Found by Love

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Found by Love Page 26

by Jennifer Bryan Yarbrough

  "What? No! Of course I don't but evidently Thomas and Jane rarely fought and when he heard our big commotion last night he thought we were done. Needless to say I made sure that he knew that that's just how we were and that we are fine."

  "Well then we just have to quit fighting in front of him."

  "Well technically we weren't fighting in front of him he just overheard it."

  "Because you were screaming so you're gonna have to quit being so loud. I mean good lord Claudia... Look at what all he's gone through this year. We should be better role models for him than we obviously have been."

  "Now wait a minute. I think we are great role models. Granted we may not be Ward and June Cleaver like Thomas and Jane Brown seemed to be but I would say we are pretty good parents if I do say so myself."

  The last thing I wanted to do tonight was fight with him so I lowered my voice and shoved him back down onto his pillows and leaned over him and gave him a kiss to get his mind on something else. He pushed me away gently and grinned at me.

  "Are you trying to seduce me Cruella?" I'm not in the mood and I just want to talk tonight." At first I was shocked until his dimples spread to the heat in his eyes.

  "Oh now you're just messing with me Nerd Boy! Come over here and ravish me." I rolled over on to my back and winked at him and moaned hoping that that would get him started but he just rose up and propped his head up on his pillow and looked at me.

  "When we get married are you going to use your body as a way to avoid conversations with me? I really do want to talk baby, for now."

  He raked his eyes lustily over my body letting me know that he was indeed interested but just not at the moment. I let out a big sigh knowing that I wasn't going to get anywhere until he felt better and then laughed. I reached under the blanket and grabbed him between the legs to make sure he still had all of his parts and yep. They were still there.

  "Sorry. I couldn't help myself. There for a minute I thought that I was the guy and you were the woman. I had to check for myself to make sure."

  "Ouch! That was a little mean." Great! Now I've hurt his feelings. Man I'm such a bitch! He rolled back over on his back not even seeming interested in talking to me now.

  "Oh I'm sorry. Really I am. What do you want to talk about?" I sat up in the bed and started running my fingers through his gorgeous blonde locks in the hopes that it might make him forgive me.

  "Do you realize that we've 'officially' been a couple for almost 3 weeks now and we never talk anymore? I mean we do but only about Grayson and I miss talking to you."

  "Well... Hmmm... I guess I never thought about it. Wow! Only 3 weeks? We know everything there is to know about each other so what is there to talk about?"

  "Really Cru? What about our future? What about our wedding? When do you want to get married? Where do you want to get married? Do you want something big or a small simple wedding like Cash and Olivia had? Are you sure you're okay with living here with everyone or should we find our own house close to here?" All of his questions stressed me out so bad I didn't even know where to start.

  "Oh my goodness! I have to be honest... I know we are getting married... Eventually... but right now I can't think that far down the road until I feel like we are more stable with Grayson and we don't have to worry about Roger and Meredith anymore."

  "See... That's why we need to talk more. I'm worried about those things too but you can't let them eat at you all of the time. So, when everything is settled down and we have no worries about any of what you just mentioned... Where do you see us? What do you envision our life to be 10 or 20 years down the road?"

  "Can't we just have sex? You're making my brain hurt!"

  "Cru! Are you trying to avoid my questions because you don't know the answers or because you're that horny or because you don't see yourself with me down the road?"

  "Oh not this again! What is this about? Are you getting all jealous about something again? Have you talked to Mattie since I talked to him? Did he say something?" Well shit! What is it about me mentioning Mattie that has him in a jealous rage all of a sudden? Not only has he rose up and was leaning over me with a hateful look on his face but his eyes seem to be on fire.

  "Why would Mattie say anything to me that would have me jealous? When did you talk to him? I told you last night I haven't talked to him since we got here. Who called who? Are you weighing your best options on which one you should be with? Is that why you're hesitating in answering my questions?" I pushed him away from me and scooted over.

  "Okay... I've had it up to the wazoo on your jealousy about Mattie! I'm in love with YOU asshole! There's no way in hell that I'm 'weighing' my options because you're my option. The ONLY option I want! I am the one that called him because I was mad at you last night."

  "So you get mad at me and you call HIM and you still say I have NO REASON to be JEALOUS? Do you even hear yourself right now? Guys like him feed on vulnerable women. If you start talking bad about me to him then he'll have ammunition to use against me when he tries to take you from me." I'm so taken aback at everything that he just said that I stare at him in shock.

  "I thought you told me that you and Mattie worked things out. What in the hell are you even saying? Do you even hear yourself? Pfft!! Are you kidding me right now?" I rolled my eyes at him which didn't help any because he seemed madder. "Okay let's drop this because this is crazy. We DO fight all of the time and over the most stupid shit!"

  "I'm not going to calm down until you tell me what you two talked about Cru."

  "Okay. First off he had no clue that I was mad at you because I would never disrespect you like that. If I want to bitch about you to anyone it's going to be to Olivia and I'm sure you could go wake her up right now and she'll tell ya that I'm fucking crazy about you. Why I am I couldn't tell ya right now. Secondly, I called to apologize to him about our last conversation and to make sure he was coming for thanksgiving because Grayson keeps asking if I've talked to him."

  "Is he coming?"

  "Oh I don't know now? Last night he was still coming since we BOTH buried the hatchet but if you plan on killing him because of the murder that I see in your eyes I have half a mind to call him and tell him not to come because you're JEALOUS of us talking to each other." He let out a big sigh and laid his head on top of my chest. I waited for his breathing to return to normal and started rubbing the back of his neck.

  "I'm sorry. I don't know what my problem is about him and I know he's not going to cross the line but I'm just so scared of losing you. I just got you! FINALLY! I keep getting these thoughts in my head that it's a dream because I'm so happy and one of these mornings I'm going to wake up and none of it was real.” Because of my own insecurities I've created some for him! Just great! Freaking awesome! I lower myself down into the bed so that we are facing each other on our sides and look him in the eye.

  "Baby, I'm not going anywhere. I guess that's why you wanted to talk huh? Okay listen. Something I learned last night while talking to Mattie was how much he reminded me of myself. He's all alone in the world and I came up with a solution that would help all of us in this transition but we can only do it if you're okay with it. If you're not then I won't even bring it up to him. Before you give me your answer, picture me after losing Vanessa. She was my only friend here and the loss of my brother and his kids and only having Olivia as my last link to family made me feel so alone and that’s how Mattie feels about Grayson." His face softened at the mention of how lonely I was before Olivia met Cash.

  "You want to ask him to move here to be closer to all of us don't you?"

  "Yes, but only if you're okay with it. I mentioned it to Grayson and he got all excited about it. This is your decision and I'll abide by your wishes and I will not be mad at you if you don't like the idea. I promise!" My happiness is in seeing the ones I love happy and if he can't handle Mattie moving here knowing that we may have to move to California if Grayson won't stay in Oregon then so be it!!

  "I think it's a good idea. Besi
des, I'd much rather have him here and Grayson be happy instead of us having to move to California anyway." When he chuckled I got really nervous. "Plus it would be easier to keep an eye on him here in case he gets out of line." I playfully punched him. "Okay, I'm kidding! Well. Sort of! Haha! Stop it! Man you can pack a punch!"

  "Yes I can and you better not ever forget it!" I started massaging his arm where I hit him and leaned down and kissed it. "Would you please quit being jealous of him? He reminds me of Derek and trust me, I never had any interest in my brother like that and he could really use some friends and family right now because all he has is Grayson. I know how that feels to only have one person that cares about you in this whole big world. He's lonely but not THAT lonely to ostracize himself from the one person who matters the most to him." He leaned up and kissed me and grinned.

  "You're really a big softy under there aren't you? Wow! Claudia and her big heart. I always knew you had one but it's nice when I see it come out to play every once in a while."

  "Hmm. I'm going to forgive you for that because you do know me so well but please don't tell anyone how big my heart really is okay? I can't let any of my haters know that I'm genuinely a nice person." I pulled him into my arms and we held each other a few moments and then he rolled over on his back and pulled me on top of him.

  "So... We talked but not exactly about what I wanted to talk about but we did talk so-" He winked at me and ran his finger down his stomach and stopped at the rim of his boxers and grinned. "You still wanting some of this or is it too late for you now?"

  "I think I’ll pass so not tonight, I'm really tired. Goodnight! Love you!" I rolled off of him to get back on my side of the bed but he pulled me back and got on top of me and I finally let loose of the laughter I was holding in until he kissed me hard on the lips and grinned at me when he broke away.

  "Oh no you don't Cruella! I'll wake you up baby so don't you worry about that."


  Thanksgiving dinner ended up being quite a spectacular feast. Carmen went all out with the turkey and ham and main courses but Olivia and I; along with Amelia and Elizabeth went all out on the desserts.

  As we all sat down to the table I looked around and grinned at Mattie who was sitting across from Caleb and me with Grayson to the left of him. Caleb reached over and squeezed my hand and I was praying that he wasn't going to have a jealous look on his face and he didn't. He seemed to be in a joyous mood today and I guess after our talk he isn't worried about Mattie anymore which was such a relief. Cash picked his fork up and clanged it against his glass to get everyone's attention and all eyes were on him.

  "I would like to change things up a little bit this year for dinner if you all don't mind. We have a couple of extras at the table this year. Mattie, it’s a pleasure having you here and I hope that you will feel like family during your stay here." Both men nodded at each other and everyone else grinned at Mattie. "Grayson, I'm very happy to finally have a nephew and especially one as bright and as handsome as you; even though you are the spitting image of your mother, ahem.” This had everyone including Grayson and I cracking up. “You have fit right in with this family and I'm happy that you and Gideon have become such fast friends." Cash looked between Gideon and Grayson and they were both grinning from ear to ear. "Anyway... What I am trying to say is that I am thankful for every one of you at this table." He looked over at Olivia and they both beamed at each other. "Especially you Liv; you have given me so much more than I ever wanted and I love you and the kids more than anything and I could never imagine my life without you in it Honey." He leaned down and gave her a kiss and all of the children giggled which made everyone else giggle along. He rose up and looked around at all of us and continued with his speech.

  "So... How about we all take turns around the table and let everyone know what we are thankful for this year? You don't have to stand up or anything but how about it?" He looked down at Olivia. "Sweetheart, would you like to go first?" Olivia immediately turned red with embarrassment but nodded her head at him and cleared her throat.

  "I don't know where to start other than I second everything you just said." She looked over at Mattie and Grayson and smiled at them and they returned her smile. "I'm thankful for everyone at this table and for all of the love you give me daily and not to mention the joy and contentment that I feel in this big crazy family that seems to keep growing. I love each and every one of you very much."

  Everyone nodded at her and smiled and then all eyes were on Eden. She's 6 now and such a capricious child and I'm so looking forward to what her little mind is thinking in this very moment. She noticed everyone watching her and turned 10 shades of red and looked up at Olivia and whispered.

  "Do I have to take a turn?" Olivia laughed and nodded her head at her and Eden looked down at her plate and started tapping her finger against the edge of the table and then she looked up and grinned from ear to ear. "I know what I'm thankful for! I'm thankful for Cassidy and Hank because I love them so much and I like dressing them up too." Everyone laughed because Olivia has caught her putting dresses on Hank. "Oh and of I'm thankful for you Mommy and Daddy of course and especially you Uncle Caleb and Aunt Claudia…. oh and all of my grandparents." She looked over at Mattie awkwardly. "I don't know you yet but I'm sure you'll like the dinner because Carmen is such a good cook. Oh! Carmen and Lucas, I'm thankful for you both. You too Grayson! It's cool to finally have a cousin and you're really nice to me." She looked over at Gideon and scowled at him and then looked over at Olivia with an innocent grin on her face. "Okay. I'm done. Boy!! That was a lot of thanks!" Everyone lost it and died laughing. I laughed so hard I had tears falling down my cheeks. I quit laughing when I looked across the table at Gideon and noticed him fuming.

  "Eden! You said something nice about everyone here except for me!" The smirk that Eden gave him back was priceless.

  "Because I couldn't think of anything NICE to say about you so I didn't! Mommy told me that if I couldn't say anything nice about someone then to not say anything so I DIDN'T! You never play with me anymore and tell me to leave you alone so... THERE!"

  "Not this again?!" Everyone was looking down and was trying not to giggle after Gideon smacked himself across the forehead so Cash broke in before an argument started.

  "We will talk about this later children and be nice to each other at the dinner table. No fighting please." They both put their heads down from embarrassment at being scolded in front of everyone. Cash looked over at his mother to continue and for her to take her turn. Amelia leaned over and gave Eden a little hug and grinned at everyone and gave thanks.

  "Well that sure took me back to Cash and Caleb in their younger days. Oh my heart is so full of love for everyone at this table right now. I love every one of you and I'm so proud of all of you and especially my children for your accomplishments and your choices in picking your spouses and giving me the best daughters anyone could ask for." She nodded towards Olivia and then me and then looked at Cash and Caleb. "I'm VERY thankful for all of the grandchildren you've given me. Present AND future." All eyes were on me after that remark and I grinned and shook my head no at everyone and chuckled. "Oh not just from Caleb and Claudia; I would love more from Cash and Olivia as well." Cash broke in before she could continue.

  "Oh mother... You're not getting any more from Liv or me. We are done! 4 is plenty for us and is a good round solid number." I heard Olivia cough and I looked over at her and her face was beet red and I knew right then and there that she was pregnant. Again!

  "Well 5 is a good number to stop at as well. I mean... That's just my opinion." She barely whispered. I busted up laughing as Cash spit out the wine that was in his mouth.

  "What?! I thought you said you couldn't get pregnant while you were breast feeding? The look on his face was priceless and his face turned so white I thought he was going to pass out at the dinner table.

  "Well, all I can say is that I just happened to be one of the exceptions and I never got pregnant
before while breast feeding.

  All eyes turned to Olivia and she grinned and nodded her head at the silent question on everyone's faces. In seconds she was swarmed by Amelia and Elizabeth with hugs and congratulations while Cash tried to get color back into his face while refilling his glass with more wine.

  Caleb grabbed my hand and squeezed tightly and I looked up into his eyes and he seemed jealous with envy so I whispered to him.

  "Don't worry Nerd Boy. It'll happen when it happens so don't be in such a rush." He smiled at me and leaned down to whisper into my ear.

  "But now Cash is 5 ahead of me. How about we try for triplets and then I'll only be one behind him." I rolled my eyes and sighed but smiled at the fact that he included Grayson in the list of how many kids that would make for us.

  "If you're as fertile as your brother I'll never let you near me again. Triplets? Oh I don't think so. I hope I'm not pregnant now."

  "Claudia, I have some more tests you could take if you wanted to find out for sure. They're so accurate you don't have to wait until you miss a period." I looked over at Olivia not realizing how loud I replied back to Caleb and my face felt flush at her putting me on the spot like that and especially at the dinner table.

  "Thank you Olivia. Will you go get it so she can take it right now?" I slapped Caleb on the arm because the last thing I wanted to do was go take a pregnancy test in the middle of Thanksgiving dinner.

  "Hey you guys! Okay… It's cool and all that I'm getting another baby brother or sister but I still haven't got to say what I'm thankful for yet! Can I say it now?" Oh thank The Lord for Gideon. I rose up in my seat ready to hear what he had to say.

  "I would love to hear it Gideon so let’s have it. What are you thankful for?" I felt Caleb's body tighten up next to me because I completely took advantage of the change of subject about the questioning of my supposed non-pregnancy. "I'm all ears buddy." Gideon grinned back at me and everyone was watching and waiting for him to start.


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