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Destiny's Call

Page 3

by E. Markus Sharp

  “Gods help us all.” He whimpered like a child. He was a Cavalier of Zury but right now all he felt was that he was a coward. No one could ask him to sacrifice himself like that, no one. He could still hear their screams in the night. By now the whole city was under the Humanoids control and it looked like no one escaped from there. Maybe the guard tried to contain the horde inside the city and stopped the regular citizens from leaving. It made sense once the gates were opened the guards would never get them closed again. They doomed the population to rape and slavery to hold back the humanoids that overran them anyways- hopeless.

  He needed to hurry before they sent patrols out to secure the perimeter and collect the surrounding citizenry.

  As soon as night fell he could hear patrol groups spreading out into the country side. These humanoids were organized well. An invading army might have taken all night to secure the city before venturing into the countryside but they were already sending patrols. What happened to make these humanoids so different? Rein wanted to know and didn’t want to know. Then he heard hooves behind him he turned and drew Barant’s sword preparing for the worst.

  The hooves came closer and closer and Rein pictured mounted Orcs coming to claim him. Then the horse came over the rise and it was Lucky! He didn’t even question it he just got on the horse and rode east as fast as he could. This was the first good thing to happen all day.

  “Thank the Gods!” He shouted as he rode off.

  “Thank the Gods!”


  Chapter 2

  It seems to me that when I get to bed at a decent hour the city wakes me back up. The rain had been steady on the rooftop inviting me to a slumber which even the most stubborn of Dwarves would turn in early.

  “Can we say Dwarves still Jordis?” I asked my assistant and he looked up from his work pulling off small wool pieces from his coat.

  “Um yes sir but they prefer we call them Mountain People.” Jordis replied looking over his scraggly woolen jacket.

  “Mountain People, what is this world coming to?” I asked him and he smiled.

  “A kinder, gentler world sir?” Jordis said making me sick to my toes. I slapped him just for good measure, kinder, gentler world indeed.

  “Tell that to the guy we’re going to see.” I told him knowing Jordis would understand since our victim was quite dead and killed very unkindly.

  “Sorry sir you’re right.” He said shielding himself from other blows as if they were to rain down. One slap was all I needed. The carriage stopped with the rain now a slow drizzle I was Ok with the stoppage since my umbrella had seen better days. Jordis and I stepped out at the livery and made our way through the mud to the broken opened doors. The huge wooden things waved and slid across the ground in the wind.

  “Secure those things!” I barked at the city guard assembled at the entrance. Both men ran to secure his prospective door as Jordis and I walked into the stable. The place was a mess. Two guards met us at the door and bowed.

  “My Lord Banyan, you’re going to want to see this right away.” The guard in charge told me pointing to a boding in the stable’s center.

  “Scared Ms. Cover right out of her stockings sir.” The other guard told me. I’m Lord Oliver Banyan head investigator Lightbringer city. My official title would only bore you.

  “Well let’s see.” I ordered and the guards lead me closer and when I saw the skin pigment I drew my sword and my breath out of instinct.

  “It’s very dead sir.” the other officer pointed out and I put my weapon away.

  “What in the name of the Gods is that doing here?” I asked myself getting closer.

  “He was killing horses.” The other guard told me and I frowned at him. I didn’t chastise him because I did ask for it.

  “Yes.” was all I said to the guard.

  “Jordis be a good lad and run to the other stables and check to see if there were similar attacks.” I told my assistant as I knelt in the muddy hay.

  “Killed by a horse you say?” I asked and the other smiled.

  “Yeah Lord Fervor’s war horse did the deed. Do you want us to arrest him?” the other guard asked snickering.

  “No I want you to give him a metal.” I told the dim guard who looked confused.

  “I don’t have that kinda authority my Lord.” The other told me. Back to business and that didn’t have anything to do with the dull wit.

  “dark elves in the city…” I said rolling the body on its back. The war horse did his worst to this dark elf stomped in the side of his head nicely. I looked over the body but he was only carrying two blacker than night swords and that was it. Oh he had his armor and cloths he wasn’t naked but he was a raider so anything else he owned was somewhere else. Not even a house symbol which was odd.

  “dark elves raiding the surface and killing horses.” If the other stables were attacked it could only mean one thing.

  “I need a ranger called in immediately.” I told the guards and one ran off to summon Raldo Mineth the city tracker.

  I didn’t have to wait long and Jordis and Raldo were standing before me.

  “Well Jordis?” I asked already knowing the answer.

  “It’s as you suspected sir. The other stables were hit they even tried for the royal stables but only managed to get themselves killed.” Jordis told me.

  “Have the bodies brought to the north garrison for examination.” I ordered and Jordis nodded.

  “What of their possessions?” Jordis asked.

  “No use there all their items will be dust by morning.” I told him. Damned dark elves items couldn't handle the sunlight.

  “This won’t.” Jordis produced a iron key. It looked familiar and it was stamped with the royal seal.

  “Do we know what this opens?” I asked and Jordis smiled.

  “Took it off the dark elves at the royal stables. I tried it on the inner gate to the palace and it opened it up.” Jordis said knowing this was very important information.

  “This is worse than I feared. We need to speak to the king Jordis.” I told my clever assistant.

  “Raldo can you track back to this one’s hole?” I asked and he nodded.

  “Good because after we wake up the King we will need harder evidence than just a key and a few dead dark elves.” I told them and they nodded.

  “I believe we are on the verge of being invaded by the dark elves and they have help from the inside.” I told the two while holding up the key and they inhaled fearfully.

  “Now get going.” I ordered Raldo who jumped to it.

  “Jordis my friend these are dark days if the dark elves are returning.” I told my assistant and he frowned at the prospects.

  “Let’s go wake our King.” I said starting towards the palace.


  Regina got excited seeing the walls and towers of Lightbringer the city of Light. It had been ages since she had been there and since she was drummed out of the Inventorium. Now that she was back and wiser they would regret kicking her out and probably reinstate her immediately. Even Lila looked hopeful and she left a great job and a good life for Regina. She never thought of it that way. Lila left her life for her…

  Regina started feeling guilty.

  “Lila…” Regina started.

  “Regina I’m so glad to be here with you. I was so bored in the temple. Thanks for taking me with you.” Lila said and Regina felt better right away. Lila did that to her. It turned her on but she couldn’t tell if Lila wanted her too so she kept it to herself. Better that way.

  We all have work to do when we get in the city so let’s concentrate on that and then we’ll look for a place to stay after. This is our day let’s seize it.” Lila ordered and Regina felt it. It was their day!

  Regina sat in her old tutor’s office. She didn’t much like Edwinshire he was demanding and made you pay him wither you wanted to or not. He should not be in charge of the largest Inventorium in the south but he was. He never knew when to mix business with pleasure. Regi
na lost her innocence to him because he demanded payment from her for his tutoring. He taught her much but some things she never wanted to know about from him. He looked her over and her skin crawled.

  The Inventorium was a gathering of Gnomes a think tank if you will. But it's also a place to show off gnomish ingenuity and crafts. The made rides for the kids and inventions to delight for a price. A circus of steam power and geared toys presented by skilled gnomes worldwide and at the center piece of every one was the giant warrior-bot. Each Inventorium had one but none had been able to prefect it's most simple function- walking. The huge metal monstrosities could only move a step or two and then they would fall. Only one gnome got his bot to take three steps but it fell on him and killed him thus was never reproduced.

  “This is an informal interview I just want to gauge your skill level since you left. The first question, describe your current project and then show me a schematic of the work.” Ed told Regina and she started to describe her crossbow and Ed put up a hand.

  “Enough we at the Inventorium do not work on machines of war without authorization. Describe another project you are currently working on.” Ed told her and she sighed.

  “I’ve been working on a sonic tool that will replace the screwdriver, wench, hammer, lock pick, welding torch and nail puller.” Regina told Ed and he perked up.

  “Let’s see the schematics.” Ed asked and Regina opened her journal to the pages. Ed studied them with great interest and then asked the questions.

  “What’s its power source? Do you have a working prototype? How does it do all those things with sound?” He asked curious.

  “I haven’t found a compatible power source yet, I have a prototype but it’s still in the initial stages of development and it works by using a sonic wave at high or low frequencies to manipulate the object.” Regina told Ed who obviously wanted more.

  “That’s very vague. How do you make the wave?” Ed asked.

  “The tool works on the theories of Harmonic resonance.” Regina answered and Ed laughed.

  “How does it do that?” Ed asked looking a bit put on.

  “Here’s the formulas and here’s the tool schematics. It will work if I can find a power source that will fix here and produce the energies needed. I haven’t found one yet.” Regina told Ed pointing out the specific information from the Book to Ed. She knew it was above his head, heck it was above her head but if she found a power source it would work.

  “Dues are fifty silver a month, eighty if you want a place to sleep here in the Inventorium. You will be required to work with the group on such projects as the walking guardian, the hen hatchery, and the alternate gas lighter than air balloon. Your projects will sell only at my approval and a work space will be provided for them. If we sell your projects you will receive a ten percent gratuity for the item. Do you understand?” Ed laid down the terms to Regina and she nodded. Ed pulled out a contract outlining everything they just went over and Regina perused it and found nothing extra to worry about. Regina signed the paper work and Ed smiled at her wickedly.

  “You will need to come up with something simple that the kids will like to attract customers I expect that item soon. In the mean time if you want my approval on any item you ever make good or bad I expect we resume our relationship where we left off.” Ed suggested making Regina ill.

  “Where we left off?” Regina asked and Ed nodded.

  “Exactly where we left off.” Ed ordered.

  “As you wish.” Regina replied pulling out her daggers.

  “I believe the last time I saw you I told you that I’d kill you.” Regina told Ed leaping forward onto the table between them. Ed screamed like a child and fell to the floor rolling under the table. Regina dropped to the ground and stalked Ed.

  “No need for this…” Ed started and Regina chased him around the table striking out when he was close enough. Regina opened up the back of his jacket but didn’t harm Ed. Ed screamed again.

  “I’m sure we can come to some other arrangement!” Ed yelled as the daggers cut at his clothing.

  “Can’t we reconcile?” Ed asked as Regina cut the rest of his jacket off. Ed was good at running and Regina was just getting started.

  “What sort of arrangement?” Regina asked cutting away his shirt.

  “Anything! Please? Stop!” Ed begged as Regina cut his trousers to ribbons still not hurting him. Ed was now left with his boots and boxers. Ed fell to his knees and pleaded with Regina. Fist closed together and shaking, Ed begged Regina not to die.

  “You will approve any of my projects to be used by the Inventorium but they are solely my property!” Regina started and Ed seemed to shake off the fear a bit.

  “Wait! No! the Inventorium gets seventy percent ownership.” Ed corrected and Regina cut Ed in the right arm. Ed screamed and cried and begged then said.

  “Ok, Ok, deal!” Ed surrendered the first condition.

  “Two I want full male like membership.” Regina told the man on his knees.

  “Deal!” Ed said still whimpering.

  “Three I want it in writing now.” Regina concluded and Ed looked pole axed.

  “You win just promise to go get me some clothing after the signing.” Ed negotiated.

  “Of course Ed anything for you.” Regina told him putting away her daggers. Ed sat at the table and made the amendments to the contract and signed it handing her a copy. She read it over and smiled.

  “Thank you Ed I admire your business savvy.” Regina told Ed who perked up and even smiled.

  “A pleasure doing business with you Regina and welcome home.” Ed told her sounding sincere.

  “I’ll be right back with your clothing. Don’t go anywhere.” Regina told Ed as she left the office.

  ‘Everything will be different this time.’ Regina thought to herself as she left.

  “I’m no one’s victim this time around.” She said to herself as the door shut behind her.


  Corin sat in meditation sounding his small bell like chime every minute. The sound resonated through him as he felt the Oneness. For fleeting moments he was everyone and no one as the chime sounded. The Oneness was a force of nature that couldn’t be seen and could only be touched for a mere moment. If one touched it longer there was a chance of losing one’s self in the din of all living things. Corin was a master at touching the Oneness but even he knew his limitations.

  He was a monk of Thurderan the God of balance. He was everywhere and at the Monastery of Gond devoted to Thurderan. Gond was on the western side of the Midlands on the border of the Midlands and the eastern realms. Once the empire spanned the entire continent of Thana named after the Goddess of Creation and Gond was at its center. Now the empire was shattered and Gond was an independent city, the only independent city. Gond was known as the City of Knowledge and Learning. Its collages were sought after by the best and the brightest in their fields. Standing at the top of Gond’s climbing city streets was the monastery the jewel in the crown of civilized man as it had been described.

  Corin was a bit of an oddity to the monastery which just embodied the balance even more in his eyes. He was a High Elf the former nobility of the elves before the breaking away. The High Elves ruled the Elfin kingdoms for a millennia before the breaking away. The focus of their power came from the Lantern of Thana. The lantern was given to the High Elves by Thana after she defeated Relmat the goddess of destruction. After the lantern was linked to the High elves they no longer died per say. Their spirit was drawn into the lantern where it resided. The spirits could then be contacted after death making a connection to the afterlife and the High Elves never lost the elf or his or her knowledge. The High Elves were able to draw out any knowledge they needed just by contacting the spirit of the dead elf. That was a long time ago before the Witch-King. In his shattering of the empire he cursed the Lantern and gave it to the former empress of the elves. The Witch-King rode onto the city of the elves and turned their beloved empress into a Banshee. The Empress
of the dead then turned all the spirits inside the lantern into undead under the Witch-King’s control. Now the High Elves are cursed and when they die they are drawn to the Lantern and the Empress then turns them into undead. The ancient city is now called Wake and it’s far into enemy territory.

  Corin and all the other High Elves are destined to be drawn to the Empress at the moment of their death and become the Witch-King’s undead servants.

  This led to the breaking away. The Gold elves didn’t want their pure blood to be tainted by the cursed elves and they took up arms against their brothers and killed as many of the High Elves as they could before they were pushed out of the Elfin kingdoms. Before the Gold elves were routed they took a seed from Eva the elves’ Millennium tree. They then found a new home in a younger forest to the east of the Elfin kingdoms and planted it calling it Iva. No one but the pure bloods have seen the inner forest and lived. The Gold Elves protect their purity by killing everyone not of the blood who dares to enter their forest.

  The Moon elves and the Wild elves then took up the ruling classes of the Elfin Kingdoms and the High Elves lost their places among their own. For every High Elf is destined to become an undead servant of the Witch-King.

  Corin could feel the lantern each time he has touched the Oneness. He can feel its call in the air sometimes while he lied in bed just before he falls asleep. Every High Elf must live with the certainty of the lantern’s call. It’s as inevitable as death itself.

  The Witch-King reveled in turning the champions of the empire and the advantages of each race against them. He had done this throughout his reign of terror. He still does this today when he is active. Corin was glad it had been a long while since the Witch-King was active.


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