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A Christmas Affair: A Seaside Cove Romance (Seaside Cove Romance Series Book 1)

Page 14

by Davies, Cora

  "I wanted to get warm," she said and pointed to her pile of discarded clothing. "I was kind of freezing."

  "It's been hours since your accident, why didn't we hear from you earlier?" Jack said. He still did not believe she was standing in front of him. Visibly shaken, but alive.

  "It took a little while to hike up here in those shoes. I didn't think to call anyone until after my first shower. I'm sorry, I was so cold, I can't even explain how cold. I could barely think," Molly said.

  "I've been scared out of my mind over you," Jack said, running his hands through his hair, willing his heart to slow down.

  "You got my message Jack?" she asked.

  He crossed the room to her, and put his hands on either side of her face.

  "I did. You can't do that to a man," he said looking into her blue eyes. "You can't offer the world, then take it away a second later."

  "I didn't take it away."

  "No, but in that moment I thought I lost everything."

  She opened her mouth to say something, but he did not let her. He had enough talking. He pressed his mouth against hers taking her in. She tasted like honey and peppermint all in one. He splayed his hands across her back, feeling the smoothness of her skin under his rough calloused fingers. The towel fell from her hair, and Jack dragged his fingers through her tangled wet locks. He kissed her longer and harder than he ever imagined he would be allowed.

  Molly's fingers dug into his back, pulling him closer still, and finally she brought a hand to the towel wrapped around her body. He grabbed her wrist.

  "One step at a time." He let go of her wrist and ran his hands down her hips.

  "You weren't so slow the other day," she teased laughing lightly.

  "The other day I didn't understand what I had.” He nipped at her earlobe. Jack grabbed her soft ass and picked her up, growing hard almost instantly. Something about touching what he could not see was making him quake. For years, he saw Molly, but was not allowed to touch her. Now he could touch her all he wanted.

  She moaned, and he gently bit her bottom lip, pulling it slightly between his teeth before letting go. He felt her tongue slowly travel out of her mouth, and find his tongue. It was the moment hers touched his that he lost the control he had held onto to so tight, for so long. He was going to take her tonight. "For a moment, I thought I'd never feel you against me again."

  Her fingers were on his flannel shirt, undoing the buttons. For once he wished for a zippered jacket and instead of waiting for her, he yanked the flannel off, hearing the sound of buttons pop and fly across the room. She separated her mouth from his to laugh but he could not stop kissing her.

  He began to kiss down the side of her neck, to the base of the towel above her breasts, and back up again. He slid his hands back under her again, and began to tease her by running a finger slowly across her mound.

  "Jack, please," she moaned, and he smiled taking his hand away. "I want you, all of you. Inside me this time."

  He set her down and backed away from her, enjoying the teasing game even though he wanted immediate entrance. She put her hands on either side of his hips, pulling his white shirt out of his jeans and over his head. Her hands began to run over his chest and she leaned over to kiss between his large pecs, before she began to nibble. Jack moaned in pleasure as her hands traveled to the stiffness in his pants. She ran her hand up and down the hard line. "Two can tease."

  He backed away from her to kick off his shoes and take off his jeans. "Only one of us can be a tease."

  He picked her up again and carried her to the bed as her wet her hair spilled upon his chest; the strands sending a shiver up his spine. He dropped her on the bed and laid to the side of her, head propped up on one hand. She reached to loosen her towel again but he stopped her hand. "Not until I say so."

  With one hand he gently grabbed both of her wrists and held them above her head. The other hand he slid underneath the towel and over her stomach; caressing her soft skin up to her chest. Massaging his fingers up and down her body. She shivered in delight.

  "You are a hard girl to save Molly Smith," he said quietly, staring at her face. She opened her eyes partway and looked at him in surprise.

  "I thought you wanted me to be strong and save myself," she whispered.

  He rested his hand on her stomach and stared at her before leaning in for another kiss. "I think I want it a little of both ways," he said. Then without warning he slid his hand down her stomach and entered her with a finger, surprised at how tight she still was. Her body jerked in pleasure and he watched with a smile on his face as her moaning became stronger, her body rocking greater. He slid a second finger inside her. He whispered his worry into her ear. "You are still so tight. I thought messing around all weekend would make it easier for me to fit inside you."

  "Mmmmm," Molly answered. He slid his thumb slowly up to her peak and began to swirl in a counter clockwise motion; tiny tight swirls. He released her hands and finally opened her towel revealing her firm breasts and hard nipples. He pulled himself over her body and began to suck one nipple as he played with the other with his free hand. He began to stroke her faster and faster, and her body quaked as she finally let out a tiny scream, then a long sigh.

  Her thighs jerked for a few seconds longer as he left his fingers inside of her, but stopped all other movement.

  "I want you inside of me," she whispered. He wanted that too, more than anything. But ten years of false guilt on his shoulders made him fear hurting her.

  "I don't want to hurt you," he said kissing her neck as he slowly slid his fingers out of her and began to rub her thigh.

  "Jack," she said with a forcefulness in her voice that surprised him. She laughed. "Don’t treat me like I’ve never done this before."

  "I don't carry condoms around with me," he said as much as it killed him to say it. He wanted nothing more to be inside of her tight body right now. He ached from the thought of it. But he would put it off another day.

  "There's one in my purse," she said, and though he should had felt excitement, he felt a little deflated at the thought of her bringing a condom on her date with Jeremy tonight.

  "Oh," he said not looking at her.

  "It's Rachel's purse," she laughed as she nudged him.

  "Oh! Ew," he said but he sprung to his feet and grabbed the purse. In the bottom he found a few condoms. He ripped the first one open.

  "Let me," she said climbing onto her knees and putting out her hand for the piece of rubber.


  She pulled the condom out of the pouch as Jack slid his boxer briefs off and dropped them onto the floor. She took the thin piece of rubber in one hand, and grabbed Jack in the other. She rolled the condom down until it sheathed his penis, then smiled seductively.

  "I can't wait any longer," she said and he pushed her back on the bed. She yelled out in delight as he climbed over top of her, and again he started to travel her body with kisses. "You don't have to soften me up anymore, I want it." she teased.

  "I can't help it," he whispered against her belly. "I could taste you all day."

  He lifted himself up so he was hovering over top of her, and slowly began to enter. She gasped in delight, and a little bit of pain as she realized his width was larger than she thought it would be. "Are you okay?"

  "Yes, just go slow." She squeezed her eyes shut as she remembered how Jeremy would react when she would ask him to go slow. It was like an invitation for men to move faster, Jeremy would insist. Jeremy's face was suddenly looming in front of her, and she wanted to run.

  "Open your eyes," Jack said and she did finding his face just inches from hers. "As slow as you want. As long as I’ve waited, I can wait as long as you tell me to."

  Jack moved slowly, with more controlled movements than any man Molly had been with. He was so large inside of her that if he had gone any faster, it would have been more pain than pleasure. He was so gentle as he rocked in and out of her, each time pushing himself just a little bit further in
. He continued to caress her breast, moving his hand down from time to time to stroke her thighs and ease her body even more.

  Though he moved slow, there was a pressure inside of her building up again, and when he finally slid his full length inside of her, she cried out with pleasure thrusting her own hips against him. He pulled away from her hips then thrust himself inside more forcefully than he had yet.

  She cried out from the excitement and pleasure he brought her, but he froze.

  "I'm sorry," he said, laying his head against her chest. Still all the way inside her, the pressure making her hips wiggle in ecstasy. "You moaned and I just... oh my god, you feel so good."

  "No, don't apologize," she said taking his face tenderly in her hands. "It feels so good."

  He leaned down and kissed her, as their bodies moved in one fluid movement.

  "I thought I lost you today," he whispered into her ear then pulled away to look at her. He swept the hair off her face. "I wasn't even sure if I had you, and then I lost you. Don't do that to me again."

  "I promise," Molly said then leaned her head back in the pillow and cried out. "Oh my god, please, Jack. Keep doing that."

  She enjoyed the length and now her carnal desire pushed through the surface. She whispered. "Faster."

  He followed her commands. He did as she asked with each thrust. She dug her fingers in the back of his rock hard butt cheeks and pulled him in deeper yet. They moved in unison. Just when Molly thought she could not take another second, she and Jack moved into perfect climax together.

  He fell against her then rolled off pulling her close to his body. "I love you."

  "I love you, too," she said kissing his arm. They laid there in silence for a few minutes, as Molly enjoyed the warmth of Jack's body against her back.

  Molly had almost drifted off to sleep when Jack sat up looming over her with a serious expression. "You were in a pretty serious car accident; we should take you to the hospital to be checked out."

  Molly rolled over on her back, and though the chill from the broken window was now reaching the bedroom, she couldn't help but feel warm and tingly all over at Jack's concern. "You're right. First thing in the morning."

  "Haha, no. Now." He stood up and smacked her butt. She twitched and laughed.

  "I'm pretty sure I'm fine or else I would not have been able to do all that." She sat up leaning on her elbows, but he was already getting dressed. "Fine. I have to cover that window with something first though. Madison probably won't be too happy with me if she gets home to wolves making themselves at home in her cabin."

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  They crawled into Molly's bed the next morning after they returned from a long night at the emergency room. The doctor ordered x-rays of Molly's chest because she was complaining of pain, but he said everything came out clear. Besides a few scratches and bruises, Molly would be fine. The only bruises the doctor found of any concern where finger prints on both Molly's arms. Jack was taken out of the room, while Molly was questioned, then he was allowed to come back in.

  He knew exactly why. The doctor thought Jack had given the bruises to Molly. But from the minute he saw the dark pattern on her arms, he had been biting down a rage. He did not ask Molly about them, and he did not have to. He knew Jeremy had given them to her, and he wondered how far the injuries she had received from him went. He could not help but think of his conversation with Rachel.

  But now lying in bed in the quiet of the morning before the town woke up, he had to know. Jack gently stroked her arms, wishing his hands could act like an eraser. "I am going to kill him. I just thought you should know."

  "Well, don't kill him, you'll go to jail, and I'm pretty sure we agreed not to be apart again." She looked at him with that sweet smile, those blue eyes that pulled him in like a strong tidal pull in the ocean.

  "I knew what he tried to do with you the day he got back into town. When he picked you up for dinner last night, I shouldn't have let you go. I shoulda stopped it right then." Jack looked towards the ceiling, reliving the moment when she had left last night. What had he been thinking, letting her go out with Jeremy?

  Molly pulled away and sat across from him on the bed. "Let me? Jack," she leaned in and kissed him swiftly on the mouth. "I like having a protector, someone to watch over me. But, there is no letting me do one thing or another. In case you haven't noticed, you're my lover not my dad."

  "That's gross," Jack said forcing a smile, but he still had revenge on his mind. "How long has this been going on? How bad has it gotten?"

  "I don't really want to talk about it," Molly said turning away from Jack to fidget with a loose string on the blanket.

  "I'm not a demanding guy Molly. I won't boss you around, and I won't tell you what to do in your life. I'll always support you. And I'll try to remember I can't stop you from going on fake dates with your ex boyfriends." Never again will you want to though. "But I want to go into this, with no lies, no surprises. If I have to build trust after Jeremy broke it, I'll do that. But I need to know what I'm up against."

  "This way he has been acting," she started, and finally turned back to him. He saw the tears shining in her eyes. "Jeremy hasn't always been like this. I don't know what happened, but he's different since he's come home. That day downstairs, I thought... I thought he was going to force himself on me. That was the first time he has been like that, and last night was the final time he lays hands on me. Something is wrong with him, and I told him he needs to see someone, but that is up to him to fix himself now."

  "That's right it was the final time, but it shouldn't have happened at all." Jack sat up, putting his head in his hands. "If I had been there, it wouldn't have gotten that far."

  "What could you have done to stop me from going?" Molly asked wrapping her arms around Jack's bare broad shoulders. "If you had done anything in front of his mother, I never would have talked to you again."

  "I know."

  "You already beat yourself up for something you didn’t do, don't do it for another day." Molly rubbed Jack's shoulders. He loved the way her soft petite hands felt on his skin. "I won't let you do that."

  Jack laughed at the thought of Molly letting him do anything. But, maybe that was how she felt too. After all, he thought turning around to wrap her in an embrace, isn't that why he fell in love with Molly in the first place? She was strong and confident. She was nothing like any of the other women he knew. Back in high school, and now, she was the one.

  "Don't forget, I can defend myself Jack," she murmured into his hard chest. "Last night I kicked him in the balls."

  Jack's shoulders began to shake as he laughed. "Wish I could have seen that. I'm just so angry, if I see him again..."

  "If you see him again, let me know and I'll kick him in the balls again," Molly said seriously and Jack laughed pulling her in closer.

  "Let's sleep," he said as the exhaustion of the past twenty-four hours finally sunk in. They crashed into the bed, a tangle of arms, legs, and sheets. Within seconds they were both asleep.

  Jack woke up a few hours later alone in the bed. He rolled over and looked at the clock- almost time to open the bar. He stretched, feeling all of his muscles pull, then cracked all of his knuckles. Finally, he climbed out of the bed, put on his clothes and headed downstairs, careful to tiptoe as he went.

  "Well, hello there Jack Frost," Rachel whistled. She was at the bottom of the stairs.

  "Are you always here?" Jack did not feel as irritated as normal to see the woman, maybe she was growing on him.

  "She told me you were upstairs, heard you sneaking out. You ain't quiet," she laughed and Jack granted her a smile.

  "Thanks, is she out there?" he pointed to the door that led to the store.

  "No, she had to go with Brian out to the accident. Get a tow. Fill out a report. All that good stuff."

  "Thanks, well, tell her I'll talk to her later. Please." He walked towards the back door, but Rachel put her hand on the doorknob.

  "Just go out
the front." Rachel pointed towards the storeroom door and raised her eyebrows studying Jack. "From what I hear her and Jeremy are over, so unless you've got something to be ashamed about..."

  "Thanks." Jack squared off with the woman for a moment. He realized this was the other person looking out for Molly's best. As long as Jack had known Rachel, she did not like Jeremy. She might actually be alright. Jack gave the woman a bear hug.

  "Alright, alright," Rachel said between laughs. "I know I'm recently single and everything, but you ain't my type."

  "Not on your life," Jack laughed. Then he realized what she said. "Single?"

  "Yeah, life's too short to be waiting on a someday," Rachel said as Jack released the woman. Good for her.

  "You got that right," Jack said then pushed his way through the storeroom door. He had to walk through the front of the store and out onto Main Street, and while the store had been empty, the street was full of tourists and Dickens players. Several of whom recognized Jack.

  "There he is, good job man!" Eli clapped his hand on Jack's back, and Jack gave him the best daggered look. "I don't mean about that up there." Eli laughed as he pointed up towards Molly's apartment window.

  Jack laughed with his friend and headed into his bar. Eli followed right behind him.

  "Look at this Jack," he showed him a piece of paper. For a mechanic, Eli was great at figures and money. Suppose that was why he was the treasurer for the Dickens Council.

  "You're making a killing, an absolute fucking killing this month. Did you pass this Christmas blend onto your brewing partner yet?"

  "Nah, I wasn't sure what he'd think of it. Besides, I'm thinking about staying," Jack said walking up the stairs. Jack knew he could not bear to move away from Molly, not when he just got her back. They would not do the long distance relationship.

  Eli trailed behind, eyes on the clipboard he carried in front of him. "Oh yeah? Well, that'd be nice, for us, but man… You'd really clean up with this blend somewhere they could really push the Christmas stuff. Yeah, Dickens is great, but... Your brewery-"

  Jack stopped at the door to his apartment and turned to face Eli. "I'm not going. Maybe I could look at opening a local brewery if I can find a partner. But I'm staying here."


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