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Virgin for Sale (Yummy Virgins Book 1)

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by Sam Crescent

It has been a long time since I’ve been with a woman.

  Never have I paid for a woman. This is completely new, but I love the feel of her hands on me. The fire she’s setting within my body. I can’t stop, and I want to just bend her over and fuck her so damn bad it aches.

  I shove her hand away from my dick and push her to the bed. Gripping her thighs, I move up, kneeling between so she has no choice but to keep on moving until her head is on the pillows, her brown hair fanning out against the pale white sheets.

  Why white?

  The whole virgin experience, maybe?

  By the time I’m through with this woman, she won’t be able to walk for a week. The first time, I’ve heard, is awful, so I already know I’m going to take her at least twice.

  Condoms are in the drawer beside the bed, but I’m not ready to just stick my dick in. I need a taste of this woman. To think, if I’d not decided to come with my friend, I wouldn’t get to experience her first time.

  From the moment I saw her picture, I felt this need to be here. To take her. To show her how good it could be with a man. This wasn’t how a woman’s first time should be. There should be lots of flowers, dinner, and something special beforehand. The buildup of intimacy that every other woman got.

  She doesn’t have time for that though. I see it in her eyes.

  The money for this woman is a last resort.

  I’ve never been one to care about another’s business. It’s a dog eat dog world out there, and I’m one of the dogs that eats well.

  Kissing down her body, I take each nipple into my mouth, sucking on the hard buds. She wriggles beneath me, and I love the feel of her soft body against mine. Sliding my tongue down the valley of her breasts to her belly button, I tease as I keep her legs open wide. The scent of her sex is so close.

  My mouth waters for a taste.

  Now, I’m a picky man.

  I don’t like tasting a woman’s pussy. The thought of putting my mouth where another man’s dick has been doesn’t appeal to me.

  But this woman is pure honey.

  No one has known how sweet and sexy she is.

  It makes me wonder how many times she’s been overlooked, men just glancing at her before deciding to take someone else.

  Their loss is now my gain.

  Above her pussy, I open the lips covered in fine hair. Her clit is swollen, and she looks so beautiful. Whoever this woman is, she’s a beauty.

  Sliding my tongue across her little nub, I hear her gasp. Her hands clench the sheet on either side of her.

  Didn’t she know there was going to be pleasure?

  Taking her clit into my mouth, I suck hard and that silent gasp turns into a scream, and it fires my body. Holding the nub between my teeth, I glide my tongue back and forth. I stare up at her, seeing her arch up.

  Those perfect, juicy, ripe tits are shaking as I tease her. Her legs stay open. I don’t even need to keep a hold of them.

  I see the change inside her and feel it as her pelvis undulates against my mouth. She’s getting so close. I want to feel it wrapped around my dick, but this first time, it’s not going to be easy.

  Just thinking about sliding in deep, tearing through that thin barrier that would declare her as mine, turns me the fuck on.

  I want this so damn much.

  Bringing her to orgasm only fuels my need to be inside her.

  I’ve got to have her.

  The moment her cry rends the air, I’m done waiting.

  I didn’t pay a hundred thousand bucks to give her the sweet version.

  I paid to fuck her.

  No emotion.

  No connection.

  She got an orgasm.

  Using my fingers, I tease her clit as I tear into one of the condoms. When she can’t take any more of her orgasm, I use both hands to quickly slide the latex over my dick. Settling back between her gorgeous thighs, I run the tip of my dick through her slick heat, bumping her clit.

  I hold my cock, place it at her entrance. Putting a hand near her head, I stare into her eyes, the soft brown eyes that are now slightly glazed over as they look at me. I figured I’d want to see myself take her. To slide inside her virgin cunt.

  Instead, I want to see her eyes.

  To watch as she takes me.

  This is it.

  I don’t go in nice and easy, giving her a chance to grow accustomed to me inch by inch. There’s no point in that.

  I slam forward, piercing through her hymen as I slam in deep, going to the hilt inside her.

  I watch as she screams.

  Her hands go to my chest as I tear away her innocence, stealing what should belong to someone she cares about.

  I don’t give a fuck.

  This woman’s mine.

  Bought and paid for.

  Holding still within her, I feel her pussy tighten around me.

  There are tears in her eyes, and she’s biting her lip.

  Words haven’t been spoken between us.

  I shouldn’t care that I hurt her.

  I do fucking care.

  It annoys me.

  She’s nothing.

  Just a fuck and yet I find myself asking her, “Are you okay?”

  She nods.

  I don’t want head jerks.

  “Talk to me, angel.” I don’t know her name.

  She licks her lips, looking past my shoulder. “I’m fine.”

  I pull out of her and thrust back in. She whimpers, her fingers like claws digging into my chest.

  “You’re not fine. Talk to me, angel, or I’m going to keep on doing that. I like the feel of your cunt wrapped around my dick. I can be here all night.”

  “It just … it hurts. I knew it would, but I didn’t think it would be that bad.”

  Running my hand down her thigh, I cup her hip.

  Her body is so sexy.

  I love it. I can’t get enough. I’m still leaning on one hand near her head.

  “You sold this to me.”

  “I know.”

  “Why?” I ask.

  “I don’t have to tell you that. Malcolm said there doesn’t even have to be any talking.”

  I smirk. “I hate to break it to you, angel, I either talk or fuck you. Your choice.”

  “Did you even for a second consider the fairy tale?” she asks.

  “Not a chance. I’ve got no time for virgins to fall for me.”

  She snorted. “You really think that’s an option.”

  “You’d be surprised. Why didn’t you pick the fairy tale?” I’m curious now, and it annoys me.

  This wasn’t supposed to matter, but it does.

  Chapter Three


  I didn’t exactly think it was going to be easy. Sure, pain was pretty much what I expected, but after? Feeling him inside me, now that was something I’d never forget. I guess I now know why women never forget their first.

  I do think it’s really unfair that guys feel no pain at all. I mean, they don’t even have to have childbirth either. Men got the better deal here.

  Why am I thinking about pregnancy with this man, this total stranger seated deep inside me?

  The pain stops, ebbs away like it wasn’t even there. He stares at me, curious.

  His question is ringing around in my head.

  We were really talking when the pain stopped.

  “Come on, angel, tell me why you didn’t pick the fairy tale. I was surprised when I saw your picture there.”

  “I take it you do this often?”

  “No, I don’t.” Both of his hands rest beside my head. He’s so close that it’s hard to look away.

  I don’t want to look away from him.

  Biting my lip, I try not to move. He feels weird inside me. A good weird, but still strange.

  I’ve never had a dick within me, and now there’s no going back.

  “Surprised?” he asks.


  “Good. I don’t do this often. So, figuring you don’t either, tell me w
hy you didn’t pick the fairy tale.”

  “Because I didn’t want the lie.”

  “The lie?”

  “The fairy tale ending is not what I’m getting. Far from it. There’s no knight or prince waiting at the end of the night. One-time deal where you experience everything. You love every second of it, but it’s a lie. A complete and total lie. I’d rather have the truth than that.”


  When he stops talking and simply stares into my eyes, I don’t know what he’s looking for, can’t even for a second figure out what he wants.

  Then he starts to move, and I gasp.

  “Ah, so you’re not in pain anymore.”

  He thrusts inside me, moving in and out, slowly, each time, driving my arousal higher.

  He lifts up completely, and the view of his cock is so sexy. Spreading my legs wide, I glance down and watch as he sinks inside me.

  I gasp.

  “That’s it, angel, feel me inside you. You’re so fucking tight. A nice, tight pussy. You’re not a virgin anymore. I own that. I own that part of you, and you’re never taking it away from me.”

  One of his hands moves down my sides, cupping my hip, holding it firm within his grasp as he goes harder, riding me, taking me to another place, or at least it feels like it. I don’t know what to do. Holding onto the sheet seems like a pretty good idea.

  He drives inside me, and I can’t look away.

  The pleasure is intense.

  Painful and hot all at once.

  The need inside me goes higher.

  “Oh, fuck, I want to feel that sweet pussy come all over my cock.” He rears up and places me so that his cock is still inside me and my butt is on his thighs. I watch, unable to do or say anything as he strokes through my slit. He’s teasing my clit, and even though it wasn’t long ago I came, I can feel the pleasure rising up inside me. I want this. I want to come so hard and so badly.

  Each stroke builds my arousal until I can’t stand it anymore and come so hard it tears a scream from my lips.

  “Yeah, that feels so good.”

  He keeps on stroking my clit, speaking dirty words that echo off the walls. I never knew I could feel like this, and it’s driving my need higher.

  There was no comedown from this as he holds my hips and lets go of all restraint. He pounds inside me, fucking me harder than before. I wrap my legs around his waist, and his lips clash against mine, sucking, biting, nipping, and there’s nothing I can do.

  I love the feel of his dick, the way his body holds me down to the bed, his cock branding me.

  I’ll never forget this.

  No matter how little the romance was, I will remember this moment until the day I die.

  He drives inside me one more time, his growl spilling out of his mouth at the same time his grip tightens on my hip to the point of pain.

  I’ll have bruises in the morning, but that’s okay.

  His cock pulses as wave upon wave of cum spills into the condom.

  Finally, after he finishes, he doesn’t linger. He pulls out of me and sits back.

  I don’t know what to do but to close my legs.

  I watch as he climbs off the bed.

  No words are spoken as he peels off the condom, and I watch him wrap it up, tossing it in the trash.

  I don’t even want to think of all the women that have been here before.

  He returns to the bed, and I was sure for a second I saw him shake.

  It is gone in the blink of an eye.

  Neither of us speaks.

  The air is heavy with tension.

  Or I think it is. I don’t know what to say.

  His gaze returns to mine, and I lie there on the bed. What am I supposed to do? I don’t want to draw too much attention. He glances down my body until he finally lands on the bed.

  “I think I know why they have white sheets.”

  I follow his gaze, and there, where he’d taken me, is a stain of my blood.

  My virgin blood.

  I feel the heat fill my cheeks.

  This man, whoever he is, he reaches out, stroking my cheek. His thumb runs back and forth, soothing me. When it slides across my lips, I watch him, waiting. He presses against my mouth, and I open up, licking him once again.

  “You ever sucked a man’s cock?”


  “You want to try?”

  “It’s your night.”

  “Yeah, and I got what I wanted. Now I can explore with you. One night. You can do whatever you want.”

  “Do you want my mouth on you?”


  “You’ve just finished. Is that even possible?”

  “Give me a couple of minutes and I’ll show you.”

  Is it wrong that I adore that smile? I don’t know him. For all I know it could be his axe-murderer smile, but I like it. I want him to keep on smiling at me exactly like that and more. Is that crazy?

  He pulls me close, and his thumb grazes across my lip. “This mouth is designed to suck, to take a cock deep. You’re going to gag on mine, but that’s okay. I can handle that.”

  His lips crash about mine as he sinks his fingers in my hair. I place a hand on his chest, kissing him back, and the pleasure consumes me.

  My pussy is still so sore, and yet I want more. I’m hungry for more. This is one night of pleasure. What would be wrong with taking everything I can from this?

  His tongue glides across my mouth, and I open up for him. Tasting him, I slide my tongue against his, touching him. He moves me so that I straddle his waist.

  Sinking my fingers into his hair, I kiss him back harder, more desperate.

  There’s no way I want to let go of him.

  Suddenly, he grabs my hair and tugs on the strands so my head is bowed back, his lips trailing from mine to my neck. He sucks hard to the point there will be bruises.

  I don’t care.

  This feels so good.

  Better than I’d ever imagined it would be. When he holds me still and his mouth continues to travel, a gasp escapes me as his lips start to nip and suck at my nipples. I close my eyes, feeling the pleasure burst from my clit.

  He knows what he’s doing.

  This man can fuck and drive a woman crazy with longing.

  Even as I wriggle on his lap, trying to get closer to him, to put pressure on my pussy, he doesn’t budge from licking and sucking at my breasts. I’ve never thought of my nipples as being that pleasurable, but with the way he touches and pets them, they drive me wild.

  “So fucking sexy and beautiful.”

  One of his hands let go of my hair, and I moan as it moves between my thighs, stroking me.

  Two fingers plunge in deep as his thumb strokes across my clit. I ride his hand, not wanting him to stop, to keep on going because I love it. I love the feeling of him touching me, stroking, taking.

  His domination drives me even wilder.

  There’s nowhere else I want to be in this moment than in his arms, awake, alert, waiting to taste his giant cock.

  The moment I’m so close to the edge, he stops. He smirks as he helps me to my knees.

  “I think it’s time for you to learn something new.”

  The fingers that had been inside me now wrap around his dick, stroking up and down.

  I lick my lips, watching him, and he groans.

  His cock, which had been flaccid just a few minutes ago, is now very much awake and wanting some happy time.

  Watching him work his hand up and down that length while I grip his thighs, I’m completely mesmerized.

  He’s beautiful to watch.

  The tip is already leaking pre-cum, and he rubs it across and into his length.

  “You ready to have those lips on me?”


  “Open your mouth.”

  Opening my lips, I stare at him, waiting. He places the tip on my tongue, and, closing my mouth around him, I slowly sink onto his dick.

  Sucking him to the back of my t
hroat, I bring my fingers around the base of him.

  “That’s it. Just a little harder. Don’t use teeth but suck with your lips. Meet your hand, and pull it back up. I don’t need you to gag on it just yet. That will have to come another time.”

  There isn’t going to be another time.

  The moment the clock strikes six, I’ll be gone, and this will be just a distant memory.

  Up and down, bobbing on his length, I suck more of him into my mouth until I’m moaning. His pre-cum slides across my tongue as I swallow him down.

  Whenever he does hit the back of my throat, he grips my hair, pulling me off so that I don’t choke on his length.

  He’s a large man and the more I take him in, the more saliva I make so that he’s drenched. Some of it trickles out of my mouth onto my bent knees. His moans turn me on even more.

  Suddenly, he stands up, his grip still in my hair as he starts to rock against my mouth, holding me in place.

  There’s no way for me to escape, not that I want to. Seeing him getting close, feeling the pulse of his dick, there’s nothing else I want more than for him to come.

  When he does, his spunk floods my mouth, and without any instruction I swallow it down, every single drop as he pulses inside me.

  Only when he can’t take any more does he let go.

  Resting my hands on my thighs, I wait.

  He’s panting for breath.

  “You’re sure you’ve never sucked a man off before?”

  “You were my first.”

  Something flashes in his eyes, something dark that makes me pause for just a second, and then it’s gone. Did I imagine it?

  Suddenly, he grabs my arms, and he’s pulling me to the bed.

  “This night is nowhere near over.” His hand moves between my legs, two fingers back inside me. “And I think it’s time for you to come again.”

  Chapter Four


  It has been a long time since I passed out from fucking a woman. It feels so good. Considering I’ve always been put off screwing a woman for money and an innocent one at that, my little virgin last night wore me out. No matter what I did, how many times I took her, and I do believe it was five, she took it.

  Her mouth and pussy were mine last night.

  I’d been tempted to fuck her tight, hot, juicy ass, but I figured it wouldn’t do to rush her into anything. Especially when it comes to a woman’s ass. That kind of fucking needs time, and to prepare her to take my cock.


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