Outerplanetary Sensations
Page 8
"I'm worried about being in control with the image of you in that garter belt and stockings. It is driving me crazy!” He licked his lips. “I want to make love to you with them on."
Sorsha laughed and Kade spun her gently. “Well, I might have to think that one over since you were so reluctant at giving me what I wanted in the shower."
Kade smirked and bit his lip. “If my memory serves me right then I think I did give you want you wanted."
"Yes, but with some reluctance."
Kade chuckled and twirled around again. “You know what I want? I want you with nothing but those stockings and belt on, bent over the back of the sofa, or better yet, have you on the arm of the sofa."
"Umm.” She moaned. “I got one even better. How about if I lean back on the sofa and you're down on your knees."
"Damn,” Kade hissed. “You're getting me so hard."
Sorsha got real close to him and rubbed as much of her body against him as she could get away with doing in the restaurant. “I have fantasized about having sex in places after I heard it could be done once by some women at a party I went to.” She spoke in a lower voice so only he would hear her as they danced. “I heard them talk in hushed voices about going into rooms like the janitor's room or a pantry.” She licked her lips, looking him in the eyes. “I always wondered what the excitement would feel like having sex in a bathroom stall in a public place.” She rubbed his chest. “They say it's a great thrill."
"Don't tease me.” Kade groaned.
"I want that,” she whispered. “And I want you out of control.” She grinned when he looked down at her. Sorsha saw raw sexual need rising and was determined to push him over. “I want you to be slightly rough and rip my panties off and take me hard. I want to be pushed against the wall and have to cover my mouth to stifle my screams."
Kade only looked at her. He stopped moving to the music, his eyes seemed to darken, and Sorsha knew she was getting her point across.
"So you want to go play?” She tried to ask sweetly and wasn't sure if it worked or not. “Or should I just forget that one and go back to the table and talk to Zane.” Sorsha licked her lips and glanced over her shoulder at Zane. “He does look lonely."
Kade answered that question by grabbing hold of her hand and taking her to the back of the restaurant. Sorsha had to jog to keep up with him and almost collided into his back when he stopped suddenly in front of the restrooms.
"Pick one.” She started to shake with the way his voice sounded. Kade's voice quickly changed from his joking and sweetness to sounding on edge.
Sorsha licked her lips and pointed. “G ... girls."
"Check it out then,” he told her.
Sorsha walked into the bathroom and looked around. As she checked out each stall, her heart pounded, and the excitement began to blend with her sudden fear. Sorsha didn't mind it though. She loved the excitement that raced in her veins and how her hands shook when she pushed the stall doors open to make sure they were alone.
She walked into the last stall, the biggest one, and jumped when she heard the opening and closing door. Sorsha was quick in rushing into the last stall and closing the door, but not locking it. She started to breathe harder and faster when she heard the faint click of a lock.
Sorsha pushed herself up against the sidewall and waited. She knew it was Kade in the bathroom and with each loud step he took as well as each door he pushed open, she not only jumped but her body came alive.
Slowly he walked down to her, pushing each door open, and with each passing second, Sorsha's body throbbed more. He walked slowly, and Sorsha knew it was to draw it all out for her and build the excitement. By the time he stopped at the stall she was in, she thought she was going to pass out from breathing so hard.
The steps stopped in front of the door, and Sorsha held her breath. Her heart was pounding so hard she was sure it could be heard all throughout the bathroom. She bit her lip as the door was pushed open, and Kade came into view.
He looked huge standing in the doorway, and the heated look that he gave had her body quickly throbbing for his touch. Quickly, her pussy became wet, and her nipples hardened and felt sensitive behind her lace bra.
"Still want to play, baby?” he asked, taking two steps inside and closing the door, sliding the lock in place.
Sorsha looked him up and down and slowly raised her skirt, showing him the top straps of her garter belt. “What do you think?"
His hands gripped his belt, pulling and tugging until it hung limp on the sides. Sorsha couldn't take her eyes from those hands, and her mouth watered at what was slowly coming into her view with the pull then the slow slide of his zipper.
"I think...” He leaned into her, rubbing his body against hers and she went to work at taking his cock from his slacks. He sucked in his breath when she took a hold of it, stroking it slowly. “That this is going to be a short ride."
Sorsha gasped when he picked her up by the back of her legs, her dress was yanked up and in a blink of an eye, her panties were ripped off.
There wasn't much to foreplay, but she didn't need it. Her pussy was wet and ready. He pushed her hands away from his cock. The head touched her slit, and in a flash, she was embedded to the hilt on his cock.
Kade was so deep inside her that Sorsha could feel each and every throbbing pulse from the shaft. He stretched her to the max, and she loved every bit of it.
"God, you feel good.” She sighed, closing her eyes and wrapping her arms around his neck.
"Just wait,” he whispered in her ear. “It's about to get so much better."
Kade adjusted her in his arms so that her legs dangled from under his arms; it also gave him better control. Once he had her the way he wanted her, he slowly started to slide her up and down on his hardness.
"This what you want?” he asked, keeping his voice lowered and his thrust steady. “This how you wanted your fantasy?"
Sorsha shook her head no. “Faster.” She groaned, moving her hips closer. “Harder."
Kade chuckled. “Whatever you want, Mala."
He picked up the speed, and it wasn't long before he was slamming into her, banging Sorsha up against the metal wall. Both were grunting and panting as their bodies became one.
"Kade.” Sorsha panted, her nails digging into his shoulders. “Shit, I'm going ... I'm going..."
Kade managed to cover her mouth with his hand right before she screamed. He grunted at the feel of her portal contracting around him, but he didn't slow down or stop. Just kept pounding into her, the sound of thin metal bouncing the only sound in the stall.
"I'm close, Mala,” he whispered in her ear. “Damn, I'm so close."
Sorsha shook his hand from her mouth and kissed him. He moaned when her tongue went inside his mouth. The second she sucked it hard, Kade climaxed. He kissed her hard as he slammed once more into her sweet flesh.
"Oh, God.” Sorsha chuckled. She was trying really hard to catch her breath. “Now that was so worth the fantasy."
Kade groaned and rested his forehead on her shoulder. He was exhausted and too sensitive to move from the heaven he discovered with his bride.
"Your pleasure is worth it, Mala,” he whispered. I love to give you pleasure.” He kissed her lightly. “And wherever you want to reach that pleasure, I'm more than willing.” He grinned before kissing her once more. “I'm very much in love with you."
Sorsha opened her mouth to say something, but stopped when someone knocked on the bathroom door. Kade laughed when she pushed him away and quickly worked at putting herself back together.
"You're not afraid of getting caught now?” He grinned with one eyebrow raised. “Are you?"
Sorsha blushed and opened the stall door, peeking out before she walked out. “Kade!"
Kade took hold of her by the hips and brought her back to his body. He met her eyes in the mirror. “How about we do it in front of a mirror the next time?"
"I have a key!"
They both turned when the bathroom doo
r was unlocked and opened. Kade smiled and took Sorsha's hand. “Hello. I guess we got locked in.” He tugged her hand and walked past the small group that gathered around to see why the bathroom was locked. “Excuse us."
Sorsha had her other hand over her face and a smile across her lips. “Oh, my God!” she whispered. “Get me out of here!"
* * * *
"So that is the husband.” Preston sat in the back of the hover, looking out the window at Kade and Sorsha rushing out of the restaurant and right into a waiting car.
"And he is just as bad as the father,” said the detective he'd hired, sitting across the seat. “So far, she hasn't been out of his sight."
Preston snorted. “Those freaks never let the girl out of their sight.” He rolled up the window and sat back in the seat. “But I think I can come up with something to get her away from him.” He gave the man a big evil smile.
Preston waited in the hover a few minutes before he ordered his driver to follow them as the plan hatched in his head. Planet Paradise was where the taxi stopped. Sorsha Mya came out of the taxi smiling and took the hand of the seven-foot tall alien. Together they walked up to the front door holding hands, and the whole time Preston kept thinking that he needed to come up with something to bring that fucker down hard.
"We are going to need more men,” Preston said, taking his phone from his pocket. “And a shuttle to take us to Mars."
[Back to Table of Contents]
Chapter Eleven
It was one in the morning, and Sorsha lay on top of Kade with a thin sheet draped over her rear, kissing his chest. He placed his hands together behind his head, and spread his legs wide. Just the way she wanted.
"So what's your house look like?” Sorsha asked, placing her elbows on his stomach with her chin resting on top of her hands.
Kade took a deep breath. “Oh.” He let it out with a grin. “Small. Nothing as big as what Jovan has."
"How many rooms?"
Kade frowned and he acted like he was thinking about it. Sorsha giggled. Since coming back to their room after the wild sex in the bathroom, they'd showered together and were now just relaxing in the bed talking. It was nice, Sorsha thought. It had been a long time since anyone just hung out and talked to her.
"Three,” Kade answered.
Sorsha giggled and jabbed him on the side. “I want to know more."
"You will, once I take you home.” He reached down and touched her hair. “And you can do whatever you want to it."
Sorsha smiled and crawled up on his body, straddling his hips. “Be careful what you say now. I could have terrible taste."
Kade came up on his hands with a grin. “Naw, I don't believe it."
"And why not?"
He fingered his hand into her hair, holding her at the back of her head to bring her closer for a kiss. “Because you're with me.” He kissed her again. “And that tells me you have great taste."
Sorsha snorted and pushed him back down on the bed. “So...” She never got to finish what she was about to say because someone banged on their door.
Sorsha grabbed the sheet and brought it up to her chest, which happened to be the best idea since the door was kicked open, and five men rushed in. She screamed as they yanked her away from Kade. They hit him hard with something, she couldn't see what exactly, but did hear it make contact.
"Kade!” Sorsha screamed.
"Don't kill him now.” Another man walked into the room. A big black man in a suit. He looked like he was in control over everything and everyone in the room. “He has to take the message."
Sorsha watched helplessly as the men beat Kade before her eyes. “Stop! Stop it!” she screamed. “Please.” She began to cry. “What do you want?"
The black man held his hand up, and the beating stopped. He turned in her direction, and his cold eyes looked her up and down. “What I want is for your father to uphold the bargain we made."
Sorsha frowned and held onto the sheet tighter. “Wh ... what are you talking about?"
"Boss, he's out."
The black man quickly turned back to Kade and knelt down in front of him. Fresh tears fell down her face when Sorsha got a good look at her husband. His beautiful face was cut and bleeding. He even looked as though his nose might be broken.
The men that came into their room sprung on them so fast that he didn't have a chance to defend himself. The iron hands on her arms let her loose long enough to rush to Kade. Just like the guy said, he was out cold and bleeding badly from the beating they'd given him.
"Kade, oh, God, Kade,” Sorsha whispered, picking up his head and holding onto the sheet at the same time. “Please wake up."
"Time for you to get dressed, Ms. Mya,” the black man said, standing in front of her. “I would hate for you to shock the guests."
Sorsha looked up at him and shook. The man before her looked cruel, but she had no idea who he was or what he wanted. “Who are you?"
He smiled, his white teeth bright against his dark skin. “Get dressed. Then all your questions will be answered.” He cocked his head to one side. His cold eyes roamed over her body. “Please."
"What about him?” she asked.
"Gentlemen, please put the alien on the bed,” he said. “After all, I don't want him to die."
Sorsha stayed on the floor as the men picked up Kade's unconscious body and dumped him on the bed. With as much dignity as she could manage, she stood up and went to the bathroom to dress. When she glanced over her shoulder, she saw the man in charged toss an envelope on Kade's chest.
"He will stay alive as long as you are good,” he said, causing Sorsha to jump. “Now get moving. My time is money."
Sorsha was pushed into the bathroom, but the door wasn't completely closed. She dressed, holding the sheet up for as long as she could, knowing that the men were watching. As soon as she came out, she was taken by the arm and escorted out of the room. She glanced once more at Kade before the door closed.
"Now, I'm going to suggest only once that you act like the lady I know your father has raised you to be,” the black man said to her. “Don't make a scene, and your freak will live. Give me shit, and I'll kill him myself."
She said nothing. Sorsha put her head down and stayed quiet as they went down in the lift to the first floor. When she looked up however, she saw Zane leaning against the counter joking with someone. Her heart soared, but she didn't make any sudden moves or act like she knew him. She gave him what she hoped was a desperate expression so he would go up to their room.
Zane seemed to get the hint and nodded, pushing away from the counter as she was taken outside to a waiting hover.
* * * *
Zane quickly made his way to the lift and went up to the floor where Kade was staying. Everything was quiet when he got off, and even though he probably should be following Sorsha, his gut told him Kade needed help. Besides, Zane knew who Sorsha was with and had no doubt about finding her later.
With caution, Zane walked up to their suite door and put his ear against it to listen in case there were more of those men in there waiting. He knocked, but not one sound came from the other side of the door. Slowly he took hold of the knob and turned, a little shocked that it was unlocked.
"Kade?” Zane pushed the door open and braced for an attack. He wasn't braced for what he saw in the room. “Son of a bitch!” Zane rushed to Kade, who looked like he was about to fall out of the bed any second. “What the hell happened?"
Zane got him back on the bed and covered his nakedness with the sheet. He checked Kade out, looking for anything that might be broken and grimaced when he discovered that his nose was most definitely broken.
"Okay, buddy, you're not going to like this,” Zane said. “And you can punch me later."
Zane placed his hand on Kade's nose and taking one deep breath and steeling himself, he twisted and pulled until he set the bones once more. Kade yelled and woke up from the pain, which had Zane sighing in relief.
"Don't move, man,” Zane to
ld him, and Kade answered with a nod.
Zane quickly rushed to the bathroom and came back with towels, washcloths and some warm water. He sat back down on the edge of the bed, placed the stuff on the nightstand and turned Kade's face to look at the wounds as best as he could with his face so covered with blood.
"You are a mess,” Zane hissed.
"Sorsha?” Kade groaned, trying to sit up.
"Hey, now!” Zane took hold of him by his shoulders and eased him back down on the bed. “You're not going anywhere this second. And in case you need me to remind you the hard way, your nose was broken and I just set it.” Zane gave him a short smile. “She's okay. I saw her in the lobby, and she kind of gave me the impression that I needed to come up and check on your sorry ass.” He snorted. “Good thing I did."
Zane picked up a washcloth and wet it then pressed it against Kade's eye.
"Is she okay?” Kade asked, his voice sounded strained and was hoarse from his beating.
"As far as I could see, yes.” Zane frowned when he pulled the cloth away. “You're going to need some stitches here. Where's the first aid kit?"
"Think there's one under the bathroom counter,” Kade answered.
"Okay. You hold this right here and don't move.” Zane went back into the bathroom and looked under the counter. He pulled out a box, opened it and swore under his breath. “There isn't anything in there to close that cut."
"Try my bag.” Kade groaned again. “I always carry stuff."
Zane dropped the box on the bed and went for Kade's bag on the floor. He dug around and came out with a small zippered bag that had a personal first aid kit. All of them carried one since working on a grape farm tended to give you a few nasty cuts. Everything Zane needed was in there.
"My hero!” Zane smiled, sitting back down on the bed.
"We need to call Jovan.” Kade said.
Zane shook his head. “Not this time. Nichelle has the gravid mark again, and she is freaking out. Apparently the Dia isn't working as well as it should. So him, we keep out of this.” Zane gave Kade a tooth-filled smile. “Don't know about you, but I like to keep my nuts intact, and if we bring Jovan into this shit, Nichelle is going to have both of ours."