Found by Love

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Found by Love Page 25

by Jennifer Bryan Yarbrough

  "When are you going to stop saying I and start saying US? It wasn't just up to you on how YOU were going to provide a home for Grayson, Cru. It was up to US! If you would start talking to me about any problems that might arise then you wouldn't have to try to figure it out on your own and feel so alone all of the time."

  "You're right." The look of shock on his face had me looking down. Oh my! Did I just tell him that he was right? What is this guy doing to me? He started walking closer to me and I stood my ground and refused to run from him this time. He lifted my chin up to make me look him in the eye.

  "Did you just admit that I was actually right about something my beautiful Queen?"

  One minute he's calling me a queen in a derogatory way and the next minute he's using it as a term of endearment. I nodded at him and grinned through my tears which had him sweeping me up and violently attacking my mouth with his lips and pulling me on top of him never parting from my mouth. He wrapped his hands around the back of my neck and cupped my face with his hands never letting up with the kiss.

  My whole body tingled and reveled in his touch as he pulled my shirt up and over my head. He rose up and started kissing my chest while I tugged on his head pulling him closer to my body. I reached down his back and tugged his shirt up out of his jeans and pulled it over his head and pushed him back and started kissing him roughly across his chest and up his neck and shoved my tongue down his throat trying to show him exactly how much he meant to me. He broke away from our kiss trying to catch his breath.

  "Wait, wait. I need to talk to you about something Grayson brought up at the dinner table."

  "I think it can wait. Right now I just want to fuck you!" I've never just came right out and said it like that which made his eyes glaze over but I could still see his hesitation so I stopped. "What is it? You're being such a girl right now."

  He flipped me over to where he was on top of me and whispered, "You're driving me crazy right now ya know that? I have a question and it's kind of a serious question so could you be serious for one minute?" I pouted at him but nodded my head. "Now... I know I haven't been using condoms and I'm assuming you're on the pill right? I can't believe we are just now having this conversation as many times as we've made love but come on….. Are we using protection?" Oh that part of the conversation that Grayson brought up. I giggled at him and shook my head which put a grin on his face.

  "Nope! I was on the pill but the day after I told you I'd have more kids with you I quit taking them. It'll probably take a while for me to get pregnant but I'm not doing anything to prevent it if that's what you're asking."

  "I'm very impressed. Little Miss Put Together has actually let her guard down and is trusting me to do the right thing if you wind up pregnant. Wow! I feel honored that you trust me THAT much!" I never really thought about it that way but I guess that's exactly what I did. My heart for once took care of my crazy mind and helped me trust him with everything I would have protected myself against because of my past.

  "I do trust you Nerd Boy. I might have my moments of weakness but at the end of the day I trust you with my whole mind, body, heart and soul."

  "So do you think it'll take you very long to get pregnant? Could you be pregnant now?" I thought about it and shook my head because I can already tell that I'll be having my monthly any day now with all of the signs I've been having.

  "No. It'll probably take a while since I was on the pill for over 10 years. Let's not rush it okay? Let's just enjoy each other. Like right now in this humungous bed." He leaned down and kissed me on the forehead and then my nose which had me giggling and then kissed me longingly on my lips.

  "I love you Cru and I always will and I don't care what kind of crazy crap you get yourself into, remember this. I'll ALWAYS love you because I have since my freshman year in college when I first laid eyes on you."

  "You mean like love at first sight kind of love? What is it with you Kingston men and your whole falling in love at first sight nonsense?" He chuckled under his breath and started caressing my breast while kissing my neck and I never waited for an answer. I let him show me all of the ways that he truly loved me until we fell asleep in our massive bed.


  "Mom?" I looked over towards the doorway at Grayson while tying my tennis shoes and grinned at him because I still can't get over how much my heart melts every time I hear him call me Mom. "Are we really going to go get my puppy today?" How in the world could I tell him no after all of the excitement in his voice.

  "Yes we are Son. As soon as your fath- I mean Caleb comes home after lunch." Whoa! That automatic response about got me. I looked up at him and he had a puzzled look on his face so I asked him what was wrong.

  "Do you? Well. Um." He leaned against the door and let out a big sigh like he was trying to figure out what to say. I walked over to him and got down on my knees and looked him in the eye and put my hands on his shoulders and caressed his face.

  "What's wrong baby? You went from being excited to all out of sorts. What happened?" I bet it was me almost calling Caleb his father. Man! Me and my big mouth! I looked into his eyes and he looks to be on the verge of tears he's so upset.

  "Well. You almost called Caleb my father and well... It feels like he's my dad already and I want to call him dad but... Well. Oh man. I don't know what to do. I don't want to hurt Caleb's feelings is all. I just don't want my dad mad at me and are you for sure going to marry Caleb? What if it doesn't work out with you two and here I am calling him Dad and you two split up and then I get another dad and...." He sighed real big and slowly slid down the door onto the floor and sat down and looked up at me with a stream of tears down his face. I was so shocked that I sat down in front of him and pulled him into my lap. I wasn't sure what to say to him but I went with my gut.

  "Boy... You sure have a lot of thoughts going on in that little head of yours huh? I'm not sure where to start so I'll just say this. I want you to always say what's on your mind and I'm so proud of you for telling me how you feel okay?" He looked up at me and nodded but he still seemed so upset. "Caleb is a big boy okay and he can handle you not calling him dad until you're ready to okay? And if you're never ready he's fine with that, too alright?" I pulled him closer to me into a tight hug and squeezed him to me. "He loves you that much to not want you to be uncomfortable with him okay?"

  "I know he does and I love him too and he's awesome but I... I heard you two fighting last night and I just got to wondering that maybe you don't like him as much as I thought you did so maybe I shouldn't get too attached to him ya know?" OH MY GOD! I'm so stupid! I should have known that maybe I had woken the kids up. All of his hesitation is all of MY fault! Great!

  "Okay so here's the deal with Caleb and I. We fight, argue, call each other names from time to time but there's nothing he can do that'll make me NOT want to be with him. I know you're only 10 years old and don't understand how stupid grown-ups can be but we love each other and ARE going to get married. I'm just not sure when but we are. I'm so sorry you heard all of that last night but Caleb had a very big surprise for me, actually for all of us and I was acting like a little brat about it so he had to tell me what it was earlier than he planned on." He let out a huge sigh and looked up and grinned at me.

  "So you guys are fine? You're not breaking up or anything?" I playfully tickled his stomach and laughed.

  "No you silly boy! Did your parents not ever argue around you?"

  "Sometimes they did. It was always in a funny haha kind of way and you couldn’t tell if they were fighting or not. I only thought people fought when they didn't want to be around each other anymore." Boy! Do Caleb and I have a lot to live up to be half as great as Thomas and Jane.

  "Well... I don't know that Caleb and I know how to NOT argue from time to time but I'll try to work on it some to make you feel more comfortable." I started tickling him some more because he couldn't quit grinning at me and by the end of the tickle fest I had him begging for mercy.

  "Okay. ok
ay! Mom! Please stop! I give up! I believe you okay?"

  "Haha! You better! I love you more than life itself and I love Caleb just as much so the three of us are rock solid."

  "I believe you. Hey! What was the surprise that Caleb showed you anyway? Was it a good one?"

  "Hmmm. I'm not sure I should tell you or not. Maybe he wants to surprise you too."

  "Oh come on mom! I hate surprises! I like to know what's going on and I usually end up figuring them out anyway."

  "Oh yeah? Kind of like you announcing at the dinner table that Caleb and I were getting married and giving you a baby brother or sister? Like that?" He immediately turned red and shrugged his shoulders.

  "Well maybe I was half right? Or maybe just maybe that's what I wish you guys would do... Maybe?"

  "Really? Just like that?? We're getting married and having a baby? We need to discuss what is an acceptable dinner conversation and what should be a private conversation."

  "Okay Mom. I get it. So... What's the surprise? Will I like it?" I shook my head at him and stood up and pulled him up and relented.

  "I don't know where you got your stubbornness from but I can tell that our life is going to be pretty wild and crazy. Geez! Sometimes looking at you and listening to the things you say is like looking in the mirror." He had a confused look on his face and then a grin.

  "You're saying that I got my stubbornness from you right? Haha! Well. At least I now know who I got it from! Haha!"

  "Yes goofy! That's exactly what I meant! I'll tell ya what. I'll show you but you have to promise to act surprised when Caleb shows you because that's the only way I'll show you. And you can't breathe a word of it to anybody! Not even Gideon!" He nodded his head at me and grinned.

  "Sweet! Give me some knucks Mom!" He put his hand out showing his knuckles and I pressed mine against his and laughed my head off at his excitement.

  "Okay. Let's sneak into the elevator but we have to be really quick about it."

  We quietly tip toed our way to the elevator and no one saw us and we went all the way to the top floor. He could barely contain his excitement and he looked like he might look on Christmas morning. I know Caleb is probably going to figure out what I've done but having this little secret with my son for just this brief moment is making it all worth it by the look on his face. The elevator door opened and he could barely contain himself and ran out of it and into the big room. He turned around and looked at me with a puzzled look on his face.

  "Tada! When you decide to move in with Caleb and I this is where we will be living instead of my house in town. What do you think? I'll let you pick your room out if you want. But…." I pointed to the left of the room. "That is mine and Caleb's room. I'm not giving up that huge bed and there's no way of talking me out of it either. Haha." The look on his face wasn't the one I was expecting. I was looking for a little more enthusiasm out of him but he seems quite sad.

  "Oregon isn't going to be temporary is it? What about Mattie? What about my mom and dad? I don't know if I'm ready to leave them yet."

  "Well... I've been thinking about that some and I think I've come up with a solution to that but I need your help with the details." He squinted his eyes at me already nervous about what I was about to say.

  "What kind of help do you need?" Here goes. My grand scheme that I couldn't quit thinking about ever since I got off of the phone with Mattie.

  "What would you think about us trying to talk your Uncle Mattie into moving here?" He seemed excited at the possibility.

  "Do you think he would? What about his house? His job? What about Maria? What about my parents? I don't think I could just leave them. I like to go visit them every Sunday and you know that."

  "Whoa there. Calm down. We are just in the talking stages right now and I'm sure he could sell his house and find a job out here and Maria? Well... I guess she could find someone else to work for. As far as your parents go? Well. Would you be comfortable with us moving them here? To the cemetery where my brother and niece and nephews are buried? That way they'd be closer to go visit every week?"

  He went to sit down on the bed to think about it so I followed him and leaned against the wall while he was deep in thought. He finally looked up at me after a few minutes of having a quiet debate with himself.

  "I'm fine with moving my parents here but do you think we can talk Uncle Mattie into moving here? What about... Well. What about Roger and Meredith? Do you think they're really gonna try to get me back?" I sat down in front of him and grabbed his hands into mine and rubbed his cast.

  "Grayson, I will do everything I can to keep them from ever getting their hands on you again. We have extra security guards and everyone is watching you like a hawk. You're better protected here baby. I promise!"

  "Okay. Let's go pick out my room!" I dropped my head and a tear fell and I hadn't realized that I was praying and hoping that he would agree to move in with us as hard as I was. Now that reality has sunk in I couldn't seem to quit crying. He put his arms around me and hugged me and I hugged him back. "I think my mom and dad wants me here with you and Caleb Mom; and if we can talk Uncle Mattie into moving here that would be even better. It's okay Mom. It'll be alright." I chuckled because it should be me that reassures him instead of the other way around. I looked up and kissed him on the forehead.

  "You are such a sweet little man ya know that? Come on. Let's go find you a bedroom buddy!" I grabbed his hand and we headed towards the back where the bedrooms were and both of us couldn't seem to get the grins off of our faces.


  We were on our way back from getting Grayson's puppy and all I heard from the back seat were uncontrollable giggles.

  "You don't have to keep licking me ya know. Haha... Stop it! Mom! This dogs a licker! Should I name him licker? Haha!" Caleb busted out laughing and looked in the rear view mirror.

  "If you call him that then everyone might think you're talking about a bottle of liquor but it's a good idea. What else are you thinking about? He's your dog so you get to name him."

  I looked back at Grayson and he kept looking at his puppy and seemed to be pondering Caleb's question. I looked over at Caleb and grabbed his hand and pulled it to my lips and kissed him on the palm of his hand as he grinned at me.

  "What was that for? Don't get me wrong honey; I'm not complaining but what's the occasion?" I entwined his hand in mine and pulled it next to my heart and looked back at Grayson still trying to come up with a name for his puppy and grinned at them and then Caleb.

  "Do I have to have a reason to show you my appreciation? I'm just so HAPPY! Can I be happy?" He pulled my hand up to his lips and returned the favor and kissed the inside of my hand which sent shivers down my spine making me remember the shivers he had given me last night.

  "I love HAPPY Claudia! I don't know that I've ever seen you look more beautiful than you do this very minute my love. You have a look of contentment on your face and it looks so good on you I must say."

  "Yes! I got it! His name is Chewbacca and I'll nickname him Chewie! Yes! That's it! Chewbacca!" I looked back at Grayson and laughed as his newly named puppy licked him all over his face in acceptance of his new name.

  "Oh now Grayson! You know I love and I mean LOVE the name buddy! Welcome to the family Chewbacca. I knew you'd come up with a good name for him."

  "Yeah I got to thinking about what would fit and I wanted something that would fit all of us and I kept thinking. What would Dad name him? Since you're such a Star Wars fan and you got me to liking the movies too I figured I'd come up with a name from the movies so... Chewbacca! I like it and I think he likes it too!"

  I'm not sure that Grayson realized what he had said but I know Caleb sure did and I saw the look on his face as comprehension sank in that Grayson was referring to him as his dad. Caleb had to clear his throat before he could answer him but I knew that Grayson couldn't tell that he choked up when he said it.

  "I like it too Son. I like it too." I pulled his hand to my lips
and kissed his hand again and cradled his hand against my heart with both of my hands and sighed. He looked over at me with a tear in his eye that slowly slid down his cheek and mouthed 'I love you’. I mouthed it back and squeezed his hand a little tighter against my heart and reached up to wipe the silent tear off of his cheek as he leaned into my hand and smiled.


  Later that night, after dinner, Caleb and I were cuddled up in bed together and I couldn't for the life of me get him to quit thinking about what Grayson said to him at bedtime. I was drawing little invisible circles around his nipples and then his tattoo but he still wouldn't get the shit eating grin off of his face.

  "Is this how you felt the first time he called you Mom? I really don't know what to say other than I'm so happy I'm speechless."

  "Haha... I can tell and yes. That's exactly how I felt but I think I had a few more tears that I dealt with as well. Happy tears of course."

  Grayson and Gideon seem to be inseparable and tonight they're sleeping in Grayson's room with both of their puppies snuggled in bed with them. We went to tuck them in and to give them a hug and kiss and Gideon was his usual self telling us goodnight and he loved us but Grayson said goodnight Mom AND Dad as he said I love you. By the time we made it back to our bedroom Caleb was grinning while happy tears rolled down his cheeks.

  "This morning he was quite confused about calling you Dad or not because he overheard us fighting last night and thought we were going to break up."

  "What? Why did he think we were going to break up? Do you want to break up?" That got his attention because he rose up on his elbows and looked like he was about to cry again.


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