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Coming For You

Page 15

by Alyson Reynolds

  Kade shushed her. “Let me keep dreaming that this happens every weekend.”

  We all laughed and Dillon slapped his shoulder playfully. “It was fun, but even now I can’t believe I did something as crazy as that. Thank goodness camera phones weren’t a thing then.”

  “Oh they were a thing, luckily for you they just weren’t able to capture every freckle like they can now,” Savannah teased. She glanced at the huge grandfather clock against the back wall. “As entertaining as this story is, if we’re going out to dinner we should probably go get ready.”

  Dillon stood up in front of me and reached back to help me off the couch. As I looked up into her gorgeous green eyes, I felt like she knew every dirty thought going through my mind right then. I hoped we’d have enough time before meeting up to work off some of the energy I had from her story. The woman was sexy enough to make a monk sin in the first place, add in a story like that and she was fucking irresistible. My plan was to start by peeling off her panties the second the door to our room closed behind us.

  “Can we meet back down here in thirty minutes?” Justin asked, looking down at his watch.

  Plenty of time.

  “Fifteen,” Savannah interjected. “I’m starving.”

  Dillon hip bumped her. “You’re hungry? I’m the one that you used as a dress up doll for the past five hours.”


  No, no, no.

  I wanted to pout and pitch a fit like a toddler. The two of them standing there, teasing about food, was taking away the time I wanted to use to fuck Dillon’s brains out.

  Kade slapped a hand down on my back, grinning. “Sorry buddy, you’ll just have to wait to get your dick wet until later.”

  I glared at him over my shoulder. Justin snorted a laugh as he led Savannah from the room. Kade followed them, whistling an upbeat little tune that I wanted to make him choke on. Asshole. Dillon laughed and took my arm.

  “Come on, Dr. Turner. I’ll make sure your balls don’t turn too blue before we leave for dinner.”

  Lord preserve me from those around me.

  Chapter 19


  Something about the taste of a good whiskey made me happier than it should. The company around me didn’t hurt either. This had been a good weekend. While I had reservations about being in Justin and Savannah’s wedding, I was starting to come around. Savannah reminded me of myself, and besides Piper, I didn’t have a lot of girlfriends. Even in college I’d had a hard time making friends with women. Most of them were either intimidated by me, or they hated that I knew how to get along with men without fucking them.

  I leaned back in my chair and studied Zane. He was more relaxed than I’d ever seen him. Clearly being outside the stress of the city made him happy and getting to know him better in this environment was a thousand times better than trying to steal a moment in his office between patients. I felt like I was seeing a side of Zane that not many people ever did.

  “Savannah, truth or dare?” Justin asked, smirking at his fiancée.

  “Why do I have the feeling I’m going to regret this?” she mumbled. “Dare.”

  He held his hand out. “Phone.”

  She frowned and dug it out of her purse. “Please don’t embarrass me the night before our wedding by putting some stupid status on Facebook or Twitter.”

  “Trust me, babe. I’m taking care of you.”

  We all watched over his shoulder as he text Savannah’s boss at her PR firm, telling him that she wouldn’t be returning after her honeymoon like she’d originally planned. He moved back so she couldn’t see what he was typing. My eyes widened as he pressed send. That was a really ballsy move. She grabbed for her phone and screeched when she read what he’d sent.

  “What the fuck did you just do? I need a job!”

  He laughed and pulled her down into his lap, yanking her phone out of her hands. She struggled for a few seconds, but finally gave up. “No, actually you don’t. I make more than enough to keep you in Louboutin’s, and you hate it there. Your boss is a douchebag. I think it’s time you take those clients of yours and start your own firm like you’ve been dreaming about for ages. I’ve listened to you talk about what you would do differently if it was your business. Now it’s time for you to follow through.”

  They were impossibly sweet. It was clear how much Justin loved her each time he looked in her direction. Savannah practically melted at his words. “Really?”

  He nodded and they leaned in for a kiss. I turned away quickly when it became a bit too heated for mixed company.

  “It’s time to stop this mush fest,” Kade said before looking at me. “Let’s see if you’re still a wild child. I dare you go to the bathroom and take off your underwear.”

  Zane frowned. “Really Kade? You don’t think that’s a bit juvenile?”

  I stood up, kissed Zane—with tongue I might add, just for Kade’s benefit—and then marched over to the bathroom. Kade frowned when I winked at them and pushed open the door. Luckily, there was a stall empty so I was able to go in and slip off my panties quickly. It only took me a second to slip off my shoes, tug my jeans down and shove my panties in my back pocket.

  I contemplated taking a naughty picture and sending it to Zane while I was in there, but I wasn’t nearly drunk enough and I didn’t want to take too long. Thirty seconds later I was crossing the bar and walking back to our table. As I approached I threw the scrap of lace at Kade.

  “Careful, you don’t want to get Zane’s cum on your hand,” I said smirking.

  He knocked them away and made a gagging noise. They landed on the table in front of Zane. He grinned and grabbed the black panties off the table, shoving them inside his pocket.

  “You two win,” Kade conceded. “I’m done, no more truth or dare.”

  “Are you sure?” I teased. “I could probably think of another good one for you.”

  He shook his head. “Nope, getting Zane’s cum on my hand is where I draw the line.”

  “Good to know,” Justin said laughing. “Next time we want to shut you up we know how to do it.”

  Savannah snorted a laugh. “This has been a ton of fun guys, but I’m going to go back to the house. It’s going to be complete insanity tomorrow and I need my beauty sleep. The bride can’t walk down the aisle with dark bags under her eyes.”

  “I’ll go with you.” I drank the last two sips of my drink and gathered my purse. “If I have to be in a wedding tomorrow I probably shouldn’t look hungover as hell.”

  Justin laughed. “I will be, so it won’t matter.” Savannah elbowed him in the side “I’m kidding, babe.”

  Zane threw back the last few drinks of his scotch. “I’ll walk you two back. I think it’s time to put Dillon to bed anyway.”

  I rested my hand on his arm lightly. “Oh, I forgot to tell you, I’m going to stay with Savannah tonight. She’s not staying in the same room with Justin tonight and she doesn’t want to be alone on her last night as a single woman.”

  His jaw clenched. “You told that story and now—”

  Savannah and I burst out laughing, loud enough to make the tables around us turn to stare. The looks on Justin and Zane’s faces were priceless. Every time we looked at each other the giggles started up again. I wiped away a few tears and took a deep breath.

  “Oh honey,” I giggled. “Sometimes you’re too easy.”

  “So are we or aren’t we staying in the same room tonight?” he asked, still confused. Savannah and I stood up, linking our arms together and walking towards the exit. I heard Zane mumble behind me to Justin, “If I don’t get laid tonight I’m blaming you.”

  * * *

  It was frustrating that Will kept blowing up my phone. I was dodging his calls, but at some point I would finally have to answer. He knew I was here in Canada with the family and while he trusted me to get the story, he hated that he wasn’t in control. We’d dealt with his issues before. I was due for a check-in, but he was starting to resent the fact that he felt the
need to babysit me.

  My phone buzzed on the nightstand next to me, waking me up from the amazing dream I was having. Zane was wrapped around me and our legs were tangled up together. We’d both drifted off after another energetic round of sex. The man was pretty damn good anywhere, but in a bed he was phenomenal.

  I disentangled myself as easily as I could so I didn’t wake him up. By the time I grabbed my phone and made it to the bathroom my phone had stopped ringing. I glared down at the black screen. It immediately starting vibrating in my hand again and I almost dropped it on the hardwood floor. I swiped my finger across the phone.

  “Will, you have to quit calling,” I said softly.

  “Well maybe if you’d answer one of my phone calls I could.”

  I huffed out a breath. “So you call at three in the morning so I have no choice but to answer? Is this my story or yours?”

  “I just need an update Hart.”

  I lifted the phone from my ear and stared at the screen. He had to be kidding me. “Here’s an update—quit fucking calling. I’ll tell you when I get something or you’ll get an email with my story. Until then, let me get my beauty sleep.”

  “Dillon you—”

  It made me happier than it should have to hang up on my boss. I turned off my phone and leaned over the sink. My reflection looked very sexed up. Mussed hair and smeared lipstick covered my face. I splashed some water on my face, trying to make myself a little more presentable so when we woke up in the morning I wouldn’t scare Zane. As I slid into the cool sheets Zane automatically wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his side.

  “Everything okay,” he asked through his husky sleep filled voice.

  I snuggled in closer. “It is now.”

  * * *

  I ran the lipstick over my full lips one last time before pressing them together and pouting at myself in the bathroom mirror. The bright ruby color matched the gorgeous red of the dress Savannah had chosen for her bridesmaids. The girls had spent the day getting ready in the master bedroom, while the guys had taken to one of the other bedrooms and now we were just a few minutes out from the wedding. One of Savannah’s sisters stood next to me in the mirror, holding out her hand waiting for her turn with the lipstick.

  “That’s a gorgeous color on you sweetheart,” Danielle said, as she came back into the room. She had been running around all afternoon making sure all the last minute details were taken care of for Savannah.

  “Thank you,” I murmured softly.

  It had taken some getting used to, but Danielle’s motherly demeanor was something I was coming to enjoy. Her slight frame had me worried, not that I would say anything to anyone, but I really hoped that the boys knew what was going on. Zane had came home right around the time that Danielle had found out about the cancer from what I’d found in my research. I was positive he would get her the best care possible.

  “Are you girls ready? The ceremony starts in twenty minutes,” Danielle said.

  I nodded and looked over at Savannah. She looked amazing in her creamy white lace dress. The formfitting sweetheart neckline was flattering to her large chest. Savannah had amazing taste; she’d proven that to me when she’d showed me the amazing gowns that she’d chosen for her bridesmaids.

  Savannah looked around the large bedroom. “Oh hell, I must’ve left my bouquet in my room.”

  “I’ll go grab it. We still have time.” I smiled and walked towards the door. “We can’t let you go down the aisle without it.”

  She smiled gratefully and I winked as I went out the bedroom door. My heels clicked on the hardwood floors as I walked quickly down to Savannah and Justin’s room. As I walked I smiled to myself as I thought about how happy the two of them seemed. It was the complete opposite of my own wedding years ago. They would make a real go of it and probably be able to make it last.

  A sharp gasp left me as I felt someone push me into the wall, my head cracking against the wood paneling. I tried to cry out, but I felt a hand crush against my throat, stopping the sound before it could escape. David’s dead eyes bore into mine as I gripped at his hands, trying to get air. I couldn’t get a good enough hold to scratch him and his hips were too far to the side for me to knee him.

  “Don’t scream. Nod your head if you understand.” I nodded the best I could through the black dots surrounding my vision and he pulled his hand away just enough that I could suck in a breath. “I know exactly what you’re doing and it’s not dating my asshole stepson. Stay the fuck out of my business you dumb cunt.”

  If I could have spat in his face I would’ve. The asshole deserved it. I clenched my jaw.

  “Why are you so fucking scared?” I hissed.

  Wrong thing to say; not that I’d ever backed down from a fight. His hand tightened around my throat again. “If I catch you in my hospital again, I might lose my temper. And you definitely don’t want that. I have associates that could make sure you didn’t see the light of day again, Ms. Hart.”

  I must have been close to something big if he was scared enough to threaten me where anyone could come across us at any second. He squeezed one last time and released his hold. I choked and sucked in a breath, my hands clutching at my throat.

  I glared up at him, my gaze meeting his dead eyes. “If there’s a story, I’m going to find it Doctor Rhodes. I’d kiss your medical license goodbye because I don’t threaten easily. Plus you should probably think twice before you threaten a cop’s sister.”

  His eyes narrowed. “You’re lying.”

  I raised an eyebrow, unwilling to say one way or another. Let him think what he wanted. I just wanted to know what I was about to stumble on that he was so worried about. It had to be something good—something that could blow this story wide-fucking-open and give me exactly what I needed to clear Zane’s name.

  Jake had been right.

  I was in over my head, but I sure as hell wasn’t giving up now. Not when I was this fucking close.

  He backed away a few steps while watching me warily. The asshole should have picked someone else to pick on if he thought I would back down from him. As soon as he was down the hall out of sight I bent over at the waist and sucked in deep calming breaths, working hard to keep the tears at bay. I didn’t want to admit it, but I was scared. David wasn’t someone I wanted to get into a pissing contest with, but I had to take him down. There was too much on the line if I didn’t at least get the cops looking into the drug ring I was certain he was at the center of.

  It took me a few minutes to pull myself together, but I did. I had to. Savannah still needed her bouquet, and there was a wedding that would be happening in a few minutes, regardless if the stepdad of the groom was a drug dealing prick that liked to threaten women. I needed to check my makeup and make sure he hadn’t smudged anything or worse yet left bruises on my neck. If Zane found out he might lose his shit.

  We couldn’t risk that.

  Not now.

  Not when I was so fucking close I could taste it.

  Savannah’s bouquet was lying on the huge bed and I was able to grab it quickly and go. It only took me a few more minutes to make it back to the girls, but I was cautious going around corners. Thank goodness there also seemed to be a few more people milling about the halls. It just proved to me that David had gotten lucky when he cornered me.

  I plastered a smile on my face as I walked back into the bedroom. I wouldn’t be the one to ruin this day for my new friend.

  Chapter 19


  I took a sip of my drink and watched as Dillon crossed the room towards me. She looked amazing in the dress Savannah had chosen for her bridesmaids. It fit her like a second skin and I couldn’t wait to peel her out of it later. Plus as a bonus, Dillon was able to wear a pair of her beloved heels. She was so tiny without them, but that just made her more of a powerhouse in my eyes.

  During the ceremony I’d had a hard time keeping my eyes off of her. I’d almost missed handing the rings over to Justin because I was so busy s
taring at Dillon. That would have gone over real well. Kade would’ve given me so much shit for that. As gorgeous as she looked, something had happened in the past four hours since I’d last saw her though. She had a look in her eyes that I didn’t like and I sure as hell couldn’t wait find out what had her so bothered. Her shoulders were tight and her eyes wearily darted around the room constantly.

  I watched as my mother put a hand on Dillon’s arm to stop her. My heart jumped in my chest as I watched them together. Yesterday my mother had pulled me to the side to tell me how much she loved Dillon. I had a hard time swallowing around the lump in my throat as I watched them talking. They smiled at each other and my mom pulled her into a big hug. Savannah walked up beside me and bumped me with her hip.

  “That’s a pretty good sight, don’t you think?” she asked smiling.

  “It is.” I took a sip of my drink.

  “Your girl saved the day. I don’t know what I would have done without her, probably cancelled the wedding.”

  “You wouldn’t have done that.”

  She smiled. “Probably not, but I’m really happy she stepped in.”

  I was quiet for a few moments. “Have you ever wanted to believe the best in someone when they don’t necessarily deserve it?”

  Savannah cocked her head. “What are you talking about? Not Dillon?”

  “Maybe, I don’t know. I heard some of the nurses talking and I think she’s playing me. They said she—”

  “Office gossip.” She shook her head. “I don’t believe it. Zane I’ve watched you two together for the past two months. She has real feelings for you. There’s no way you can fake the way her face lights up when someone says your name.”

  I took another sip of my drink. “I hope you’re right.”

  She pulled me into a hug. “If you’re so worried, you should ask her about it. Dillon isn’t the type to lie,” she whispered before turning back to the girl in question.


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