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Outerplanetary Sensations

Page 11

by Jaden Sinclair

  "I'm not leaving,” Sorsha stated, crossing her own arms over her chest and giving Zane a sweet smile. “So spill it, angel eyes."

  One of Zane's eyebrows went up. “Angel eyes?” He looked at Kade, who tossed his arms up in the air and shrugged his shoulders.

  "Yeah, you have very pretty eyes.” Sorsha giggled. “So give. What do you have cooking in that brain of yours?"

  Zane licked his lips, crossed his arms over his shoulders. “I'm going to Mars to get Kalisha.” Sorsha smiled. “And then I'm going to take her to Jupiter."

  And the smile was gone. “Why?"

  "Because she is my Galisha,” Zane answered.

  Sorsha frowned and looked to Kade.

  "It's the old term for, bride or soul mate, Mala,” Kade answered. “When Zane got to the substation and got close to her and the men holding her, he discovered that she is the one for him."

  "No shit!” Sorsha said softly.

  "No shit.” Zane smiled. “And I'm taking her to Jupiter in order to keep her safe. I've already gotten the permission necessary from the state to join with her."

  "But why Jupiter?” Sorsha asked. She didn't understand why he had to take her so far away and wondered when she was going to see Kalisha again. “I don't understand."

  "She knows stuff.” Kade sighed. “If she has the names or has seen them then she is a danger to their society."

  "Honey, the Deity is based on secrecy,” Noah put in. “This girl is a threat to that, and even if her father is a member, the others are going to want her silenced."

  Sorsha thought for a few seconds, and in that short amount to time, she was filled with fear. “Oh, God,” she whispered. “Her father has beaten her before.” Sorsha looked from Kade to Zane. “You have to get her out of there. She helped me. Now we have to help her!"

  Zane nodded and picked his bag back up. “I intend to. And if that son of a bitch touches her, he better hope like hell the law gets hold of him before I do. No one will hurt my Galisha."

  * * * *

  Kalisha Sedgwick was dragged into her father's home back on Mars. She fought the iron grips as they took her up the stairs and back to the room that she had christened years ago as the torture room.

  She struggled and dragged her feet as much as she could in order to not go back into that room. Her gut told her that if she ended up in there again she wouldn't be walking out. Stan Sedgwick hadn't been a very forgiving man when she was younger, and being around Preston Bernard had only increased his cruel side.

  "Get your fucking hands off of me!” Kalisha yelled, struggling with everything she had as they got closer to the bedroom.

  The door opened, and she came face to face with her father. He was standing next to a sexual restraint cross bar that Kalisha had only seen once. Her father had strapped her down on her stomach to the damn thing and beat the shit out of her after he found out she wasn't a virgin. To this day, she still didn't know what had happened to the boy, and she was sure she didn't want to know.

  Sedgwick was still in his business suit and slowly took his jacket off, tossing it to the side. “Welcome back, honey.” He smiled.

  "Go to hell!” she hissed back.

  Stan made a tsking sound and shook his head, rolling up his sleeves. “It amazes me how little respect you seem to have for me after spending so much time with your mother. I had hoped she would have taught you better."

  "You leave her out of this.” Again she tried to yank free. “The best thing she ever did was leave you!"

  Stan sighed loudly, linked his fingers together and tossed his head back to look down at her. “Where's the list?"

  "What list?"

  Kalisha put on a good show and acted like she wasn't scared of her father, but deep down she was terrified. She knew what he was capable of, even before he took the strap to her. She saw firsthand the kind of man he was and why her mother refused to be in the same bedroom with him. He was a sick bastard, and Kalisha had a bad feeling he was about to remind her just how sick he could be.

  "We can do this the easy way or the hard way,” Stan said. He talked to her like he would a small child. His voice soft, body relaxed, but his cold brown eyes told a different story. Kalisha knew just by looking in those eyes that even if she told him, her father was going to give her a lesson she wouldn't soon forget.

  "I don't have anything!” she said through gritted teeth."

  Stan nodded and gave a slight shrug. “Okay.” He snapped his fingers, and she was roughly taken to the cross bar.

  She tried like hell to get her arms and legs away and not let them be strapped down, but the guys holding her were just too strong. She cried out once she was strapped down, the helplessness hitting her hard.

  She screamed when her shirt was ripped down her back, exposing the skin to whatever sick thing her father had in store for her. Kalisha started to pant, tears fell from her eyes, and she felt as if she were going to pass out.

  She jumped when Stan touched her bare back and whimpered when he showed her a long leather black whip in his hand.

  "One last chance, Kal.” He spoke softly to her as he brushed her hair out of her face. “Give me back the list, and we don't have to do this."

  "I ... I ... I don't have any list,” she whispered, her body shaking because of the pain that she knew was coming.

  "Okay, baby.” He kissed her cheek and left her line of vision. “You two can go, and close the door on your way out. This is going to be a long night."

  * * * *

  Kade knocked on the bathroom door, worried that something was wrong. Sorsha had been in the bathroom now for ten minutes and he needed to hold her again, to assure himself that she was safe.

  Zane and Jovan had left, and even Noah was called away to deal with business. That left Kade finally alone with Sorsha.

  "Sorsha, you okay?” he asked again.

  The door unlocked and she came out with wet hair and a robe wrapped around her. She seemed tired, and it was understandable after all she'd been through.

  "I was starting to get worried.” Kade sighed. “You hungry?” Sorsha shook her head. “What's wrong?"

  Sorsha took his hand and without talking guided him back down the hallway to her old bedroom. She closed the door and took him over to the bed that Kade was quickly starting to hate. The bed was too short for his tall frame and he'd already made up his mind that if he stayed in this house any more, a new bed was going to have to be put up.

  "Sorsha, you're starting to scare me,” he said. “What's wrong?"

  "I don't know,” she finally answered in a soft whisper. “I've seen something on me, and I don't know what it is."

  Kade got scared all over again. Things started to go through his mind, one being that she caught something on Mars and that he needed to get her back to Pluto ASAP for treatment. Only when she cocked her head to one side, moved her necklace and showed him a small gray patch on her neck did the air rush out of him. The gravid mark. The mark that told him his bride was having his child.

  Kade's hand shook as he reached out and touched it. In all his life, he never thought he would have a Galisha and not only did he have his beloved, but she was going to give him a child very soon.

  Overcome with emotion, Kade pulled Sorsha into his arms and hugged her tightly. “Oh Mala.” Tears came to his eyes, and he did nothing to stop them from falling. “Nothing is wrong. Everything is perfect.” He held her away, holding onto her arms and smiling like a child. “You have the gravid mark. The mark that means you are going to have a child."

  She looked like she was going to pass out, and in fact she did sway on the bed, making Kade reach out to steady her.

  "W ... when?” she asked.

  "Well...” Kade looked at the mark. “Since the mark has started, the Awakening should be in a few days, so...” He tapped his finger on his lips. “Maybe end of the week.” He finished with a shrug. “It probably wouldn't hurt to get back home tomorrow. Once the Awakening starts, you will show and then the bi
rthing isn't too far off. You want to be around many Plutoan friends and family at that time."

  Sorsha touched her stomach. “A baby,” she remarked, sounding stunned and dazed.

  "Yep.” Kade nodded. “And they come fast. So.” He stood up. “How about we go home now."

  Sorsha stood and wrapped her arms around his waist with a smile on her face. “I think that would be a great idea.” She pulled him down, kissing him softly. “Take me home, Mala."

  Kade smiled. “With pleasure, my love.” He kissed her once more. “I love you, Sorsha Tully."

  And I love you, Kade Tully. More than you know."

  The End

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  Solar Seduction, Zane's Story


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  Chapter One

  The shuttle that Zane Dill had hired to take him to Mars lowered slowly to the orange, dusty ground about thirty miles from the home of Senator Stan Sedgwick. Zane stood next to the hatch, waiting to open it and head for his Galisha. His soul mate, or bride as some would call it.

  "Take this with you.” The man he hired tossed him a small black bag with a strap and smirked. “It has a first aid kit in it. Inside info tells me that your boy might have beat her."

  Zane's nose flared in anger. To know that his Galisha might have been beaten and hurting really pissed him off.

  "There's a cream in there good for open wounds,” the pilot went on. “You have the map of the location where I'll be for your ride to Jupiter. Don't be late."

  The hatch slowly opened and lowered to the dusty ground. Zane nodded at the man. “Don't worry. I won't be."

  Zane Dill was a seven-foot, one hundred percent blonde haired Plutoan man. Like all men on Pluto, Zane was a walking brick of muscle—thick thighs and arms, tight washboard abs and shoulders that were wide enough to take on the world. He had a strong face with sharp cheekbones, full lips and green-turquoise eyes that someone had recently called ‘angel eyes'. Before his body had lost its sexual drive, Zane could get any girl he wanted with them.

  The one girl he wanted now was Kalisha Sedgwick.

  Zane left the shuttle and stood still, watching as the ship ascended into the air, the wind blowing locks of blonde hair into his eyes. Unlike his two business partners, Zane kept his hair cut short, just to his shoulders, and feathered back from his face. Being so long without his Galisha, he had sort of given up on the whole sex appeal thing.

  Now he had hope. If it hadn't been for chance being on their side, and Zane helping Kade Tully bring home his wife, he wouldn't be standing on a planet about to make his move to bring home his own bride.

  This location was remote, just as he wanted. Dressed in all black, Zane zipped up his sleeveless jacket and put up the hood to help draw attention away from himself. Mars didn't get many men from Pluto, and he didn't want the senator to know that someone was here. Especially since the man didn't get his law passed like he had hoped.

  Zane started the walk to the house, and with each step he took, his body slowly came back to life. It was strange, but after his senses had picked her up at the substation on Pluto, he felt alive! As soon as she was taken away, he felt like he was going back to sleep. Once a Plutoan man got the scent of his girl being close, he was a rock until they joined. Jovan had been as well as Kade, yet Zane wasn't, and he didn't understand why.

  Thirty miles with his long legs took him a little over an hour. Zane stopped in front of the two-story brick house that belonged to Stan Sedgwick as well as the Deity. His nose wrinkled at the thought of them, a society that wanted nothing more than to take everything Pluto had to give without giving anything back. They wanted to change the law and refuse to let anyone marry an Earth girl, and that pissed him off. But then, every time period had one of their kind, and it hadn't been that long ago when the KKK tried to wipe out all the blacks on Earth.

  Zane knelt, watching the house. Two hovers were parked in the front and no movement inside the house. But he knew they were there. Being this close to her, his body was once again alive, but the connection that he should have with her was limited. Zane frowned, not understanding why it was so. He should be on fire right now, and yet he only felt a small stir in his groin.

  He jumped when he heard a faint scream coming from the house. Zane gritted his teeth. It didn't take a genius to figure out that Kalisha was being either beaten or tortured, and it made him want to kill. He had to fight just to stay put and not rush the house to take someone's head for hurting his Galisha.

  Zane didn't know how long he squatted down waiting, but when a group of men came out of the house, he knew he was at a boiling point. One man stood out to Zane, and he figured that had to be Stan Sedgwick. Her father.

  Zane snarled as he watched the man talk on a cell phone and act like he hadn't just beat his child or whatever it was he was doing up there. The urge to wrap his hands around Sedgwick's throat was strong, but Zane stayed put and waited. If they were leaving then that meant he could get into the house and take his Galisha away.

  His eyes never left those hovers as they pulled away. Zane tracked them until he couldn't see them any longer before he stood up and finished his walk to the house.

  He wasn't surprised that the house was locked, and it only took him one second to use his strength to break the lock and open the door. In his mind, he didn't give a shit if the house burnt down after he had Kalisha, so why should he give a fuck about a locked door.

  Once inside, his senses came to life in full force. Zane closed his eyes and felt every sensation that hit him, enjoying each one. When he opened his eyes, it was like he had tunnel vision and went straight to the stairs and up. He didn't look around the house or try to find information that might help bring these people down. All he did was follow the link to the girl that would make him complete. Kalisha!

  He stopped in front of a door and reached out to touch it. Zane sucked in his breath as heat seemed to come from the door, up his arm and warm his whole body. His cock sprang to life, and desire as well as an emotion he never thought he would ever feel came. Love. The girl behind this closed door was his Galisha, and if he were back in the temple then this would have proven the test as performed.

  Zane tried the knob and wasn't surprised it was locked. Another hard twist and the lock popped off, and the door slowly opened. What he saw broke his heart, and tears came to his eyes.

  On a homemade cross-like stand was his bride. She was strapped down on her belly, the back of her shirt ripped down her back and hanging in strips on her arms. She was unconscious, beaten until her back was covered in bloody stripes.

  "Oh, Mala,” Zane whispered. “What've they done to you?"

  Also by author at

  Interplanetary Passions


  Coming Soon:


  * * *

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