Found by Love

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Found by Love Page 27

by Jennifer Bryan Yarbrough

  "Okay... First of all, I’m thankful for everyone at this table and I mean EVERYONE!" He looked directly towards Eden when he said EVERYONE which had her ducking her head down in shame. "I'm especially thankful for my sister Eden and I just want to tell her that I'm sorry that I've been spending so much time with Grayson but it's been really cool to finally have a boy to play with." He looked over at Eden and lowered his voice and continued. "That doesn't mean that I don't want to play with you anymore Eden and I'm sorry if I made you feel that way. You were always there for me when..." He looked over at Cash with an apologetic look on his face and he started choking up. "When no one else was and I'll never forget that. I... uh... I…. LOVE you Eden. Okay? So please don't be mad at me anymore and if you want to we can have a tea party if you want. Just you and me; later, when we finish eating. If you want to that is."

  I'm not sure that there was a dry eye at the table after his declaration to his little sister and all eyes were on Eden awaiting her reply. She looked up finally and looked over at her brother and nodded and whispered. "Okay and I love you too." Gideon grinned from ear to ear and everyone let out a huge sigh that showed that everyone was holding their breath at her response.

  "Okay! Cool! Okay you guys. Whose turn is it next?" He looked over to his right at Grayson. "You want to go next Grayson? It's not so bad once you get started."

  I looked into my sons eyes and he looked like he was about to panic but Mattie patted his hand and Grayson looked over at me and I smiled at him and nodded my head for him to go ahead. He reached for his drink and unclogged his throat and then opened his mouth.

  "I'm thankful for finally getting to meet my mom. My mom... Jane... Told me that I looked and acted just like her and I thought she was just telling me that because I asked about her," he looked directly into my eyes, "I mean you; a lot, and wondered why you put me up for adoption. I knew that my mom and dad loved me but I always wondered if you loved me too and now I know. You do love me and you just did what you had to and that was to give me a good home that you couldn't give me at the time." He looked over at Mattie and continued. "I'm also thankful for you Uncle Mattie for taking care of me since Mom and Dad died and for letting me come with Claudia, I mean Mom and...Caleb..." He looked over at Caleb and grinned. "I mean Dad, to meet their family." He looked around at everyone at the table. "You are all pretty awesome and I don't even know why I was so nervous about meeting all of you, haha." Everyone chuckled at his giggle. "He looked over at Mattie again who was as still as a stone and was looking down at his plate. “I've decided that I want to live with them full time and I was wanting to know if you would move here too so that I can still see you any time I want to because that's what I want. To be around everyone I love and to be around everyone that loves me back."

  Mattie looked quite taken aback and his face showed how visibly upset he was. He tried to open his mouth to say something but closed it. He looked over at me with tears running down my face and he seemed to soften up and nodded his head.

  "Grayson, if that's what you want then I'm not going to fight you but as far as me moving here. I know it sounds like an easy fix to you but it's not that easy for me to just up and leave my home and business. I guess I could try to make it here once or twice a month to visit so that we can spend some time together." He looked over at me questionably and I nodded my head because I'm willing to do anything to have Grayson here full time.

  "Yeah! I still want you to move here if you can figure out a way but that would be great! I bet you could even find a room here to sleep in when you come. Man! This is the best Thanksgiving EVER!"

  Everyone started laughing and digging in to their food and telling Grayson how glad they were to have him and Mattie as well. I felt Caleb poke my leg under the table and I turned to look at him and he was grinning from ear to ear with tears in his eyes. He leaned over to whisper in my ear.

  "I love you Cruella. Thank you for giving me a family to call my own." Oh he makes my heart melt and it is he that makes it all seem so easy when I feel so overwhelmed with emotion.

  "I love you too, Nerd Boy. Thank you for showing me what a family is supposed to look like. A REAL family." His grin spread all the way to his piercing blue eyes which had me wanting to hurry up with the day so that I could spend some alone time with him.

  "Cool... So... Go take the test!"

  "Oh I'll go get it really quick. I'll be right back!" Olivia and her damn hearing!

  "Can we be a little quiet about this and you need to make sure that your husband doesn't pass out. Go sit down Olivia!" I looked over at Cash and he seemed more in to his wine than the food he was picking at. At least his color seems to be coming back.

  She grinned at me and took off towards the stairwell to her rooms. I looked at Caleb and talk about having a Cheshire Cat look on his face. Right now I'm feeling like Alice did when she debated on drinking the potion to make her smaller. Decisions, decisions. The last thing I want is for everyone to get all excited over NOTHING!

  I mean really! We've been a couple for what? 3 almost 4 weeks and boom! Just like that everyone wants me to be pregnant. I look over at Grayson and Mattie and they seem to be in a deep discussion about the Star Wars movies and Mattie is asking if he's watched any of the Star Trek movies yet. That's another thing. Let me mother the child that I've always regretted not raising for a while. Why rush in taking a test when I know I'm not pregnant. Olivia came back into the room with a big grin on her face and she leaned down and whispered into my ear.

  "I left the test under the sink in the bathroom next to the kitchen. Wouldn't it be cool if we were pregnant at the same time? I'm so excited!" I gave her the most fake smile I could muster.

  "Oh yeah... Really cool." She went to sit back down next to Cash and she leaned down and gave him a soft kiss on the lips which seemed to bring him out of his stupor.

  "Oh hey baby. Where'd you go? Are you feeling alright?"

  "Yes Cash. I feel fine sweetheart. Don't worry about me. I had to run to the bathroom really quick." I looked around to see if anyone noticed what was going on between Olivia, Caleb and I and no one seemed aware of what we were up to which was great. I couldn't help but give Cash a hard time though.

  "So Cash? How does it feel knowing that you're going to be the proud father of FIVE in a few months?" He turned and looked at me angrily through his blood shot eyes letting me know he's had way more to drink than I thought he had.

  "Shut it Claudia!! Why don't you go take your 'pregnancy' test so that I can give YOU a hard time?" Oh shit! I'm going to kill him! But damn! I backed him into a corner and it served me right. Shit! Now Amelia and Elizabeth along with everyone are looking at me.

  "Oh he's just kidding, haha!! Cash... I'm sorry. I'll leave you alone. Truce, okay buddy?" I reached for my wine glass to hide my guilty look. Cash looked at me and grinned evilly.

  "Do you think you should be drinking that?" Caleb started to reach for my glass and I put my hand out to stop him.

  "I'm not pregnant Caleb so leave me alone. Anyway... If I am, they do drink wine in Europe when they're pregnant so it's fine. You're not taking my wine away from me!"

  "Yes ma'am but when our triplets come out with 2 heads don't blame me. You will be begging for a C-section if that happens! “I spit my wine out and busted out laughing. Leave it to Caleb to break the monotony. My outburst had him laughing along. Everyone looked over at us to see what the secret was and I waved them off.

  "Oh you know how funny Caleb can be sometimes. He's so funny! Hahahahaha!" I hissed at him under my breath.

  "I'll take it tonight if you drop the subject now."

  "Done my lady." He reached over and grabbed my hand and pulled it towards him and kissed my palm making me feel all tingly inside. It amazes me that just one simple gesture like that can make me fall apart and he knows it.

  The doorbell rang and everyone looked to see who was going to answer the door. I felt the hair on my back stand up because I immediately thought that it co
uld be a bad surprise and Roger and Meredith decided to join the festivities.

  "They don't know where we are Claud. Calm down."

  "How did you know that that was what I was thinking?" This man of mine really knows me.

  "I can read your mind remember?"

  "Well hell! If no one else is going to get up to answer the damn door then I guess I will since it is MY house after all!" Cash stood up and swayed out of his seat and for a second there I think everyone thought he was going to fall down but he caught his balance.

  "Cash! I think you're drunk and it's not even night time yet!" Olivia looked around at everyone embarrassed and looked down at her plate.

  "I think I am QUITE drunk Liv and I’m sure it’s night time somewhere. It's not every day that you find out that your wife is always going to have a baby nestled at her breast and that I'm never going to get any sleep for a few more years! I wonder who's at the door." Olivia's face turned crimson and tears fell down her cheek as I walked over and sat in Cash's seat once he left the room.

  "O... Don't pay attention to him. It'll be alright like last time. Just give him a little while and he'll be groveling at your feet in no time begging for forgiveness."

  "Oh I know but he's acting like I got pregnant on purpose again and I didn't I swear! I really didn't think I could get pregnant while breast feeding. I'm not the happiest person let me tell ya that because the twins aren't even a year old yet. I swear if it's another set of twins I'm giving you one of them."

  "Oh I don't think so. If it makes you feel any better Caleb is hoping I AM pregnant and with TRIPLETS!" She looked at me with pure shock in her eyes.

  "Oh he's crazy! Hahaha! But that would be funny! Hahahahaha!"

  "See! I've got you feeling better already."

  "You always have a way of doing that Claud!! I know he'll be fine in a few days after the shock wears off." We heard Cash yell from the other room which had us all curious as to who was here.

  "What in the HELL are YOU doing here?" We heard a loud feminine voice answer him with the most southern twang I've ever heard in my life.

  "Cash Kingston! Now that ain't no way to greet yer cousin! Come here and give yer cousin Josie a big hug now ya hear! Wow! Now if this ain't a castle for sure. You got a extra room for me here or am I gonna stay at Uncle Gid and Aunt Amelia's house?"

  Olivia and I keep looking at each other wondering how Josie managed to show up for dinner when we had no idea she was coming. I looked over at Gid and Amelia and they both had confused looks on their faces.

  "Gid honey... I thought you said Josie wasn't coming until the first of the year?" He nodded his head at her.

  "Honey that's what she told me a few days ago in her last email but I guess she ended up tying up all of her loose ends sooner than she thought she would. It'll be alright Sweetheart. We still have an extra room ready for her. Maybe she didn't want to spend the holidays by herself." He looked around at everyone. "Let's make her feel welcome alright?" He was specifically looking at Caleb when he said that and I looked over at him and he straightened up in his seat and nodded at his father after he crossed his arms across his chest. I soon realize that Cash answering the door probably wasn't such a good idea by the way the conversation is going.

  "Josie! No! I don't have enough room for you. I already have Caleb and Claudia here along with her son and his Uncle and not to mention I have four and a half kids of my own. You can stay at Mother and Father's house! They have some spare bedrooms you can stay in. You might as well come into the dining room and meet everyone. I guess!"

  "Well I never remember you being as rude as you are now when we were kids. You probably have what? 20 bedrooms in this place? Well fine Cash. If you want to just throw me out to the wolves and not even offer a place for me to stay than maybe I should leave."

  "Josie! Mother and Father's house is not throwing you out to the wolves. Trust me! You'll enjoy the peace and quiet and tranquility feel of the place much better than my house. I'm only thinking of your needs first I assure you."

  I felt and heard Olivia wince at Cash's words at how quiet and peaceful it is at his parents’ house. I patted her on the back to reassure her and got up from Cash's seat to sit back where I was next to Caleb. I wanted to be ready for the booming voice that was on her way into the dining room.

  When she came around the corner I tried not to bust out laughing. I know her name is Josie but boy if she didn't have the whole Scarlet O’Hara look about her from the top of her head of big long curly red hair and bright green eyes to the bottom of her 6 inch heels. The only thing missing would be a big blooming hat on her head. I heard Caleb inhale a big breath of air and exhale it through his nose. What is it about this woman that had both Kingston men squirming in their seats?

  "Well hello y'all! How's yer Thanksgiving dinner going so far?" Gid was the first one up and out of his seat to pull her into his arms for a big hug.

  "Josephine! Your last email said you weren't coming until after the first of the year. If I would have known you were coming today I could have picked you up at the airport."

  "Oh Uncle Gid you're so sweeeet! I wrapped everything up in Georgia real quick like and didn't see no need to wait since I didn't have anything else ta take care of. I drove straight through. Well... I did stop for one night to rest but I'm here now! It looks like I showed up just in time too because I'm ravished!" Carmen miraculously appeared with an extra plate and set of silver ware and started making Josie a plate between Mattie and me.

  "Oh yes dear... Have a seat and eat because we have plenty." Amelia stopped her before she sat down and pulled her into her arms for a hug.

  "It's so good to see you sweet Josie! My! Haven't you grown up into such a beautiful woman. I haven't seen you in what? 10 years? Every time we would go visit your momma and daddy you never seemed to be in town and we would always miss you." She hugged her back but I noticed Josie get a panicked look on her face.

  "Oh you know how it goes Auntie Amelia. When you have the chance to visit the world you never say no to the opportunity. I've sure missed you Auntie."

  "I’ve missed you too Honey but go ahead and sit down and have you some dinner. We can catch up when you finish."

  Josie nodded and looked around the table and grinned at everyone. Mattie seemed uncomfortable for some reason and I didn’t miss that Josie got a weird look on her face when she looked at him. She looked over towards Caleb and he barely acknowledged her.

  "Caleb Luke! Are you not gonna be nice to me either? What have I ever done to you or Cash to get such a rude reception?"

  "Pfft! Are you kidding me Josie?! You were horrible to Cash and I growing up and do you not remember what you did to us the last time we went to visit you and your parents? If you don't remember I'll sure tell you and everyone else sitting here." Oh I love a good story and I couldn't help but ask.

  "I would love to hear the story. I bet it's not as bad as you and Cash think it is. Come on Caleb. Tell us." Caleb was shaking his head no and I started poking at him to get him to relent and he finally pushed my hand away and gave in.

  "Okay... I'll tell you but only if the kids leave the room."

  "Uncle Caleb! We never get to hear the good stuff! That's so not fair!" Cash arched his brow at Gideon and he knew that he had messed up once again by the look on his face.

  "Gideon, you take Grayson and Eden and go get that tea party ready for your sister that you promised to have with her." Gideon went to say something and Cash frowned at him. "Now Gideon."

  "Yes sir." I waited patiently for the kids to leave so that Caleb could start telling the story. After they were all gone no one was saying anything so I looked at Josie and then Caleb.

  "Well? Who's gonna spill? I wanna hear the story."

  "Claud... Leave it alone. All the story is going to do is make you like Josie and make her feel welcome and then we'll never be rid of her!" Man! Cash is being a hard ass today!

  "Okay Cash! So what if Olivia is pregnant again! That's no
reason for you to be a dick to everyone today. This is the day of THANKS so try to be a little thankful that she still actually wants to be around you after the way you've once again diminished all of the great qualities about you that she loves the most. Which are how sweet and kind and loving you usually are to her and everyone else?" He went to open his mouth but closed it realizing that I was right and went over to Olivia and apologized to her.

  "I'm sorry Liv... Please forgive me. If you're happy about having another baby then I'm happy as well."

  "Thank you Honey and I'm not going to lie. I'm just as scared as you are but we will get through it."

  "Okay… yada, yada, yada. Thank me later O! I want to know what Josie did to the guys to make them hate her." I heard a giggle to my left and it was Josie laughing in my direction which had me grinning.

  "What is your name? Claudia? I think you and I are going to be pretty good friends. I like you." I laughed because of the way she said like with the longest sounding I I've ever heard. She liiikes me.

  "Well since they're not saying anything how about you tell me." I looked over at Caleb and Cash and neither of them seems to want to share the story.

  "Well the only thing I can think of that they're talking about would have ta be when me and my boyfriend Johnny took them to the lake when they came down ta visit. Is that what y'all are all upset about boys? It was just a funny prank is all and it was sooooooo long ago. I mean we was kids for goodness sakes!"

  "A funny prank? Cash and I had to dig through the trash to find something big enough to cover our private parts and our asses and we walked 2 miles, ON the highway mind you, in front of everyone back to your parents’ house! A funny prank?? It was CRUEL is what it was! We couldn't even put our hand out to hitch hike because we had to cover our.... Our junk!" Caleb slammed his hand down on the table and I laughed so hard and not only did I have tears coming out of both eyes but I fell out of my seat!


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