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Destiny's Call

Page 16

by E. Markus Sharp

  “Sir one more thing.” Frol added before they parted.

  “Yes?” Thul asked a little irritated.

  “There was a princess of the Moon elves visiting when we took Zury. We found her and brought her straight to you for your leisure. May I present Princess Mali Goldenstar of the Shadow Woods.” Frol told Thul bringing a beautiful elven woman into the cambers in bonds. Thul smiled.

  “Leave us.” Thul ordered and Frol bowed at the door. Thul grabbed up the royal as soon as the door closed. The army would leave a bit late but it was acceptable. Thul had another bride to take to his bed.


  Stiletto made it to the barn and out the back there in the field was a bull. He looked irritated already and Stiletto started throwing rocks at it. He hit a few times enough to get the monster charging the gate. When the bull was about to hit the gate Stiletto opened it! The bull passed by and rushed the orcs by the supply wagons. The farmer saw the bull coming but didn't say anything as the ton of meat hit the Orcs at full speed. The half of the orcs and the wagon were knocked around the wagon was turned over and the orcs were knocked onto the ground. The others came to the scene to find out what was going on to be attacked by the bull as well. Stiletto turned his ring and the ring activated making him invisible. He never was told where the ring came from except that his parents wanted him to have it when he grew up. He didn't know how to use it until just recently when he was nervous at the wedding for his best friend. He turned it and disappeared while standing for the groom. Thomas his best friend and the wedding guests all thought Stiletto had been cursed and he just left the wedding. He had turned invisible during the ceremony why go back? So he left and started traveling right then. He even sold the ring for traveling gold why not right? He never liked the bride anyway.

  The orcs then started to fight the bull and while they were occupied stiletto cut the throats of the five nursing injuries. One was gored by the bull and the others started stabbing the beast in the sides. So Stiletto stabbed two in the back before they could cry out they died. Both times he attacked he turned visible so the orcs were cutting the air where he was as he got three more before the bull fell. Then the others tried to surround him after he had turned invisible again but Stiletto continued to move so they were in the wrong place. Stiletto cut up two more and wasn't able to turn invisible again before they were on him but there were only three now and he showed them his skills dodging their attacks and cutting them over and over. The farmer plunged a pick fork into one orc's back killing him and Stiletto killed the other two with ease. Stiletto had done it somehow he had killed twenty orcs! The farmer was so appreciative he promised him anything he wanted. The farmer had beautiful twin daughters he had hid from the orcs and Stiletto was tempted but just asked the farmer to butcher the bull and for them to feast and to stay the night since it was getting close to dusk. He told the farmer that in the morning he would have to leave because the orcs would send more sooner or later and the farmer agreed to leave in the morning. That night Stiletto visited the twins and they had fierce lovemaking which Stiletto would treasure a lifetime but wouldn't settle down for. After he did the deed he left the girls satisfied and sleeping. He knew no one would believe his story so he never told it leaving it their little secret. Stiletto could be a gentleman even when he wasn't he supposed.

  He continued to Gond hopeful that he could do this hero thing when he had to.


  Morning arrived and Tessa was up before the rest she studied her spells and then started cooking breakfast. It was cold this morning and soon they would be dealing with snow. Tessa noticed the dark elf and the gnome had slept together in the same bed roll. The thought made Tessa a little warmer. Lorena just sniffed at them with her haughty side showing. After that she ignored them probably for the best. Bea played with her jacks while she waited for the other to get up. Sometimes Tessa wished Bea was smarter but this wasn't one of those times. Tessa smiled as the woman acted like a girl but wasn't either.

  Tessa got Regina up first to deflect any awkward moments. Tessa wondered how the gnome and the elf connected but she dismissed it as none of her business. Before too long, everyone was up complaining about today's climb. The climb was sheer and it led to a snow covered trail. Maybe the trail led to the giants but no one knew. They just had to push on. After Corin and Gabe gave instructions for this dangerous climb they started. Every inch was work after yesterday Tessa's muscles were hurting and she had constant pain this climb. She was not used to this. Her foot slipped and she lost her grip! The rope stopped her from falling and Corin pulled her back up.

  “Remember carefully and slowly.” Corin told her and she repeated the words.

  The climb continued and Tessa found small rests not enough and by the time she hit the top she was exhausted. She laid at the top breathing heavily.

  “It least your done I have six more times to do this with the rest.” Corin told her half complaining. Tessa just waved. She had dismissed Bea no reason to make the girl suffer though this. She would call her back later when the climbing was done. Pauline landed on Tessa's chest.

  “No wings for you.” She said to Tessa and Tessa laughed.

  “Yep, no wings for me.” Tessa told Pauline as she reached up and scratched the bird in her favorite place. Tessa loved her familiars. Others of the Consortium looked at them as tools and nothing more but Tessa saw their true value. They were more than just tools they were her friends. Maybe that was naive like they had described her in the past but so be it. Tessa loved her friends in magic both Bea and Pauline. Lila was next up and Gabe was giving her shit for almost falling down into the chasm at the last minute. Lila sat next to Tessa and she sat up. Lila looked a little freaked. Tessa put an arm around her and Lila began crying on her shoulder.

  “OH what’s this?” Tessa asked as the woman continued.

  “I'm afraid of heights but I can't give up I have to prove I can handle this but I'm so scared.” Lila poured out as she wept.

  “Oh it's Ok we're all afraid of something. I'll help you through this. You already made the first step. You faced your fears. Come on and relax it's over for now. You can rest.” Tessa told her stroking her hair. Tessa being attracted to woman was having a hard time with this as the beautiful woman looked up into her eyes. Tessa was just a person after all with her own flaws. Tessa moved forward and kissed Lila and the woman kissed back. Maybe it was the thin air or that Tessa had held her at a moment of weakness Tessa wasn't sure. All she did know was this beautiful person was kissing her back. The kiss lasted a very long time and when it ended the group was there sitting next to them!

  “Now that was a kiss.” Roderick told them sitting across from them. The whole group was sitting in a circle and had watched them this whole time. Tessa and Lila both turned red with embarrassment.

  “Let's break and then we can start up the trail.” Corin said ignoring the whole situation. The rest of the group agreed and Tessa pulled out some rations and handed them out. The other put on their cloaks and Tessa did the same it was going to get very cold from this point on. Tessa didn't get to say anything to Lila about the whole situation but there would be time when they camped. Lorena looked a bit confused but she and Tessa had talked and Lorena wanted a man and Tessa respected that maybe Lorena didn't know what she wanted or she worried Tessa would grow apart from her. Of course there was no way Tessa would abandon her blood sister. They had cut their fingers and mixed their blood like Moon elf adults when they bonded as blood brothers and sisters. Tessa would never break that bond.

  “Alright rest time is over let's get a move on.” Gabe shouted breaking up the moment.


  Stiletto rode away from the farm with fond memories of the farmer's daughters and a small bit of food and the farmer's finest horse. He was sure he left the daughters something to remember him by as well. He smiled at that. He imagined two little Stilettos running around that farm and he felt content. He believed it was the real reward of his heroics
. He did save them after all and even saved them before the orcs could deflower them first. They wanted it and he gave it to them just like a hero. There was a strange looking hill up ahead. He had never seen anything like it and the birds were circling it. He spurred the horse to get to it quicker and what he saw shocked him for a moment. A huge black dragon was laying on the side of the road. Stiletto shooed the birds and dismounted. He made his way over to the monster and listened for breathing. He could hear it still pulling in air. He walked to the front of the breast. It looked at him with sad eyes.

  “I'm dying. The mirror made me to be temporary and my time is finished, There was so much I dreamed of doing before my end and now it seems I'm going to die without fulfilling any of my dreams.” The dragon told him with a woman's voice.

  “My name is Stil...Joseph. I won't let you die. We all should have the chance to live their dreams.” Stiletto told the lady dragon. He looked around and found what he was looking for.

  “Don't go anywhere.” He told the lady dragon. He ran to the farmer by the fence who was fixing his wagon.

  “Old man, I need your help.” Stiletto started.

  “Youngsters these days, no manners. In my day we treated old people with respect.” The old man started until Stiletto jingled his money purse.

  “What can I do for you young man?” The Old guy smiled at the purse.

  “Go get your friends and as many tools as you can muster.” Stiletto ordered and the old man took the horse and left. Stiletto went back and stroked the lady dragon's nose until the farmers arrived.

  “Ok guys we're going to build a conveyance for this dragon and I'm taking her to the church for healing. Are you with me?” Stiletto asked jingling his money purse and the men got to work. While Stiletto told the lady dragon stories, mostly tall tales of his heroism. In the end with the help of the farmers a huge wagon was made and the old guys rigged up a tree as a pulley system lifting the massive creature. The wagon was then put underneath the dragon and she was lowered on to the wagon. It took twenty horses to pull but Stiletto bought them all, he had a good year. Then he paid the men the rest of his gold and started on his way. Before long on the road Stiletto was being followed by the curious and the children. When they asked how he slayed the beast he told them he was trying to save it not kill it. The town’s folk asked him if he knew that a black dragon was evil and he told them, 'Evil would be doing nothing.'

  When he arrived at the gates the guards asked the same questions and he told them the same answers. But they kept him at the gate.

  “You're not bringing in that thing. You need to turn this thing around and leave.” The head guard ordered.

  “But you must let me in. I'm on a mission of mercy. Isn't this the city of enlightenment?” Stiletto pressed and the guards readied their bows and swords.

  “Wait now! You can't deny me this! This gentle being is dying! You must render aid!” Stiletto shouted and the guards gave him stern looks.

  “I can't be denied at the very gates of hope you have to allow me access.” Stiletto appealed. Then there was a commotion from inside the gates. Stiletto couldn't hear the conversation but the gates opened and a man approached him.

  “Enter the city kind sir. I will take you to the church. You are a rare one trusting this black dragon and very brave. No one will stand in your way by order of Prince Valtaene the heir to the Ivory Throne of Gond.” He proclaimed and Stiletto got the horses moving. The wagon groaned with the weight of the dragon but Stiletto felt it would make to the church. The commoners who followed along were cheering the whole way. Stiletto just thought about it and if the black dragon was truly evil they would all be cursing him by nightfall.

  “What's your name my friend?” Valtaene asked sitting closely next to him.

  “My name’s Joseph your majesty.” He replied as the prince put a hand on his thigh, to steady himself no doubt.

  “Well Joseph I invite you to stay with me after all this is taken care of as my guest. What do you say?” The prince asked getting closer. Stiletto imagined staying in the royal palace as the prince's guest?

  “That's an excellent idea my prince.” Stiletto answered and if the prince wanted Stiletto like he was starting to gather then all the better. Stiletto wouldn't mind the distraction Valtaene was offering. He was a diverse person after all.

  The wagon arrived at the church of Plotus god of knowledge and healing. The high priest was waiting at the entry doors at the bottom of the steps.

  “This man has shown great courage and mercy to this creature. He could've turned his back on this possible agent of evil but instead he decided to try to help this poor suffering creature instead. The gods smile on such generosity and I will now use the power given to me by Plotus to heal this suffering and restore the dragon's failing health.” The man of the gods told the crowd.

  He placed his hands on the creature and began casting his voice rose as his spell went on. The dragon began to glow from tail to snout. As he asked his god for the healing power he needed to bring the dragon back from death's door. Stiletto was awed by the magic prayer and when the priest stopped the dragon stood up on its own and looked around.

  “Praise Plotus.” The high priest said and the crowd cheered.

  “Thank you for your healing I will never forget it.” The black dragon said changing form and becoming a tall beautiful woman with black hair and black scaled armor.

  “Thank you Joseph you saved me when you could've let me die and become food for the birds. You are my hero. My name is Teamon and I'm at your service. I owe you that much.” Teamon told Stiletto and the crowd went wild with cheers for Stiletto.

  “You're my hero too Joseph.” Valtaene told Stiletto and the three left the church as the wagon was being pulled apart and Stiletto's horses were being stabled. Stiletto arranged for the horses to be sold so he could have some money to travel with. Teamon promised Stiletto money from her dragon's hoard and Stiletto felt like today he made a difference. He was a hero to Gond and he was going to stay in the palace and he was a hero to a huge black dragon.

  “Let's retire to my rooms for the day shall we? You must be exhausted.” Valtaene suggested and the dragon agreed and so did Stiletto. When they arrived the Prince put Teamon to bed and she fell right to sleep.

  “Healing exhaustion it will pass until then she needs her sleep.” Valtaene told Stiletto.

  “As for you and I- I think we can go to my apartments and I'll show you how grateful Gond is.” Valtaene suggested and Stiletto smiled.

  “Lead the way.” Stiletto replied to the invitation and why not? He knew what he was getting into.

  When they arrived Valtaene reached out and pulled Stiletto to him. Their kiss was long and deep. Stiletto planned to enjoy every minute of this unexpected affair.

  Stiletto entered Valtaene's apartments and didn't leave them for several hours.

  He still needed to convince Gond to march out to Lightbringer's defense but he needed allies anyway and what better ally than the heir to the throne?


  The trail was grueling even for Marshal. He hated when the trail became more like a small ledge and he would have to balance at the mountain's edge. No giant used this trail he was sure. Today was worse they were in the midst of a snow storm and looking around all you could see was white. Every step was a risk but they had to keep going. Every once in a while Marshal got the feeling he was being watched and he would see a shadow on another mountain. He was sure they were being shadowed but who in their right minds would follow? It was days since they started and they were lost the whole thing seemed a waste of their efforts!

  “Up here a cave!” Tessa shouted over the noise of the raging wind. Shelter would be nice. The group entered and the storm seemed behind them. The cave went back farther and seemed to get warmer as they walked then they stepped out into a warm field of wild flowers! Butterflies glided before Marshal's eyes and the harsh weather was gone.

  “Magic.” Marshal blurted out.
br />   “Giant magic.” Lorena said pointing to two huge men walking their way. They must be fifteen feet tall.

  “Hill giants.” Regina said with a little distaste. Hill giants had a bad reputation. The hill giants fought the gnomes for possession of an ancient gnomish city a decade ago. The hill giants still reside there.

  “Remember why we're here.” Lila reminded them as the hill giants stopped in their way. They were wearing furs and carried clubs and were dirty from head to toes. Their unkempt hair reminded Marshal of a young version of himself before his mother put him in his place.

  “You go no farther.” the first one said slowly.

  “You leave.” the other said just as slow.

  “We need to speak to your council it's very important.” Lila spoke up and they looked down at her with strange interest.

  “You bring your woes with you?” The first hill giant said in a little shock.

  “You risk your woes to the giants? You are bad men. What if they die who will carry the little ones?” The other asked trying to shame them in some way.

  “Are woes woman?” Lila asked and the giants stepped back.

  “You let them talk!” they seemed upset about this.

  “You no better than air giants.” The other said and both nodded.

  “They bad they let woes talk and fight.” the first said and the women started crossing their arms. Marshal knew what that meant.

  “Ok big guys could you tell one of the others we're here? It's important we speak to them.

  “We not big guys. I'm Ran and this is Cul and we big warrior guards for the giant place.” the first, err Ran said.

  “We big in charge.” Cul told them.

  “Ok well can you go and get someone to talk to is you're being rude.” Marshal asked.

  “This one uses big words to confu us.” Cul said.

  “What big words? Morons?!” Regina shouted at them.

  “Little nomer wants to fight.” Ran said changing to a fighting stance of sorts.


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