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Destiny's Call

Page 12

by E. Markus Sharp

  “Thank you my lords.” The man said.

  “I'm in your debt.” He told them and Marshal smiled wide.

  “No need to thank us we were just doing what was right.” Rein told the man.

  “Now back to your post.” Rein ordered the man who ran off.

  “You know he possibly doesn't have a posting he's militia.” Marshal reminded Rein. Who smiled as wide as Marshal.

  “Yeah but now he's unlikely to abandon the city. He might even join up with another group instead of running away. It's called command I'll teach you someday.” Rein informed Marshal who frowned at that. How did he know what a militia man was going to do? Nobles could be a pain sometimes.

  “Command you say? I'll keep it in mind.” Marshal told the nobleman. Trevor was behind the noble mocking him now and Marshal thought he deserved it.

  “Can we go?” Lila asked and everyone snapped out of their witty horse boo. Marshal stood a little taller and led the way.

  “This way gentlemen, ladies.” Marshal intoned. He decided to lead them towards the center of the city. Everyone had to go that way right? The rest followed so at least they were all on the same page.


  Tessa woke up tied down on a wooden floor. The place smelled of alcohol. She couldn't move because someone's foot was on her neck. The room was cold and she could hear the sounds of torture going on. She tried to turn her head and the foot moved to her head and pinned it looking at the common room. A voice from above her spoke as she started to focus on the common room scene.

  “Well my lovely it's about time you woke up I was beginning to think you never would. What do you think of my relaxation room? Nice hmmm?” The person with his foot on her head asked.

  The common room was something out of a nightmare. The tables had all been broken up and made into x shaped racks and several villagers were hanging from them being tortured! Tessa scanned the room for Lorena and found her nailed to a rack in the center. She was in pain and naked! No one was torturing her at the moment and Tessa wondered what she had missed. There were five other racks with people on them who were being tortured. The first was what looked like the innkeeper he was being bitten by three vampires! Where did they come from? Tessa could only wonder. One was a pretty barmaid she was being ravaged by two orcs! The man was in league with the enemy! The third was a male guard who was being cut up by three gnolls and the pieces were stacked up on a platter sitting in front of several men who were enjoying eating the parts and pieces, cannibals! The fourth woman looked like she was the cook for this Inn and a woman was using a spell called burning hands to hurt her. She seemed happy to be burning up the screaming lady. Tessa was getting sick at the scene. The fifth rack held a built warrior tied and nailed to the rack like poor Lorena. He had two men cutting him up. The man swore and threatened but the other two didn't even acknowledge his words. They were just slicing here and there with no pattern or plan. They laughed whimsically as they hurt the man.

  “Stop this!” Tessa shouted and the man took his foot off of her head and grabbed her and picked her up! His face was close to her and he growled at her in a way that stopped her from taking any action.

  “None of these worms matter! They are sheep among the wolves! Only you and Lorena matter here! You are the Avatars! The avatars have the potential to destroy my lord and ruin my plans. The rest aren't worth the souls they've been given! We stand at a crossroads little one me and you. If you give up your quest and surrender to me I'll let you live your life out in peace and harmony. If you don't I'll just throw you in a cell and have you tortured until you die and are replaced.” He babbled at her and she only half understood what he was saying. He wanted her to surrender to him.

  “Never!” she exclaimed spitting in his face as she shouted.

  “I was hoping you would say that.” The man almost whispered.

  “I noticed your friend Lorena was High Elf.” He said carrying Tessa to the rack she was on.

  “No.” Tessa said knowing where this was going.

  “OH yes Tessa. Lorena's life is in your hands. You can live with her in leisure or you can watch her die right now,” The man offered her the choice.

  “No.” She said pitifully. She was helpless what was she to do? Condemn her friend to the curse lantern in the center of Wake? The lantern that pulled all High Elves to their fate. The man made a quick move and stabbed Lorena in the throat! Blood spilled out and covered Tessa as she screamed! Lorena choked and struggled for breath but it was too late she fell limp and died right in front of Tessa. The closest person to Tessa her blood sister was dead! Tessa screamed to the heavens. This wasn't right they were to face this danger together. They were supposed to win...Then she was seeing through someone eyes and not her own. She was looking down on the inn from the rafters. It was Pauline! Tessa took control of the bird and began casting through her. A small ball of fire fell from the rafters to the ground of the inn and exploded. Everyone around Tessa was caught in the blast. The flames ignited the vampires and turned them to ash, the flames torched the cannibals in the middle of their meal, the flames disintegrated the Gnolls and the other man before they could scream the flames engulfed the woman while she burned the coOk and the flames burned the face off the man who started it all. The man Tessa wanted dead. The flames seemed not to touch Tessa and freed her from her bonds. The man ran out of the Inn still on fire as Tessa got to her feet. She chased him into the street and cast her mini-bolts spell. The bolts followed the man to a hole in the ground and stuck him as he dove in. Tessa stood there before the Inn as it burned to the ground. She had lost her near sister and there seemed to be a shift in fortune. She fell to her knees. She was lost. She wept there in the roadway for some time before she realized she wasn't alone.


  Marshal turned the corner and found a Moon Elf kneeling in the center of a crossroads crying outside a burning Inn. The elven maid was in rags and was covered in ash but looked unhurt. Her ears weren't long enough so she had to be a half elf. Rein yelled out and rushed to her side.

  “Tessa! Are you Ok? Where's Lorena?” Rein asked the elf and she jumped into his arms and wept on his shoulder. Marshal thought that it couldn't be that much comfort since he was armored. Rein picked her up and carried her to the porch of a closed shop across the street.

  “We can't stay here.” Lila said and Tessa nodded and wiped herself with her sleeve.

  “I need components if I'm to help.” Tessa told the others and Roderick laughed.

  “Well you're at the right place then.” He said pointing to the sign above the door. It read 'Mia's magics.'

  “I'll get us in.” Roderick volunteered. He worked at the door for a moment and Marshal swore he heard a click and Roderick opened the door.

  “Would you look at that the door was unlocked. I guess need out weighed greed.” He said chuckling. The group entered the shop and Marshal felt they were stealing but before he could express it Roderick pulled out a platinum bar stamped one thousand and dropped it into the pay drawer.

  “Don't worry I'm paying.” He told everyone and there was a sigh of relief from the group. Marshal wondered where Roderick got the bar from but there was no time to argue. Roderick started bringing out things to wear and things he told Tessa to hold on to and Marshal couldn't keep up. But in the end Tessa was dressed and looked the part. A mage through and through.

  “Now let's go push the enemy out of the city.” Roderick said and everyone nodded in agreement.


  Lorena heard the call she had no choice it was where she must go. No one could resist the call of the lantern it was her destiny. She had to be a part of the whole. She was afraid she would be changed and forced to serve the Witch-King she was scared she would lose herself. She was floating to the old city. It was called Wake now but once it was called Kanith Ser, Forest Home. It was home even now. Lorena was home. The lantern had her. The lantern light was beautiful and bright it passed into her and through her. Every high elf knew the
bliss of the lantern. There was a time before the lantern was corrupted where high elves would come to the lantern for guidance and to contact dead ancestors The high elves had found their connection to the dead. Then the dark times came and the lantern was taken by the Witch-King. He found a new use for it. He used it to enslave the high elves after death. Lorena was in the lantern now she wondered how long until the Witch-King would come for her. Lorena saw others in the lantern now they were all around her she was starting to hear and see things the light faded and it was as if her eyes were focusing. She was in a elven city and people were all around her . They greeted her all at once but she understood them all. They were relatives and she knew them all as if she had always been here. They welcomed her and told her she was special. She knew that already. They said she was here too early and she explained the Witch-King's forces had killed her. They seemed overly concerned suddenly. Lorena heard her name being called from all around her. Her ancestors crowded in around her and told her she had to leave the lantern. They told her to let go and they would send her back. The voice's call was almost too much and they told her to picture where her body was. She showed them and suddenly she felt pulled down and far away from the bliss of the lantern. She felt pain again and gasped for air! She sat up in the ruins of the Inn her wounds were gone and she was naked. There was a man standing over her he had a beautiful smile under his handle bar mustache. He helped her up and put a fur cloak around her. Then without a single word he helped her into a awaiting carriage. Once inside the carriage drove off. How was she alive? She looked down at her hands she was unhurt! Her color was returning. This was unbelievable she couldn't be alive.

  “My name is Ba-rel and you my dear are alive. I used this old spell I found recently and stole a cat's nine lives and gave them to you. You’re quite welcome too.” Ba-rel told her with a grin and a bow. He used necromancy on her she suddenly felt cold. She looked him over and found he was a black Consortium mage. The robes never lied she was sitting with a black mage!

  “Why save me black mage?” Lorena inquired and worried at the answer.

  “Because I...I've...Oh just because! Why do I need a reason? I did what I did because I did it! Is that Ok?” Ba-rel asked and Lorena blushed and Shook her head.

  “Thank you.” Lorena offered and Ba-rel smiled.

  “That's better. We're on the way to one of my many homes. Once we're there I will get back your belonging that I can and get you some new clothing. I've already sent someone to fetch your friends. I'm sure they will be happy to see you.” Ba-rel told Lorena.

  “I'm alive then?” Lorena asked.

  “Yep.” Ba-rel told her.

  “Not undead or near-dead or part dead?” Lorena asked.

  “Nope you are very much alive.” Ba-rel told her and she smiled wide.

  “I'm alive.” She said again it sounded wonderful.


  Chapter 8

  Another ball of fire engulfed a hundred sub-humans at the intersection. Marshal followed the mage to the King's camp ahead. There were stacked up bodies and horses dead all over. Many of the sub-human were eating and Marshal fed them the sharp end of his sword. The Sub-humans scattered and Rein killed three who were fleeing and Trevor matched his three. Valas was good to this group today. Rein ran over to a man dressed on silvery plate mail lying in a puddle of his own blood.

  “My Lord I'm too late.” Rein told King Edward.

  “No you’re just on time.” Edward said taking rein's hand.

  “Promise me you will avenge me.” Edward asked Rein.

  “I promise my Lord you will have your vengeance. I will carry it to the ones responsible. I swear.” Rein told the dying king.

  “The Palace is taken and the city is overrun with the enemy. Escape and come back to free Lightbringer when you can. Do not throw away your lives. I order you to leave the battle. Find allies and come back.” The dying king ordered. The king exhaled his last and Rein set him down.

  “I have a place we can go to escape the city.” Roderick told the others but before he could elaborate a young man ran up to them.

  “Are you Tessa?” The boy asked Tessa.

  “Yes.” She answered.

  “Then you must come with me.” the boy said grabbing her arm and pulling her deeper into the city. Marshal shrugged and followed with the rest.

  After several alleyways and one main road they arrived at a fine tailors shop called Silken clips. When they walked in Tessa fell to her knees and almost passed out. There before them dressed in red silken robes was Lorena. She was magnificent to behold. She took everyone's breath away.

  “How?!” Tessa started as she began to cry.

  “How are you living?” Marshal asked as she stood there with a mischievous half smile.

  “I have nine lives.” Lorena said with a wink and Tessa got to her feet and ran to Lorena throwing her arms around her.

  “Thank the gods!” She said through her tears.

  “Don't ever do that again.” Tessa told her friend who seemed very much alive.

  “I hate to break this up but you have to get out of the city.” A black robed man broke in upon entering the room. He was carrying packs of supplies he handed out to the group.

  “Who is this?” Marshal asked as he took two packs one in each hand.

  “He's a friend.” Lorena said looking at him like he just brought her back from the dead.

  “I owe him my life.” Lorena explained and Tessa smiled at the man.

  “Then I owe him too.” Tessa said.

  “I wish we had time for pleasantries however we are on a tight schedule. Follow me to the other room.” The man in the black robe ushered them.

  “This way.” He said as each one passed. Tessa stopped in front of him.

  “I'm Tessa and you are?” She asked. She wasn't going to owe a stranger.

  “My name is Be-rel.” Be-rel told her as she took her hand and led her to the other room.

  The room was a mess all the clothing stock and furniture was pushed up against the wall. In the center of the room was a magic circle written in chalk. Tessa recognized the circle it was a transference circle.

  “Everyone on the circle!” Ba-rel ordered as the doors in the other room were broken down. Everyone followed Ba-rel's instructions as the curtain was ripped open and Orcs started in towards Ba-rel's back.

  “Locum.” Ba-rel said and Tessa felt the world slip by like she had just passed through it and he vision blurred. It looked like an Orc was rushing Be-rel as they slipped. The thing had its battleaxe high for a downward swing then the room, the Orc and Be-rel were gone. Tessa and the rest were standing in the remains of a large house in the middle of a vast plain. Only the floor boards were intact in the old structure the rest was a pile of decayed wood. Tessa blinked and saw an after image of Ba-rel and the Orc.

  “Where are we?” Marshal asked.

  “Looks like the middle of nowhere.” Rein said looking around.

  “We're close to Rolla.” Lorena said pulling out a map with a bunch of red marks and circles on it.

  “What you got there?” Tessa asked.

  “A map Be-rel gave me. We have to go west about to miles.” Lorena answered folding the map up.

  'What's west?” Marshal asked as they started to walk west.

  “Rolla pay attention.” Lorena answered a little annoyed.

  “What are we going there for?” Tessa asked.

  “An artifact we need and after we get it I'll show you a trick Ba-rel taught me.” Lorena promised. Tessa was intrigued now.

  “What are we waiting for then?” Tessa asked pushing forward.

  “We will have to face a garrison of enemy troops stationed there but I know where the artifact is.” Lorena told them.

  “Always saving the best for last.” Trevor said putting a hand on his sword.

  “We won’t have to worry until we start meeting patrols.” Lorena told the plainsman as they continued west in through the field.

“What about Lightbringer?” Regina looking worried.

  “There's nothing we can do for Lightbringer now.” Lorena told the gnome as they continued.

  “We will go to Constopa after this and help them rally to face the enemy.” Lorena added. Constopa was the Protectorate city just north of Lightbringer. The Knights of the Flame resided there and they would march out to face the enemy as soon as word reached them Tessa hoped they made it in time to help.

  “Ok what is this artifact?” Tessa asked wondering what they were risking their lives for.

  “It's the Eye of Detev.” Lorena told Tessa. Tessa had heard of the eye before in fact every Consortium mage knew of the Eye. It was rumored to see all, the past the present and the future. It was the ultimate scrying device. It could be very helpful, very helpful indeed.


  “It's going to rain again.” Zanch complained to the other goblin guarding the gates of Rolla. Thul Zun sent Zanch and his unit special to this muddy, wet town. Zanch was not special but the mission was. Zanch just wished he had been one of the goblins raiding and search and not one of the ones guarding. Bengu slapped him across the mouth so hard it knocked off his helmet.

  “Hey!” Zanch exclaimed as he bent down to get his helmet. Bengu kicked him in his backside knocking him to the ground and into a puddle. Then Bengu grabbed the back of his head and pushed his face in the puddle. Zanch couldn't breathe! He was drowning! He tried to brake free but couldn't. He was going to die in this puddle! Then Bengu let him up and Zanch expelled the water and some bile in the process.

  “I'm tired of hearing you complain. Next time I'll kill ya and eat you. Got it?” Bengu asked the still coughing goblin.

  “Ya you'll kill your pal Zanch.” he answered getting up and looking at himself. He was suddenly cold.

  “Now I'm wet and freezing on top of everything else. Thanks pal.” Zanch added stressing the word pal.


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