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Page 4

by Ciara Knight

  “Good morning,” I croaked, my mouth so dry, my tongue stuck to the bumpy palate. “Did you sleep?”

  “Yes. You?” His nose slid down my temple and his breath caressed my ear. All night, we’d spooned, his body providing a cocoon of safety, love, and unsatisfied want.

  As I tried to move, my legs stuck to the leather couch. With a smile, I stilled. I craved Ryder, feeling his body against mine, knowing he would always be there for me—loving me, protecting me, never leaving me. If all I could have right now were these few minutes, I’d grab them greedily.

  Ryder tucked loose hair behind my ear. I’d always believed my white-blond hair was the result of my mother’s bleach, but over the past three months, I’d discovered that wasn’t true. In fact, the queen had never used bleach on my hair, just a shampoo that smelled like it.

  “Feel your mind whirlin’. What’re you thinkin’?”

  I rolled onto my side and faced him. He’d cut his hair short to rid it of the silver dye we’d used to mask our appearance from the guards when we’d escaped the Mining Territory. He possessed such a hatred for the priests and priestesses that worshiped my mother, I never mentioned I missed his longer hair—but then I’d cut mine for the same reason.

  Running a finger over his lips, I chuckled. “I was thinking about our first kiss.”

  “The one when I attacked you so the guard thought I possessed you? Or, the one where we’d nearly electrocuted ourselves?”

  I smacked his muscled bicep. “Like it matters. That moment is burned into my soul. It was my first kiss, ever. So, it will always be special.”

  His full lips curled into a smile, showing perfect white teeth. “It will always be special to me, too.” His thumb tipped my head back as his mouth moved over mine. I wanted to protest that I needed to brush my teeth, but one touch of his full lips and I was lost. Every kiss felt like the first, shattering and reforming me.

  I went to deepen the kiss, but he broke free. “Liar.”

  “What?” I asked.

  “You told me you’d been kissed before by some boy back in the Resort Territory,” Ryder accused with a laugh.

  Heat flooded my cheeks. “I had to say that.”


  I huffed. “You were so cocky and full of yourself. I couldn’t let you know that you were my first.”

  Ryder cupped my face. “You were my first, too.”

  I sat up, only to be tugged back down to his side. “Ha. I know that’s not true.”

  “Not the first ever. The first that meant anything to me.” His fingertips traced my cheek. The golden swirls around the dark center of his pupils turned molten. Passion, love, lust, everything in one gaze. “Since the moment I saw you, living and loving you means everything. Before, nothing but killing slags mattered. Then you touched my heart.” He cocked his head and studied me. “That’s something that makes you special. How you touch people’s hearts and give them courage.”

  “Me?” I asked, shocked. It was still difficult for me to see myself the way he or Raeth did. But then they loved me, so I tended to devalue their opinions of how others saw me.

  “Yeah. Got Captain Gordon hangin’ on your every word. You can do no wrong.”

  “What? You’re insane. How about you and Mart? I see how her eyes are always tracking your every movement…except when it’s fixed on your ass.”

  Ryder’s dark eyebrows rose. “Did the princess just curse?”

  “Don’t call me that. You know I hate that title,” I snapped.

  “Then stop turning things around on me.”

  “Why? You know it’s true. Of course, I can’t blame her. You do have the nicest and tightest backside on the ship.”

  Beaming, he stared down at me. “Mart doesn’t matter. Only you do.” He rolled over me then, holding his weight above me, he kissed me deeply. “You’ve got the most beautiful skin on this ship. The softest lips.” His hand caressed my waist as he nuzzled my neck. “And the most incredible body, mind, and heart.”

  His touch ignited my flesh. His scent of earth and freshness surrounded me. My heart slammed against my ribs as if trying to leap from my chest and into his.

  “I love you,” he said, his voice hoarse with want.

  I ran my fingers through his cropped hair and nudged his head to kiss me. “I love you, too. You’re my other half.”

  Without hesitation, he held me tight to him, sweeping me into another world—a place full of love and passion. He nipped at my bottom lip, his teeth raking gently. His tongue nudged my lips apart. Between one breath and the next, his ability merged with mine, a cool desire that dusted my thoughts, blossoming into full bloom.

  Cradling me in his arms, our gifts joined into a sphere of passion, releasing static into the air. It permeated every aspect of me, from the inside to my clothes. A storm of passion and love developed, swirling around us.

  Releasing me, a white mist lingered between our faces. Dimples creased his cheeks as a boyish, playful grin spread. “Mighty nice being able to do that without starting a fire or blowing’ up the ship.”

  “Yes, but why’d you stop?” I nibbled his ear.

  He exhaled deeply and lifted off me. “’Cause I have a surprise for you, and I don’t want you to miss it.”

  “Surprise?” One look at his toned abs a moment before he pulled his shirt down into his unzipped jumpsuit, energized my hope of our staying here all day. “You’re all I need.” Placing my hand at his hip, I skimmed my fingers beneath his shirt and was rewarded with a growl of desire.

  “No. Trust me, you want this one. Besides, it’s chow time, and Gordon’s outside the door, waiting on us.”

  “How do you know?”

  Ryder captured my wrists and kissed each knuckle. “Because he’s slid the door open a couple times.”

  “What?” Heat flooded my entire face. I swung around and faced the door. It was closed. “You’re only teasing me.”

  “No. Don’t worry, he didn’t catch us. He came in before you woke and then just before we…Mighty close call, though.” Standing, he distracted me by reaching down and drawing me to my feet with that crooked smile and manly swagger he’d perfected. “Let’s go.”

  Lacing his fingers through mine, he led me to the entry and opened the door before I could protest.

  Gordon wasn’t waiting for us. Mart was.

  She stood with arms folded over her chest and booted feet crossed at the ankles. Rust-colored dreadlocks draped over the front of her grimy brown, bronze buckle-lined vest.

  Why didn’t she have to wear the ugly jumpsuits? Instead, she looked like a pirate in her tricked-out shirts, dreadlocks, and a dozen or more body piercings. Yet, her snow white skin, pale green eyes, and perfect body turned almost every male head on Freedom.

  Gordon rounded the corner and cast us a practiced glance. “Ryder, Semara. Get in your uniforms, eat some chow, and return to my office.”

  Mart’s eyes widened. “But sir. Ryder needs to—”

  “I don’t care what he has scheduled. This is more important.”

  Mart rounded on Gordon, but seeing his closed expression, she held her tongue. She was hot-headed and rude, but never challenged Gordon. One thing about Mart, she believed in the importance of rank and discipline.

  Gordon brushed passed us and disappeared into his office.

  “I’m not waiting ’round while ye two do whatever all morning.” She flicked her hand at the doorway behind us.

  I wanted to tell her she’d jumped to the wrong conclusion. That, once again, she’d misjudged me, but something inside me snapped. I glided between Mart and Ryder and declared my ownership by planting a long hard kiss on his lips. Easing back, I winked and said, “Thanks for last night.”

  Mart huffed and marched off, mumbling, “She’s bewitched the rebel, and he’s too stupid to realize it.”

  “Didn’t have to do that. Told you there’s nothing to worry about.”

  “If it didn’t matter, why’d she get so mad?”

  Ryder shook his head then grasped my hand. “Come on. It’s time for your surprise...after you’ve changed. Meet me in the galley and don’t be late, or you’ll miss it.” With a wink, he headed down the men’s hall to his quarters.

  “You avoided my question,” I called out.

  “Yep, I did.” He paused and turned as he ran his hand over his short hair. “For the record, just ‘cause she fancies me, don’t mean I think the same.” His eyes narrowed. “And what about how Gordon looks at you? That stings but good, an’ there’s nothing’ I can do but trust you.”

  He was right. I hadn’t considered what he experienced whenever I was alone with Gordon. If he felt like I did about Mart, it did more than sting.

  With a nod, I headed for my room. The quicker I changed and returned, the faster his comfort would return. I smacked the door button and entered the room.

  Raeth’s bed was made and there was no sign of her. I missed her and my other friends who had joined us on the Freedom—Penton, Bendar, and Dred.

  Jerking off my dress, I pulled on my uniform, then jammed my feet into my boots, laced them, and headed toward the galley and Ryder.

  “You ready for your surprise?” Ryder asked.

  “Yes.” As much as I wanted to discuss the first day we boarded the ship, when Ryder had said Mart had an issue with me, now wasn’t the time. I didn’t want to ruin his surprise. To do otherwise would suggest I didn’t trust him, which wasn’t true.

  Fighting with Ryder came easy. We’d been in plenty of disagreements, but this was different. Every time Mart or Gordon’s name came up, he momentarily looked bothered.

  Ryder clasped my hand and we ambled along the gangway toward the mess hall. His heavy black boots echoed mine as we walked.

  “Mighty late.” His brow furrowed when we reached the mess hall, then his face relaxed into a joyous smile. “Ready?”

  “I think so.” I scanned the room, not sure what to expect. A gift box of some sort, maybe? Instead, I spotted a short little man with a rust colored beard hobbling toward me. Behind him sat Penton, the boy who’d risked his own life back in Acadia East to save us, and beside him was Raeth.

  “I managed to pull some strings. We’ll all be together for chow time for the next few days,” Ryder said.

  “Bendar!” I shouted and raced to him. Kneeling, I opened my arms and hugged my oldest friend, the one who’d stood by me since childhood. “I’ve missed you. It’s been weeks. I know the ship’s large, but why couldn’t you find time to see me? And they won’t let me in the engine room so I can see you.”

  “Why not you let in engine room?” Bendar asked.

  “They think I’m some sort of Kantian spy, being a princess and all. They must think I’ll sabotage the ship or report how the ship operates.”

  Penton slid between two metal stools and around a long silver table to embrace me. “That’s ridiculous.”

  Bendar’s hearty, belly deep laugh filled the room. “Come, sit and talk. Much to say, little time.”

  “H-Hi, roomie.” Raeth smiled. Her delicate face lit up as Penton sat by her side. Something was going on between those two. I’d have to ask her about it later.

  Ryder returned with two trays. “Eat.” The way his mouth set in a firm line told me he’d go into his lecture about keeping my strength up if I didn’t comply. I took the cool tray and scooped up some grits with my fork. His jaw relaxed and he sat to my other side, Raeth and Penton across from us. Surrounded by my rebel family, my stomach relaxed and I enjoyed the buttery mush for the first time in weeks.

  I rested my hand on top of Ryder’s as I looked at my trusted friends then flashed Ryder a grin, my heart near bursting with joy. My love knew what truly mattered to me. Facing Bendar, I scowled. “I can’t believe they’ve forced you to be an engine rat again.”

  Bendar snickered. “No. Like to work on engine. Rats learn much.”

  Tension eased at the familiar sight of him scrubbing his thick beard. “But you deserve so much better.” Uranium poisoning had already caused his cryptic speech. Would he be bald or blown up before they let him out of there?

  Penton leaned over the table. “I’ve been workin’ on a weapon that might change the war. Mart thinks it could turn the tide of power in the rebels’ favor.”

  Reath’s eyes shone with pride. “T-turns out Penton’s gifted with weaponry.”

  “I don’t know about that, but my dad taught me how to lay traps and mix homemade bombs to protect our land before we were forced into the camp outside Acadia East…before he died.”

  I wanted to reach out and pat Penton’s hand for comfort, but Raeth beat me to it. Yep, something was definitely going on between them.

  Ryder rested his hand on the back of my neck, his fingers brushing it and sending energy waves throughout me, cooling the rising temperature of my gift. “What’s the weapon for? What does it do?”

  A guard marched in and grabbed a mug from the serving line then pushed the lever on the bronze tubular structure on the wall that brewed coffee or tea, depending on which lever you pushed. He spun on his boot heels and leaned against the wall.

  We all knew the topic of conversation needed to change, but each of our faces were etched with questions.

  Ryder rose and signaled the guard over. “Tell Mart I’ll meet her in the engine room at 0900 hours.”

  As Ryder and the guard walked back toward the serving line, Bendar leaned closer. “Need to speak about scavenger. Not in coma to save life.”

  My mind spun. Finally, I had an opportunity to see Bendar and spend some time with him, and with six words he’d brought all my fears for Dred to the forefront. “I’d suspected, but what can we do?”

  Bendar shoveled two spoonfuls of grits into his mouth before he managed to answer. “Need to get Dred away. Must disconnect and get out.”

  A shiver took over my hands. “If Dred’s in danger, then we have to act fast.”

  He nodded, still shoveling food into his mouth. “Won’t wake up. Scavenger branded traitor.”

  Chapter Seven

  Knowing time grew short, I clutched Bendar’s hand, savoring these few precious moments together. I fought unsuccessfully to control my mounting fear of Gordon and the Freedom crew. The discovery that Dred wasn’t badly injured but was being kept in an unneeded drug-induced coma had shattered my trust. “Bendar, how can we help Dred?” I whispered.

  When Bendar canted his head to the doorway, I glanced behind me. Spotting Scab nearing us, I prayed he hadn’t heard me mention the scavenger.

  Scowling, Scab stalked up to us. He lifted his chin, the jutting set of his jaw putting me on alert. “Time’s up.”

  A fire raced down my spine. From experience, I knew he was Mart’s toady and these orders hadn’t come from Gordon. I wasn’t even sure they had come from her.

  The moment Scab spotted the guard and drew himself upright, I recognized his unease, the truth glaringly obvious. I bit back a grin. Even if that action hadn’t given him away, the dancing mole to the right of his mouth from a sudden twitch did.

  The guard turned from Ryder and took another sip of his coffee, eyeing Scab over his tin cup.

  We all sat in silence for a moment, watching the two men compete in a stare down. It wasn’t much of a challenge. Despite Scab’s attempt to look tough with his blue-streaked hair and black gauge in his ear; the guard, with his pressed uniform, bald head, and commanding stature screamed dominance over the kid.

  The guard downed the remainder of his brew. “The pet has spoken.”

  My insides tightened as Scab struggled to keep from snarling at the guard. Were the rumors true? Had Scab been rejected to serve in the rebellion until Mart took pity and hired him as some type of assistant? No, that would mean Mart cared for someone besides herself.

  Bendar wiggled to the edge of the stool then dropped to his feet. “We go. Not make trouble.”

  Wait. I needed to know more about Dred. I knelt and hugged Bendar. “Tell me something,” I whispere

  “Later,” he answered and kissed my cheek before creeping away.

  Penton squeezed Raeth’s hand as he winked at her. She caught my stare and her face ignited into a rosy glow. A spreading warmth, at Raeth’s finding a little bit of happiness, tempered my escalating fear. Should I tell Ryder about her romance? No, it was her chance to discover a little bit of joy, and could only do so without her watchdog of an older brother hovering over her.

  Ryder swaggered over to me and took my hand. “We need to get to Captain Gordon’s office. He’s going to debrief us on something.” He stood for a moment, eyeing Penton and Raeth. The tension in the air was palpable. It seemed older brother kept abreast of younger sister’s burgeoning romance. “Mighty long break. Don’t you two need to work on something?”

  Raeth’s large brown eyes pleaded with me. I nodded almost imperceptibly then winked.

  Slipping my arms around Ryder’s neck, I kissed him with all the love within me. At his groan, I knew he’d momentarily forgotten about everyone and I’d saved Penton from Ryder overreacting and choking the boy before the guards knew what had happened.

  Ryder pulled back and rested his forehead against mine. “Smart move,” he murmured.

  Unfortunately, Raeth hadn’t departed with Penton, who’d wisely scurried from the room. Fists on hips, she glared at her brother. “Why you b-being rude?”

  Ryder held his palm to his chest and his eyebrows rose. “Me? Rude?”

  I ran my hand from his shoulder to his elbow to feel a connection with him. “Raeth’s right, you were. You’ve always said you liked Penton and respected him.”

  “I do.” Ryder dropped his hand to his side. “But…”

  The guard sauntered by us. “That’s before the two young lovers were caught.”

  Ryder swung around on him. “Caught doing what?”


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