Tristan's Lyceum Wolves

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Tristan's Lyceum Wolves Page 23

by Grosso, Kym

  “Do share your visions…seems like you’ve been holdin’ back on me, bro,” Tristan accused.

  “I can’t share all my secrets. It’s fate, anyway. I mean, look at your mark, it’s beautiful.”

  “That it is. She’s mine, and I want the whole pack to know it.”

  “Thank you, both. I couldn’t be happier to wear it. And soon, I will be leaving my own mark on you, my Alpha,” she purred openly. She didn’t care if Logan was there to hear her. The way she felt, she’d shout it from the mountains. Claiming him would be one of the first things she did once her wolf reemerged.

  Tristan gave her a quick hug. “Hey, I’ll be right back. I just want to check on something before we go, okay?” He ran up the stairs, leaving Kalli and Logan alone.

  “So are you staying here tonight?” Kalli asked Logan. “Tristan said that you usually stay here with him, and I want you to know that just because I’m here I don’t ever want that to change. You guys have your thing, and I don’t want to intrude or make things weird with me being here.”

  “Weird, no. Better, oh yeah. I’m really looking forward to watching you make breakfast,” he grinned wolfishly, referring to her cooking attire or lack thereof.

  Kalli laughed. “Hmm…I guess there really is no denying my wolf. She gets hot when she cooks.”

  A knock at the door interrupted them. Kalli got up to answer it. As she went to turn the handle, the hair on the back of her neck pricked.

  Surprised to see Kalli in Tristan’s home, Mira stood frozen in the entranceway. “What are you doing here?” she sniffed. “May I come in?”

  “By all means.” Regardless of her instinct to say no, Kalli ushered her into the foyer. A rush of anger flooded her body, and she struggled not to lose it. Who the hell did this she-wolf think she was?

  “Where’s Tristan?” Mira barked.

  “Mira, come sit,” Logan insisted, sensing things could get dicey.

  “Why is she here, Logan? This is pack business. I want to talk to Tristan.”

  Logan stood. “Come on, Mir. Let’s have a drink before we go. Don’t do this.”

  Mira turned to Kalli, readying to lay into her, when she noticed Tristan’s mark. Furious, she stalked up to her, gesturing to her neck. “Tell me this isn’t what I think it is? Tell me now!”

  While Kalli was more than accustomed to dealing with irate humans in the ER, Mira’s mere presence in Tristan’s home infuriated her. It wasn’t just Mira’s anger toward her. No, this woman threatened her bond with Tristan, and she had no tolerance for the intrusion. Her wolf, recognizing the aggressive alpha female, sought her submission; nothing less would suffice.

  When Kalli didn’t respond right away, Mira attempted to walk upstairs in search of Tristan. Instantly, Kalli growled and blocked her access to the staircase. With her hands clasping the railings, she refused to let Mira walk another step.

  “Let’s get something straight, Mira. Tristan will come back down here when he’s damn well ready and yes, this is exactly what you think it is.” She pulled her strap aside so Mira could get an unobstructed view of Tristan’s mark, then she leaned toward Mira, staring her down.

  “Tristan has claimed me. And after tomorrow night, he will be claimed as mine. So you have two choices: you can either be respectful in this house or you can get the hell out. I realize you’ve been friends with Tristan for a long time, but I’m warning you that I won’t tolerate this nonsense. I don’t want to hear one more word out of those finely painted lips of yours until you make your decision. And if you’re thinking of challenging me, bring it.”

  Silence fell over the house as Kalli stood firmly planted, waiting for a response. Logan bit his lips in a tight smile and looked up to Tristan, who’d come to rescue Kalli after hearing Mira’s rant. Tristan grinned back proudly at Logan, raising a knowing eyebrow at his beta. They’d briefly discussed this possibility earlier. While it was natural that Mira would feel threatened, both Tristan and Logan agreed that Kalli wouldn’t allow another female to intrude on her relationship, especially now that she’d stopped taking those pills. Her wolf, who he suspected was also very much an Alpha, would seek to protect her mate. Not wanting to interfere, both men waited on the females to resolve their conflict.

  Mira, sensing Tristan, lowered her eyes in submission. There was no arguing his mark; he’d selected Kalli as a potential mate. Even though she knew she wasn’t Tristan’s mate, she was devastated that he would claim a half breed. Worse, it meant she’d be cast aside in favor of his mate.

  “I will be respectful in this house,” Mira bit out. She turned on her heels and stomped toward the door.

  Logan went to stop her. “Mir, wait.”

  “I’ll meet you at the funeral,” she spat, not looking back at him. Slamming the door, she set off toward the field.

  Tristan descended the steps, and smiled at Kalli. “Okay?”

  “Yeah, sorry. I’m not putting up with that ‘I’m the alpha female’ shit from her. I know she’s your friend, but…”

  “Hey, I’m proud of you. And I agree she was being disrespectful. I care about Mira, but you're my….” Mate. “You’re mine. She needs to learn her place. Besides, I love how you want to claim me. I am so looking forward to it, too.” He wrapped his hands around her waist and kissed her gently on her lips.

  “I’m yours,” she whispered in response.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Tristan had assigned Willow to lead the memorial service. In traditional preparation, an unmarked grave had been dug in a field on the property. Toby, wrapped in plain linen cloth, had been carried to the site by Tristan, who with the help of others, had lowered the dead wolf to his final resting place. The open gravesite was canopied by a clear starry sky. Settling around it, several pack members laid towels and blankets on the dewy grass.

  Kalli quietly sat, watching the proceedings. While she’d attended several human funerals, she hadn’t experienced one within a pack. Silent in her thoughts, she glanced over at Mira who was casting her an icy stare. She ignored her. It wasn’t the place for arguments. No, it was a time for mourning and reflection. And Kalli, more than anyone, could appreciate loss.

  Tristan stood solemnly before his pack and released a breath in preparation for the eulogy. “Lyceum Wolves, tonight we celebrate our young Toby’s life. Whether studying hard or working hard, Toby always had a kind word for everyone and did his best to support our pack. From chasing the pups and teaching them how to hunt, to chasing the ladies, Toby lived life to the fullest. He’d shown many Alpha attributes, and perhaps would have led his own pack one day. Our brother’s great spirit now shines within Lupus above, sparkling down on us. Tonight we share our experiences and our love with him and each other.”

  Many of the pack members smiled recalling his actions, and openly wept in sadness, realizing he was really gone. It was one thing to find out someone had died; it was another to see the empty shell of their body lying in the dirt. The finality of his violent passing could not be denied. Noticing that Kalli sat alone, Logan got up and sat next to her, protectively wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

  “But before we begin the reminiscence, I want to take a few minutes to make sure every one of you knows that danger remains. The boy lying in this grave serves as a cold reminder that the immortal are susceptible to the call of death. Pack must remain strong in the throes of battle, as the survival of our species is a never ending war. Enemies shall never cease to exist, my friends. In only a few more days, we will once again go on the offensive to eradicate those who seek to harm us. Until they are contained, we must remain diligent at home in our efforts to protect the pack and our territory,” he declared.

  Tristan was planning an attack on the Wallace pack, but kept his strategy under wraps, given the circumstances. It was clear to him that Sato could not have been working alone. Perhaps at one time Sato had feigned lone wolf status in order to travel freely within territories. But Tristan’s investigation of Gerald indicated that
even though their pack was not large, they’d been committing atrocities for well over a century. Tristan could not accept another attack on Lyceum Wolves or Kalli. They needed to be dealt with, swiftly and without mercy.

  Bringing his thoughts back to Toby, he gazed upon the grief-stricken faces and continued. “As many of you know, Toby’s untimely death was met with vengeance last night. The blood of a wolf responsible for his death was shed in retribution. But the fight is not over. There’s another wolf who shares culpability in this heinous act; one who will soon meet the same fate,” he growled.

  “But tonight, we honor Toby. Then we’ll mourn in remembrance, as only wolves do. I’ll begin.” Tristan gently knelt, looking down into the grave. “Toby. Son. I’m going to miss you so much. Teaching you how to ride a motorcycle was a memory I’ll always cherish. Even though you scratched my Harley up good your first try, you made me proud.” He laughed softly at the memory. “The look on your face when I got you your own bike for your birthday last year…it was like I was the one who got the gift. Little brother, you were more than an adopted pup to me. As I run tonight, I know that you’ll always be there in spirit with us. Be at peace, Toby.” Tristan gave a small smile up toward the constellations, as a lone tear ran down his cheek.

  Kalli began to quietly cry as she listened to Tristan talk to the boy he loved. She wished she could go back in time and find another way to hide instead of creating CLI. If he hadn’t taken it, he might still be alive. Perhaps her mere presence in the Lyceum Wolves territory had brought war by the Wallace Pack. Even after all these years, she should have known they’d never simply let her go. While she may have been lower than an omega, they viewed her as their property. Sato’s vile words toward her had confirmed that their hate was alive and well.

  One by one, the wolves shared their goodbyes, sharing memories of Toby. The experience reminded her of a Quaker funeral she’d once attended for one of her colleague’s parents who’d passed. Beautiful stories were met with both laughter and tears. Sitting with Logan and Tristan, listening to the crickets sing their music, she felt oddly at ease within the pack. By the time everyone who wanted to speak was finished, it was nearly midnight.

  Tristan whispered in Kalli’s ear, as the last speaker finished. “Chérie, we’re gonna run now. I’ll meet you at home in a few hours.” He kissed her on the cheek, stood and walked over to pick up a shovel.

  “And now my wolves, we’ll return Toby’s body to our great Earth. We’re pack in life and in death.” Tristan shoved the cold metal into the massive pile of dirt. With a heave, the red and brown particles scattered over the linen-shrouded form below. Several joined in to help, digging and pitching, until the burial site was sealed. Young pups placed wild flowers and seeds onto the loose terra, in an effort to bring forth a new circle of life onto the otherwise barren covering.

  Wolves didn’t leave headstones, for with scent, they’d always know where their loved one was buried. And in their hearts, they believed that lost souls returned to the Goddess of nature from whence they came. Their land was life. When they played or rode through this field, they’d be reminded of Toby and of his great spirit within their pack.

  In preparation for their run, pack members began to strip. Feeling like an interloper, Kalli flicked on her flashlight and began to walk back toward the cabin. Out of curiosity, she briefly stopped and turned back, to catch a glimpse of her Alpha shedding his clothes, right before he turned into his spectacular black wolf. His lean, tanned body glowed under the stars giving way to shiny raven fur. Fascinated, Kalli quietly sat down on a rock, voyeuristically watching the remarkable sight. From afar, she admired her Alpha, and her heart tightened as she yearned to be with him.

  Falling in love with a man like Tristan was easy. His physical beauty paled in comparison to his charismatic personality and cunning intellect. It took her breath away how he approached every single thing in his life with passion and vigor, from business to making love. She’d never witnessed such compassion and dominance in one man. Tonight, observing him command his wolves both as human and beast, exhilarated her.

  In that reflective moment, Kalli realized she’d fallen in love with him. There was no mistaking the ache in her heart. As her mark tingled upon her shoulder, she was reminded that she was his. Her wolf begged to claim him in return. Mate. The word ran through her mind as if it was as natural as swimming on a warm summer day. Kalli released a small gasp as Tristan ran back and forth, playfully corralling the pups who sought to frolic on the outskirts. She indulged in her own fantasy, imagining him playing with their own children. He’d make a wonderful father. Raking her hand through her hair with a sigh, she once again wished she could run with him, to ease his pain. Speaking her thoughts aloud, she whispered, “I love you, Tristan. Run well tonight.”

  As if he’d heard her, the black wolf stopped to gaze upon her. His penetrating glare told her that he’d known she’d been watching all along. Giving him a small smile, she waved from the distance and slowly began her track back to the house.

  Tristan heard the words, a mere whisper upon her lips. His heart beat wildly at her confession. His mate loved him. He wished to go to her, to tell her that he loved her as well, and make love to her all night long until she screamed his name over and over. But it would have to wait a few hours; his responsibility to the pack came first. He released a celebratory howl, and the pack snapped to attention, readying to follow his orders. Respecting his command, Lyceum Wolves raced into the night.

  It had been nearly two days since she’d taken CLI, and her proximity to the pack had left her skin itching to shift. But only the draw of the full moon could initiate her change after suppressing her wolf for so long. Her wolf was clawing to escape, to run with her Alpha. By the time Kalli got back to the cabin, she felt on fire with the need to shift. Like in the past, she could feel the change coming. But instead of resisting the transformation, her body and mind craved it. Even though she was still terrified, Kalli knew that, with Tristan, she’d be safe. And like her wolf, she planned to mark him the first chance she got.

  Being with the other wolves pulled at her emotions in ways she’d never thought possible or expected. Seeing their naked skin melting into fur drove her into a muted exhilaration. She rubbed her limbs, which tingled in anticipation. Everything seemed amplified; sound, touch, smell. Safely within the wooden walls of Tristan’s home, the cries of the night were still audible to her hypersensitive hearing. All senses on alert, she took a hot shower, hoping it’d subdue the overwhelming sensations racking her body.

  Even though the warm water had helped to take the edge off, she felt like she was clinging to a precipice, rocks slipping under her feet. Wrapping her bare skin in Tristan’s thin cotton robe, she made a cup of calming chamomile tea. But finding the chocolate truffles in his pantry was like finding gold in a mine. When it came to chocolate, the answer was always ‘yes’ as far as Kalli was concerned. As she bit into the tasty delicacy, a small gasp of pleasure escaped her lips. Oh yes. Next to sex, it was the best thing on the planet. Grabbing her warm mug and a book off one of Tristan’s bookshelves, she trudged upstairs on a mission to lose herself within its pages.

  After thirty minutes of reading on an overstuffed chair, she gave in to her exhaustion and opted for the mattress. Within seconds of lying down in Tristan’s bed, she found she could no longer keep her eyes open. The smell of him on his pillow calmed every nerve in her body. Like an animal, Kalli rubbed her face into it, wishing his strong arms were wrapped around her. Shedding her robe, she slipped into the soft cool linens and embraced sleep, awaiting his return.

  “Hmm, Tristan,” Kalli purred, breathing in the masculine scent of her Alpha. Kissing his skin, eyes still closed, she brushed her tongue over his nipple, teasing it with her teeth until it hardened. Feeling his arms pull her closer, she slid her hand down his chest. Finding the growing evidence of his arousal, she wrapped her soft fingers around him.

  “Kalli,” he groaned. Tristan had
thought of nothing else but Kalli for the past three hours. She loved him. After running, he quickly showered and slid next to the warmth of her body. He could tell she wasn’t quite awake but not asleep either. The touch of her hand sent blood rushing to his cock. Dominance still fresh in his system, he cuffed her wrist, demanding he take the lead.

  She protested with a small moan, but was rewarded with a long, drugging kiss, bolting passion throughout her blood. In a fluid motion, he turned her onto her back, nudging her legs apart with his knees until he was comfortably settled on top of her. Supporting his weight with his elbows alongside of her head, his fingers pushed through her hair, fisting large spools of black curls as he continued kissing her deeply and thoroughly.

  Kalli breathlessly kissed Tristan back, intoxicated by his essence. She welcomed the pressure of his body restraining her against the bed, allowing him to command their lovemaking. Wanting to be utterly possessed by him, she opened her heart and mind, submitting to their pleasure. The womanly heart of her ached to be taken. Moist and desperate for his touch, she acquiesced to the agonizing anticipation.

  Releasing her lips, Tristan lowered his head to suckle a bared rosy tip. Gently, he swirled his tongue around the quivering areola until the throbbing peak stood stiff. Switching to the opposite breast, he continued his arousing assault.

  “You are so perfect,” he murmured as he licked and sucked her sensitive skin.

  “Tristan,” she whispered in response, altogether lost in his touch. She pushed her hips upward until she felt the tip of his straining sex.

  “Kalli. Open your eyes,” Tristan urged.

  With heavy-lidded eyes, she peered up into the universe of his soul.

  Tristan gazed into her eyes as he trailed his thumb along the seam of her lips. “I love you too. You’re mine as I’m yours. You’re my mate,” he professed as he slid the hard length of him into her slick heat.


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