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Terror and Temptation_A Romantic Suspense Novel

Page 73

by Vella Day

  That much she’d figured out. “I just remembered,” Tessa exclaimed with a burst of energy. “I asked Mick to follow Doug Walsh for a few miles last night. Maybe he saw something.”

  Dominic grabbed his cell. “You have his number?”

  “Not here. It’s at work.”

  He swiped his cell. “It’s Rossi. Can you get me a number for a Mick—” He cupped his hand over the phone and looked up at her.


  “For a Mick Stukes. Yes, I’ll hold.”

  As he waited for the information, she wondered if he’d forgotten the bomb he’d dropped a moment ago. Not that she felt safe in her too-small apartment, but it was home. When Dominic said she’d have to move, she couldn’t imagine where? The women’s shelter? A local hotel? Out of town?

  “Got it. Thanks.” Dominic hung up and printed the number in his pad. Without saying anything to her, he placed a second call. “This is Detective Rossi. When you get a chance, could you call me on my cell. It’s 813-555-1049.”

  He turned to her. “He’s not home.”

  “Now what?”

  Dominic stood up and squared his shoulders. “As I said, you can’t stay here. I’ll help you pack.”

  “I don’t—”

  “It’s not negotiable, Tessa. You’re in too much danger here. Besides, you’ve got to think of your niece.”

  Of course Mandy took that moment to let out a shriek confirming Dominic’s suggestion.

  “I’m not happy about this whole situation. Putting it bluntly, it sucks,” she said.

  “I’d rather have you unhappy than dead.”


  Dominic was right. Tessa’s situation was too serious to ignore. She couldn’t afford to think only of herself. Mandy had to be protected at all costs.

  “If I’m right about Ralph,” she began, “he’ll hurt Mandy for the sake of getting back at me. It would be better if I left her with my friend, Annie. She runs the women’s shelter in town.”

  Dominic glanced over at her niece. After watching her play for a few seconds, his face softened. “Do you feel comfortable leaving her with her?”

  Guilt spiked. “I don’t have a choice. Besides, I trust Annie, and Mandy seems taken with her. If my friend can’t personally keep her, Annie will find someplace where Ralph will never find her, and that’s all that matters.”

  He slapped his knees and stood up. “Okay. Now that Mandy’s destiny is settled, let’s get you packed. The sooner we get you out of here the better.”

  The finality of his tone depressed her, but she understood leaving her home was best. “Do you think he’d dare come back?”

  “Probably not right now, especially with my car parked out front, but there’s nothing to prevent him from breaking in again, say in a few days.”

  Dominic always seemed to have the answers. “You’re right.” She couldn’t stop saying that phrase.

  Once Tessa plied Mandy with her favorite toys, she led Dominic into the small bedroom.

  Her shoulders sagged at the onerous chore of figuring out what to bring. “My brother packed Mandy’s clothes in the blue suitcase that’s in the top shelf of the closet. Would you mind getting it down?”

  “Not at all.”

  Tessa grabbed Mandy’s belongings from the chest of drawers and laid them on the changing table. The closet door clicked open and then closed. With her back to him, the sliding of the suitcase zipper let her know he’d retrieved the case.

  A moment later, he stepped next to Tessa, the slight hint of his menthol aftershave making her all too aware of his maleness. A longing to be held, to be told everything would be all right, blasted through her body so hard she shook.

  “Are you okay?” he said, his voice laced with concern.

  Tessa swallowed and turned toward him. As his gaze searched her face, heat raced up her body. When had the hardened detective turned so nice?

  “Yes, I’m fine.” If she allowed herself to open up, she’d be crying on his wonderfully supportive chest in no time. “If you wouldn’t mind, you could help me pack.”

  “Tell me what I need to do.”

  “Help fold Mandy’s clothes. I can fit more into her suitcase if everything’s neat.”

  “I do neat quite well.”

  “I’ve noticed.” Now why did she say that? She shouldn’t be noticing anything about him, but she couldn’t help it. She let out a long, controlled breath pleased he seemed unaware of her response.

  Once she transferred half of the small outfits to the bed for Dominic to fold, she returned to her half of the packing. Even though he remained five feet from her, seemingly focused on getting Mandy ready, his presence unnerved her and confused her. Conflicting emotions continually assaulted her every time he neared.

  Tessa finally admitted what was plaguing her.

  She wanted him. In bed. Badly.

  Tessa needed to release of all the anger she’d stored up in the last month. The pure pleasure of being in his arms would make her feel like a woman again. Oh, how she needed a chance at normalcy.

  Where she wanted the relationship to head, she didn’t know—or if she even wanted a relationship. Heaven knows, she had enough turmoil in her life. Being involved with a man might send her over the edge, but the brief enjoyment could give her a lot of memories.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she watched Dominic carefully stack Mandy’s outfits in the suitcase as she’d asked. His sense of order appealed to her, and his control brought her peace.

  “A baby sure has a lot of stuff,” Dominic said shaking his head. He picked up Mandy’s baby powder and lotion. “I guess she’ll need all of this too.”

  “Yes. I have no way of knowing how long she’ll have to be in the shelter. I didn’t want Annie to have to purchase supplies.”

  “Good thinking.”

  His praise boosted her spirits. Tessa decided he’d make a great dad. When he wasn’t asking Tessa questions or searching the house for an intruder, he’d glanced at her niece with longing. She wondered if Dominic dreamed of having a child, like she did.

  “Have you ever been married?” she asked, trying to keep her tone light as if she were merely making idle conversation.

  “No,” he snapped.

  Tessa stiffened and waited for an explanation, but none came. Marriage must be a sore subject. His gaze looked distant, as if he were remembering a woman he’d wanted to marry, but never did. Or were his thoughts on his dead partner?

  Trace seemed a safer topic. “I’m sorry about your friend. Losing someone important is difficult to handle.” Thinking of friends, the image of her dad surfaced, and she tamped down a shudder.

  “Oh, Trace. Yeah, sure. Thanks.”

  His mind must have been elsewhere, and an unwanted surge of jealousy coursed through her.

  She waited a beat before continuing. “I’m a good listener, you know. Sometimes talking about a death can help.”

  “Some other time, maybe.”

  Tessa got the sense they were discussing two different topics. “Were you and Trace close?”

  He shrugged. “Not really. We hadn’t kept in touch after he moved to Atlanta. When he called a few days ago, I was surprised to say the least.”

  “I always thought when two people worked together night and day, they became part of each other’s lives.”

  He took a moment before answering. “We never were tight. The guy was too reckless.” Dominic stopped putting away Mandy’s clothes and took a step toward her. “Trace drove too fast, jumped to too many conclusions, and rushed into dangerous situations. He and I were complete opposites. I like to analyze a situation before taking action.”

  So much for getting him in bed. “Couldn’t you have gotten a new partner?”

  His shoulders stiffened. “He had a good side. Trace was pure genius when it came to finding and identifying trace evidence. Hence the nickname.”

  Something didn’t add up. “Why did he move away?”

  Dominic turned back
to the bed, shielding his face. “When he failed to follow procedure one time too many, I turned him in to the Captain.” His hands fisted at his sides.

  “Sounds like someone else I know.” He turned around and a corner of his mouth turned up. Not quite a smile, but not a frown either.

  “There is a similarity,” he answered.

  “How did turning in your partner make you feel?” she asked.

  “Like shit.” He ran a hand over his stubble. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to swear.”

  “That’s all right, I felt the same way when I told on Ralph.”

  Dominic picked up one of Mandy’s nighties he’d already folded and refolded it.

  Tessa prodded some more. “Are you feeling guilty because you did what you believed was right?”

  Dominic shut the baby’s suitcase, picked it up, and walked out the door. He set the case down and turned around. “I guess I am. Let’s get you packed too.”

  Tessa understood the topic still plagued him, and he wasn’t in the mood to have an open discussion. With time, she bet she could get him to share—and not just about his former partner—but about the woman that had shut down his emotions.

  Tessa followed Dominic into her bedroom, and the room seemed to shrink. Of course, he chose to stand next to her bed, and she couldn’t help but picture him under the covers.


  Next to her.

  In her.

  “Where do you keep your suitcases?” he asked as he glanced around the room, looking as if he expected them to be in plain view.

  “In the closet.”

  He pulled open her closet door and reached up to the top shelf. The top shelf was rather high, which caused him to tug at the handle. When Tessa stared at his strong forearms and long, muscular legs, lustful thoughts filled her heart. The cases popped loose from their location, and Dominic turned. She quickly whipped around not wanted him to know she’d been staring.

  What she wouldn’t give to let go of her inhibitions, to forget her problems, and indulge in an evening of mindless sex. Too bad a man like Dominic probably didn’t do mindless anything. Everything about him seemed well planned. The notebook he carried around even had color-coded note pages. His neat handwriting and neat appearance were dead giveaways the man was a control freak. He even said he analyzed everything before taking action. Mr. Spontaneous, he was not.

  Oh, well. She’d stick to fantasizing. It was a lot safer.

  “You need both of these?” he asked.

  “Yes.” He must not understand how many clothes women needed for an extended stay. Not to mention makeup and lotions. “You can set them on the bed.” That way, she’d be forced to stand, hence avoiding the temptation to lie down.

  “Now what?” he asked.

  She didn’t need him to help fold her underwear or handle her clothes. “Why don’t you look in on Mandy while I pack.” She didn’t make eye contact.

  “I’m sure the baby is fine. We can hear her fuss if she needs anything. She’s less than ten feet from us.” He paused a moment. “Do I make you nervous?”

  Yes, she wanted to shout, but for all the wrong reasons. He was too sexy and too emotionally unavailable.

  Tessa turned her back to him, trying to figure out how to get her bras and panties into the case without his notice. “Of course not, why?” For almost being a psychologist, she should be better at expressing her feelings.

  Without a sound, Dominic moved behind her and pressed his hands to her waist. “I think I have an antidote.”

  “Whoa.” Her pulse sped up as excitement raced to her groin. She grabbed his hands and attempted to step out of his embrace, but he held on tight.

  “What you do to me,” he whispered against her ear.

  Tessa whipped around in his arms, needing to see the expression on his face. His change of attitude had come out of the blue, and she wanted to make sure he wasn’t mocking her.

  His dreamy bedroom eyes and half-parted lips invited her to a place she wanted to go, but indecision took her breath away. He couldn’t know she’d been contemplating this moment minutes ago.

  “I’m not sure this is a good idea.” Even to her, she sounded unconvincing. Her body wanted him—bad—but her mind told her she couldn’t handle any more chaos.

  He stepped back, and emptiness filled her. “I want you.”

  “Since when?” she asked. “I’m sorry,” she immediately added. “You haven’t exactly acted interested.”

  “Well, I have been. Since the moment I saw you.” Dominic’s gaze cut to her soul. “There’s something tender and fragile about you, yet your inner strength shines through.”

  No one had said such kind words to her in her life. Certainly not her absentee mom, nor Ralph, for that matter. Her taciturn father might have believed what Dominic said, but he didn’t use words to express his feelings.

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  Dominic closed the gap between them to drag a finger down her cheek. “You don’t have to say anything. Close you eyes,” he commanded.

  She knew he’d never hurt her. Tessa trusted him and did as he asked. Her senses sharpened from the loss of sight, and his masculine scent became more pronounced. Even Mandy’s baby noises were more distinct.

  His callused palms cupped her face. Tessa wanted to open her eyes, to see the yearning in Dominic’s face, but she enjoyed the new sensations too much.

  She raised her arms to latch onto his strong shoulders, but he said, “Not yet,” in the softest voice she’d ever heard. His minty breath caressed her face, and the desire to kiss him overwhelmed her.

  Suddenly Tessa’s fears disappeared. Being with Dominic felt right. To hell with consequences. She’d deal with rejection, or whatever came her way, tomorrow. Right now, she wanted him. She deserved a little bit of happiness given all she’d been through.

  Without waiting for his approval, she opened her eyes and drew his head downward. The moment their lips touched, energy surged through her. Dominic clasped her to his chest and pulled her tight. Tessa melted into him. His strong pectorals pressed hard against the tips of her breasts.

  She opened her mouth, and his tongue darted in to capture hers. His rough beard scraped her skin, but his soft pliable lips encouraged her to explore. Her tongue mated with his—in and out, in and out. She wanted the parry never to stop.

  Dominic pulled away and gulped in a breath. “Oh, God, I’ve wanted to kiss you for so long,” he panted.

  “Me too.” At least since he’d come to her rescue this morning.

  He stepped back to the bed, pulling her forward. Then like two dancers doing the waltz, he turned her around. Her knees hugged the comforter, and he gently laid her on her back. He pushed the suitcases to one side. Thank goodness for a big bed.

  The sight of his muscular chest hanging above her, coupled with his darkly, brooding face within inches of hers, began to cleanse the horrors of the past few weeks. Tessa shelved all the tragedy and allowed herself the freedom to drink in his magnificence.

  “You are so beautiful,” he said.

  Tessa wanted to deny his statement but instead answered, “Thank you.”

  Dominic dropped on top of her, supporting himself on his elbows. “If I’m too heavy for—”

  “No. Now shut up and kiss me,” she said half-giggling.

  He smiled. “You got it.”

  Dominic descended upon her lips, nibbling, then kissing, and then nibbling and kissing again. She lifted her hips to meet his throbbing erection. My was he big.

  Tessa wasn’t satisfied with making out. Once she’d given into her urges, she wanted all of him. The need to feel his skin on her body overwhelmed her. “It’s getting warm in here. Maybe we should—”

  “—take off our clothes,” he finished.

  Tessa expected Dominic to unbutton his shirt and shuck off his pants. Instead he rolled to the side and pulled off her sweater in one quick movement.

  His eyes widened. “Wow. I hadn’t expected you to b
e the braless type.”

  Embarrassed, Tessa crossed her arms over her chest. “I usually wear one, but I was in a hurry to get dressed.”

  “I see.”

  He pulled her arms to her side and leaned over. When he sucked on her right nipple, a shiver of delight raced to her groin. He moved to the other side and laved her other nipple. Both her nubs hardened into tiny peaks.

  “Let me say it again,” Dominic whispered. “You are incredible.”

  “So are you.” Well, she wasn’t going to be the only one to enjoy all the touching and teasing. She wanted to drive him crazy too. “All’s fair in love and war, you know.”

  Before he could rebut, Tessa reached over and unsnapped his jeans. His mouth dropped open. If her aggression took him by surprise, too damn bad. She yanked down the zipper, and his cock jutted out though the slit in his boxers.

  “Whoa,” she said. “Talk about being well-endowed.” The man was amazing.

  “I’m glad I please you. Two can play at this game, however,” Dominic said with lust pooling in his eyes.

  “Oh, yeah?” Tessa couldn’t believe how relaxed she’d become.

  He reached over and with one pull unzipped her jeans. Tessa lifted her hips, and he tugged them off. And then he smiled. A real, honest to goodness smile, complete with dimples. Her heart thudded in her chest.

  “Very nice,” he said, scanning her body.

  Tessa drank in his appreciative look.

  Dominic dove on top of her, and when he ran his callused palms down her sides, she shivered with delight. Tessa grabbed his shoulders and massaged his tight muscles. As if a starter gun had exploded, she raced to touch every inch of his sinuous body. She almost expected a referee to shout, “Time.” Thank God, no one interrupted them.

  Dominic closed his eyes and let out a moan that thrilled her to no end. His passion gave her the needed confidence to roll him over. “My turn.”

  He sprawled on his back, pulled her up to meet his lips, and then tucked his arms behind his head. “I can’t wait.”

  When she ran a nail down his hard length, he pulled her on top of him. “Not fair,” he said. “I’ve got to have you now.”


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