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Found by Love

Page 23

by Jennifer Bryan Yarbrough

  "Oh about as much as I'm capable of I guess." I couldn't help but laugh and Olivia had to turn around so that he couldn't see her laughing but managed to keep a straight face when she turned around.

  "Let's just say that he's in the doghouse with Carmen at the moment. He kind of... Okay. Not kind of... he actually put tape on the kitchen sprayer this morning and let's just say that Carmen has already had her bath for the day and she's none too pleased. I wouldn't doubt that she takes away his snack privileges for a couple of days after that stunt." I heard giggles behind me and knew immediately who it was coming from. I turned around and Grayson was trying really hard to hold his belly in to keep from laughing too hard in front of everyone.

  "Hmmm. That sounds like something that happened to me a couple of days ago. Doesn't it Grayson?"

  "Oh no! You mean we have to watch out for TWO of them now? Oh lord this is going to be hilarious!" I couldn't help but laugh because one rule that Olivia always had with her kids was that if it was funny you wouldn't get in trouble.

  "Okay boys! Gideon, meet Grayson. Grayson, meet Gideon." Gideon did the unthinkable for an 8 year old and walked right up to him and shook his hand.

  "Hi. It's nice to meet you! So you're my new cousin huh? Ya know... You look just like Aunt Claudia. It's kind of freaky since you're a boy cause she's really pretty." He looked at me and back at Grayson with a weird look on his face. Oh no! I wasn't expecting Gideon to sound so rude when they first met and this wasn't how I wanted this to go.

  "Yeah well you look exactly like your dad it's kind of freaky as well. What are you? His clone?" Oh good lord!! Smart ass comment gets a smart ass comment back! Well shit! Both boys busted up laughing and I let out the breath I was holding. Gideon pointed at me and laughed even harder.

  "Geez Aunt Claudia! Did you think we weren't going to like each other? I love this kid already! I was just messing with him. It's what boys do." He looked down at Grayson's cast and pointed. "Can you play xbox with that?" Grayson gave him a sad look and shook his head. "I guess you can't swim either so... Hmmm... Wanna go bowling?" My son looked at me with a complete confused look on his face and I shrugged my shoulders and nodded letting him know that it was okay.

  "Is Lucas gonna take us?" All of us laughed at his question. I guess I forgot to explain to my child all of the luxuries that come with the house.

  "Oh dude! Have they not told you that we have a bowling alley downstairs? Dude!" Gideon looked at Olivia beaming with excitement. "Mom? Can I show him the house and then take him bowling?" She grinned and nodded her head at him but then yelled.

  "Yes but there's a but Gideon Kingston!!" Don't you dare roll your eyes at me young man." He stood up straight and composed his face which made me turn around and not laugh out loud. "No playing on the elevator or running up and down the stairs and do not and I repeat DO NOT go above the 4th floor!!!"

  "But I wanted to show him-" she shushed him up real quick.

  "Gideon! Those are the conditions buddy. Take them or leave them but first." She walked over to Grayson and gave him a hug and kissed him on his cheek. "You need to get used to giving your auntie a hug every time you see her." He grinned at her and nodded his head.

  "Yes ma'am. Can we go now? Please Mom?" She walked over to Gideon and gave him a hug and kisses and gave him a light pat on his bottom and nodded.

  "Yes but you two better not pull any practical jokes today. At least wait until thanksgiving when your father and Uncle Caleb are here. No jokes on any of us women! Alright?" Both boys grinned from ear to ear. I turned around very impressed with her parenting skills.

  "Have I told you today what an awesome Mom you are? Because you really are. Awesome that is." Oh Gideon and that glorious twinkle in his eyes. How can you deny that child anything?!

  "Oh I know I am! Haha." She gave Gideon a little curtsy and shooed them away. They both took off running up the stairs and I started to say something to tell them to slow down but I didn't even bother because I knew it would fall on deaf ears. I turned around and look at Olivia and grinned.

  "Well I guess that went even better than I expected."

  "Oh you have no idea how excited Gideon has been ever since he found out that he had a new cousin and that he was a boy. He's already talking about trying to convince you all into moving in here so that Grayson can go to school with him. Which I thought was a great idea by the way. Ya know. If you're looking for someone else's opinion."

  She had a twinkle in her eye that let me know that she was up to something but Cassidy started crying again which caused Hank to start crying and we got distracted for the rest of the afternoon entertaining babies and getting through lunch and nap time.


  The dinner that Carmen cooked was fit for a king and I say that meaning for my little king, Grayson. I can't even imagine how the Thanksgiving dinner is going to go because she went all out and cooked anything and everything that you could think of. It was for sure a real smorgasbord of roast, mashed potatoes and gravy, tons of Mac and cheese for the kids, hot dogs, burgers, French fries and even chicken and dumplings. She wasn't sure what all of Grayson's favorite foods were so she winged it and cooked up a ton of different kinds of food. It was definitely a hit and Grayson ate like a pig and tried everything at the table.

  "Well Grayson, it's nice to know that you have such a big appetite. How are you enjoying Oregon Grandson?" Henry had really hit it off with Grayson along with everyone else and he kept grinning every time Grayson would put more food on his plate. Sitting next to Henry was Gideon, Sr who patted Henry on the shoulder.

  "You and Gideon seem to be getting along alright. Watching the both of you interact remind me of Cash and Caleb when they were young boys. Don't you think so Amelia?" Amelia and Elizabeth were in their own little world whispering back to each other but at the mention of her name she lifted her head.

  "Yes dear? I'm sorry. Elizabeth and I were talking about Christmas plans and shopping." Gideon, Sr. rolled his eyes and looked at Grayson and pointed at him.

  "If I know those two over there they're probably scheming up Christmas present ideas for you grand kids. What do you want for Christmas Grayson? You name it and you'll get it." He grinned and looked around the table and all eyes and ears were on him.

  "Oh dad. Don't put him on the spot like that in front of everyone. Let him get used to all of us first before you do something like that. How about we get through Thanksgiving first." Caleb reached over and patted Grayson on the back but he just laughed and shook his head.

  "It's alright really. I think I want a puppy. One like Gideon's."

  Oh lord! I knew as soon as I saw Gideon's puppy he would want one. Well shit! That's exactly what I can picture everywhere too and that's SHIT! I was shocked that Cash and Olivia let the thing sleep with Gideon and stay in the house. Gideon, Sr. nodded his head.

  "If that's what you want my boy then you might very well get that." He looked around the table at everyone happily but Amelia ruined it for him.

  "Gid honey, don't be making promises you can't keep. That's up to Caleb and Claudia to decide since it will be living with them." Gideon, Sr. looked at Grayson in defeat.

  "Your grandmother is right my boy. I should have kept my mouth shut." He looked over at Caleb and I and of course Caleb was all for it but he could tell that I wasn't. What was said next by Cash had me holding my reaction back and giving the best perfect fake smile I could muster.

  "Hey nephew... I will give your parents the name and number of the person we bought George from. I think they have another one of his brothers needing a home." And just like that we will now become owners of a chocolate lab! Oh thank you Uncle Cash! I reached for my wine glass and finished it in one swallow.

  "That's awesome Uncle Cash! Mom? What do you think? Is that alright? Can we call them tomorrow? Ya know... It could be an early Christmas present?" I grinned at him and patted him on the head.

  "Sure. I don't have a problem with it. I mean. We aren't staying
at our house for a while and what's one more dog in this house? The carpets will love it! Won't they Cash?"

  I gave him the biggest smirk which had Olivia cracking up and then Carmen making a cross across her chest and forehead. I'm sure she was thinking the exact same thing that I was and my heart went out to her because she was already complaining about the mess that George was making everywhere. Cash nodded at me and laughed.

  "Well I'm sure if we make the boys fully responsible things will go smoothly. Right Gideon? Grayson?" Both boys grinned and nodded at him.

  "Daddy if they can both have a puppy then can I have a kitten? I want a white fluffy one so that I can call her Snowball." I was waiting for Eden to ask for something as well like I knew she would and I couldn't wait to reply for Cash.

  "Oh sweetheart. Of course your daddy will get you one. It's only fair baby girl. Right Cash?" He choked on his water and gave me an evil look but composed himself and smiled at Eden.

  "Honey, I'll be on the lookout for a fluffy white kitten for you okay? If I can't find one I'm sure Santa will alright Princess?"

  "Okay Daddy." She looked over and grinned at me while Cash and Olivia let out a big sigh. I couldn't help but laugh.

  "So are all dinners like this every night or is it because this is my first night here? I think I could get used to this. Especially the food. Thank you Carmen! I loved everything." If Carmen was upset about the extra animals she got over it very quickly by the way she blushed and beamed at Grayson.

  "You're very welcome Grayson. Which food was your favorite? I'll try to make it more frequently just for you." He looked around the dinner table and looked back at her and grinned.

  "The chicken and dumplings were awesome and tasted just the way my mom would make them. I liked everything but they were definitely my favorite." I'll have to get her recipe from her for in the future because I've never tried to make them myself and you have to know what someone's comfort food is and it would be a good way for him to remember Jane.

  "I had a feeling they would go over well with you. I'll try to make them especially for you at least once a week." I could already tell that Carmen along with everyone else was already crazy about Grayson and it made me so happy and proud at the same time.

  "Sweet! Thank you Carmen!" He reached over and high fived Gideon letting me know that he liked the chicken and dumplings just as much as Grayson did. I'm so glad that they're getting along so well and they have definitely hit it off quickly. They already asked if Grayson could sleep in Gideon's room their first night and there was no way that I could say no to either of them.

  Caleb leaned behind Grayson and whispered to me. "Hey you. You better stop that." I looked at him and he was grinning from ear to ear showing every dimple on his face and his gorgeous baby blues were shining as bright as the sky on a sunny day. I grinned back at him not knowing what he was talking about and silently asked him what he was referring to. "I don't think I've ever seen such a peaceful look on your face like I am now. You're even more gorgeous when you're truly happy."

  I grinned back at him and I didn't really know what to say back because I got so wrapped up in the dinner conversation and kept looking around at all of the people that I love more than anything in the same room together and he's right. I've never felt so much peace in my life. I had actually quit thinking about the threat from Roger and Meredith for a few minutes.

  "Stop it baby. You go from being happy to coming up with something that's out of your control. Everything's fine babe." Wow! How does he do that? He knows me well enough to even know what I'm thinking almost immediately. I shrug my shoulders at him and smile back at him and shake my head. Elizabeth broke us out of our thoughts.

  "Claudia? Cash? Do you two have any news you would like to share with the table? You two seem to be in your own little world over there." We both looked up and everyone was looking at us waiting to hear our reply which embarrassed us both but thanks to Grayson no one had to wonder anymore.

  "Oh... They're getting married and giving me a baby brother or sister."


  "You're pregnant? That was fast!"

  "Oh my God Gideon! Another grand baby isn't that wonderful?!"

  "You didn't tell me?"

  "Congratulations you two!"

  "That calls for a toast!"

  "No alcohol for Claudia, sorry but it's water for you!"

  All of the questions and congratulations that were thrown at us had Caleb and I absolutely speechless and shocked that Grayson would just blurt something like that out there. We both looked at him and he was looking back and forth at us wondering why we haven't said anything yet. Thank God Caleb responded to everyone because I wasn't able to talk from the shock.

  "Okay first of all... Claudia isn't pregnant as far as we know." He looked over at me to make sure he was correct with his assumption and I nodded back at him and everyone seemed upset by the loud sigh they all let out. "And second of all... Yes we are getting married BUT I haven't officially given her a ring yet and we haven't set a date yet. Everything has kind of happened really fast so we are taking our time with this. Our main goal is to give Grayson some stability so he's our main focus right now."

  "Yeah, yeah Uncle Caleb. I remember Dad's speech last year when I asked what was going on with him and Olivia and I didn't believe him then and I don't believe you now."

  "Gideon Cash! You apologize to your Uncle Caleb right this minute and you, Grayson and Eden go up to your bedrooms and get ready for bed."

  I looked at Cash and I could see the embarrassment all over his face and Olivia's as well. Gideon put his head down and realized that what he said was probably out of line. I noticed Grayson wasn't saying a word either and he's the one that started this whole conversation. I'll have to have a talk with him later about when to say something that's half true and when not to without all of the facts.

  "Sorry Uncle Caleb and you too, Aunt Claudia. I'm not going to apologize for wanting you two to get married though and more cousins would be cool too." He got up from his seat and gave Caleb a hug and came around to me and gave me one as well. Grayson and Eden followed him and they went up to their rooms. As soon as they were out of ear shot we all looked at each other and busted up laughing.

  "Oh my word! Between Gideon and now Grayson it's going to be hard to get through dinner without some sort of outburst. Talk about out of the mouth of babes! Haha!" Amelia seemed to be the one that got the biggest kick out of the situation. I reached for the nearest wine bottle and filled my glass up to the brim.

  "Well I think I deserve this big glass after THAT conversation. Haha! Talk about getting put on the spot!" Olivia got the giggles and couldn't stop but couldn't help but to say something.

  "I'm just glad it was you two this time and not us! Right Cash?" Cash chuckled and reached over and gave her a quick little kiss and nodded his head.

  "When I was a kid growing up I always thought that girls were the ones with the big mouths. Never in my life did I think that boys were just as bad or maybe worse." Gideon, Sr cleared his throat and seemed ready to say something so everyone looked at him to see what he had to say.

  "That reminds me Cash, Caleb. Remember your cousin Josie?"

  "Oh my God! There's a name I haven't heard in a while Cash! Talk about someone that had a big mouth. What kind of trouble has she gotten herself into now Father?" Caleb rose up and moved over a seat to be closer to me and entwined our fingers and put one arm around me pulling me in a hug.

  "Well. Funny you say that Caleb because she has gotten herself into a bit of trouble but I'm not going to go into that right now. My brother Gregory passed away last year remember? Well. She's down there in Georgia all alone without any family and she's reached out to us and we've invited her to stay with us for a while until she gets on her feet." Caleb and Cash both choked on their wine and spit it out onto the table. I looked over at Olivia and I knew she was thinking the same thing I was. Who the hell was Josie?

  "She's what? Oh No! Are
you kidding me? And how long are you talking about?"

  "Yeah! What Cash just said. Do you two not remember what a spoiled little brat she was growing up? I hated when they would come to visit or we'd go visit them. She acted like she was royalty for God's sakes!" I noticed Gideon, Sr.'s face was getting redder and redder the more Caleb talked and he finally literally put his foot or shall I say slammed his fist down on the table so hard that everyone jumped.

  "Now listen here boys! She's my only niece and she's coming whether you want her to or not and you BOTH will treat her like you would a sister and I don't want to hear another word about it! Are we all clear here?"

  I looked down at my lap because I wasn't about to look anywhere else even if someone paid me to. I always thought Amelia was the one to worry about. Who knew that sweet Gid would be the one with the temper?

  "Yes Sir!"

  "Yes Sir!"

  Both men shamefully put their heads down and were embarrassed at I know by getting reprimanded in front of everyone. I was waiting for someone to change the subject but there was no one brave enough it seemed to say anything.

  "So... I don't mean to change the subject or anything but you guys want Caleb and I in Cash's old room correct? The one on the second floor?" I looked to Cash and Olivia and neither of them would say anything so I looked at Carmen because I knew if anyone knew it would be her. Thank God she didn't seem too afraid to talk.

  "Yes Claudia. That's where I had Lucas put your luggage and Grayson will stay in the room next to you and Caleb until you all...well..." She looked over towards Olivia who was shaking her head no to her which had me completely confused until Carmen smiled at me. "Until things settle down and you all can go back to your house." I looked back over at Olivia who had let out a big sigh of relief from where I was sitting and looked at everyone else who had their heads down and weren't looking at me.

  "Um... Have I missed something here? Does there seem to be a problem with our accommodations? Are we not welcome here anymore? Should we just go back to our house? You all know I'm perfectly capable of hiring my OWN security guards and make sure that Grayson is watched like a hawk if anyone tries anything." All of a sudden all eyes were on me and everyone was back to smiling and shaking their heads at me which had me thinking that I was crazy.


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