Tristan's Lyceum Wolves

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Tristan's Lyceum Wolves Page 22

by Grosso, Kym

  He never thought he’d live to see the day when he considered mating a female. But now, happily, his world had been turned upside down by a raven-haired half-wolf who enjoyed cooking in her underwear. He laughed.

  “What?” Kalli smiled as if she read his thoughts.

  “Nothing. Just thinking about how I like to see you cook in your underwear.”

  Kalli began laughing with him. “Well, I guess it is a good thing we found each other, considering your penchant for nudity, Alpha. I can see why you like this isolated house,” she teased.

  “Wait until you see the hot tub. I’ve got plans for you,” he promised, getting out of the car without waiting for a response. His cock jerked just thinking about her hot little body sitting on top of him while the hot bubbles massaged their skin.

  A high vaulted ceiling with a floor to ceiling stone fireplace greeted them as they entered his home. The home’s airy feeling was counterbalanced by the glow of the gas-lit fire. A U-shaped, sienna leather sectional sofa facing the hearth sat on oak planked floors. The general décor was clean and classic with exposed woods offset by earthy brown tones. A modern white kitchen, complete with black speckled granite countertops merged seamlessly with the great room.

  Considering Kalli had spent her entire adult life living inside matchbook-sized apartments, the spacious house felt extraordinarily cozy and relaxing. Conjuring up thoughts ranging from roasting marshmallows, to making love on the floor in front of the fire, to chasing toddlers, Kalli wrapped her arms around herself. She inwardly questioned her own feelings. It was not like as a girl or even as a young woman she’d ever dreamed of getting married or having a family. But everything about Tristan was changing how she saw the world, how she felt about everything. He was like a missing piece in the puzzle that was her life.

  As she explored, Tristan set down the bags and got to work preparing something special. “I’ve got a surprise for you,” he announced from the kitchen.

  She looked over to see him mulling about in his kitchen. Was he preparing a meal?

  “Does the surprise include food? Because if it does, I’m in.”

  “Did you bring jeans?” he asked. “As much as I love easy access, you really need pants for this surprise. Also, boots or sneakers would be good.”

  “You’re bad! Easy access, huh? Somehow that does not surprise me. You are something else, wolf,” she chuckled.

  “Hey, I am the wolf, to you.”

  “That you are,” she assured him. “Well, I do love a good surprise. But I love food even more.” I really just love you. The words ran through her head, and she smiled at the thought. God, she was in deep with no means of escape. At this point there was no fighting the tide. Crossing the great room, she reached over the counter, snatched up a piece of cheese and stuffed it in her mouth before she could say anything else that would divulge her true feelings.

  “No guessing. And no more food either, until we get to our secret destination,” he said mysteriously.

  “Meanie,” she jested, wondering what was in store for her next. A myriad of emotions stirred. She was already nervous about meeting his pack. How would people react to a hybrid that hadn’t shifted in two years? A hybrid who’d created the drug that prevented Toby from shifting? Would they blame her for his death? And then there was the mark, his claim on her body and soul. How would they feel about their Alpha, who’d marked her as his female? Her mind raced trying to figure out what he possibly could have cooked up as a surprise. In the recesses of her mind, she considered the enlightening, very sensual lessons Tristan had given her. Trust. She took a deep breath as she attempted to put her education to good use.

  “This! Is! Awesome!” Kalli squealed while trying not to frighten the horse or fall off it, both of which seemed like possibilities. “I love it! Really. I can’t believe this was my surprise. Thank you so much!”

  “Easy, chérie. Snowflake is very relaxed, but you gotta watch where you’re going,” Tristan warned. He’d made her cover her eyes on the way over to the stables. When she saw the dressed horses, she jumped up and down like a kid at Christmas. Such a basic way to get in touch with nature - a ride through the woods. But for Kalli, he could tell it had been a first. He wished he could create many firsts for her as they built their life together. Struggling not to move too quickly, he’d sworn to himself that he’d patiently let her adjust to being a wolf again, and then tell her that she was his mate.

  At this rate, Tristan honestly couldn’t understand how she didn’t know. Though they’d only known each other for days, his wolf could recognize the soul for whom he’d been waiting for over one hundred years. It was the human part of Tristan who’d resisted. First he’d fought through the cloudy confusion, unsure of how he could possibly want to mark a female. But now his primary concern was ensuring that her shift was pleasurable, and ultimately, that she was accepted by the pack. Acceptance was something she’d have to earn herself. But she was exceedingly strong, despite her hybrid status. If given the chance, he was quite certain she’d attain both their respect and trust.

  As they approached the lake on horseback, Tristan eyed one of his favorite spots to rest. Whether in human or wolf form, he loved lying in the soft grass, listening to the sounds of nature, relaxing by the water.

  “Whoa. Pull back on your reins, Kal. We’ll stop here,” he instructed. Dismounting his horse, he gave it an appreciative pet. Pulling off the bridle, he slid on a halter, which he’d kept in his backpack, and then tied the leather lead around a low tree branch. As wolf, he was considerate of the horse’s comfort, since he planned a leisurely late lunch that might take several hours. Kalli followed his example and also dismounted. He repeated the procedure with her horse, ensuring that both the mare and stallion were secure and content.

  “This is the best surprise anyone has ever given me, you know. Okay, maybe it is the only time anyone has ever done something like this for me. It’s just so…I don’t know. It’s special. Amazing. The horses. The mountains. The lake. And you,” she marveled. It was Tristan who’d changed her perceptions about pack life and what it meant to be Alpha.

  Tristan came up behind Kalli, wrapping his arms around her waist. He kissed her ear and for a long while just held her, while they both stared out toward the water.

  “Tristan,” she whispered.

  “Yeah, baby.

  “No one’s ever done anything like this for me,” she croaked, trying not to cry. “Don’t say it’s no big deal, because it is.”

  “I want to do this for you. Even if there wasn’t this thing…this connection between us. I just want to see you be happy, not locked up in a human’s body, denying your wolf her due.”

  “As usual, you are right,” she joked lightly.

  “See, I knew you’d start seeing things my way.” He smiled broadly. “Come on, let’s eat lunch, then we’ll talk. I’d say ‘I’m so hungry I could eat a horse’, but I don’t want to offend our rides.”

  Tristan proceeded to spread a thin blanket onto the soft knoll while Kalli set out the food and drinks. After enjoying a leisurely picnic in the sun, they laid back on the warm fabric, taking in the sun.

  “You’re too far away,” Tristan complained. “I need you next to me.”

  Kalli complied by rolling from her back onto her stomach, resting her head on his chest. She lazily draped her jean-clad thigh across his legs.

  “Much better, mon amour.”

  “Hmm…yes,” she replied.

  “We need to talk about tonight. Toby’s funeral. It’s probably going to last several hours. To be honest, I haven’t attended too many wolf burials. You know that whole immortal thing. But it happens from time to time.”

  “What’s going to happen?” Kalli inquired, rubbing her hand on his chest.

  “The first part is not all that different than some human rituals. We gather around the gravesite; talk about our experiences with that person, what made them special. It takes a while because there are many of us. Then we run,
and mourn. We celebrate Toby’s life, comfort each other.”

  “I can’t run,” she commented.

  “I know, baby. That’s why I wanted to talk.”

  “I’ll go to the human part and skip the other. I mean, I can’t shift, and to be honest, I’m a little worried about how the pack will react to me being there at all.”

  “They’ll be fine. You’re mine. Trust me.” He pinned her with his eyes.

  “Okay,” she sighed, knowing he was probably right but that that wouldn’t stop her from worrying.

  “We won’t be gone long, though. I’ll be home right after the run.” Tristan squeezed her tight, wishing she could run with him. “But then tomorrow night…we will run together. It’s the full moon.”

  “Yes it is.” She breathed in a deep breath and blew it out.

  “That’s the other reason we need to talk. You’ve never shifted with other wolves. It…it can be overwhelming…Things can happen.”

  “Things? What things?” Kalli sat straight up in worry, looking down into Tristan’s warm amber eyes. She tried not to panic but ‘things’ did not sound good.

  “Come back here and relax,” he ordered, pulling her back into his arms. “It’s not bad. It’s just that sometimes when we shift in a pack, all your senses are enhanced. And at the same time, you’re in touch with others.”

  “Yeah.” That didn’t sound so bad, she thought.

  “You know that we are very sexual, chérie. Not that we can’t control our urges, because we can. But the temptation is there; wolves can partake or refuse. It’s up to each and every wolf how far they want to go. And of course, no means no, even to wolves. Most wolves have great restraint and control. But often on a full moon, they, for lack of a better word, ‘indulge’ in their impulses.”

  Kalli tensed in his arms. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?

  “Okay, here’s the thing. Tomorrow, your hormones, your libido is going to react strongly to the pull of the pack. Before you run, after you run…you’re going to want…well, you know, a release.”


  “Well, yes, but it can be overwhelming. But, I’ll be there for you. In fact, I think that tomorrow, when you change, maybe just you and I should run together. I don’t want you getting lost or hurt.”

  “Or getting screwed?” she blurted out, on the verge of freaking out.

  “No, chérie. It won’t happen as wolf. But after…”

  “What, Tristan? What’s going to happen after?” She heard her voice rising as her anxiety worsened.

  “After, we’re going to go home. You and me. And I’m going to fuck you senseless, baby,” he teased. “But remember the other night at the gala?”

  “What about it?” she snapped, knowing where this was leading.

  “Logan’s my beta. I trust him with my life. And as much as it will kill me, I trust him with you, with us…together. After this first shift with the pack, you’ll be able to control it. But this first time, I want it to be special for you, Kalli.”

  “I know. But Tristan, what exactly are you saying? It’s not that I’m not open to experiencing different things with you. I won’t lie, Logan’s nice and he’s good-looking, but he’s so not….he’s not…you. You’re the one I want to claim.”

  Tristan leaned forward, capturing her lips in a soft kiss. “I know, baby. I just want us to be good…for the change to be the most incredible thing you’ve ever experienced. Logan cares for you. You’ll be safe with us. We’ll take care of you, I promise.”

  “Are you sure about this, Tristan? You do know that you’re freaking me out. I don’t want to turn into some kind of a sex crazed maniac tomorrow night,” she insisted.

  Tristan laughed. “It’s not like that at all, Kal. In fact, I’m doing a pretty shitty job of explaining this whole thing. All I can tell you is that it will be beautiful; your shift, our lovemaking, everything.”

  “This is so crazy. It’s not like I haven’t shifted, but it’s just been me, though. How pathetic is it that I don’t even know something so basic, like what color I am or how to hunt with another wolf?”

  “It’ll come naturally. All of it. Our bond, Kalli, that’s what’s new…for both of us. Can you feel it?” he whispered.

  “Yes.” She skimmed two fingers over her mark. “I’ve never felt so strongly for anyone else in my entire life, Tristan.”

  “I feel the same way. My mark,” Tristan slid his fingers under hers, tracing the symbol, “I want everyone to see it so they know you’re mine. You’ve changed everything for me.”

  “Not nearly as much as you’ve changed things for me. I’ve been scared for so long, I’ve forgotten who I was or how to trust. And you’re changing that, and it’s unbelievable to feel again. But I can’t imagine what I’ve done for you.”

  “Let’s put it this way, I’ve been alone a long, long time. And I’ve never once in all those years wanted to be with one female…one woman.” God, he wanted to tell her how she was his mate and how much he loved her. But she hadn’t even shifted yet. He didn’t want to scare her.

  “When you say all those years, what do you mean? How old are you?”

  Tristan laughed. “Old enough to know I’m robbin’ the cradle when it comes to you, my little wolf.”

  “But you look like you’re maybe thirty in human years. And even that is pushing it. Fess up,” Kalli pressed with a smile.

  “Born in 1862. You do the math.” He grinned.

  “So that puts you around one hundred and fifty?” She quickly calculated.

  “That’s what I get for falling for such a smart woman. Pretty quick on the math facts, huh?”

  “Did you know that as a half breed I carry the benefit of immortality too? Ironically, both my parents are dead, anyway.”

  “Ah, but your mum was human. And your dad, well, he fought and lost. Even vampires can die. It’s just the way of…”

  “Nature?” Kalli finished his sentence, laughing.

  “See? My lessons are rubbing off on you, young grasshopper,” Tristan teased. “I’ve got lots of wonderful things I can’t wait to teach you.”

  “I think it’s time I teach you a lesson or two, oh great one,” she jested, moving her hand over his leg, skating across the juncture of his thighs. “Although being the student definitely has its perks.”

  Tristan tensed as her hand skimmed over him. The evidence of his growing arousal pressed against the zipper of his jeans. Pulling her closer, he kissed the top of her head.

  “Baby, whatever role you want is fine with me. You up for a little ‘how to’ in the great outdoors kind of lesson?”

  Kalli cried his name in delight as he flipped her over onto her back. Straddling her, he ran his hand up under her tank top, caressing her breast.

  “Yes please,” she moaned, ready to take anything and everything he was willing to give her. Her heart was lost to him.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  After making love at the lake, Tristan and Kalli rode back to the barn, turned over their horses and hurried back home to get ready for Toby’s memorial. Unsure what to wear, Kalli settled on rolled-up jean capris and a black tank top. By six-thirty, it had cooled only slightly after a ninety degree day, and Tristan had warned her that they’d be sitting for a while and to dress comfortably. Sliding on a pair of sandals, she bounded down the stairs to find Tristan and Logan lounging on the sofas but engaged in a serious conversation. Assuming it was about Toby, she quietly sidled up to Tristan.

  “Hey there, we were just talking about how we’re going to run things tonight. Fortunately, we don’t need to have many funerals ’round here.”

  “Hi Kalli,” Logan greeted, looking handsome in jeans and a white t-shirt, his bare feet crossed and rested on the coffee table.

  “Hey Logan,” she replied, looking to Tristan for guidance. For some reason, she’d become slightly worried about how people would react to Tristan’s mark, his claim on her.

  “He knows, Kalli. It’s okay. W
e talked about everything,” Tristan assured her, giving her thigh a quick squeeze.

  Like how I’m going to turn into a sex craved maniac tomorrow night, she thought to herself.

  As if Tristan could read her thoughts, he continued with a sexy grin. “He knows about us, and yes, we’ve talked about tomorrow night.”

  Logan interrupted, wanting to put Kalli at ease. “It’s okay. I understand why you created CLI and hid your wolf. Self-preservation is pretty damn important when you’re alone. But now you have us.” He looked to Tristan and then back at Kalli. “And we won’t let anything happen to you. Not tonight, tomorrow or any other day.”

  “Thanks,” she acknowledged, willing herself to remain composed. “It’s…it’s not easy growing up in a pack like I did…alone. I just want you to know that I really appreciate you and Tristan looking out for me.”

  Tristan wrapped an arm around her, pulling her to him. “Soon, the whole pack will be there for you. You’ll never be alone again.”

  Kalli gave him a small smile, giving in to her need to snuggle him, to touch him.

  “I can’t imagine what it was like for you all those years…shifting alone. It’s just not right. You’re going to love running with the pack. Tristan said he’s running with you tomorrow night. I’ll lead the pack then meet up with you guys later.” He caught Tristan’s eyes and smiled. “I won’t lie, Kalli. I’m honored to be a part of your shift and helping you with your…um…needs. You know…should a need arise.”

  “Oh my God. This is so embarrassing,” she gasped, putting her hands over her eyes. Her cheeks flamed. “Is there nothing you guys don’t discuss?”

  Tristan’s eyes fixed on him with a glare. “What don’t you understand about ‘be cool’? As for tomorrow, don’t get used to it, wolf. She’s mine.”

  Logan laughed, enjoying riling up his friend. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. As if I was ever not clear on that. Come on…I am the great seer.”


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