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Virgin for Sale (Yummy Virgins Book 1)

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “It’s Faye Carter.”

  “Pleasure to meet you, Faye.”

  His gaze moves down my body, and I hate that I respond. I like him looking at me as if he wants to eat me.

  “I can’t believe it has been six months since I last saw you. When you left me without a backward glance.”

  “I really need to get to work.”

  Suddenly, this job doesn’t exactly look like a good idea.

  He doesn’t move.

  His gaze still on me. Waiting.

  My pussy is slick.

  The scent of his cologne is turning me on; that and the closeness. He’s got that alpha caveman thing going on right now.

  He’s so much taller than I am.

  It’s almost surreal that we’ve been naked together, screwing. That he was my first.

  I’ve not been with any other man, so right now, he’s still my only one and boy, did he make it hard for me to even think of getting someone to compare him to.

  His cell phone rings, breaking the spell.

  He doesn’t step back as he answers the call though. I watch him click a button and place the cell against his ear.


  I can’t make out the conversation, but he shakes his head.

  “It’s all fine. No need to panic.” He listens a few minutes and then pockets his cell phone.

  Both of his hands go back to the wall on either side of my head, trapping me.

  “This is new,” he says. He takes a lock of my hair. It’s short, to my neck and feathered. I like the look.

  Suddenly, his fingers are gripping my hair, very much like the way he did back at Cherry. The action takes me by surprise, and I drop the damn files I’ve been holding onto.

  His lips are so close and the action has caused me to press my body against his. Grabbing onto his shoulders for support I cry out as his lips suck on my pulse, kissing up to my mouth.

  The kiss he gives me is hard. He tightens his grip in my hair, making me cry out as he attacks my mouth, ravishing me.

  It feels so good.

  It shouldn’t feel like this, but the instant hit of arousal floods my panties as he presses me against the wall. His other hand goes to my hip, locking me in place, and there’s nowhere to go.

  His tongue plunges inside my mouth, and I taste the coffee on his breath.

  This is so wrong.

  He’s the boss.

  I’m a mere employee.

  This is bad. So very bad.

  Finally, getting some sanity and maybe a backbone, I don’t know which, I grip his shoulders and pull away.

  “We can’t do this.”

  “Why the fuck not?”

  “You’re the boss.”

  “And as the boss, I can do whatever I want, and I want you.”

  Putting my hands on his chest, I shake my head. “I need this job.”

  “That money I paid wasn’t enough for you? You need more? What will it take?”

  Like a switch, I turn cold.

  Jerking back out of his touch, I sink to the floor and quickly start picking up the damn files. “Could you please turn the elevator back on? I need to work.”


  “Please, I need this job.” I want this job. Hard work isn’t something I’ve ever shied away from.

  This job, even knowing he’s here, I love it. It is filled with challenges and rewards, and everything I love.

  This man, who’s just managed to wound me deeply with a few choice words, isn’t going to change that. Unless he has a cause to fire me and I am not going to let that happen.


  “Look, I want to keep this job, okay? I don’t want to do this with you. You had what you paid for, and can we just leave it at that?”

  Seconds pass, maybe even minutes, before he finally relents. As I pick up the last of the files and stand, I feel tears glisten in my eyes. I fight them back.

  Crying isn’t going to help.

  In a few cutting words, he’d taken a night that I’d loved and turned it into something ugly.

  I am going to have to look for another job.

  No doubt about it.

  There’s no way in hell I’ll work for him now.

  Stepping off the elevator together, I am very much aware I am following him. That’s because these files are for him.

  As he enters his office and I step through, I don’t linger as I place the files on his desk. Even as he calls my name, I just want to get out of there. Instead, I stop and glance back at him.

  “This isn’t over,” he says.

  With that, I leave. I can’t stay, and I need to go to the bathroom to try to compose myself.

  Chapter Six


  One month she’s been in my building.

  One month where I could have had her.

  It’s almost too good to believe.

  I demand her information through HR and wait as they find her file and send it to me. The files she was holding are on my desk for me to go through.


  The angel with the tempting body and tight cunt finally has a name, and it’s a pretty one. I’d tried to find her. Even gone so far as to try to use an artist to listen to me so I could sketch her.

  Of course, it didn’t help.

  She fucking fired my blood, and I couldn’t get enough of her.

  I need her more than I need my next breath.

  Tapping my fingers on the counter, I recall the way her lips felt around my stiff cock. I’ve not been with another woman since, and fuck me, I want her. Seeing her step onto the damn elevator, I thought she was a fantasy, that I’d been hallucinating. She’d been so real.

  The moment she caught sight of me, I knew.

  She tried to escape, and there was no way I’d let that happen. She’d already escaped once, and there’s no way she was doing it twice. Her soft body, her scent, it drove me crazy.

  Six months it had been.

  I wonder if she’s been with many men since then?

  My inbox finally beeps that I have an email, and I quickly open it, reading through all the details.

  Twenty years old.

  Fuck me, she’s young.

  Younger than I thought she would be. I’m fifteen years older than she is. Sitting back, I don’t like that feeling. I’ve never been a man who cared about an age gap, but this, knowing she sold her virginity, I need to know more.

  Not only that, she’s the sole guardian of her younger sister. I read through the details of why she dropped out of college and the few pieces of information, but it’s not enough.

  Copying the details into a new message, I pull up the private investigator’s email address and send him a list of what I want.

  One good thing about having a lot of wealth is information is so easily purchased.

  With that in mind, I go through the list of files that have made it to my desk. Most of them are contracts that I’m already aware of. When Faye spilled them on the floor, she messed them up, so halfway through I get the note Emily placed on the top of what they were. She is from my contract division of my company who deals with the hiring of several clients but also dealing with outsourcing what we can’t do. I run a business with many avenues. It’s how I’ve been able to make it on top and stay on top.

  After getting halfway through the pile, I lean back to stretch and to get rid of the crick my neck. Leaning over a desk all day is not what I was made to do. Being in the boardroom, negotiating, making people work hard to become part of my company, that’s what I crave.

  Desk work has never appealed.

  To be one, I have to handle the other.

  Glancing around the office, I see a few of my closest staff. They are the main managers of each department, where their staff reports to, and they are all busy.

  My PA quit a few months ago, and so far I’ve been able to handle everything. I’ve only met incompetent PAs.

  Seeing Faye got me thinking.

  I’ve never be
en a believer in office romance. I don’t allow it.

  When someone gets romantically involved and that relationship ends in disaster, my company always ends up suffering from the fallout. Not to mention the drama. The only problem is Faye didn’t start out as being just another woman in a long line of them.

  She is the only woman I’ve been able to think about for the past six months. I’ve been on a couple of dates, but none of them appealed. I didn’t even kiss them good night. My dick stayed completely still, but one elevator ride with a little ex-virgin, and it’s like he has a mind of his own.

  Tapping my fingers on the desk, my impatience grows as I wait for the PI to get back to me. The reason I went to him was because he promised to have results within an hour or at least give notice that it was taking longer than needed to get the information.

  This isn’t good.

  Finally, after what seems an eternity, my cell phone rings. I don’t recognize the number.

  “What do you have for me, and why are you calling me?”

  “My findings have turned up some interesting details, but I’m not sure you’d like them in email.”

  “What do you have?”

  “A Miss Faye Carter, twenty years of age, became the sole guardian of her sister nearly a year ago. During that same time, their stepfather was arrested for the rape and sexual abuse of a Kerry Carter.”

  I sit back, shocked.

  “What the fuck?”

  “Kerry Carter was sick in the hospital. She had depression and complications. Those details I’ve not looked into. The files are closed. I will have to go deeper for why they’ve been kept secret, but seeing as she’s a minor and not who you originally asked me to look into, I waited to confirm with you first.”

  I didn’t need a math genius to figure everything else out. Faye had sold her virginity for her sister.

  “Was she flunking in college?”

  “No. Her grades were impeccable. She needed to work, and a college scholarship didn’t pay the bills.”

  No, I did.

  “Do you want me to keep on digging?”

  “Yes, find out everything you can about her. I want it brought to me. No more phone calls.”

  Hanging up, I stare at my desk.

  She’d done what she could for her sister, I just knew it. From the picture I saw of her six months ago at Cherry, I’d known there was a reason for it, I just didn’t know exactly what. Now I do.

  All this time, she’s been closer than I thought. Right here. Right under my nose. I need her closer though.

  Glancing around the office, I see my employees with their PAs, all of them working hard to make my company the best it can be. This is one of the reasons I go after college graduates as well as dropouts. I’m a college dropout. Never received my degree.

  Authority isn’t something I follow.

  This is my life.

  Every single part of me is within these walls.

  I’ve sweated, bled, and done everything for this place and to become the man I am now.

  Running a hand down my face, I look back at her picture. This one is much like the one back at Cherry. Only there is something more.

  She still holds that air of innocence around her.

  I want to get to know her. This shouldn’t be happening, but I couldn’t get Malcolm’s words out of my head. He’d denied me at every single turn.

  I’d even refused to go back to Cherry, even though I know Dean, my best friend, went there every single month to see what pussy was on offer.

  There has to be a way to get Faye closer to me.

  Her resume noted that she’d been a waitress, worked in a coffee shop and bakery, and also worked at a local theater collecting tickets. Her degree program had been in business.

  The notes made on her employment portfolio were exemplary, the best I’d ever seen.

  I’m the boss.

  It’s simple.

  I’ll have her work for me.

  I make the relevant calls. Tomorrow morning when Faye reports for work, she’ll be coming to see me to start work. She’ll be working closely and I’d finally get to have her all to myself, which is what I’ve been wanting.

  Feeling smug, I finish up the day in the office, and once everyone has left, I’m the last one to go.

  It’s what I do. First one in, last one out.

  Leaving the office, I head to the underground parking. No one is around, and I take my time getting to my car.

  With the information I now have, I know where she lives. I printed off a copy of her employment record, which includes her apartment address.

  The last thing I should be doing is typing those digits into my GPS, but I do it anyway.

  Pulling out of the parking lot, I pass the security gates and head in the direction my little computer lady tells me. Pulling up across the street, I see Faye. Turning off my headlights, I see she’s walking with a young girl. The girl doesn’t look any older than fourteen.

  Faye though, she captures me.

  Her hair is way too short, but at least I know I could get a good handful if I wanted to. She’s chatting animatedly with the other girl. My PI’s information comes back to haunt me as I look at the two.

  That young girl must be her sister.

  Even across the street, I see how sad she looks. Every now and then Faye will say something to put a smile on her face.

  This is fucking wrong. That son of a bitch ruined that young girl, and in the process he sent Faye into my arms.

  Not that I have a problem. If any other man had taken her though—I don’t like the thought and instantly nip it in the bud.

  I don’t want to think of her with anyone else.

  That soft body would feel so good.

  She doesn’t look my way but makes Kerry walk ahead of her up the steps leading to the building.

  There’s security there, and she makes sure her sister is protected before letting herself inside.

  I need to know more.

  I have to be around her.

  No matter what happens, one time wasn’t enough. I claimed her virginity, and it had given me a mere taste.

  Now it’s time for me to take all of her.

  And I am going to have a lot of fun while doing it.

  Chapter Seven


  “What do you mean I’m on the top floor? I thought I had to start at the bottom and work my way up?” I look toward Emily, who was working between two desks. Karen, one of the other women who worked with the program I came from, isn’t in.

  Emily looks frazzled. She is usually calm and happy to discuss.

  “Look, the boss wants what he wants. He needs an assistant, and he’s asked for you. You’ve been highly recommended with the work you’ve done here already. It won’t be hard. You’ll need to fetch him coffee, write up reports, take notes. He’ll talk you through everything you need to know. Just stop panicking and stop thinking.” Emily winks at me.

  This isn’t helping to calm my already frayed nerves.

  Sleep hadn’t been kind to me last night. I’d tossed and turned until all hours. Then Kerry had a bad dream again, and it fills me with so much anger it always keeps me up. I’ve not got any barriers up right now. I need to be able to control myself to deal with the boss.

  The man I’d slept with.

  The man I haven’t been able to stop thinking about when I’ve got two minutes to myself.

  Taking the paperwork that Chase Dunce needs, I’ve got no other excuses and even hinting at a sick day wouldn’t do. She’d start asking questions.

  The last thing I need is for someone to think I’m sleeping with the boss.

  I have slept with the boss.

  This is a nightmare.

  A complete and total nightmare.

  Leaving Emily’s office, I head to the elevator. Remembering what happened yesterday, I immediately veer off and go to the stairs. At least twelve flights, but that’s okay. Exhaustion at the end of the shift would be a welcome rep

  Making my way up each step, I hold onto the railing and count as I go.

  “One, two, three, four five, six, seven.”

  I turn a corner, take another couple of steps, and repeat.

  “One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.”

  I don’t want to think about his hands on me. The way he’d held me down as he slammed his cock so deep that it tore through my virgin body. Even with the pain, that pulse of arousal had been so strong, and I’d not wanted him to stop.

  That night had been everything I wanted it to be and so much more. Feeling him in my mouth, his hands all over my body, making me ache with arousal.

  Before I know it, I’m at the top floor, only I’m not out of breath. I am highly aroused. My nipples are tight, pressing against the front of my blouse.

  That’s what I wore to work, a white blouse and knee-length black skirt. They were the cheapest clothes I could afford at the time. The money I had to spare was going for Kerry’s college education as well as the counseling sessions she was getting.

  She doesn’t like to admit they are working, but clearly they are. Last night she actually smiled at me. It was a real smile as well, not just one to make me feel better.

  I just want what’s best for her.

  It’s why I sold myself for money.

  When I enter the main floor, the noise is quite deafening there’s so much activity. No one pays any attention to me, but I see Chase. He’s waiting. He leans against the doorframe, hand in front of him, looking at his watch.

  I’m not late.

  I’m never late.

  Closing the distance between us, I stop just in front of him.

  “Emily wanted me to give you these.” I hold out the files, and he smiles.

  “Good. I take it you’ve been given an update.”

  “Yes. I’m to report to you.”


  “Why do you want me?”

  He smiles again, that smile that seems to take my breath away. I remember him doing that a lot when we were together. The smile that promised something wicked.

  Six months it’s been since he’d last touched me, and I want him again.

  So much time has passed.

  I’ve not been with anyone else.

  The money I used to pay for everything always felt dirty to me.


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