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Found by Love

Page 33

by Jennifer Bryan Yarbrough

  “Yeah, it’s called a push up bra but thank you. Please feel free to tell me the truth from now on because I can’t stand being lied to.” She walked over to lean against the wall next to the shower with a pouty look on her face. I looked at Olivia and she was scrunching her brow and shrugged her shoulders letting me know to handle this one.

  “Um Josie? One thing that I do not do is lie and if I told you that I thought you looked like shit, trust me, I would. Right Olivia?” I waved my hand over towards her and she nodded her head and laughed.

  “One thing you never have to worry about with Claudia is what she’s thinking and she shoots straight let me tell ya. If she didn’t like you she wouldn’t even waste her time talking to you either.” She looked over at Josie and smiled. “You are absolutely stunning and beautiful so what’s up with the low self-esteem?”

  “Ha! That’s funny coming from you O seeing as how you lost yours for over a decade!” She waved me away and I turned around and pulled Josie in front of the mirror so that she could look at herself. “Okay. Tell me what you see that you don’t like.” She rolled her eyes at me and shrugged her shoulders and let out a frustrated sigh.

  “I don’t want to do this okay? You don’t understand because you’re what? A size 0? I’m in the double digits honey and you will never understand and honestly I don’t care because I’m not trying to impress anyone anyway. Pfft! Are you ready to go or not?” She stormed out of the bathroom letting me know that she was definitely done with the conversation and Olivia rushed out to fix everything because that’s what she is. A fixer that always ends up cleaning up the messes I cause along the way. I take one last look in the mirror and walk into the bedroom to put my heels on and Josie is crying on Olivia’s shoulder. Good lord but now I feel like an evil person.

  “I’m fine, really I am. Thank you Olivia, you have such a sweet soul about you.” So I guess that makes me the bully of the bunch. Great!

  “Josie, please don’t be upset with Claudia because she really does mean well and well… She’s usually right. I used to think I was the frumpiest house wife in the world and I finally listened to her one day and meeting Cash and seeing the way he looked at me makes me feel like I’m the most beautiful girl in the world. You’ll get there too and by the way. You are absolutely gorgeous and Claudia isn’t a size 0, she’s a big ole whopping size 6! Haha!” They both started giggling giving me an opportunity to say something as well. I walked up to them and put my arm around Josie’s shoulder and she warily looked at me waiting to see what I had to say.

  “I apologize. I didn’t mean to put you on the spot at all. That wasn’t my intention at all but I must say. You definitely have that JLo body going on and I can guarantee that you will be getting asked to dance tonight. I don’t know what kind of men they have down in Georgia but up here the men know a beautiful woman when they see one. Just you wait and see okay?” I pulled her into a hug hoping that I have mended fences with her and I managed to get a smile and a nod from her.

  “Ya know what? I’ve never really had friends before. Well. Friends that I could trust that would have my back and not stab me in it. I think moving out here was definitely the best thing that I’ve ever done with my life. Let’s go have some fun ya’ll. Claudia, the first drinks are on me.” She sashayed her hips and strolled out of the room like a woman on a mission. I looked over at Olivia who was smirking and shrugged her shoulders at me.

  “I do believe you may have met your match with her, haha. I don’t think she’s going to let you boss her around like you do me. This is going to be so much fun to watch. Hahaha!” I grabbed my clutch and caught up with her in the hallway at the top of the stairs.

  “Hey! I’m not bossy! I’m just-“ She turned around and grinned at me.

  “Bossy! Don’t deny it. Remember, you’re not a liar either.” She laughed her way all the way down the staircase while I stood there realizing that she was right. I WAS bossy! Goodness gracias! Maybe while I’m looking for a shrink for Grayson I should see about talking to someone myself. Ugh!


  I wasn’t surprised at all when the limo pulled up to The Plaza. It’s always seemed to be our favorite hangout any chance that we got to actually have some fun when Caleb was in town and especially when we were with Cash and Olivia since it was here where they met for the first time. They usually have a live band that plays really good music and Caleb and I love to drink and dance so it always works out. I noticed on the way here that Josie and Mattie seemed quite uncomfortable and kept giving each other awkward glances in the limo and it got me to thinking at possibly playing match maker. I can’t believe that I hadn’t thought of it before now since Josie showed up and it would be perfect and who knows. Maybe they’ll fall madly in love and it’ll just reinforce my idea of Mattie moving here even quicker. Hopefully my plans will work out. I must have been smiling too hard because Caleb nudged me and whispered into my ear.

  “Oh no. I know that look Cru. What are you up to?” I looked over at him and gave him my most innocent face which had him laughing out loud. Everyone looked at him wanting in on the joke but he grinned and shook his head and whispered in my ear again. “Ha! Now I know that you’re up to something. What is it?” He noticed the direction of my line of sight and he looked over at Mattie and Josie and looked back at me. “Please don’t tell me you’re thinking what I think you’re thinking.” Well crap! He knows me well enough to know what I’m thinking and why does he think it’s not a good idea?! He got out of the car and leaned an arm in to help me get out and I reached up and whispered into his ear.

  “What? Why? I think it’s a marvelous idea and would kill 2 birds with 1 stone.” He gritted his teeth as we waited for Mattie and Josie to get out and whispered into my ear again. I kind of like this way of talking to him because every time he gets close to my neck it sends shivers down my spine.

  “Maybe, just maybe Sweetheart, the 2 birds don’t want to be killed with that stone you plan on hitting them with. Let them be Cru. There are reasons that Josie moved all the way out here and men or shall I say A MAN was a big reason so let it go.” I looked up at him and nodded and silently agreed with him but I could still try to at least get them to dance together. Maybe!

  “Are you two coming in or what?” I looked over and Cash was patiently waiting for us to go in so that we could all sit down.

  “Geez Cash! We were having a moment." I winked at him to let him know that I was just playing and he smiled.

  As soon as we walked into the bar and found our table that had been reserved I tried to get Mattie and Josie seated next to each other but that plan didn't work. Josie somehow finagled herself between Olivia and I and Mattie ended up between Caleb and Cash. Oh well. Maybe I can talk Mattie into asking her to dance. Olivia couldn't seem to sit still in her seat and I could tell that it was bothering Josie a little.

  "O? Do you need to go to the bathroom or what? You seem a bit antsy." She looked at me beaming and waved a waiter over to our table.

  "I'm starving!" The waiter leaned down to ask what she needed. "Yes, I'm sorry and I know that we just got here and haven't ordered our drinks yet but could you please get started on my order. I want an order of fried pickles and an order of your chili cheese fries please." I giggled because Carmen had cooked us a huge meal before we left and now with her raging pregnancy hormones the cravings have started.

  "Yes ma'am. I'll put the order in now and I'll be back in a few minutes for your drink orders." She nodded and smiled at him and looked over at me because I was staring her down with the biggest grin on my face.

  "Hey! Leave me alone. I'm eating for 2! At least I PRAY it's just 1 and not 2. Omg Claud! I don't know what I'm going to do if it's twins again." She let out a sigh and glared at Cash and then looked at me. "Frickin Kingstons' and their super sperm!" I couldn't help big giggle.

  "Haha... Shouldn't you be blaming Amelia? Ya know... The Cassidy side and NOT the Kingston side? Haha."

h same difference. Cassidy or Kingston it's still in their gene pool." She glared into my eyes and I was beginning to get scared at what she was about to say. "I hope you end up with twins your first pregnancy Claud because it would serve you right."

  "Well hopefully since Caleb looks more like Gid he took after the Kingston side of the family." Caleb and Cash both got their height from their dad and deep blue eyes from their mother. Where Caleb is blonde like his father, Cash has jet black hair like Amelia.

  "Ahem... Yeah. The girl whose lap is NOT a table for you two to lean on is finally going to get in on the conversation." Oh crap! We have been leaning over Josie to talk but she's the one that sat between us. She looked over at me with a smirk on her face. "We do have twins on the Kingston side so it looks like you two girls are... Double whammied? Screwed? You might wanna rethink birth control while you can Claudia." She looked over at Olivia and back to me giggling. "Before it's too late like it is for Olivia here. Haha." I laughed so loud that all of the guys looked over in our direction. Caleb leaned over and grabbed my hand and put it in his lap.

  "What are you laughing at? It's great to hear you laugh baby." I smiled at him and Olivia answered vehemently.

  "Oh they're just picking on me. Hasn't anyone ever told you ladies to never pick on a pregnant woman?" I busted up laughing again when I saw Cash put his arm around her and gave her a tender kiss on her cheek.

  "Better watch it Cash or those 'babies' might multiply into 3!" I looked over at Caleb. "I think I'm gonna rethink the whole making babies with you Nerd Boy. At least for a while, I do not want a set of twins right off the bat with you. Oh my God!"

  "Hey... Twins would be cool right Cash? I already have the perfect names for a set of twins if we have a boy and a girl." Oh lord! If I know him the names will be from a Star Wars movie.

  "Caleb? Yes... The twins have been a blessing but you have no idea what you're asking for brother. You have to buy double everything and spend extra time getting both of them to sleep and if one of them wakes up screaming the other one will wake up screaming." Uh oh... Olivia is getting upset again and I can tell that Cash is gonna get it.

  "Cash? Our babies are good babies. They're not that bad and they both have really sweet personalities and other than Hank having a huge appetite and I feel like I should have super glued him to my body we have been truly blessed with them. I couldn't imagine my life without them and I... I..." Tears... We have tears at the table and we are supposed to be having fun tonight. I looked at Cash to make him do something fast.

  "Liv honey, I'm sorry. I know it sounds like I don't love the children and I'm not thankful for our blessings but that's not true. If we have twins this time oh well. It'll just make my heart expand even bigger than it already has with my love for you and our MANY children." His answer seemed to appease her and she grinned and nuzzled his neck.

  "Good answer Cash. All we need is her getting all hormonal and putting a damper on our night out." If looks could kill I'd be dead with the stare Olivia gave me. I put my hands up to call a truce. "Truce! No more pregnancy jokes."

  "Ha! You better stop it or you'll end up getting pregnant and I can't wait to give you hell about it either!"

  The waiter showed up just in time to get our drink order. The last thing I wanted to talk about was my impending pregnancy that always seems to be the focus of conversation lately. The band started playing and I turned to Caleb arching my brow to see if he's ready to dance and he shakes his head.

  "Not yet baby. Let me get my drink first okay?" I gave him a pouty look and he still wouldn't budge. I looked over at Mattie who seemed rather bored and looked at Caleb.

  "Do you care if I dance with Mattie? He looks really bored." He leaned up and kissed me possessively and whispered into my ear.

  "Sure. As long you remember that you're mine Cruella!" As if I could EVER forget.

  "Ha! After that kiss who could forget Nerd Boy. Wanna go home because you just left me wanting more." I dared him with one look to take me up on the offer but he shook his head.

  "Nah. Let's try to have some fun tonight baby." He leaned down and whispered into my ear again. "I have the rest of my life to possess you and remind you that you're mine." The look he gave me sent chills down my spine and made my face flush as I stood up and gave him a tender kiss.

  "I'm taking you up on that baby, especially when we get home." He grinned and nodded at me as I walked around the table to Mattie and extended my hand. He looked at me wondering what I was up to.

  "Care to dance handsome? Caleb is sitting this one out." He looked over at Caleb and he nodded his consent.

  "I'll be watching where your hands go Mr. Jackson. Pretend she's your sister, haha!" Mattie grinned and grabbed my hand and led me out to the dance floor.

  There was an awkward moment because he was trying to figure out where to place his hands so I pulled him towards me and put his hands around my waist while I put my mine around his neck and started swaying to the music.

  "He didn't say you couldn't touch me at all dork." I looked towards the table and all eyes were on us as Caleb was cracking up laughing at Mattie's awkwardness. When he realized that Caleb was messing with him he relaxed.

  "He could probably kick my ass ya know." He pushed me away from him and twirled me around and pulled me back towards him. "So, what are you up to Claudia? I can tell that you want to talk to me about something so spit it out." I had a shocked look on my face and he scrunched his face at me letting me know that he didn't believe my little farce of only wanting to dance.

  "You looked like you were bored so when Caleb said that he wasn't ready to dance, you were my next choice." He pushed me away from him again and twirled me around a couple of times but never let go of my hand. "Hmmm. You're a pretty good dancer. Why don’t you ask Josie to dance?" His body jerked at the mention of her name and his dark obsidian eyes drilled holes into mine.

  "And there it is." The song was over and he started to walk away but I grabbed his hand as soon as the band started playing a slower song. I put my arms around his neck and waited for him to put his arms around my waist. He finally relented and we started swaying to the beat of the music. I looked over at the table to see if anyone noticed our exchange but Caleb had them all laughing about something so I exhaled the breath I was holding.

  "Wow! I wasn't expecting to get that response from you. I kind of pegged you to be a gentleman. I guess I was wrong about that." He looked over at the table and shook his head when he looked back at me.

  "That's not it Claudia. I knew coming out tonight with all of you that Josie and I were the odd ones out and it would be implied that we would probably hang out while the four of you did your 'thing'." He made the quote signal with his hands.

  "Our thing? What thing? I didn't realize the four of us had a 'thing' as you call it." He rolled his eyes at me and laughed.

  "You are kidding right? The banter between the four of you is... Well it's... It's amazing to watch to be honest. You all have this connection and the chemistry between the four of you makes me.... Well... It makes me jealous if you want to know the truth."

  "Why do we make you feel jealous? What is it about us that seems to be so special? We just love and care about each other and have known each other forever. Well O not quite as long with the guys but she and I go back forever." He seemed sad before he answered me.

  "I miss having friends like that. Thomas and Jane were it for me. Yeah I go out occasionally for drinks with clients and coworkers now and then but they don't know anything about my personal life." I tend to forget how lonely he is and now we've moved Grayson away from him.

  "I'm sorry. I should have known that you were thinking about them. I didn't mean to upset you and I was only trying to get everyone to have fun tonight."

  He looked over at the table and I followed his gaze and saw that Josie was sitting there quietly taking everything in and would laugh at the appropriate time but then seem a little withdrawn. He looked into my eyes and his face has
already softened. "I feel sorry for her a little. At least I have somewhat of a life to go back to when I leave but she's stuck here with all of you." His words offended me a little and I didn't let him get away with it.

  "Stuck here with all of us? You make it sound like we are going to exclude her from our fictitious clique that you seem to think we have. Have we not made you feel welcome while you've been here?" He must have realized that he had offended me because he threw his head back and laughed.

  "Don't take offense to what I said Claudia. Of course you all have made me feel welcome. The past couple of days have been the happiest I've had in a very long time and I know that Grayson will thrive with all of you. What I was getting at is that I see pain in her eyes and I think she’s hiding something and I don’t think I’m the guy for her." I looked away knowing full well that he knew my intentions all along. "That is what you were trying to do right? Try to get Josie and me into this perfect little relationship so that I'd move out here to be with her and join your big family?"

  I looked over at the table and I realized that he was right. Josie seemed fine on the outside but you could tell that she really didn't want to be here and seemed to be rather uncomfortable. Maybe she is hiding something from everyone and evidently Caleb was right in thinking my idea was a bad one. Maybe the four of us have this dynamic about us that makes newcomers feel unwelcome. I guess Olivia and I should plan a girls’ night or girls’ day out with Josie to make her feel welcome. Especially after the way the guys gave her such a hard time when she showed up.

  "You seem to be speechless Claudia. I must say I never thought that would ever happen and it lets me know that I was right. You were trying to play little Miss Matchmaker tonight." I looked at him and rolled my eyes which had him laughing again. "If it makes you feel better she's really not my type." This shocked me because Josie is a very beautiful woman and I've already seen her turn a few heads when she walked in.


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