie?” I question her.

  “God,” she moans, her head pushing back against the pillow in abandon. Her cream floods over my fingers, so sticky, hot, and wet that my dick would sink inside of her tight depths easily. Motherfucker, I want that, but for now, this isn’t about me and what I want.

  “Tell me you want me to eat out your hungry little pussy, Katie. Do it and I’ll give you what you need.”

  She moans, but ignores my demand. I pull my fingers out and then ram them forcefully back inside of her. She cries out, but I don’t move them. I hold them still inside of her. My thumb does the same, pushing hard on her clit but not moving, just giving her constant pressure. Her hips lunge up, her feet press down, and her body curls up off the bed as she twists and turns, trying to take control. I can’t allow that.

  I pull my fingers from her sweet honey. I use my fingers to stretch the lips wide open, then deliver a hard slap, reprimanding her. Her moans break into a cry and then a soft gasp as I see her pussy contract with hunger while more sweet cream gathers. Jesus. Watching that and hearing the noises she makes is all so sexy and hot that I spank it again.


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